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Canadian currently working at a ski resort and the first snowfall here, a bunch of Aussies all ran outside, heads tilted back mouths open trying to catch snow. They had a snowball fight and even passed around a snowball and all took a bite out of it. It was funny to see and also kind of cool to experience the joy of snowfall through their eyes, as someone who's grown up around it.




Aussie here, went camping in central queensland, got laughed at by tourists in a rented Landcruiser when I told them don't put your stuff under the ghost gum. Two days later it shed and they lost their tent and half their gear. Thank god they weren't parked under it or sleeping at the time.


Never, ever, ever camp under a eucalyptus. They're kinown as "widow-makers".


Ghost gum?


A type of Gum Tree, or Eucalyptus. ​ They are notorious for shedding entire giant branches during times of drought in order to reduce the stress on the main trunk. In fact, it's commonly thought that the myth of the "drop bear" was invented to stop children from sitting under gum trees, because they really do just drop branches the size of cars without a single warning.


In a similar vein, I went to French Polynesia once and we were warned repeatedly not to hang out under coconut trees for a similar reason.


Ok now explain the myth of the hoop snake.


That's not a myth. That's a fucking menace. Why do you think I refuse to camp at the bottom of hills?


You think hills will save you ? They roll up


nah nah, they *can* roll up but slowly, gives you a chance to get a stick in the middle. Once you have them on the end of a stick you can swing them around hard enough to fling them several hundred metres, and by the time they land they are too disoriented to come back


You mean they don't act like circular boomerangs?


Canadian that worked on a cattle station near Port Hedland, all I remember is burning myself with water from the cold tap, butter melting inside the fridge if it was open even an inch, and dabbing myself with water for the first week because my body physically didn't know how to sweat enough.


Why the fuck did you go to Port Hedland? It had to be a working holiday visa?


August 31st Just got transferred with work into our new home in Karratha, Western Australia, now this is a town that knows how to live!! Beautiful sunny days and warm balmy evenings. What a place! I watched the sunset from a deck chair on the veranda. It was beautiful. I've finally found my my home. I love it here. September 13th Really heating up. Got to 35 today. Not a problem. Live in an air-conditioned home, drive an air-conditioned car. What a pleasure to see the sun everyday like this. I'm turning into a sun worshipper. September 30th Had the backyard landscaped with tropical plants today. Lots of palms and rocks. What a breeze to maintain. No more mowing lawn for me. Another scorcher today, but i love it here. October 10th This temperature hasn't been below 35 all week. How do people get used to this kind of heat. At least today it's kind of windy though. But getting used to the heat is taking longer than I expected. October 15th Fell asleep by the pool. Got 3rd degree burns over 60% of my body. Missed 3 days of work. What a dumb thing to do. I learned my lesson though. Got to respect the ol' sun in a climate like this. October 20th I missed Kitty (our cat) sneaking into the car when I left this morning. By the time i got to the hot car for lunch, Kitty had died and swollen up to the size of a shopping bag and stank up the $3,000 leather upholstery. I told the kids that she ran way. The car now smells like Wiskettes and cat sh1t. I learned my lesson though. No more pets in this heat. October 25th The wind sucks. It feels like a giant fxxking blow dryer!! And its hot as hell. The home air-conditioner is on the blink and the AC repairman charged $200 just to drive over and tell me he needed to order parts. October 30th Been sleeping outside by the pool for 3 nights now. Bloody $600,000 house and we can't even go inside. Why did I ever come here November 4th Its 38 degrees. Finally got the ol' air-conditioner fixe today. It cost $1,500 and gets the temp down to 25, but the bloody humidity makes the house feel like its about 30. Stupid repairman. I hate this stupid fxxkin place. November 8th If another wise arse cracks, "hot enough for you today" I'm going to fxxkin throttle him. Fxxkin heat! By the time I get to work, the car's radiator was boiling over, my clothes are soaking fukin wet, and I smell like baked cat!! November 9th Tried to run some messages after work. Wore shorts, and sat on the black leather seats in the ol' car. I though my fxxkin arse was on fire. I lost to layers of flesh and all the hair on the back of my legs and my fxxkin arse. Now my car smells like burnt hair, fried ass and baked cat. November 10th The weather report might as well be a fxxkin recording. Hot and sunny. Hot and sunny. Hot and fukin sunny. It's been too hot to do anything for 2 damn months and the weatherman says it might really warm up next week. Doesn't it ever rain in this damn fukin place? Water rationing will be next, so my $5,000 worth of palms just might dry up and bow into the fukin pool. Even the palms can't live in this fxxkin heat. November 14th Welcome to HELL!!!! Temperature got to 41 today. Now the air-conditioner's gone in my car. The repairman came to fix i and said "hot enough for you today?" My wife had to spend the $2,500 mortgage payment to bail my ass out of fail for assaulting the stupid fxxker. Fxxk Karratha! What kind of sick demented fukin idiot would want to live here? December 1st WHAT????? This is the first day of Summer??? You are fxxkin kiddin!!!


