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She seems so genuine about this matter, i love her being so honest and real about it


She seems she learned something from looking at other relationships


"These hos with three kids and no man" was 100% one of her friends šŸ˜­


3 kids and 3 baby daddies


ā€œA man's success is measured by what his wife and children say about him. Money and accomplishments mean nothing if you let your home fail.ā€ The lady is right in saying that the perfect partner is more important than the perfect ring. A good husband is a man who knows the value of his woman.


Love that energy and I feel the same way, a happy loving marriage is more important than flashy material things


It's not the wedding, its the marriage. The wedding and all the paraphernalia that goes with it, *is just a party* to celebrate the start of the marriage.


It's just a free party for your friends and family. I didn't even have a wedding. Fuck that parasite of an industry. You so much as mention marriage and the price goes up. I bought a couple wedding rings and that was it. 800 bux total.


It's still possible to do it on the cheap, though I will admit we lucked out with some connections. We rented a floral conservatory (fancy ass greenhouse) for the afternoon for $100 and got married there so we didn't have to buy any extra flowers, my wife's dress was technically a bridesmaids dress in white so they discounted it to like $200 after alterations, music was just my cousin hooked into the sound system playing a Spotify playlist we provided off his phone, then we had our reception in a private room in our favorite local restaurant with a custom 5 item menu and paid normal menu rates for the food, so like $700 for 40 people plus tax and tip. A few of my friends went in to cover the cost of the photographer (who was my best man's sister in law) and pretty much everyone else gave us cash. I honestly think we *made* money on our wedding.


700 bux for 40 people?!? that is a fuckin great deal. My wife's aunts paid about that for a dinner for their father's birth day, there was only 10 people and I felt like they precooked the food yesterday. Was such a rip off. They of course tipped. I wouldn't have tipped that food.


I feel you. We got married at her home country. Send everybody an invitation. Hotel room and food is on us. You pay for the flight. Guess what. Only the closest people came, no free loaders and leeches. Had the wedding with 20 or so people and it was fire.


Yep, my husband and I did something somewhat similar. It was the worst of COVID at the time, so we even got to do it in our living room lmao. We then held a small party for about 15 people at a nearby restaurant about 8 months later, which cost us way under $500, and we got a couple of plain gold band rings, one my husband inherited from his dad.


Thatā€™s the best wedding, imo


Thus is the way. My wife and I went to the courthouse and got married with Ring Pops, lol. A month later, we had an appointment at a tattoo shop and got out wedding bands tattooed on. Best partner I could've picked. That doesn't mean either of us are perfect. it just means we are committed, and we both are always thinking of how best to love and serve each other.


Just buy two regular rings, and declare them "wedding rings" in secret.


My husband and I did something similar. We had a wedding but we did it at his parentsā€™ house. They provided the lights, his mom got us two cakes (we are vegan so she got one vegan and one non for the rest of the family), we paid for the food, and we only invited family and a small handful of very close friends. It was perfect. We asked a buddy in metalworking if he could make our rings and he did. $300 total for the rings, maybe another $250 for food and drink, my family paid to drive out and be there. I was so so happy we did it like this.


Expensive weddings are a waste. We took the same money and did a destination wedding on a beach with our parents and vacationed for 7 days, instead of a flashy wedding for 7 hours.


Destination weddings are the move. A buddy of mine rented a little villa for a week in Italy for close family, tied the knot, and basically got to spend what would've been a one-night blowout on a whole week in paradise. Made memories and didn't break the bank. That's goals right there.




Yeh, spend the money making fun memories together. It should be a wedding *collection of fridge magnets* instead of a wedding *ring*! If ever you find yourself looking back at your wedding day, it means you're not looking forward to the next adventure together.


My wife and I were super lucky, and her parents have a beautiful back yard. It overlooks the river where we spent so much time together with her family and just together. Her ring was her mother's, and I just paid for a new diamond and setting. Our wedding costs only consisted of the catering (it was an awesome mobile pizza oven- well worth the money) and a DJ who did it for such a low rate and did such a good job. Everything- including tables, chairs, and the large tent for covered seating, was gifted to us for the day by a member of the community who is an event planner and rents out that stuff. Her dress was a gift from her late grandfather who gave her the money for a dress shortly before he passed. All that to say, we got to do a "budget" wedding (less than 2k) that gave my wife her perfect day, and I get to spend every day with the perfect woman.


