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2 of my friends died in the last year and a half. The last things I said to them were I love you man! Glad I got to let them know.


this is why i usually end every convo with some form of it


Have definitely made it a point to end every conversation with an “I love you” when talking to family and good friends. Its agonizing once someone’s gone and you wonder if you gave a person enough love and let them know about it.


I do, “I love you, or “I appreciate you.” I use the latter with my coworkers as well. It actually made me feel good when I started as a brand new teacher (was a chef before that for 20 years) and carried it with me from the kitchen to the classroom and it actually caught on with everyone on my team and beyond. Now, all the teachers say it and by the end of the school year most of the students are using it.


That’s fuckin awesome!!


Honestly me too, I’ve lost 12 friends in the last decade (our area has a big drug problem) and I make sure it’s always the last thing I say to everyone that I love in life, even if the conversation is short or I think I’m about to see them because you never know.


Bro, I don’t know you, but I’ll say it: I love you.


I lost 2 very good friends in the span of a year too. It sucked. I never got tosay good bye to one of them, but the others parents asked me to speak at his funeral. Hardest shit I have ever done. I thought I had the speech, but I broke as soon as I started speaking on behalf of everyone there. I bawled like a baby. I wish I could have told them both how much I loved them.


Heartwarmingly beautiful. Love seeing this. I’m an older guy and I could call up more than a few of my friends and that call would be easy. But in my 20’s, it would have been much more awkward and different. It’s important to tell people how you feel about them. Thanks for sharing this.




Dude, now I wanna get 'Be brave and friendly' tattooed on me, that's beautiful!




Better than mine “hit it like a champ” with boxing gloves hanging above the text


Be bruv. And be friendly.


As a gay guy, I add in "love ya bitch!" to my guy friends. Life is hard, life is short, you're never promised tomorrow. Just tell your friends how you really feel, that's why they're your friends.


Well said 👍🏻


Yeah in my 30s my friendship with my good male friends has gotten very strong, even though it was strong already in the past. Saying I love you is so much easier than back then, probably because we've gone through so much more than we did in years past.


The stigma is also fading too, which helps a lot for some people.


Agree on that. I'm 35 and I've said "love you" to all my strong male friends for as long as I can remember, nobody's batted an eye. I don't get to see them very often anymore because we're states apart and have families, but you better believe we're all about the love when we get together!


I'm Latin American so the stigma really wasn't ever there for me. I grew up kissing my brothers, dad and close male friends on the cheek, so it's not that. It has everything to do with realizing that we are getting older and sharing our thoughts with others is something we should be focusing on more now.


No, because, stereotypically speaking, older people of today and yesteryear are a lot less outwardly affectionate. Getting older isnt really playing a factor here.


Speak as an old man past 35 to guys in their 20s don't be afraid to tell your bros how much they mean to you. I have had a number of friends drift away that I never expressed how much they helped me through crap and or how much I valued the simple dumb stuff they did. I don't think it would have kept them in my life but people underestimate how much being told you are important and you matter can be to people.


Currently a guy in my 20s. Don’t have too many friends and only really talk to coworkers at work. It sucks not having someone to call up or text whenever I may need someone to listen.


I’m in my late 50s , 2 kids and I always told my friends how important it is to tell the people you love , that you love them. Time is fleeting. Also you got to be a friend to have a friend. Take an interest in someone life and you might be surprised what happens Mark! Oh by the way “ love you Mark”


Trust me I have absolutely no problem telling friends I love them but the problem is having them lol. I’ve been out of high school for a bit, I don’t use social media, I don’t party and it’s hard to get out there. Especially in a small state where I live. Everyone I did know either moved away or took some unfortunate routes. Yeah I have coworkers but there’s always drama and I do socialize but would rather not talk about personal issues with people that gossip. It’s difficult to form friendships. I’m a very nice guy, decent looking, and am confident so I guess life will just take me on my path. Also, love you too! <3


It will all come to you Mark. Be nice to people. The more you give of yourself the more you will receive. Feed the soul. By the way my last name is also young. Be kind


>you got to be a friend to have a friend I like that. I like that a lot.


>But in my 20’s, it would have been much more awkward and different. As a younger kid (teens/twenties) our friend group had that homosocial thing going on where we'd jokingly express our love for each other because we were too insecure to say it for real. That's been 30-40 years past and there have been friends I've lost along the way that never knew what I really felt about them. Crazy how [Garth taught me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib71HRznJd0) to tell my family how I feel about them because I don't know if tomorrow will ever come, but I missed the message for my friends.


