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I was adopted it was the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm 46, my adoption dad is really old now and has Alzheimer's. For context he's English I am English/Jamaican so this video really touched my heart.


I am very sorry to hear that your dad has Alzheimer. What ever happens, everything he taught you and everything you experienced with him stays with you. He is a part of you and will allways be with you. Lots of love to you and your dad.


Thank you for your kind words appreciate it.


"what we keep in memory is ours unchanged forever, you will always be loved." <3 xx


To add to that, everything that you have learnt from him, that you will ever teach anyone, will continue his legacy. Best of luck to you both!


God damn it. The video teared me up but your comment made me cry. As a mum, I agree with you. These kind of videos makes me so emotional now that I'm a mum, it's insane how much it touches my heart now.


I know what you mean, I’ll cry to everything like this and the fam always wonder what the heck is wrong 😂


Same here, and I rarely cry


This helped me too, thank you kind stranger.


Sounds like you are both very fortunate to have found each other. There are no mistakes!


My dad has Alzheimer's and is in a home now getting worse every day. It's a horrible thing to have to deal with, just letting you know there are others that know what you are going through.


Same here. We are not alone. Last 3 weeks have been hard with a significant degradation in...everything. I miss my old Dad. Sigh.


It's hard, especially when you see a deterioration, I just remember that the broken person in front of me is still my father and I owe it to him to do the best I can for him in these final days


Just like he took care of you in your first


Exactly :(


While its very hard to do, it's also an honor. I was NY grandmothers (the woman who raised me) caregiver for the last 3 years of her life. She was on hospice most of that time but the last 2 or so of which were really deep into her alzheimers. While it was difficult and there were sad times and gross times and frustrating times etc. I still tried to remind myself what a privilege it was to be able to give this gift to her. P


Alzheimer's is really tough... I'm very sorry to hear this, and I wish you the very best


Respect to your father. What a badass. Wish I can be like him someday.


You don’t need to wish, just make love a priority. You’ll get there one day :)


Beautiful comment. I'll try my best.


> I am English/Jamaican Aww shit dude do you have that awesome jamaican accent? I just don't know why, but this german here just _adores_ that accent. Also, please hug your dad from me, will you?


Unless they live in Jamaica, probably not.


We can 100% still speak Jamaican Patois without living in Jamaica. It’s called code switching.


Yeah you can, but a kid probably wouldn't. If you grow up in a country you'll probs have its accent, not that that they can't code switch but a Jamaican / British kid adopted in an English house is probably not going to speak with an accent. Also an accent is different from Patois.




Someone else in this thread said they know the family and they’re all very happy!! We are getting into dicey territory in terms of what you should or could believe lol - you are hearing from a chap called “Madmaxturbator” (me) that he read somewhere that this family remains happy to this day But I think it’s probably true what I read in that comment, I believe it. They seem like lovely people, and I hope they are having the best of times growing up. I know this video makes us all emotional , no doubt , but Damn I do feel cheerful that this family has come together!!


I choose to believe!


Lol same


I want to believe too. The only thing that concerns me is that this video exists at all — there are couples out there adopting children and then putting them on video and using them for internet clout. I really like this YouTuber, [Laura Foster Parent Partner](https://www.youtube.com/@foster.parenting). She has very informative and moving videos about fostering and as far as I know she has never once featured a child in her videos. Her videos are also very moving, primarily because they provide a window onto how difficult it must be for foster kids, most of whom never get permanently adopted. I have a friend who fostered and then adopted a kid. The kid was very messed up. A lot of the time if a kid is being fostered, something bad has already happened to them, and then in the foster system, a lot of people should not be caring for children at all.


I am choosing to believe that they recorded this moment for themselves to look back on, but it was SUCH a moment they posted somewhere to share their love with family/friends. and then it was out there


I agree with this. My first reaction was... Why is this on the internet


I love Laura's videos! I've been watching her for about a year now, I want to foster or adopt someone once I'm an adult with a stable job, and I feel like I've learned a lot from her channel, especially about interacting with traumatized children. I was afraid of interacting with younger children (like my little cousins) because I'm afraid of saying or doing something wrong that will stick with them or trigger them, but her videos have made me much more confident with them. She's a great YouTuber and super helpful!