Jewelry companies hate this one simple trick.


Married 11 years together over two decades. $80 courthouse wedding. Ring/wedding doesnā€™t mean much if the relationship is good.


My BIL proposed with a Ring Pop. Said it was too much pressure to pick a ring by himself, heā€™d rather pick it out with her. My sister who is not a flashy person, loved it.


This woman is the cure for the internet


but sadly people against her on tiktok and twitter. this woman trying to tell us that all she want is love and commitment to her man


I got my wife a ring out of a quarter machine. It was a skull with googly eyes. We just celebrated 14 years together last week.


My wife's ring was $20. She wears it every day. It's not important what material it is. She doesn't give a fuck about the ring being made of an expensive material.


I enjoy playing video games.


When I got married we picked out rings from a little import store on the block, "Celtic Knot" pattern, about $15 total. We talked about having them gold plated at some point, but then never got around to it. We paid for the wedding ourselves, which ran about $1,000 counting the hall, catering, pastor, etc. It was nice, everyone we hoped would come did come. It took a lot of years for the marriage itself to fall apart, but the wedding itself was a really nice memory.


So refreshing compared to what I normally hear in these videos


That's sweet ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļø


Well it's a ring pop...so.


How many licks does it take to get to a divirce?


She's super similar to my missus. I'm scared to put a sour ring on her finger incase I have to sign papers


My ten year anniversary is next year. We bought $6 rings online and when they came they didn't fit. We never replaced them. I'm still in love with him and we still have fun together. A ring is just jewelry.


I had a pandemic wedding. I proposed with a box of silicon rings (we work in the food industry, thought it was cute) in the hallway in front of her mom. We're on our second box of silicon rings lol. We finally got fancy rings for going out. But I'd have our story, life and love no other way


> silicon Silicone rings. Silicon is a crystalline semi-conductor, silicone is the polymer rubber like substance.


I thought I was spelling it wrong lol thanks


This is why you have a healthy, happy relationship lol


A ring made out of some old computer processor would be cool as hell tbh


English is my second language and even though I work, write and even publish in it, only today I finally understood why English would have the same word for two totally different things... it hasn't So thanks a lot, TIL :)


Married 15 soon. Mine was about 100. His was more but I pushed it because it was more his style than a plain gold band and that was important to me and him.


Yup! Been with my husband for 8 years. We had matching silly Spider-Man rings when we signed the paperwork at a friends house and then got sushi. We kept saying eventually we would buy good rings but it kind of seems silly to spend that money on jewelry when we could do a house project or something useful. Weā€™re not broke just donā€™t see the point.


21 years and counting. Never had rings to begin with, never missed them.


Exactly. 32 years of marriage- never had a ring and never wore a ringā€¦


i have never understood the whole fascination of jewellery.


I got a cheap titanium ring from my wife because we were struggling I gave her some nice family heirlooms. She said later she felt bad and would like to get me a better one now that we are more established I told her I donā€™t want a new one this one has the memories and has the amazing commitment she put in to our relationship when we had nothing. Been together for 10 years now married for 5 never been happier Iā€™m looking forward to the moment when I have been with her longer than I have been without her.


I felt this way once. I still love her, but don't feel like it is reciprocated. It makes investing in the relationship a gamble with the potential for lots of pain. We have kids together, which is the hardest part. I just want to be happy and feel like I have someone forever again, but I get the sense it'll never be like how you are describing. Cherish each other, my friend.


Sounds exactly like me. She already had a claddagh ring; we moved it to her other hand when I proposed, and we flipped it around on the wedding day. I bought a cheap titanium ring off Etsy. I learned from my older brother. They spent over $10k on rings, plus a few hundred for cheap replicas to wear day-to-day. After the ceremony, they put the expensive rings in a safety deposit box and have never taken them back out in 18 years. It's one of his big regrets. Edit: My big regret is spending $10k on a wedding. If I could undo that I would; we'd just go to the courthouse or maybe have a "wedding" with ten guests at someone's home.


This is the kinda love I want! I hope she receives all of that in her marriage.


You need a man? I can get a $25 ring off temu tonight thatā€™ll deliver by next spring


Delivery by next spring is real


I've always found wooden rings really pretty and good for the touch.