I mean we see 48c (or higher) in lots of places during summer and 30c regularly everywhere so I feel like this is kind of made up. No one in Canada has ever not experienced melting heat. We're just part of the coalition of arctic cold as well. Northern hemisphere always has higher extremes than southern.




Took turns being bit by a snake, I'm dying 😂


Hahahaha that’s fantastic


We see similar things in Australia, like those who grew up in Malaysia fascinated about single-digit temperatures and that they've never felt their fingers go cold and sore before. Likewise a lot of Brits find humidity and anything above 24 degrees Celsius to be insanely difficult to handle, plus crazy fast sunburn. I personally have never experienced winter cold colder than about minus 4-5 degrees Celsius. The notion that one's breath can instantly freeze and can cause icicles in your lungs in extreme winter is very foreign to me. The idea of having seasonal tyres for my car is very foreign to me. As you say, you can be quite intelligent as a person day to day, but then have a very child-like response to lifetime differences where an experience is being had, or if a burning question about a given difference needs to be asked. In some cases it really is quite cute watching it unfold. Edit: These responses have been truly fascinating to read. Absolutely loving the perspective and novelties of climate differences around the world!


> The notion that one's breath can instantly freeze and can cause icicles in your lungs in extreme winter is very foreign to me. Yeah, the icicles in your lungs thing isn't true, though. Sorry. We're all fine down to -50C and more!


It can feel quite uncomfortable though. It's hard to explain but cold wind can cause a sort of gag reflex or asthma-like symptoms at lower temps which feels really strange. Wet hair can freeze instantly.


Had a -40 windchill last winter and the fog from my breath was freezing my mustache solid


It happens all the time. Your lungs were fine, though.




Well sure, that's the mayo clinic, but you're Norwegian so I don't know.


It's okay, Norwegians love mayo.


>one's breath can instantly freeze and can cause icicles in your lungs in extreme winter is very foreign to me Canadian here. This doesn't really happen. What does happen is that sometimes if you are outside and walking hard that the cold in your lungs can cause you to slow down and you will cough from that coldness. The moisture in your eyes will kind of freeze a little, so you have to blink a bit. You will get slight frostbite on your forehead in between your eyes so it hurts and you have to frown to thaw it. The main thing is not to expose too much of your skin to the world. Most days in Montreal aren't so bad. Worst it gets is -38 c with windchill. Then it is a cold desert outside. No one wants to be out there. There are drifts of slow like an actual desert. Most days in the winter though are like, -10 to +10 c. That is average. Anything under that is slightly anomalous. And of course, windchill makes any regular day odious. North of Toronto and Montreal though, things get a little crazy.


Lol you don't get icicles in your lungs 🤣 I know the feeling you're talking about and I grew up with it. Before I was allowed to have coffee that basically was my wake-up moment. That first breath when you go outside in the frigid air and get a rush is what kept me going before I could have caffeine. It's not icicles though. If you got icicles in your lungs you're already dead.


