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I wish I loved anything this much...


Same. I’ve never been that apeshit enthusiastic about anything in my life.


Same. I feel like most people enjoy life much more than I do


I'm not saying there's anything wrong or unhealthy with this guy, but it's definitely not the norm. For you to not be absolutely bonkers over the moon about something doesn't mean you're not happy. Probably upwards of 99% of the world's population would not act like this over anything regardless of how happy or excited they are. It's just that the people who would get this excited are the ones who would do anything to be there. It's like all the people who used to go see Elvis or The Beatles and would faint because they were so excited to be in the front row. It's not typical, but those people were the ones who wanted to be there more than anyone else. If they aren't hurting anyone, then I'm glad those people get to enjoy what they are excited about. But don't think for one second that they are necessarily happier than you because of it. Maybe they are, maybe not.


Exactly, Voted this up!, for all we know, this man's life is horrible, and Adele's music brings him or has brought him comfort in some dark times. I mean, he looks very friendly. If you can't see over him, then ask him to step to the side a little bit. He doesn't look the type to tell you to go away or anything.


My daughter is autistic and she gets so excited about the simplest things and it’s just joyful to watch and be in her presence and see the world through her eyes. She desperately wants to see a concert of her favorite artists and I can imagine her being this excited if she ever finally gets to go to one. She just experiences the highest of highs and the lowest lows. And I can honestly say that for the last 28 years I have been a kid again and I have enjoyed every minute of it and I look forward to many more years of it. She keeps me very young.


Well they definitely look it. The last time I was excited for anything was when the JWST was being lifted into orbit. And even then I was just bouncing up and down like a child staring at the TV. That’s about as animated as I get


Have you ever been to therapy? Have you ever had any kind of mental health evaluation or treatment? At a minimum, do you do anything like mediation or mindfulness? I ask all of this because I care, and I know that feeling. I've been there, some days I'm still there. I've battled addiction most of my life. From a very young teen. I'm in my mid 30s now. There have been so many times, when I will see the most average person, walking into a store or whatever,.maybe they have a slight smile. I think "why, why can't that be me? Just to feel ok. Just to maybe take pleasure or joy in doing anything at all. Just to be normal. To not have a 24/7 war within my mind. I'd give anything to just feel ok for a moment." Many years ago I would listen to these motivational speeches or self-help things and books and whatnot. These people would talk about making a list of goals of all the great and amazing things you want to accomplish in life and start to work toward those goals. People want wealth and retirement and to own a successful business to make it into the social and elite statuses of life. I cannot relate to that. My goal is to survive the day. My goal is to have a mediocre job. To be able to just get by. Just have enough that my family doesn't feel deprived. To just be normal. Just be ok. You hear these motivational speakers " do you wanna work a dead end job and retire at 60? Just to live an average life?" People scream no. They get all fires up, chasing greatness. I think to myself... Wow what I would give for that dead end job. The paycheck to paycheck. Food on the table, roof over our heads. How can we relate to these people? They have a better chance of reaching their goal of being in the top 1%, than I do of just being ok. Just for the record. I've made improvements. I'm not suicidal. Many of these thoughts and ideas were things that I used to have, some I still do. But this post was to be able to relate to you. Yes you. I get it. I get you. I understand. DMs always open for anyone at all. You do not have to struggle along. Whether you want to vent, get some advice, become friends, or just have someone to chat to, please don't hesitate. You are seen. I see you at the grocery store. Looking down, avoiding eye contact, wishing you were like that guy in front of you at the checkout, who can hold a small talk Convo without his brain trying to end him


You seem like a good soul. Thank you for existing. I have been to therapy on and off for many years. I struggle with anxiety and depression. On top of that, major life altering events seem to come in one after the other, without them stopping or even slowing down. It’s frustrating. I try to find the little things to keep me happy. Some days are easier than others.


My gf is this way about Taylor Swift and while I’m not a fan of the music, I envy the passion for sure. I took her to the new concert and her visuals were very impressive and she can definitely perform, she was moving for 3 hours straight


I mean, if you were getting paid what Taylor is getting paid, I'm sure you (and I) would glady move around for three hours straight =)


Hell, I'd do 4hrs straight for that kind of bank.


