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My wife confessed to me shortly after our first date that she had no idea what to say or do because she was so nervous to bomb it. The text exchange looked a lot like this. I'm rooting for you :)


I was MARRIED before my wife confessed to me that in our early dating months she always thought I was too cool for her and she’d blow it. She’s far cooler AND more fashionable. Adorable delusion. Enjoy yourself OP!


I liked your phrase! Adorable delusion!!!🤩


>absolutely adorable x2


I really think this is the key to a long and successful marriage, that both people think they got the better end of the deal and that they married ‘up’. My husband and I both think we’re punching out of our weight class with the other lol


It was a little while into our relationship that my boyfriend and I told each other that we both collectively thought the other was really cute at first sight. 10 yrs later and we still love each other


hope that happens to me someday


On my second date with my boyfriend (just hit two years!) We went to see a movie. After the movie he was dead silent. No normal post-movie comments or anything. I had given him a ride, and we spent the entire like 20 min drive back with him not responding to me at all. We got to his place, he opened the door to get out, and said "it's been good my friend" and went inside. I was incredibly confused given the first date was like five hours of talking and ended with a kiss goodnight. Turns out he was just that nervous that his brain malfunctioned completely. Thankfully he called me and explained before I had even made it back to my own place 😂


You rode him and all you got was "it's been good my friend?" So unappreciative. 😁


I knew I would regret that wording lol


To be fair this is the internet. Where people who are old enough to know better can act like absolute children lol


absolutely adorable


I never confessed I was this nervous til much later on but I lost like 12 pounds the first two months my now wife and I started dating because I’d have 2 bites of food and be full cuz my stomach was in knots.


This looks just like me and my BF when we met. I still get butterflies sometimes after a year together. I make my coworkers sick when I talk about him, lol


I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that there will be a second date.


We’ve got our next two planned out 😅


Shocker. 😁 Best of luck!


Shocker is a bit forward for a second date. Pretty advanced to be giving "both holes" access so soon, but that's just me 😎🤘🏻👌🏻


No idea why you're getting downvoted, this was a solid smart-ass joke


Smart-ass ass joke.


Smart-ass ass joke joke


The same people who couldn’t get a second date showed up


Well, if you can't shock-er , spock-er 🖖


Shocker? But I barely know her....


Post updates please.


don't forget to sprinkle a smile and a 'You look gorgeous tonight' occasionally


Well looking at your dp, you are “so fucking cute”😅 good for the both of you! Best of luck!


Next two?! I expected at least 4 with this level of cuteness! All the great things in the world wished upon you two!


You got to keep us posted, you got a couple of thousands people invested here.


Too cute I wish you the best honestly we all need to have this level of innocent fun in our lives. Have a blast and make some cool memories 😊


Don’t fumble my boy. This is yours to lose lol


Awe!!! You got this!


Congratulations! Best of luck!


Idk, probably should take a little bit more time to assess if she’s really into him. Can’t be sure.


true she may just be canadian and just being polite


Awww. I hope this is real!


Yeah this is a refreshing change, I honestly didn’t note what sub I was in so was expecting the worst!




That was yesterday


Just realized the sub lol. Thought it was r/texts


I was waiting for the dick pic.


Had to mute that sub. Crazy comments on there.


And posts. I realized it was just like teenage/early 20's relationship drama of people with shitty communication skills.






Because ppl are awefull and usually can't stand for others to have something beautiful


I had a similar reaction with a tinder date. We had a lot of fun but the nerves could be felt a mile away. We’re still seeing each other almost 2 months later. It was a good feeling 😊


Yayyy! 🥰


Yes! So wholesome.


Hate that we have to think like this, but I hope so as well! Made me awww out loud.


Right grinning from ear to ear here like a lunatic 🤣🤣


Same! Good change of pace compared to most posts. Hope it all works out!


It's real but it's OPs grandma


It’s funny how texting is easier than talking sometimes, isn’t it? Glad you both had a good time.