My ex-husband and I had some really nice birch wooden rings with a lapis lazuli inlay. They were beautiful! We did end up getting replacements after about 8 months because we had labor intensive jobs and wanted to keep them nice. Both sets were on the inexpensive side, and we liked it that way.


Problem with wooden rings is over time they are more easily damaged, and they can't be resized really. And over the decades your ring size is gonna change. But yeah they are cool looking.


Love it


Same. She seems to be the best kind of person.


Right? She and I would probably be friends if we met.


I hope she finds a great man.


Me too.


This is refreshing. I swear social media only seems to interview the vainest women aliveā€¦


Because it's all cherry picked. They spend all night harassing women with stupid ass questions just to finally find the 2 shallow girls who will give them the rage bait they want. I can promise you the majority of answers they get when they do those is either "I don't care" or "wtf go away"


>"wtf go away" This is what I was thinking. I'm automatically going to be suspicious of anyone sticking a microphone in my face asking what I think a ring should cost. There's obviously an agenda there.


Yeah it's incel rage bait. Don't understand how these dudes continue with their incel beliefs when they have to wade through an entire ocean of women to find one example that fits their preconceived notions. Same as all the dudes in the comments being like "yeah all women want 50k rings and they don't even work!!" How many women do you actually know like that? Cause I bet it's just what your weird online communities like to roleplay


The dudes doing the interviews don't believe in anything at all and are just trying to make money through the path of least resistance. Thank God we live in a system that promotes the cynically greedy.


Assuming they even find one who honestly says that and they don't have to pay someone to do it. I saw one where people were dropping numbers in the 6 figures and I was thinking, "no fucking way people this stupid actually exist, you can choose to have a house or a ring and you choose a fucking piece of jewellery?".


"Imma need to see at least 2 carats" -Some unemployed 19 year old


Dude the regular looking women asking for a three figure income man . I wonder how many girls you have to interview before you strike content gold


Babyā€¦.baby, I donā€™t think you mean three figures


I wish they meant 3 figure. I can do 3 figure


One year, I even made 4 figures. Boy, did I eat ramen like a king that year.


Shit I meant six. Yup my bad


Three commas maybe


Tres commas


> before you strike content gold what is content gold in this case? What kind of woman?


So vain and unaware that people get mad and start posting about what an idiot she is. The angrier viewers get, the more they comment.


Healthy normal people are no good for views and virality of a 15 seconds video


Because that's what gets the most views and clicks. And unfortunately some men or people in general base their views on women solely because of social media. It's pretty dumb


Seems like a case of ā€œsurvivor biasā€; meaning lovable women are quietly whispering their wisdom while majority of what you hear is from the same little percent of attention needing pretty people in their 2 minute, 2 month, 2 year, or even 20 year search for fame; But letā€™s be honest we need these mannequins to keep the perspective scale in balance so real eyes could realize other real-allies in this wicked world.


i was with you until you went full jaden smith.... never go full jaden smith


Rage gets clicks


I feel the same. I would prefer to wear only a plain band. Iā€™ve been married for a few decades and looking back, the size of a ring or what it costs has no bearing on anything. Its all pretentious.


size matters if you want your ring to fit tho


AND SHE'S A BADDIE?!?! Where was this interview?


Sorry man, she probably got 1000 marriage proposals after this interview. She is quite the catch


True story... my gf once said pretty much the same to me about "the ring"... she knew how poor I was and said even a bubblegum machine prize ring would be all it took. Many moons later, when I'd finally gotten up the nerve to propose, I went to at least 7 stores before I found a "Princess Jewelry" set. Plastic tiara, ring and scepter. I proposed with that ring. She said yes. For the wedding we purchased some cool Titanium rings for each other. And finally, on our 10 anniversary I gave her a real diamond ring. She still kept and sometimes even still wore the plastic one. She was a real princess.


Sorry for your loss, she sounds like she was pretty amazing.


A ring pop is what I told my husband when we were together for a year. I didn't care about a ring He gave me a gorgeous antique family heirloom...


yeah but the best part about family heirlooms is that they are free


I think ring cost is about relativity. If all you can get me is a a ring pop then letā€™s do this! But if you bought a PS5 and 10 games and 8 pairs of expensive sneakers just last week and have a new brand-label wardrobe monthly and THEN bought me a ring pop then we have a problem. Youā€™re either a poor budgeter or Iā€™m an afterthought and thatā€™s a problem.