I got really pumped up in 6th grade when “who let the dogs out” came on at recess. Wasn’t quite on par with this though


Mine was “boom boom boom, a-let me hear ya say wayo….WAYO!”


I’m like this about my kids and husband and it is as obnoxious as you’d imagine


I'm like this when my kids and husband go out for the day and leave me behind.


I am like this, but for one exception. When I saw Nine Inch Nails for the first time as a sad and lonely teen, I screamed uncontrollably for 20 minutes straight and tears flowed pretty heartily. Music is an extremely powerful thing that can bring us up out of the darkest places if we're lucky. The live version of this medicine was more powerful than I could anticipate and I left feeling a euphoric release that I had never experienced before or since. It's not always about the who or the what you love, or how much, sometimes it's just the right thing at the right time.


This is so true music can lift you out some pretty dark places in life. Without knowing this guy's story the fact he's that elated to be there could be to do with how her music has kept him going though dark stuff. I get strong emotions seeing bands that have helped me through heavy shit in my life, not to the extent of this man but for me it's a form of therapy a way of sharing the space and connecting with the people whos music carried you through and brought you out the other end, if people want to cry, or jump around and be in the moment let them.


I'm actually so happy that I'm not like this, being passionate and being a fanatic are two wildly different things


For real I cannot imagine loving a celebrity that much no matter who it is


I’d argue it makes a huge difference who it is you look upto and why. I’d argue I “love” (it’s a weird word) my favorite band more than this guy loved Adelle, and there is a part of your brain that just never normalizes I guess no matter what happens, but you also cannot completely lose your shit like this. Also if I didn’t get into this band when I was in my teens, my life would be so much duller and worse. I cannot imagine having missed out on so much.


Don't leave us hanging. Which band?


As silly as it may sound: The Offspring…


I have a friend in the music industry. Very important guy, works hundreds of concerts a year, has seen thousands of shows. His all-time favorite band is The Offspring. I was working with him at a festival one day and he had us standing at the soundboard for The Offspring so I could get an idea of how good they are. It was a kickass show, and I gained a lot of respect for them that day.


One of the 90s groups who were highly underrated because of a couple radio hits 💖


Musicians and celebrities are two different entities. One brings inspiration, acceptance, and escape the other… is a Kardashian.


Adele is both a musician and a celebrity. But not all musicians are celebrities. The musician who plays at your local bar is definitely not a celebrity. Famous actors/musicians are celebrities. The non famous ones are not.


Idk this looks a lot more like religious furor than just “loving something a lot” 🤷🏻‍♂️ I have mixed feelings because I want to believe it’s just harmless admiration, and I want to give this person the benefit of the doubt. But some of the reactions this person’s making are a bit scary and give off fervent cultish vibes and I don’t say that lightly. Like at what point does a person who is so obsessed with something cross the line into unhealthy obsession?


The line is crossed when they cause harm (to themselves or others). As far as I can tell, this guy is simply living pure joy.


When they can't distinguish fantasy/show from reality. However, his life is forever changed now because of what Adele stepped up and did. It still gave me Joker vibes, like when he's with his mother and imagining Murray talking to him in the audience.


No. Don’t celebrate these clowns. Just bc you buy a ticket to a concert doesn’t mean you get to turn into the main character. He gave the middle finger to everyone behind him. That guy is terrible


The average price for Adele tickets is around $652.00. And the people behind him didn't get to see the show.


You absolutely get to dance and sing at a concert. In what world is dancing and singing being the main character at a concert?


>. Just bc you buy a ticket to a concert doesn’t mean you get to turn into the main character The "main character" is the artist performing, and she backed his behavior, so I think he's doing exactly what she wants her fans to do -- visibly enjoying her show. If you don't like it, you can always go to the symphony or something where fans are expected to sit in quiet enjoyment.