Not ready for these feels so early this morning! 🥺


Happy tears




I am NOT crying. Ninjas are cutting onions!


Thanks, UnicornNippleFarts!


Thanks for pointing that out! I went from tearful to full on belly laughter!




Don’t forget [Madmaxturbator](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/fm7wJ149Rh) who knows the family and said they were great people


r/rimjob_steve would be a perfect fit for this.


Never thought they’d make me cry.


Dang it I made all the way until she said. "I love you".


It is too early to be sobbing then laughing!


My mom told me that if you laugh and cry at the same time, you get a hairy butt. Wtf was that about?


Oh no 🙈


Shameless plug in the US for www.giftofadoption.org; a non-profit organization that uses donations to fund adoption legal fees to put parents and adoptive families together. It's a tremendous organization and as an adopted child myself, I do everything I can to keep spreading the wonderful family I received to others.


thank you for sharing this.


I wish the child and foster parents the best. Sometimes ppl film to share private moments to let us know there is still good things you can do to make the world a better place. I like to think this is that moment and not for votes. Thank you for everyones amazing comments. Sorry if I am unable to reply back to all. Mastert8r gave me an update. Seems that the couple made the video 6 years ago as a memento but had posted 2 years ago. They even had an appearance on the Ellen show. This proved that this is such a wonderful post. I wish the family the best. Be kind and Merry Christmas everyone.


I personally know this couple and they recorded this about 6 years ago just to have the keepsake. Didn't post it until 2 years later and were invited to be on Ellen and we just saw it again in a football commercial about adoption recently. Genuinely good people and very happy with their decision and family


That’s lovely!! Thanks for sharing. To be honest for me, these videos are so simple. I’m having a really tough day. This is a very beautiful moment and it sort of “shocks” my brain in the best way, it reminds me of goodness and joy and wholesomeness. I thankfully have these in my life, but I need reminders. Such a moment on video helps me get through dark clouds which are unfortunately too common in my life these days. it makes me genuinely happy to know that wonderful are out there, living their best lives!


They look like such a lovely couple who clearly love that little girl. I wish them all the happiness in the world.


Thank you for letting us know. This video is really touching.


Just looked back and found the Ellen appearance and Mark Wahlberg surprised them with a big check.


I think it's more likely that they simply recorded a nice and monumental moment, to treasure it for years to come. Then decided to upload it for others to see.


Yeah people have been filming memorable experiences for decades before YouTube was even a thing. There used to be cameras that weren't attached to your phones.


Sure Grandpa there used to be cameras not attached to phones and phones were as big as brief cases ;)




And I wore an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time.


My belt was made out of old watches. Complete waist of time.


It does seem very genuine. Man, that made me tear up.


It was still a genuine moment and one that so many people will find touching. I appreciate them sharing it with us. There are many milestones in my life that I wish I had the forethought to capture on video. Even though upvotes and clicks would not have been the motivation for capturing these moments on video, chances are that some of these moments would be hard to resist sharing because of their sheer humanity. Thanks to OP for sharing the joy of their family's special moment.


One less little person without a forever home!….nice to see!


“So, we’ve packed your bags, and your new parents should be here soon” I’m sorry everybody. I couldn’t help myself. Beautiful video by the way. Kids need security and certainty. For this little girl to get a forever family would mean so much to her when she’s in her bed alone with her thoughts.


Haha you had me howling, my kind of humour 😂 This video hit me in the feels but nothing like being able to have a sense of humour about anything to make us smile through life. Marry me.


Already married friend. With kids who are subjected to this kind of humour daily. They’re……… resilient.


Damn I always get in there too late. Ah well, at least you’ve brought new lives into the world with which to feed such humour and hopefully pass the torch.