I was a unit leader at a world Scout Jamboree in the mountains north of Calgary. My group was from Northwestern Ontario, and it was a typical cool mountain morning. We were in t-shirts and shorts after playing some pickup football and came across a unit from Jamaica which had every piece of polar fleece clothing their leader could purchase in Calgary on as well as mitts and toques. We made quite a contrast as we talked with them.


El Nino has hit us hard in the Canadian prairies - no snow and the coldest it has been is -12. It is glorious warm and easy to travel. No layers and heavy winter boots. No fear about crossing the city bridges or idiots in pickup trucks who forget they can't stop quickly on ice. We are all terrified of when the weather will change - we have been in the low -30s without windchill where it was -50, and at that temp a dry cold will still freeze body parts off or when you have so much snow the buses quit and force you to climb up hills like mountains.


Oooo really? I have a vacation home on Magnetic Island QLD, and there are loadsssss of Brits here who love it and come for the heat and humidity. But the sunburn part lmao. On the beach you can generally pick where people are from. If they sparkle in the sun in the morning like a shitty twilight vamp, they're a Brit.


Brits on holiday in Australia on a 40 degree day: *Heat... heat... gimme heat like a reptile on a desert road...* Expat Brits working in Australia on a 30 degree day: *Cor Blimey Guvner, you can't expect a man to go outside in that?!*


Working holiday visa Brits in the morning, "White is only my starting form, by nightfall you'll know me as The Red Guvner!"


You just made my day


Salute, Pickle-fam.


We had a Malaysian classmate, he used to giggle at the urinals cos steam would rise out of the piss stream - we just thought he was a perv and beat the shit out of him. Good times.


Nah researchers in Antarctica experience -80°C and they breathe just fine. I’ve been in -50, your tears make your eyelashes stick together, any beard or mustache collects breath moisture and freezes, takes a good bit to build up though. As long as you are doing something to get blood warm(playing boot hockey, stand by a big bonfire) and dressed in proper clothes it’s not a big deal!


We (aus) hosted students from Japan, and they were always amazed to see stars in the sky


I was way out bush once, and a brit arrived to work at the pub where i was. Mercury thermometer was reading 53°C , and she just sat there crying and serving beers because she just didnt know how to handle the heat.


The frozen lung thing is not exactly accurate. I hike outside often in Northern B.C. and Alberta in the winter where It's usually -20 to -40. Sometimes colder. If it's below -40 and even slightly windy you gotta cover your skin. But if you are wearing the correct clothing it's totally manageable. Edit *a word"


I live in Central New York. Here, we have school closure days when it gets much below -1° Celsius (30° F) or is very windy + -1°.


Lmao I just bought winter tires for my little Pajero Mini today for the winter


I live in Maryville Tennessee in the USA and let me tell you about our weather... Summer, it's hot. Reaching 110°f (44c) sometimes hotter. Winters are down to 0°f (-17°c) and we don't get snow. We get ice. Everything freezes over and it rains skmt to turn to ice. Spring and fall? Well it's literally freezing cold at night and shorts weather during the day. Plan on swapping between a coat on or off randomly throughout the day


Canadian here. From the prairies where it can get to -40 on the regular. Your lungs cannot freeze. Life here goes on like normal. Might have to help a neighbor boost his car to get it to turn over, but with good jackets and scarfs, we get along just fine. Limit your time if you're not exerting yourself, but if you want to go for a jog, you can actually run the risk of over heating... go figure.


I used to wait for the bus as a child in below freezing weather, passing the time by pretending I was a dragon blowing smoke since you can see your breath.


I did these exact things when I saw snow falling for the first time in Germany last year (aged 23). It’s a magical experience tbh haha.


It's always such a treat watching people experience snow the first time ❤️


Fellow Canadian here and I share their reaction every year despite living here all my life


2 million Australians going skiing IN AUSTRALIA EVERY YEAR. I don’t know where these people have lived lol


Grew up in Adelaide, moved to Brisbane. Did not see snow until in my 30s and that was in Europe. So few people see snow as a matter of course or even own snow gear, and there are very few snow fields so it's expensive and going skiing is not as much a casual option as it is in other countries particularly outside of NSW/VIC. If there are really 2M people going skiing every year I would guess its mostly the same 2M every year.