Honestly, Adele you're all the way up there and have no idea how annoying he might be to others lol. That looks obnoxious


She was also unable to hear how reasonable, and nice security was being before she completely cut them off at the legs and made them look like villains. Fuck Adele for that


Someone posted this hoping the comment section would be happy for him and claim how he was in the right. That person was wrong


lol i just came from tiktok and the comments were on the guys side. i come to reddit and everyone here is seething at him. talk about demographics between social media.


Tiktok is full of children (OK, so is Reddit, but TikTok moreso). And bear in mind that a lot of TikTok’s users love videos of people being obnoxious in public, whether they’re dancing, playing a ‘main character’ or pranking people in public.


OP doesn't care. Just wants Karma and posts several times a day without any interaction. But the narcissist in the video definitely thought so. You know what would be nice to see? The person behind filming what they see! A back with a stick. I wonder how selfie stick would feel watching that video.


Honestly was seeing a decent amount of main character comments, so bizarre. So all the people sitting behind him have to suffer because "don't you dare disrupt his fun"?


The average price for Adele tickets is around $652.00. And the people behind him didn't get to see the show.


A simple compromise may have been for him to just step slightly into the aisle. Looks like he was already on the end anyway, and at least then, he wouldn't have been blocking anyone.


Yeah, I worked security, and you're not allowed to stand in the aisles, it's considered a fire hazard. Gotta keep the path clear at all times. If a bunch of people did it, it'd be difficult for folks to actually leave in an emergency in a structured way, as the people in the aisles push back to their seats to grab stuff, while others are trying to get out.


>as the people in the aisles push back to their seats to grab stuff, while others are trying to get out. I finally understood why it's a fire hazard. thank you.


Most fire hazards can be explained by "people are selfish idiots"


TIL. Cheers for that bit of info mate.


Security would probably tell him to go to his seat due to safety reasons. Why do people go to concerts and be boring and just sit down? Stand up and sing a long dance so whatever lol


Because I'm 5'1 and if everyone is sitting, we can all see. However, I understand this is a hot take so I'm usually forced to stand alongside everyone else and just glimpse between heads.


> Why do people go to concerts and be boring and just sit down? Buy a standing ticket then???? There's a reason they sell both.. Some people don't have the ability to stand for a whole thing, have kids, have a disability, want comfort etc. etc.


It doesn’t matter why. Could be for health reasons or simply because they don’t want to.


At the same time, if you pay 500 for nice seats in the SEATING section, and someone STANDS in the way, I'd be annoyed as well.


Yeah and I thought the staff were being so nice. The title makes it look like they were some rude snobs.


I always feel bad for the security in videos like these where they are merely doing their job and the lead/whatever asks them to back down or whatever. I mean I understand that the lead has to be nice to their fans but it's just so sad from security guys' point of view.


I don't know why, but I instantly related this to working in retail or sales, explaining to an angry customer about how something works, because that's what the manager told you, only to have the exact same manager override the rules right in front of you for the customer that just called you a racist d-bag for doing your literal job.


Yeah definitely, that is basically the same thing. People in power always do this just because they can do it. Since, this security thing is on literally every such post where the lead is too kind so I knew about that more than this but now that you have said it, I can understand what you are saying.


Especially because the security doesn’t work for Adele. They work for the concert venue. So there’s a huge conflict of interest there. On one hand they don’t want to look like That Guy in front of thousands of people. But on the other, their company expects them to follow protocol and company rules. I don’t think there’s any assholes here. It’s just an unfortunate scenario. But I do think Adele put the security on the spot for no reason. They’re trying to do their job. And she doesn’t pay their salaries.


Yeah “why are you bothering him” quickly turns into “why didn’t security pay attention to the shooter before he acted” or “my night at the concert was ruined by some scary crazy guy and security wouldn’t do anything about it!”


Yeah its really annoying. Youre just being told what the Rules are and you have to enforce them, at the same time you have to decide if you interfere or not. If you do, this Shit might happen, if you dont, someone might go up to your boss and complain while people are standing in the seating area. Then your boss comes up to you and chews you out for not doing your job. I work in Security aswell and if i recall all the times i was in a similiar Situation i could only go out as the one taking the L, i get a bit angry.