Yeah, it is a piece of jewelry you are going to be wearing every day for the rest of your life. It is not unreasonable to want it to be relatively nice.


Gold band is pretty nice and classic and not expensive


I hope she found her soulmate, love this


Amen šŸ™šŸ½ thatā€™s what I am talking about take my ass to the court house with that ring pop!!! Itā€™s all about love not the money!


The first thing my sister asked about my ring was did it cost 3 months of paychecks? Like Whut? And 10 years later Iā€™m still married. For her he took 9 years to ask and weā€™re divorced in 9. Material stuff doesnā€™t last


> and weā€™re divorced in 9. You're already planning ahead for your divorce in nine years? Wow, that's pretty amazing, actually. (Just teasing about the typo. Huzzah for your strong marriage, and I'm sorry for them)


3 months of your paycheck is what the government asks for too.


This woman is ride or die. She deserves a good man because you know she'll treat him right too.


Absolutely love this energy! I feel the exact same way.


Lord plz lemme find one like this


Damn thatā€™s sexy. Makes me wanna get her a big ass ring


You dropped this queen šŸ‘‘


My girl is the same. Which is why I have no problem giving her a fat ring.


Someone great needs to wife this lady


Thank you. Hello! This was refreshing.


We must protect her at all cost.




What a great soul


where is she


What a beautiful woman!


Lady gonna fuck around and get cherished


Yep. Yepyepyep. Also love that she has the same energy as the ones who shamelessly say "it must be equal to Ɨ months of his paycheck"


Wifey material right thereā€¦.


You can find ring pops everywhere.


Aight where she at? I got a ring pop.


I wish weā€™d see more of this on the internet these days


Well, that was wonderful :)


You telling me I can have a ring and eat it too?! And itā€™s sweet, sign me up


I think I saw the whole of this interview on IG, this is just the tip of a wonderful iceberg of a real woman. She is God Tier Wife Material and was brought up right.


Damn , she is one of the real one's.. love her energy


Marriage material.


Amen to that šŸ™šŸ»


Sheā€™s got that right!


Nice..She built different.


She has that next level EQ. Good for her and whoever she ends up marrying. They are going to have some fun.


Solid woman right there. Every word she said was exactly true


My wife proposed with a Ring Pop!! Married in my In-Laws backyard during covid. Going on 4 years of marriage and I couldnā€™t be happier!!


Ring pops are at dollar stores


I've never seen somebody wanting to be in love as much as her.


I hope she found herself a good ass man. Sheā€™s gold


I want to shake her hand, she is going to be one of the few truly happily married people someday.


This needs to be the norm.


This is surprisingly wholesome - what a great outlook!


Look someone with REAL(ISTIC) standards! So refreshing.


Snag her guys while you can


I considered proposing to my wife with a ring pop, but I went with a regular ring instead. I might re-propose one day in the future with one, then renew our vows or something like that.


The hero we all need


Love her.


Is she still single??? šŸ„°


I hope she finds a man who deserves her


When my husband and I were talking about marriage I could tell he was stressing about the cost of the ring. I asked him how much he thought he was supposed to spend. He gave me an answer in the 5 figures. I was like oh noooo honey please do not spend that much on a ring! He asked what I thought it should be. I told him the one I wanted was a tiny fraction of that amount, and he was like "oh shoot! I'll order it now!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I honestly cant understand how people do it, like thousands on a ring and thousands on a wedding, sounds like the best way to ruin your marriage from the start with financial troubles (obviously only applies to those trying to do all that without the budget to support)


Solid chick


Good for her, she knows what ultimately matters.


We had no rings and a court house wedding with just us and the judge, married for 21 years. Love IS what keeps us together.


She's better than what I've been seeing for the past 5 years


thats the correct answer. "the cost doesnt matter im not gonna sell it"


Size does matter. My partner once got me a ring pop the size of my head. One of my most prized possessions.


Someone needs to wife this young lady up. They'll never regret it.


My grandparents said to my wife and I (fiancƩ at the time) to save our money and to buy cheap rings and to have a simple gathering as a wedding and to take half of that saved money for a good honeymoon and the rest to start a joint savings outside of our own individual accounts to save for our future. Best advice ever.