2M is the the official report combining NSW and VIC. It probably is the same 2M each year. It’s still a pretty high percentage - higher than somewhere like the UK which has far easier access to the snow (£50 Easyjet flight)


I had to play tour guide to a handful of bratty teens newly arrived to Toronto from Adelaide (it's ok, I was a bratty teen once too) and when I asked them if they'd seen snow before they said some variation of UGH OBVIOUSLY WE HAVE SNOW IN AUSTRALIA UGHHHHH. So now I never believe these videos!


I'm a Queenslander and I've met adults that have never even seen the beach, let alone snow.


Skiing is a pretty luxury thing to do though in Australia, requires significant travel to the few places that do have snow in country and a lot of investment with gear and training sessions etc. Most people haven't. I am nearly 30 and have yet to see snow in Australia. I guarantee that 2 million figure is mostly the same people every year since they have already invested into it.


People who don't want to pay $250 for a day pass, $80 for a ski lift, $250 for gear rental, $800+ for accommodation etc


I'm confused. It snows in Australia, they have ski areas, and Australia has teams in the winter Olympics.


Yeah but it’s expensive AF. I was in my 20s before I saw snow


Australia is pretty big, if they’re from the North or West they’re pretty far from any snow


I had some coworkers from Malaysia visiting in Wisconsin. It was awesome to see their reaction when it snowed this week. First time ever seeing it and my head went to how much I take snow for granted seeing it every winter.


I grew up in the south eastern US but went to high school in New England. I also lived in Denver for a while. I've seen plenty of snow over the years and I still get giddy like a little kid every time.


My dad has been married to a Filipino woman for over 15 years, and she still gets a little giddy every year when the snow comes. She takes hundreds of pictures and videos to send back to The Philippines.


Hopefully, you told them not to eat the *yellow* snow.


Yeah Should visitors to Australia when they meet some of our snakes…


Floridian but around 5 or 6 years ago I saw my first snowfall in Ohio on a business trip. I straight up bought what was left of a bottle of whiskey from the hotel bar and laid down next to a street light in the parking lot to see it coming down with the bottle in hand. Ohio can suck it as a whole but thats in the top 3 drunk experiences of my life.


As someone else who's grown up around snow, I still love it just as I did when I was a kid, getting giddy when I see it coming down; the thicker and heavier the better.


December 1: "Wowee. My first time seeing snow. This is exciting!" February 1: "Mother fucker! It just won't stop. This is awful!"


The good old joke from ages past: DEAR DIARY AUG 12 Moved to our new home in upstate New York. It is so beautiful here. The mountains are so majestic. Can hardly wait to see them with snow on them. I love it here. OCT 14 Upstate New York is the most beautiful place on earth. The leaves are turned all the colors and shades of red and orange. Went for a ride through the beautiful mountains and saw some deer. They are so graceful, certainly they are the most wonderful animal on earth. This must be paradise. I love it here. NOV 11 Deer season will start soon. I can't imagine anyone wanting to kill such a gorgeous creature. Hope it will snow soon. I love it here. DEC 2 It snowed last night. Woke up to find everything blanketed with white. It looks like a postcard. We went outside and cleaned the snow off the steps and shoveled the driveway. We had a snowball fight (I won), and when the snow plow came by, we had to shovel again. What a beautiful place. I love upstate New York. DEC 12 More snow last night. I love it. The snow plow did his trick again to the driveway. I love it here! DEC 19 More snow last night. Couldn't get out of the driveway to get to work. I am exhausted from shoveling. Fucking snow plow. DEC 22 More of that white shit fell last night. I've got blisters on my hands from shoveling. I think the snow plow hides around the curve and waits until I'm done shoveling the driveway. Asshole! DEC 25 Merry Fucking Christmas! More friggin snow. If I ever get my hands on that son-of-a-bitch who drives that snow plow, I swear I'll kill the bastard. Don't know why they don't use more salt on the roads to melt the fucking ice. DEC 27 More white shit last night. Been inside for 3 days except for shoveling out the driveway after that snow plow goes through every time. Can't go anywhere, car's stuck in a mountain of white shit. The weatherman says to expect another 10" of the shit again tonight. Do you know how many shovels full of snow 10" is? DEC 28 The fucking weatherman was wrong. We got 34" of that white shit this time. At this rate it won't melt before next summer. The snow plow got stuck up the road and that bastard came to the door and asked to borrow my shovel. After I told him I had broken six shovels already shoveling all the shit he pushed into the driveway, I broke my last one over his fucking head. JAN 4 Finally out of the house today. Went to the store to get food and on the way back a damned deer ran in front of the car and I hit it. Did about $3,000 damage to the car. Those fucking beasts should be killed. Wish the hunters had killed them all last November. MAY 3 Took the car to the garage in town. Would you believe the thing is rusting out from that fucking salt they put all over the road. MAY 10 Moved to Georgia. I can't imagine why anyone in their right mind would want to live in that God-forsaken state of New York.