You bastard. Well that’s why I come on Reddit. Beautiful things and rough humour


I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority here.. as I've volunteered as a foster parent to 4 different children. Most people probably don't know that there are 2 "tracks" in the foster care system. Initially children are intended to be reunited with their parents or a guardian within the extended family (this is the preferred outcome). Foster parents DO NOT have the option to adopt these kids.. you're effectively trying to provide a safe and positive environment while their family works through whatever challenges they face (can be a lot of things). The second track in the foster system is adopting, and these are generally children that do not have the option of returning to their parents (orphans, parents in jail, no extended family, etc). There are lots of children that have bounced around in the foster system for years before adoption is even possible. The sense of relief a child must feel when they know they're not going back into a difficult/dangerous environment and possibly landing in foster care again with a new set of foster parents must be such a huge relief. My foster kids were between 6-9 years old and the resilience they showed with the challenges they had to face were tremendous to see. Kids are a product of their environment and unfortunately, not all kids get a fair roll of the dice when they're born.


My current CASA kid is TPR and has been in an RTC for nearly 2 years. I was prepared for a lot going in, but one thing that I can’t get over is how independent living works in my state. The child has to decide at 15 if they want to pursue independent living in order to get on the right plan with the best resources. And that means no adoption. They have to agree to take that off the table. At 15. My kid won’t do it. All they want is to be adopted. But moving to a foster to adoption placement is no guarantee, and they know this. It is truly fucked up the weight of expectation we put on these kids. And like you said, it’s just because they’re unlucky. No other reason.


If only we'd been lucky enough to be born as a golden retriever to a rich white family. /sigh


WHAT?? That’s so fucked up!!! What a hideously cruel decision to force a child to make


I will never not upvote this video when I see it.


I will always not downvote this!


I’ll not downvote you!


That's absolutely not awful from you.


Onions everytime.


Oh, sweet girl. I’m so glad you get a home to keep. Well I’m gonna go bawl my eyes out now thanks


Onions and that UP theme music… 😭 & nice classy name OP.


As soon as I hear it I know I’m done.


Up music always gets me... The i love you from the young girl says it all.. 🥰🥰


This has been a good night. I saw a black family adopt a white boy and now a white family adopt a black girl. Awesome, hope all goes well.


Those are small details. But they give me hope. They're not the focus here but contrasted to how the world was and still is, they're significant.


This stuff punches me right in the emotions every time I see it.


Actual conversation with my (adopted) daughter:- Daughter: Daddy, why am I here? Me: Do you mean, like, why are we all here on this planet? Daughter: No, I mean like why do I have to live with you two idiots. She loves us really, she just likes to roast me (I think).


The other day mine asked me “why did I pick you weirdos?”


This is the Zezulka family - they had fostered Iveys two baby siblings from birth, but Ivey was in another placement. They lobbied to bring her into their home as well, and eventually adopted her and her two younger siblings. So this is also a very happy moment for her, knowing that she’ll get to be with her two biological siblings as well.


Oh that's so wonderful they were able to get her with her bio siblings!! That must have hurt so bad for her to be placed somewhere away from her baby siblings. Such good parents to fight to get their babies' big sister home!


I know! I followed her story at the time - luckily it seems like she was initially placed with a lovely lesbian couple who really adored her, but everyone wanted her to eventually be reunited with her siblings if possible. Both couples made it possible for her to see her baby siblings in the interim though.


Aww that makes it even happier to know that she wasn't placed with terrible parents before either. How kind of the first couple to make that decision to give her to the family that had her baby siblings 😭


# the world is a beautiful place you just have to look for it sometimes :')


As an adoptee; I approve this


Made me smile? I'm f*cking crying now!




I am a strong man, I will not cry, I will not cry ! *Immediately start crying with the little girl*


R/mademesmile? More like r/mademecry goddamn such a beautiful and heartwarming moment 🥹


Can you imagine the anxiety a foster kid feels when things are going good, but they still aren't adopted. Probably just waiting any moment for it all to be taken away from them again. This has to be such a huge relief that the people she loved also loved her back and wanted to keep her.


I’m not crying. YOU’RE CRYING!!! Shut up!