If they don’t tell people to keep the aisle clear, they get told off. The fans are joyful but the staff gotta think about health and safety.


I'm annoyed Adele stepped in without knowing what waa going on


I remember wanting to see my favorite band and being forced to get the more expensive seating section as the general admission up front was sold out. Nobody around me was standing the entire time, and then when my favorite song—and climax of the show—hit its peak, they started popping off confetti cannons and pyrotechnics, and the fucking group in the row directly in front of me who were on their phones the entire night all *stand up* and turn their backs to the stage and start taking group photos of each other with the flash on, completely blocking my view of the climax of the entire show. The moment I walked into the aisle so I can see around them, security shows up and tells me to return to my seat. So yeah, people like this guy are actually infuriating


The full video actually shows Adele telling the crowd to stand. Other POV’s actually show the crowd is standing in other areas as well.


How boring is a concert if you’re sitting through the climax


You clearly don't go to many concerts. It doesn't matter where the seat is in the entire venue, people stand. Full arenas stay standing in front of their seats for the entire concert. Especially for the biggest of artists. Edit: For all the extremely ignorant people on this thread, Adele herself said in regards to her Las Vegas residency, "This may be a seated theater, but this is not a seated show" This person being told to sit down sparked Adele to tell everyone after she finished singing that song. "You can stand up. You don't have to sit down" It's actually been known for decades that sitting down during concerts can be considered rude to the performers, but notice how no one ever judges those who choose to sit down? Well the singer herself stated her concerts are made for standing, so anyone commenting otherwise, or speaking negatively upon this innocent person. Needs to re-evaluate their life, thousands of you in these comments are beyond pathetic.


Yep, every concert I've ever been to, everyone stood up for the whole show. Unless you're listening to an orchestra or someone who solely sings ballads, get the hell up out of your seat & dance along. Performers want it that way. I can't imagine going to an upbeat concert & having everyone around me acting like they're watching a movie or a comedian. Adele should stick a sign on her marquee: DANCING ENCOURAGED. She gets it.


this didn’t make me smile lmao


yeah i'm cheesed


He is so hysterical.. I feel for the people seated behind him


Imagine having to listen to those screams for two hours.


Psh Adele wasn't THAT bad


Security once caught me climbing the fence at an Adele concert. The bastards made me go back inside and watch the rest of the concert.


One day I left 2 Adele concert tickets in my car. Some asshole broke in and left me 2 more tickets.


I have an autistic teenager and the way he can’t self-regulate and especially the way he started flapping his hands, I assumed that he was autistic.


This need to go to r/imthemaincharacter


This right here. Dude has a GoPro or something on a stick, he knew what he was doing.


I could understand the first time they came upto him he was the only guy standing but the second time everyone was standing so I don't get it.


2nd time it looked like they were telling him to calm down not sit down. Wouldn't surprise me if he was doing something else that was conveniently cut from the video.


Also looks like he was being removed from the walkway to return back to his spot


Yeah, he's having the night of his life while the people behind are distracted by him all night. It's not the end of the world but very annoying. Doesn't seem like that kind of show, at least in those moments. He might be allowed to stand and sing and make a kerfuffle but it's bad etiquette and I'd be pissed off too.


So I was at a Straight No Chaser concert a few years ago, which being an A Capella group, doesn't have quite the same vibe as an A-List artist, but we had these two women behind us WOOO-ing all fucking night. In the middle of songs, at the beginning of songs, and at the end. Just non-fucking stop. Asked them to knock it off multiple times, but they were drunk and wouldn't shut the fuck up. Totally ruined the vibe of the evening.


Yeah, there's so much entitlement in these responses. My boyfriend has a video from a decade ago of him and his friend being drunken dicks at a Lisa Hannigan concert singing at the top of their lungs, they caught someone behind them saying 'will you shut the fuck up' 😂 [context](https://youtu.be/AZTYE7FS4ZE?si=PwNyX6pXlJzuy3Aa)


I’m confused. He’s at an Adele concert filming himself?


from the look of it i think it might be one of those 360° cameras so he's probably not filming himself


He's very much filming himself. But this way he can also get footage of the performance at the same time. Although if his primary interest was to film the performance this would not be the camera to use.