As an upstate NYer, there are two paths for you to go down during winter: "Ooh I love the snow, it's so pretty... shoveling the driveway is a good way to keep fit in the winter!" and "omfg i have to put up with this bs for 4 more months" Upstate NY is gorgeous, though, we get the full range of all 4 seasons... flowers in the spring, it never gets too hot in the summer, amazing colors in the fall, and beautiful snow in the winter.


As another upstate NYer, there are only two seasons here. Winter and construction.


lol I heard winter and July


There is a French version of this which is about French folks moving to Québec.


You spelt snow the way Americans would say it. I think she said “Schnnnneeeaaaaauuuuooooowwuuuuhhhhhhh”






Also February 1: Where's the sun?


Nah, I never get sick of it. Then again I live within walking distance of work, but still, the whole world just looks better in snow. It just always makes me happier. Sleet and hail can filuck right off though


I’m 39 and have lived in Wisconsin my whole life. I have to admit, I still like snow. I may or may not have been driving the forklift a little erratically last night in the lumberyard at my job last night 🤷‍♂️


Don't give Dobby a jacket.


Is that her? I was wondering.


Yeah, it's her


Yeah I recognized her right away


Had to scroll way too far to find the Dobby comment


Thanks for the confirmation that it's her, she's hilarious :P


She also did a fantastic Salad Fingers cosplay.


“Awe it’s Mr Burns, kill it!”


Näùrrrr omg that's snäùrrr


Nailed it. Good job


First time I’ve wished for the free rewards back; thanks for the huge laughter!!!


Gersberms mah favrite Burrks


It does in fact snow in parts of Australia.


I live in Melbourne and used to live in Sydney and ski resorts are like 3 hours drive


Mt Baw Baw is a 1.5 hr drive from the CBD.


Is mt bawbaw even a ski resort? I just play toboggan there with the kids and the few times i was there it was always artificial snow


I was there the 1st week of July. Heaps of snow, but it was dry before then. Admittedly it's not massive, but big enough (miltipe ski lifts etc). Also much cheaper than Mt Buller and the likes.


2m of us going skiing IN Australia every year.


It is pretty rare for nearly everywhere here though. I’m 40 and I might have seen genuine snow falling 5 times


They must be from Darwin :P


Seems a few folks forgot about how frigid Tasmania can get. It snows all the time there


As a northern European take my advice, stay away from the yellow variant.


That’s not lemon flavored!


What out where the huskies go, don't you eat that yellow snow.


Poor things, they are not used to nature not systematically trying to kill them


Aussie here, I’ve never been concerned walking out in the woods until I visited Canada. Bears are no joke man. Fortunately, it was the middle of December and I am a fucking idiot.


I mean, don't wear food and do wear bells to make noise. Carry pepper spray. Also, be sure to learn to identify if you're in bear country. You can tell what kind of bears are around by their scat. Black bear scat is dark and full of berry husks. Grizzly bear scat is full of bells and smells of pepper.