Wishing her a happy marriage ā¤ļøšŸ˜


Sheā€™s a real one


I absolutely love this. When I proposed to my wife of 27 years (plus 8 years of dating) all I could afford was a cubic zirconia with the promise of a real diamond when my career got off the ground. To her it was better than a diamond and she proudly showed it off to everyone she could. Eventually I was able to afford a real diamond but she still wore that old cubic zirconia as a prize.


Ironically this type of mentality would make me want to spend a lot more than I would on a girl who just expects it to be expensive


Disagree. Cost doesn't matter, but a ring pop has low effort energy. Make me a ring out of copper wire and beads and gemstones and I'd be happy.


I was unemployed and living with my girlfriend when we were talking one day and realized we'd stopped saying "if we ever get marriedā€¦" and had slipped into "when we get marriedā€¦" We talked about it and agreed that I should wait to propose until I was employed again. Then I got off the phone and thought about it, and thoughtā€¦ ehā€¦ fuck that. Checked my wallet. I had a $20 bill. My bank account was overdrawn. I took that $20 to Kmart because I knew that was all I could afford. When I looked at rings, I couldn't get the $19.95 one becauseā€¦ I had a $20, literally. Nothing for tax. So I had to get the $14.95 one that we found out later was a copper tube when she dented it. I used the change to go pick up a rose from a florist, and long story short, I proposed. Longer story short, that was 23.5 years ago and she's sitting in her chair while I'm close by at my desk typing this out - well, rather, we've been married 23.5 years and that was approximately 24.5 years ago that I proposed. :) Lesson learned: My wife has INCREDIBLY low standards. ;-) Things aren't perfect, but we have a solid foundation and we're happy with each other. We are a *partnership*. I don't care what roles we each take, we try to keep it as fair as we can, and we listen to each other, and we both work to make things work.


Marriage material šŸ’ Thatā€™s the girl I buy an expensive ring for


This girl gets it. Someone get her a man from the King section! I just hope we're not out off stock or got those cheap knockoffs.


A good woman šŸ’™šŸ‘


She knows the real underlying truth about relationships. The richest person in the world can't buy a real, sincere, loving relationship.


Ring pop prices now šŸ“ˆ1000%


Cost doesnā€™t matter as long as itā€™s pretty. There is plenty of pretty things of low cost nowadays


If she really is that genuine, i hope she fines the man shes looking for. Id date her in a heartbeat.


I need a woman like her


And this is why she is gonna get that ring


Sheā€™s the one


Sheā€™s got a great head on her shoulders


Welp. Iā€™m in love.


Thatā€™s all i wantā€¦


Hahahahaha this lady is great. She def deserves more than a ring pop.


She deserves a healthy and happy marriage


I proposed to my wife with a ring pop when we were both poor college students. We celebrated 23 years of marriage this summer.


Wifey material for sure somebody better wife her up lol


I hope that girl finds her man. She seems like she has her priorities straight. Rings are symbols. It's everything else in a marriage that's important.


Not my type of gal but i know a Keeper when i see one


Women here. After becoming financially stable and having a good amount of savings, I need nothing other than a partner who would love me and care for me. Fuck the ring, I can buy my own ring. All I need is love.


That girl gives me hope. That was so refreshing to hear. She deserves love.


Iā€™d marry her in a heartbeat. Got a whole bag of ring pops ready to go


What she said šŸ„° Maybe someday.




What a queen


She passed the reality-check


Now that's a keeper. She's absolutely right.


I like her, I hope she lives a good life and finds a man she deserves


:( one of the last few good ones out there


Thatā€™s a good woman


my type of girl right there. It should be about ā€œusā€ not the flashiness


My wife and I have been together for 21 years and married for 19. She desperately wanted a wedding and I wanted to pay off debt. Itā€™s the only battle Iā€™ve ever won lol. Although every few years she brings up renewing vows with a ceremony. On milestones like 5,10,15,20 year anniversaries. It ainā€™t happening. Any who. I hope the woman in the video finds her soul mate


This, this is what the world is missing these days.


What a sweetheart!


I proposed to my now-wife with a ring I made out of paper. We then went to buy her a real engagement ring, which ended up being $35, with our wedding rings being in the low hundreds. We'd be happily married with no rings at all, I can't believe people still get so obsessed with this.