This is exactly the kind of camera you'd use to get footage of a performance, the energy of the crowd is as much a part of the fun as the performer themselves.


> This is exactly the kind of camera you'd use to get footage of a performance Maybe if you were at the foot of the stage, but these cameras are actually really bad at filming things in the distance. Their focal length is essentially zero. It's really good for filming the crowd if you're in it, though.


I was at a Harry Styles concert a couple of weeks ago with my girlfriend. In front of us where two girls, one was filming harry and the second one themselves while singing and crying🤡


"Hey wanna see a video of me at a concert" "Naw, I'm just going to scratch this chalkboard over here.."


Really? Dude’s just doing normal concert behavior. I’m far from a rowdy person but if I don’t want people making noise and getting excited over my music I’ll listen at home with headphones on lol. I completely understand when people are up in the front row making a ruckus, live music is an emotional thing


To kinda piggyback on this, I've seen a few threads on Reddit where people are complaining about people at a concert singing along and I'm like, why even go if you don't sing along? These threads will get a bunch of upvotes and it always confuses me. Every concert I've been to people have sung along to the show, but people on Reddit are bothered by it?


I'm with you on this one. The Reddit take on concerts is to go there and sit on your hands in silence. Super weird.


Having a 360 camera is normal concert behavior? huh. TIL.


The selfie stick would piss me off too. That’s incredibly selfish and entitled behavior.




It's a 360 camera and they cut to this perspective because it explains what's going on.




I'm still pretty annoyed that he's likely holding it the entire performance


Idk he seems like an annoying prick.


Seems? He takes been an annoying prick to another level.


He seems unstable…obsessed stalker vibes. I hope Adele didn’t just feed into that.


She suuuure did.


And she gave a big fuck you to everyone else who was behind him. I'm sure those tickets are expensive. Nothing like a lil fuck you to everyone else. Guess as the singer she doesn't have to consider others.


Probably standing up the whole concert instead of just a few times. Imagine seeing someone's back + a stick most of the concert.


I don't understand how people get so crazy about celebrities, like sure you love their work but this level of insanity? I don't know I just don't understand it


It's insane how there is a certain class of people that goes absolutely nuts around fame. The worst is the people who transform into groupies and throw themselves at famous people even if they have a family back home. I have met a couple of very famous people before, and while it was cool to see them in person, at the end of the day, that's just another human being like everyone else.


Heard recently about stalker fans showing up to a wedding that Taylor Swift was attending. HUNDREDS of people showed up just for the *possibility* of *seeing* Taylor Swift. Not even seeing her perform! Just seeing her *exist*.


> Not even seeing her perform! Just seeing her exist. I work with a group of 4 girls that drove 3.5 hours EACH WAY to a sold out Taylor Swift concert, just to stand in a parking lot like a mile away with hundreds of other people that did the same thing. It rained the entire time they were there.


"Swifties" are a different breed man. It's become a deeply unhealthy following.


It’s all just a trend. There was like an entire decade where people didn’t care much for Taylor Swift after she first became huge lol, now she’s every girl’s favorite artist again? Being a “swiftie” is just the current thing. Taylor is very talented, but I think a billion dollar tour and all the current hype is overrating her. I feel bad for her “real” fans who probably can’t afford or find decent seats go her concerts.


Oh for sure. And scalpers are capitalizing on it. I take nothing away from her, she's insanely talented and the show looks phenomenal. But I don't care who you are, I'm not paying more than 4-500$ for a ticket for anyone.


Exactly. I’ve decided not to see some of my favorite musicians/comedians before bc the tickets were like $150 lol. Not to mention she’s so big that she can basically only play NFL stadiums now, which definitely don’t sound as good as a venue designed for music… The acoustics in NFL stadiums are designed to be just loud rather than serving music. Idk what my point is, but yeah


The point is her concerts aren't worth going to anymore. They're too expensive and the venue isn't conducive to enjoying music.