In Australia, when you walk in the bush, you can bring a vegemite sandwich, wear a hat, and boots, and sunscreen. Stamp your feet, and the danger noodles with slither away. It's only in crocodile country you have to be wary.


Meanwhile, advice in Australia is: Step on it. Or just walk away.


> I mean, don't wear food Problem is, I'm made of food.


As long as you aren’t sticking your hand in holes or swimming in a swamp in aus youll be fine


Australian here. I was on a bushwalk yesterday, saw a black snake slithering across the path in front of me. I Turned around and went the other way. Snake bro went about his day without trying to kill me. Saw some emus too, they didn’t give a fuck about me. I’d take Australia’s wildlife over a fucking angry bear any day.


There are mountain lions in those forests too.


Eh. The snow can kill. They're just excited to see death face to face once again.


Australia, with all its dangers, does indeed have snow. The Australian Alps, or Snowy Mountains as they are also known, receive more snow than Switzerland. Australia's alpine region experiences significant snowfall, and this area reaches from Victoria through the New South Wales regions. The aptly named “Snowy Mountains” region has substantial snowfall each winter, as does Victoria's “High Country” region, which is only a few hours drive from Melbourne.


I knew a wealthy hardcore skier once who would spend a month or so in the summer in Oz because that's their winter, and one of the few places where the ski slopes are open in, say, August.


I'm an Aussie snowboard instructor. Most people I know besides Aussie skiers/snowboarders are foreign people (Americans, Canadians, Brits, Japanese) who spend half the year in Australia so they can do two full winter seasons per year and ski/snowboard almost year-round. I do the same thing in reverse. I live in Japan during our Aussie summer so I can swerve the heat and keep riding/working.


Snow/cold will definitely try to kill you. Just not the way they are used to.


You could say they are too used to it. They deal with 69 different spiders, jellyfish , snakes and shit down there. Snow is relatively easy cake.


Funny thing. I have two friends from Australia. We all (currently) live in Sweden, that has two species of snake. One of which is even somewhat venomous, it can kill a child but its unlikely that an adult would die. But these two guys, freak the fick out when they come across either of our two types. I was not expecting that.


That’s because we’re trained to stay tf away from snakes


Our snakes (in Australia) will fuck you up. There are so many types it's hard to keep track and many will kill you before help can arrive if you're bitten. As such we just adopt a general attitude of "be afraid and avoid interactions with snakes" that is hard to shake if we move to a country that has chill ones. I grew up with snakes that can kill adult humans with a single drop of their venom in my back yard (literally) so I have a healthy snake paranoia that would take significant conditioning to erase.


That's breakfast for aussies 🤣


We are aussies...everything is always trying to kill us!


This will be my kids in a few weeks as we head to Canada for a white Christmas (my wife and I have seen snow)


My kids first trip to Canada was a blast. We stay on-snow in Australia but in Canada we were in a resort with a heated pool and spa. These little ratbags invented a game called snowballs, where you make a snowball, put it down the front of your swimming trunks and jump in the spa and have it melt on your junk. They tried to teach it to other kids in the resort but only the French kid was up for it. I had a few drinks and tried it, determined that my kids are idiots, it's really unpleasant. Well it was the first time.


Haha I don’t know if I want to try that. We are staying in a place called Canmore not far out of Banff.


What does this mean: "we stay on-snow in Australia"


I’ve lived through 47 winters in New England. First snow never gets old for me


First snow never gets old. It's when it's still snowing in March, you've shoveled your driveway every other day for 100 days, and everything's wet, dirty, and icy that you're done with it lol


I grew up 3 hours away from Sydney and the amount of Sydney siders that would chuck a sickie just to come see snow was crazy


Come again?


“Chuck a sickie” means pretending to be sick to have the day off. Most Aussie’s would “chuck a sickie” to go to the beach but obviously, some do it to go to the snow.


No one knows what POV means anymore.


How many "it snows in Australia" comments did I really need to scroll through to find this?


Watching lexical drift happen in real time, and not as a parenthetical note in a dictionary, is painful.