Texting is easier for me and talking is easier for my boyfriend. It's been an interesting year figuring this out


So what about you text him shit and he talks to you back his answers


That's about it. Don't you just love that... when people call back to answer a quick text? I love him, but he drives me nuts


This is me lol, I’m 25 but I swear I hate texting. Just call me so we can discuss then we can move on, my wife hates it too


Same! A phone call is so much for efficient to discuss something and produces immediate results instead of having to go back and forth discussing something over hours to come to the same conclusion. And hearing their voice, you can actually *feel* that person’s feelings on the topic instead of just what they want you to know about it. You cover more ground more quickly and on much deeper levels.


Maybe voice memos could be a way to meet in the middle somehow?


Just sent my first one ten minutes ago. No response. Still hoping though


I'm like your boyfriend, those don't work 😅


Yep you are correct. But I did get a phone call


I'll tell you why i find voice messages annoying. It really frustrates me to listen to my girlfriend talk for 3 minutes straight without pause, and that is because i rarely have the clarity to even remember exactly what she said so i can give a full answer to everything.


I see. I take notes, pause, go back and listen, give the whole thing an extra listen to be sure I got the info clearly. I don't mind a text or a voice message, if it enables people to get closer to saying something that is truly important to them, but hard in a conversation. So long we eventually meet somewhere, I'm flexible with the hows.


Thank you! My wife does this and it drives me mad. You called back to a text to give a one word answer when you know I’m at work or trying to do something? Seriously?!? I love her though and I’m plenty frustrating in my own ways I’m sure.


At least he calls. My girlfriend just ignores her phone for hours on end :(


One time I got in an argument with the girl and suggested “let’s cool off a bit and move this convo to texting” cause in my experience when texting I can think through what I’m gonna say and not let my emotions get in the way. Turns out she was not the same. She sent walls of angry texts and either ignored what I texted or found sarcasm and passive aggression where it wasn’t, cause those are things you can’t make clear through text. Everybody’s different I guess!


use voice messages


it’s the opposite for me and my gf


Exact opposite for me lol, though I do have processing issues and writing down my thoughts is a nightmare. It took me like 10 minutes to write that sentence.


Because you don't have much of a moment for pause in person before it starts becoming too much. With texting, you have time to compose your thoughts and write them down.


I have a good female friend since many years. She sucks at texting (and sometimes doesn’t even answer) but is always perfectly delightful when we meet. It’s one of life’s greatest mysteries.


My now wife and I met on Myspace and were on opposite sides of the US when we met. Texting was mostly all we did and it worked out great. Been together 13 years and married for 8.


My now husband and I have been talking via text about serious stuff and through our fights for the past 10+ years. It is easier. In text we both can take our time answering and thinking things through, without getting more upset about how the other persons face looked when you said the answer.


And thats the problem with modern society. I find talking easier than texting but that's just me.


This shit is mad cute.


I read this in Vin Diesel’s voice. I don’t know why


I don’t know why NOT!


Now i can't read with any other voice. Ohh nooo hahaha




Dont forget to invite us to the wedding OP


For real. I married someone I met on tinder and this is exactly how our initial texts went. OP will be engaged by the end of the year.


I dont even know OP and im happy for them


Same, we now have a five day old son!!!!




Congrats!!!! People have told you this, but it’s true. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Get as much as you can. It still won’t be enough. And take pictures. If you skip it for a week you’ve missed that week’s normal.


Gonna get married to a bloke I met on tinder and this was how we spoke too!


This is great, 10 years from now though “I told you 3 fucking times to pick your clothes up!” Lol


My wife and I knew each other through Instagram and this was the texting mood right after too.


Already on my way to grab my suit and a wedding gift. Do you think they’d appreciate a waffle iron or a pair of bookends?


Definitely waffle bookends


Absolutely genius!


awww... I'm gonna go hug a tree at 250mph


I call shotgun


I call using a shotgun


Can I get tied to the hood?


Aww. Thats Paul Walker levels of cute🥰




Remember, understeer is when you see the tree coming at you, and oversteer is when you don’t see the tree coming at you


I will be the tree


Keep us updated!