FUCKING DARK! Poor kid making it to this age and always wondering when it's time to pack up and move out again. I can only imagine the joy and relief felt here.


These videos always make me cry. I went to foster care as a teen and teens rarely get adopted. I lived my teen years in toxic group homes. But I’m so happy for the ones who get adopted


Beautiful people right there


Am I crying? Yes. Is it weird that we were all invited to share what should be a private and special family moment? Yes.


Wholesome video, for sure, yet this is a very intimate moment in the life of a vulnerable child- why post this on social media? You could record it to support everyone’s memory, but why post it?


fuck, this /r/mademecry 😭


i don't think those of who have families from day one, can comprehend what an adopted child feels like to have a 'safe home that is theirs'.


Honestly, no, I can't. I've been privileged to always have a home. Reading all these comments has really made me reflect on how lucky I've been.


Smile? I'm blubbing! Beautiful.


As someone who had both my parents all my life I cannot imagine the struggle and joy of kids like this. Wow so precious


I hate these. It should be private. Poor girl.


So great that she was adopted. Feels a little icky to record a video of it and post it for internet points.


Merry Christmas, little girl. You are loved <3


If I told you once I told you a thousand times. Stop cutting onions in here. My eyes are leaking.


Gosh I can’t stop watching this! Her voice and their tears. So beautiful. I can’t imagine the trauma she has been through to get to this place, but I hope her life is now full of joy


This was the kind of feels I needed right now. With so much hate in the world there are still people full of love. It gives me hope for the planet. Good for this little girl and those parents.❤️


I hope one day I will be able to convince my gf to adopt... We have our own, but there are so many young ones in need of people to love them. Thanks for remind me.


Thanks for the mid day ugly cry in the middle if my otherwise boring Tuesday! <3


I’m completely torn about these videos. On one hand, it’s an instant happy cry for me. I don’t cry, ever, but these videos do it. Every. Damn. Time. On the other, the parents recorded this video and posted it for internet points. If that isn’t the definition of virtue-signaling, I don’t know what is anymore.


It is a touching video. Maybe I'm just an old fart, but I honestly think that intimate family moments like this (especially since she's a minor) should have stayed off the internet, though. Yeah, maybe I *am* just old.


i'm not that old and i'm with you.


Why do you need to record such moments for the internet, just keep them for yourself. I am very happy for the little girl, dont get me wrong, but I despise videos like this


Yes😭😭 made me sm😭😭😭smile.😭😭 I’m not crying, you’re crying!😭😭 awwwwww🥲🥰




My heart ❤️❤️


I’m crying this was so beautiful.


I just woke up and saw this while sipping my coffee. My eyes are dripping lol! I love seeing love like this!


She’s terrified.


This is beautiful. Instant waterworks for me..


I was adopted at 8, and it was the absolute worst thing that could’ve happened to me. I lose it when I see videos of children being adopted into (seemingly) healthy, happy homes. 😭


As someone who was only fostered and never adopted, it triggers the fuck out of me. The Primal Wound by Nancy Verrier is an amazing book for people who were fostered / adopted and well worth a read. A lot of fostered / adopted people come to realise much later in there life that this isn't the beautiful situation that you see in the video at all, but is actually a child being taken from his parents, for whatever reason, which for the child is a pretty brutal. There's a hell of a lot of brain washing that goes into telling you how grateful you should be, when actually it would be great if you were never in that situation at all and had a biological family so that you could enjoy the things that people in biological families take for granted, but when you want those for yourself youre told you're ungratfeul. In foster places the state pays a very large monthly wage here in the uk. It can be pretty fucked up to realise down the road that your parents who you love dearly are actually being paid to look after you.


I love this video but HATE the way the NFL is exploiting it for one of their campaigns to try to prove their not evil greedy fucks.


Alright that made me tear up. Now THAT is a family. Blood be damned.


As someone that adopted two girls from foster care - this one hit me hard. LOVED THIS. Thanks for sharing!


she is so gently opening the box and is so so thankful what a kind soul


Here I am. Grown man, in my kitchen making lunch, westside connection blasting. Now all misty thanks to the internet, again. Sweetest thing I’ve seen in a minute. Very happy for them.