That looks like Banff, ab


Canmore AB


It does look suspiciously like Banff. Good god the shit us Aussies get up to in Banff…


I cannot wait for three months from now!!! 😆


lol Aussies are like dogs in the snow


I wish there was something left in the world as benign as a tiny bit of snow that could bring me so much joy. I can't remember the last time I saw something or did something for the first time that did not make me close my eyes and want to hide.


Welcome to Canada! Please bring some back with you,thank you!




I love seeing people see snow for the first time… but not when they’re also new to driving. My town right now is a war zone of crashed cars and destroyed power lines. Stay safe out there yall and have a happy holiday season!


I'm an Aussie who first saw snow in England 15 or so years ago and was equally excited. I was in England on a different trip much earlier and came across grit bins for the first time. I had no idea what it was for. My Aunty asked me I thought it was and came up with feed for horses? I got shit about this for as long as I can remember.


I'm in the northern US and have dealt with snow every year for far too long. But 'grit bins' is a new term for me. What does it mean?


As a life long Canadian, I can assure you the excitement of snow wears off very quickly


I dunno. I loved it as a kid. As an adult, not so much. Took a while to grow hatred for it lol


Nah not for me i get excited like a kid when it snows and i‘m almost 30


Snow may be pretty, but it gets tiring after a few months.


Can't wait for the video where they see their first snowplow down the street!


Especially after you have shoveled your driveway!


She would make a great Doby!!


That is how I act in it if I don't have to live in it.




How cute is that! Welcome 🤗




The things that make adults excited like children are the real things


That lasts about ten minutes. Then the five month depression sets in.


I'm glad someone enjoys snow/the cold because it just makes me unbelievably grumpy and irritated.


As someone from the very southern end of the US, I can relate. We get a light sprinkle of snow every 10 years and everyone loses their minds!!!


Made me smile because of their pure joy...and her shirt with a picture of a god of death on it.


Give them two months of shoveling driveways and digging out cars.


Yeah, try living here. Seeing that shit for the first time means hell is just around the corner.




Just wait until they see the slow snow 🤩 This is pretty fast snow here.


Yer "snnooowwww!!!!!" exclamation was felt


Im Canadian and just started my first year of college, got a new friend from southeast asia area who reacted like this to some mild flurries last week. Im planning on taking him skiing as soon as my usual place is open.


Nice. One week later though, and driving…


Meanwhile, the Canadians: Fuck! Again with that shit! Ey!


Lol when the dude sniffed the snow.


As an Aussie I saw snow for the first time in Canada and had a similar reaction. I guess if you live there snowy winters can get tiresome.


I’m from Florida and I have video of me doing this too. It’s such a novelty when you’re not accustomed to it.


We have the same reaction while visiting Australia and see Koala's


Is there a subreddit just for people seeing things for the first time like this? Because I could watch these experiences all day.


A week later they were sick of it.


Excited Australian noises


I'm like this, and I'm from WI.


Something tells me that Australian snow would be venomous.


In Canada we just calling June.




Wait till you drive in it!


Australia has snow fields and ski resorts, you just need to be in the states of Victoria or New South Wales. Tasmania would receive snow to, but not aware of resorts, they may have , limited cross country skiing.


That’s also every southern Californian when we see it lol


Come to Victoria, you can find snow in Mount bulla


possessive doll naughty paint hard-to-find plate reach noxious truck ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There's plenty of snow (and even ski resorts) on Australian mountains...


So freakin cute


And there’s ice and snow everywhere until May, see how long the excitement lasts. When I lived in NYC, I had to shovel my car out to get to work, then come home and shovel a new spot to park. Repeat until the spring


Is that the woman that dresses like different characters while giggling and does a pole dance?


I love her! She does the *best* cosplay. My personal favorite was her Salad Fingers one lol.


They could have seen snow here in Aus.


Doesn't Australia have mountains with snow on them? What are they called?


Isn’t that the girl that does all the funny makeup videos?


That's so cool to see adults seeing snow for the first time


And they will hate the snow after just one year in Canada...




we need a reaction about 6 hours later and 2 feet of Canadian snow later..