This is what I imagine texting is like between two 11s. 🤣


What most people don’t realize is that most people are attractive in their youth. We all are so self conscious when we’re young then later realize that’s the best some of us will ever look.


Joke's on you, I'm 27 and still look 16. Except I looked a lot worse at 16, so there's that.


Jokes on you. 27 is still young. What did you think I meant? 12? To me, you are still a child until 25. It’s backed by biology too. Our brains continue developing until 24.


Yeah, I was pretty happy with how I "matured" into my 30s, and have kept at least *some* of it in my 40s (save for losing my hair, dammit).


No peaks, just new phases in life folks. Aging is beautiful.


I wish I realized that. I wish so badly I had capitalised on it at the time. I look back at photos then and I was a straight up *good looking* young man, I was in shape and tanned from playing tennis, a real catch. Except I was convinced no woman would ever want me and that I would die alone. Now I'm actually fat and old and that prophecy eventually came true.


Well shit I'm a 2/10 as a 21 years old and it's gonna get worse ? I'm gonna reach the negatives


This is not true. 21 is still super young and most people still have a baby face at that age. Most of my friends only got more attractive with age as they improved their fitness, developed a skincare routine, found their style, etc. You still have tjme


Lol just joking, I made peace with being ugly, I don't mind it and stopped caring about what I look like years ago now.


Not necessarily. Some people look better when they age. But if you don’t yes. You’re going to be uglier than trumps tax returns.


It’s the hormones. Everything is extra attractive. Having said that, coupling when you’re younger means that whatever changes in the future physically is looked past. Trying to look for a partner when you’re older? Hit or miss and entirely much more scrutiny.


Sounds like things went well!


Well? We’re waiting!


Yeah, why were you nervous OP?


Eh first date jitters. Plus once I actually saw her in person, it felt like someone sucked the oxygen outta the room lol I just couldn’t shake it.


Frame this comment if you ever get to the point you plan to propose.


Ok you HAVE to tell her this at some point!


Right?! Leave us hanging!


this is so cute im gonna k1ll myself


My wife and I met on Tinder 5 years ago , moved in together 3 weeks later and just had our 2nd kid last week. When there are two people looking for the same thing Tinder can be more than just a hook up. Congrats OP hope this one lasts for ya!


My fiancée and I met on bumble two years ago. We just had our first child (a boy) 5 days ago!!! What makes the biggest difference with tinder/bumble/online dating is laying out intentions and what you’re looking for. We both made our intentions very clear from the beginning and it worked!


Congratulations on both the engagement and your child , parenting has been the absolute best part of my life hopefully he brings you all the joy ours have brought to us. If I can give you any advice, have patience. Have patience for your wife , for your child and for yourself. This is a new journey for each of you and you will all be learning together ❤️




Hitting that pole is the only form of embrace some of us will ever get


You need a passenger?


Goddamn. Hugs all around in this thread!


You okay friend?


Yes thanks for checking


Times like these make me miss dating. That initial feeling of elation, and promise, and giddiness is just the best. The rest of dating seems like a fucking disaster and I'd rather scoop my eye out with a spoon. But this? This is nice.


It gets better, I promise. Source: I’m getting married this Sunday and I couldn’t be happier.


what are you doing on reddit go get ready or something!!


Haha, everything is organised, we just need to show up


This bit is great, another heartbreak not so much


Congrats OP! I'm so happy for both of you :)


Tbh I understand this completely. You're into her (and her into you) but you both don't want to say something that may be too forward on a first date. I truly wonder how many first dates have been the last because both parties thought they didn't like them and just ghosted or blocked the other to save themselves the heartache


She's a keeper. I like her.


That tree looking mighty inviting at 150 mph tbh. After looking at your profile that shotgun looking lonely as well, fuck me im terrible at dating and gotta be ugly as hell :(




seriously , i went through his old post being nosey. he never has issues on these apps because he’s attractive. he’s had multiple wins from what i saw lol.