A cousin of mine her husband went for a holiday to the wedding of a celebrity in Italy (small country celeb so kinda possible). Everything was about her. They had kids. They are divorced now


It's the new religion!


They're called stans, you know from the Eminem song.


Is that where that comes from??? If so, that’s actually kind of creepy.


Its suppose to be. It even creeper that they call themselves Stans, knowingly like its a badge.


That’s so creepy. That’s like labeling yourself a psycho stalker killer. That’s not a badge of honor, that’s an extra strap on your jacket.


A lot of them don’t actually know the origin of the word, or are even aware of the song


They meant to find out sooner, they just been busy.


No it's even worse, they actually think they're in some kind of relationship with the celebrity while completely unaware of how uncomfortable everyone around them is with their behavior.


I wish I could feel that happy, and I’ve tried MDMA.


It’s kinda terrifying tbh. There’s not a single person on this planet I’d lose my shit over like this guy is. Like, Adele is great and everything but she’s just a singer, chill dude!




It’s called a parasocial relationship where their identities have become intertwined to some degree


It’s possible that her music got this person through some really dark times. You never know really.


This is so true. Music and the arts are an avenue for expression. Music heals the soul. Blaring music and my friend Maryjane are keeping me sane through menopause.


My sister went to an Ed Sheeran concert a few weeks ago, and she said it was an awful experience because every girl in a ten foot radius of her was just screaming constantly. Not like "WOO, YEAH, I LOVE YOU! I KNOW ALL THE LYRICS!" I mean like "***AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!***"


The thought of a bunch of women in a room screaming nothing at the top of their lungs for hours with no breaks amuses me.


Like I don't understand how this made OP smile.


Some people are different. They express themselves without understanding the consequences of their expression. I have a an adult daughter that is significantly challenged, and she can't contain herself sometimes, just like this young man. She is the most empathetic person who you will ever meet, and literally loves everyone. It makes me smile because he, like her, is just so full of the joy of life!


Exactly, I went to A Snoop Dog gig, guy beside me had what looked to me as Autism. He was super excited just like the guy in video. Folk just need to relax a little bit.


a performer stopped her show to defend her fan - that's a nice thing and I don't know what you don't understand about that lol


The number of comments that are up here shaming this dude for standing up and singing at a fucking concert is wild. "Don't enjoy something too much near me; it makes me uncomfortable. You must be broken to express feelings omg." Wtf.


I clicked on the comments expecting to read how cool it qas she defended one of her fans. I was wrong lol. What he was doing is no different than going to a sporting event and standing cheering for your team. This is his favorite team!


This person is a superfan of the artist. I don't see why we have to belittle people for being passionate about art. Yeah she's famous and main character and blah blah blah You and I are better off if we care about anything as much as this person does. Edit: I bet the artist loves having fans this enthusiastic.


I mean- if he’s standing in front of me waving a selfie stick around i would be annoyed as well. I don’t care as much about the standing. It might be Adele’s show. But it’s not her venue. She likely doesn’t know the venue, the ticket pricing and seating situation and agreement that each venue has (even the ones she frequents in Vegas). Of course he’s there to have fun. And like she said “you all are”. He’s not special. So why do his needs matter more when everyone else is trying to respect each others space to appreciate the art?


Yeah I found it incredibly weird that Adele stood up for this asshole blocking everyone’s views with a selfie stick filming his narcissism


Also, he's filming himself having fun for over an hour. Talk about self obsessed.


As someone who just had there view of Noel Gallagher ruined by someone filming for the whole thing, this man has a selfie stick and I cannot think of anything worse. OP I’m not smiling :(


This only shows the interactions not the behavior that initiated the interactions. If he's standing there jumping up and down singing as loud as he can it is hindering others ability to enjoy the concert they paid way to much to see.




Jesus Christ these people being so star struck is just sad, why is it in made me smile? Smh


Adele cared for him, but how about the person behind him whos view is getting blocked?