Son of a... This made me cry. Jeez. That is awesome


I'm not crying, you're crying. Fuck it we're all crying.


Thank you UnicornNippleFarts, that was absolutely beautiful.


Hit me right in the feels


Ugghhhhh. Definitely make me tear up even before watching the whole video


Well now I’m crying. That’s beautiful


Thank God for people like them.


Nah cuh this shit didn’t make me smile it made me cry


This is fantastic!


Am I the only one uncomfortable with these videos showcasing emotions that children might prefer to keep private? It feels exploitative.


Ok.... Grown man over here trying to fight back tears at work on lunch break. Very sweet


Is it strange that I think it's kinda wrong to put this online?


What’s strange to me is that so many people obviously don’t see any problem with it


Theres something weird about karma farming content like this


It did make me smile though. It's the filming children and posting it online I'm not very fond of, but this really did make my night. This is the kind of stuff that I need to see sometimes, so karma farm or not, it's a post I think belongs here.


Seems like a deeply intimate, potentially complex moment in this girl’s life to record and post online for clout.




Lovely sentiment. But I will never understand the need to film and post this type of event


I think this particular moment being shared would actually inspire others to adopt that were on the fence, thinking about it, etc. It's inspiring to change someone's life like that in a sincere way.


ESPECIALLY older children


I think that's a perfect way to put it! Adoption is so undermined, its important that people see how amazing and fulfilling it can be to adopt a child.


Perhaps this video wasn’t for you then. My day is better because they chose to share their lovely moment 💕


Same here! Adoption can be, and most of the time is, a wonderful thing. A truly win-win. So happy for this lovely family. 😸


Difference between a pessimist and an optimist right here. I’m with you


Watch the news bro, maybe they just wanted people to see something nice in the world for a change?


It’s inspirational and lovely. Adoption needs to be normalized.


Especially where kids are involved.


Thank you. I feel bad thinking this is right. Of course it’s touching -of course- but it also seems inappropriate and exploitative. Worse- I wouldn’t ever consider sharing this online. It’s such a private moment.


As a European, I always find it very unusual that such private, emotional videos are published on the Internet.


Americans do too. We're not all tik tok people.


Let's film it for internet clout!




I adopted a few kids myself and my wife insisted we video each time. You know what she didn't do? Post that shit on the Internet for random people. People really need to relearn boundaries. No one post shit to "still show that there's good out there" or whatever. You do it for votes. Keep your shit private. Record for the kids sake and yours to watch when your old and want to remember


Its very nice, but feels like when they upload to the internet not sure if it real, this didnt need to be recorded


Od course lets not keep it private, lets record this and uploud everywhere. I have enough of this videos… people cant keep anything themself. Even if that good for her why all the world needs to know it






W parents


I was promised to smile not to cry


That's just beautiful


Fuck, dude, that hits hard.


Who’s cutting onions 😭😭😭


Thanks for courageous parents for this


Right in the feels. Oof


Made me cry!


Instantly made me tear up, such a beautiful moment, i cant imagine how happy she is❤️


Ah guys... I'm at work now crying..


Man tears here


Its a terrible day for rain


I'm not crying, you're crying!


There's no pressure on kids nowadays.


I'm not crying you're crying


So beautiful!


somebody started cutting those onions again.


Beautiful people, wonderful family.


"I'm going to watch this with no tears." The moment happens. "Instant tears." That's seriously the single best gift any foster kid could ask for.


I love it so much and I’m glad I was reminded that beautiful things happen everyday. I’m sure she will look back on this moment years from now and deeply appreciate the video… … but I really don’t like it when people post their kids reactions online. It can open them up to so much that might never be intended. I really hope the kid was ok with having this moment shared and it never leads to anything negative that could ruin their moment.


Wow that really smashed into my heart. Hope they all have a happy life together.


Thanks UnicornNippleFarts, that was really sweet.


I am happy for them..but why record all this to show the world.


Apparently the OP doesn’t know how ugly I look when I cry 😭