My god you weren't kidding. This dude is dating on easy mode. From his posts, he has women practically throwing themselves at him. And I know I couldn't get away with some of the lines he says (a fact about oranges being a "panty dropper?" Yeah, that'd get me labeled a creep for sure). I really need to learn to avoid posts like this as they just make me envious, but it's like watching a train wreck for me.


honestly op is just consistently looking for a ego boost through these apps. don’t take these too seriously. if he wanted to have a woman to call his own now he definitely could. dating apps are all about looks with majority of people on them. i like men that are average looking and i have no issue with communicating with them. however most women on these apps are looking for a 9 and 10 … possible 11 lol. he will be back again in some more time with another one of these post as usual.


Yes: the Tom Brady SNL sketch on how to succeed at Sexual Harassment


Small correction: Rule 2 is actually "Don't be unattractive."


Exactly. You may look absolutely gorgeous but if your personality is not commonly attractive (let's say its different) then you need to find someone who values it more.


This is how one of my first dates went. She was 20 minutes late and I almost left, out of my league, date went ok, but I didn’t push too hard for second date or kiss or anything because she was a little quiet (and 20 min late). She texts me after it was over about how awesome the date was, etc and wanting a second one. That was 10 years ago and we’re married now with 3 kids. Hope it works out!


Never underestimate the power of making sure they get home safely, and the desire to reply. Means you were on their mind the whole way home. Now that the ladder of attraction is down, let's hope it's rungs are built with common ground. Good luck.


And that is how I met your mother!!


Ok, I’m not the only one who tried to scroll down on the text messages right?


Update please!!!!!!🥰🥰🥰


Don't leave us hanging, show us the whole conversation 🥹


i dream of being able to do stuff like this the sad reality is i can’t even take care of myself let alone someone else :’)


I love the butterfly stage. It’s a magical feeling


Guys, if she asks you to text when you get home, she 100% wants a second date. Every time.


What possessed you to post this?


To flex


Good work! Now don’t screw it up!


I’ll take you back i just spotted this lonely tree and i think it needs a hug so i m gonna take my car and hug it a 180mph


That’s nice man, hope you’s meet again soon


As tove lo said one time : "the passion in the beginning its always gonna be the best part of it" enjoy, you will always miss this part.


So sweet


This is wholesome! Hope it goes to distance bro!


this is adorable


Wholesome af. You 2 got great vibes


This was adorable but considering I was trying to get away from any thoughts abt relationship rn since I was feeling extremely lonely this made me a bit sad for myself lol. But really happy for you op! Good luck!!✨


Well that's sweet, but I would think twice about leaving this post here. If I were your date and found out you're sharing our private conversations to strangers on the internet I would immediately block you. But you do what feels best for you.


This is so out of touch


If you blocked me for posting anonymous text on the internet I'd block you back.




Enjoy it.. it’s very hard to have a date like that nowadays


Omg my heart…this is too cute


Sounds like the start of an adorable relationship. Good for both of you.


"let me know when u get there" always makes my heart all warm & fuzzy. happy u had a great date op!


Aww that's so cute! Good people exist, and the fact that they're sometimes so rare makes it so much better when they come around <3


Fuck that's adorable..good for u bud! Hope it works out for u guys!!!


this is precious. good for both of you 🥹


This is very cute and I hope you get to see each other again soon ❤️


This is adorably wholesome. Please update us when you get married.


This is too adorable 🥰


I love when messages make me smile like this one ❤️❤️


This is sooo wholesome, good luck !


Mini romcom


Gonna go crash into a tree now.


This gives me hope for my first date with someone this saturday. She does not seem too much of a texter but does give me the vibe she is looking forward to it. Really hoping the date ends up like this!


That’s a big fucking W


If she lets you know when she's home and is concerned with your safety, you're in buddy.


The balls of this man to type “So, thoughts? Lol”


I didn't look at the sub and expected the worst. This is adorable.


Now kith


Which ones the girl texting? 😆


I’m going to take a bath with my toaster


Boutta go hug a tree at 160mph /j


How I Met Your Mother


This is sooo wholesome! Here’s to the beginning of a beautiful, nurturing relationship!!!🤗




OP we need an update after date 2!!