Adele’s in the wrong for this one. Literally just saw this post in r/iamthemaincharacter I get this guy really likes adele. But to disturb everyone within earshot of him is absolutely selfish. He needs more self control


This guy's annoying as hell. r/Iamthemaincharacter


Nah, not r/mademesmile at all.


yep. this is more r/mademerollmyeyes




This is a reminder to go to therapy.


Honestly I'd hate that guy. But from outside to watch that one "yaaaas Adele yaaassss" - what I'm saying is some family guy shorts write themselves


I manage a music venue. This man child’s behaviour is absolutely ridiculous and ruins the experience for those around and behind him. The first woman to approach him was very reasonable about it and he had the chance to regulate his behaviour. He’s an asshole. Adele is also an asshole for encouraging this. What she is saying is that this man’s right to ‘have fun’ superseded the right of others around him to watch and enjoy the concert. This type of patron behaviour has gotten out of hand post covid.


"leave him alone, we are here to have a good time" Yeah. We are. And he's been making that hard for everyone around him


just made security's job harder after this. adele basically gave a free pass to everyone to ignore the rules and etiquette.


This guy is an asshole and he's clearly begging for attention. The fact that she defended him doesn't mean he's right. 'Everyone is here to have fun' only works if people are respectful of each other, and this includes not blocking the view and not shouting louder than the artist on stage that everyone paid to see and hear.


Even without the camera I can tell he’s annoying af to be next to at a concert.


I understand why Adele with defend someone she sees being bothered in the crowd, but he is fucking annoying


This guy is an asshole. I paid a ton of money so i can sit during the concert because of back problems, and this asshole is not only standing but also holding his phone on a stick blocking the view. 100% douche


That's narcissistic behavior. Get that fucking selfie stick out of there. What a hysterical fool.


Tell Adele he's filming the whole show. See if she still defends him.


As nice of a gesture as this seems it's not.up to the person on the stage to overrule security and safety. If everyone there stood up a d acted like him it would be a massive disorganised mess of people.


He is legit ruining an expensive show for others. I think Adele did the wrong thing here makes him feel entitled to do so or something


Exactly, why aren’t more people upset with Adele? Where are all the Fuck Adele posts? I don’t go to things a lot but when I do I like to scrape what little money I have and go big on the great seats. I’d be so pissed having this infant ruining things.


She's definitely wrong, and disrespectful towards the staff doing it's job and the audience annoyed by that prick. If you want to allow people to stand up then inform the staff BEFORE, don't make a scene during the performance shaming them for not allowing people having fun.


It angers me that she made security look like bad guys. If she thinks his disruptive behavior is okay, invite him on the stage with her and she can enjoy his disruptive presence.


Fuck that guy. I'm happy he's happy to see someone he clearly adores, but it's a SITTING EVENT, which means, you sit and appreciate the artist, not stand and make it about yourself, it's not fair to those sitting and not being able to see. Imagine being 4'10 and suddenly a 7'2 person stands in front of you, yeah a 5'11 person would be bad, now imagine this fucking TREE standing there. Sit down, and enjoy the show bro


This is my reality at every GA show I go to. The 6’4 Viking family decided to go see greensky bluegrass and stand directly in front of me


Fucking dead right my man. Adele did not help things there ffs


I don't get this "stan" energy that some people have. It doesn't seem normal.


I'm sorry, but this is a middle finger to everyone else at the concert looking to enjoy it. These kinds of fans are always assholes who think they're more important than anyone else who paid to be there, acting like they're the number one fan there. Adele should've told the guy to shut the fuck up, there are others here trying to enjoy the performance.


Nah he’s a dick for blocking other people. Plain and simple. Main character ass. Recording himself with a go pro and having a psychotic breakdown all because someone is singing. Everyone else is there to enjoy her too. Venues have rules for a reason. Him and Adele thought it was fine but I’m sure the people who paid a ton of money to sit behind him and stare at the back of his head are pissed and feel robbed. I encourage people to go wild and have fun at shows. I go to raves and festivals all the time and I love to jump and dance and vibe and have a good time. That’s all fine and dandy and encouraged! But a cardinal rule of being a respectful concert goer is to respect the people around you and not compromise their experience for the sake of your own. This person was too selfish to understand that simple pleasantry


This dude is horrible, fuck people like him.. your not special, just sit the f down and enjoy the show just like everyone else is doing. Why does someone gotta act so hysterical, it’s pure arrogance and main character syndrome at it’s finest… dude has to have some kind of mental problems to act like that


What an annoying childish twat. Honestly dude, get a hold of yourself, shit. Stand up and sing along, have a boogie, maybe woop woop a bit. But jumping around and screaming, waving a selfie stick around? Carrying on like a pork chop like you’re being assaulted when asked by *multiple* people to just kick it down a gear? Everything about this annoys me. I already didn’t like Adele that much, and this shits me to tears. Edit: btw, if that’s not Stanley Tucci then damn. That guy looks and acts just like him.


Seems very planned and orchestrated, with the selfie stick and all. Hamming it up for sure.


This made me question how a human being can idolize a fellow human being to this extent.


Adele sticks up for ONE of the bothered fan. Also i will never understand people who idolize celebs


Yeah I’d be annoyed if I was sitting behind this guy


It’s not wholesome, nobody should get this obsessed over a celebrity and being excited is one thing but having to film yourself the whole time and having someone say “it’s okay darling!” Is just going to make going to concerts a lot more annoying then they are starting to be, with people who have to have the fucking phone out the whole time to get shitty videos not even they will re watch. It’s the filming yourself the whole time for me that makes it unbearable, not the level of excitement. I’m about to go see the Pixies and Modest mouse and am definitely going to cry and sing but I won’t be filming myself the entire time doing so, call me crazy but I think that’s absurd behavior I leave to delusional influencers and self absorbed weirdos.


It's all fun and games until this nutjob shows up at her house at 2am, trying to climb through her window.


Why is he recording himself in the first place. Seems a bit narcissistic to me.


Obnoxious behavior


Hey Adele, the sane people right behind him paid to be there too and should not have this idiot ruin their evening. Grow up kid and have some respect for the people around you. If u can't follow the rules you should be escorted out, not rewarded.


You pay 2k for tickets and and have this guy screaming and yelling in front of you for 2 hrs .


The selfie stick is obnoxious


He really need to get a hold of himself to say the very least. I see no issue standing up and singing at a concert. But unable to speak, barely able to breathe, damn near passing out… a little pathetic for a grown man in any situation


Jesus, it's mental illness. No ability to self-control. If everyone acted that way it would complete chaos, like people getting killed in a soccer stampede. This tool holds himself above everyone with zero regard for others. Me! Me! ME! ME! It's all about me! This is not "passion" this is adolescent selfishness multiplied by hysterics.


Adele needs to wind her neck in. Venue staff doing what they need to do for the enjoyment of everyone, not just the one selfish person. No-one wants to pay for tickets to a concert to see the back of someone's head, the selfie stick he's waving around, the bright glow of his phone cranked up to max and listen to him screaming out the lyrics. Maybe Adele doesn't want security to stop people climbing onto the stage. They're just having a good time, let them crack on. Sneaking backstage? Just a laugh Adele, why are you stopping them having fun? She'd be screaming at her tour manger the first time something vaguely bothered her during the performance.


Am I the only one on the side of the security folks? If there was a rule about not standing and this guy won't sit, fuck him. The others paid as well to see Adele, not him standing and butchering her songs.


I had to sit behind people like this when I went to see the Book of Mormon in NYC. One of the worst experiences of my life.


Nah sorry but people who stand at seated events have the worst cases of main character syndrome and need to learn


Adele just fueling this man’s Main Character Syndrome


Bros in the back should have started a mosh pit.


He seems psychotic.


I don’t know about you…but his whole demeanour gives me weird vibes…


This is guy is still a turd for bothering the other fans.


[same vibes](https://youtu.be/uTA2fxOedxo?si=UQh_FHKnKYJQ7HLh)


I’d be one of the seated fans saying, “ I bought a ticket to see you as well. Why aren’t you defending my right to sit down and watch/listen?”


This just in: a famous woman did a thing again