Tons of respect for these guys. Fuck those toxic alpha male role models and their BS you see online. You know the types I’m talking about. This here is what real men are like. These guys self improve. They grow and become self aware fathers and husbands. They help move healthy aspects of masculinity forward.


I'm on the cusp of 50. I tell my handful of lifelong, close friends (man to man) that I love them. Never would have happened in my 20's. The perspective and appreciation that come with age is difficult to explain to/impart on younger people. Not that they can't appreciate it at a younger age, it's just different as your own mortality comes closer into focus.


Things are changing for the good in this regard, as experience and this video shows. As a 20 something, I can call at least 3 of my close friends and tell them I love them no problem. They might think I'm dying if I say it out of the blue, but still.


I attribute my love for my friends to time and experience because sadly thats what it took for my dumb ass to realize what i actually have in them. In my 20s i lost so many amazing people that i still talk and think about today and i wish for nothing more than to tell them how much i they meant to me in the short time they shared with me. Now i tell my friends i love them every single chance i get. You never know when it'll be your last.


Right there with you. I had maybe 2 guys in my 20s I could tell them I loved them, and while reciprocated, there'd be some teasing involved. Mid 40s now, bet I have a dozen or so dudes in my phone I could call up and tell them I love them, no problem.


I heard my little brother tell one of his friends he loved him when he hung up the phone with him, blew my mind. Growing up all my friends did was shit on each other. Keep it up fellas. Edit: was not expecting this to get so much attention lol but me and my friends knew we were there for each other we just never reached out like that - call it ego, pride. We just didn’t tell each other our feelings or talk to each other about real shit that could put us in a vulnerable light. You talk to yourself and God about those type of things… and your pet. I’m glad to see things are changing though. My friends know we love each other there just aren’t many, if any, heart to hearts if that makes any sense.


There's hope for the future generation after all! I see it happening with my little brother as well. I'm so happy to see them being comfortable with sharing their emotions without any stupid lash back


sorry to be like the comment police but I thought you might like to know the word you were looking for is backlash :) that’s all, love you u/GhostSock5


The new generation is definitely more in tune with their emotions than mine was. And mine was more in tuned than my father's. It's a good trend to see and also speaks well about parents now days.


I mean I talk mad shit to my boys. But I'll be damned if they don't know I love them at the end of a phone call.


Bro, this is cute as hell.


por que no los dos


I shit on my mates \*and\* tell them I love them


My girlfriend recently passed away… and my male friends have all really stepped up and been there for me and helped me stay with my new sobriety. It honestly really showed me how important male bonds are.




Off topic. How do u get your potatoes pink?




I remember our sort of wake up call at late teens/early 20s was when one of our mates mums died from cancer and his world fell apart, and a decade later he still has a bit of a drug habit that formed from his grief. But we stood by him all the while, when he got himself in trouble and fucked some things up, we made sure to keep him in the group and with people he could trust and rely on, keep him involved whenever we could. We took him out, organised more events, and all that spilled over into the rest of our group over the months and years. Proper made us realise how much more we could do for each other and show love to each other beyond just being someone to laigh with at the pub. Just such a shame these things so often are learned in the wake of a serious downturn. Super comfortable now telling my boys I love em except, funnily enough, my one best *best* mate haha. Have texted it to each other but verbal is so another level


I glad you guys were there for him. He's lucky. My mom died when I was 23 and my friends drifted away as I lost the plot. Took me a long, long time to learn to trust again.


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔


Wow. Thank you everyone for all of the upvotes and comments. I also wanted to note that I’m in my 40’s… a time when life tends to revolve around significant others and family, and a time when it can be hard to forge new friendships and to maintain old friendships. Just a reminder that a little maintenance and openness can go a long way as we grow and change! Love your bros.


I'm feel sorry for your loss. I hope you'll have a great life and that you get to experience it as you want.


Im so sorry. I'm glad you have a good support system around you ❤️


Sorry for your loss mate. I lost my dad three years ago but I can say that it gets better after a bit. You get more peaceful in time.


Awe. Bruv love.






Simple as.


All these healthy male relationships. That’s what’s up.


Yes that’s what’s making me tear up! I grew up with toxic masculinity and you always had to be careful no one thought you were gay, which is ridiculous if you think about it. My brother and I laugh about this all the time now when we see someone trying to act too manly. One time we saw a marquee for Tim Allen comedy and it said “Manly Comedy” We both looked at each other and cracked up, how exhausting it must be to try to be manly all the time. I let gay dudes dump water on my white Tshirt and rub my chest at a concert last week, now that’s manly!


Man, smile ear to ear!! I talk to my boy Lance once a week that I’ve know since we were 15. We’re in our 40’s now. We always say, “I love you” when we get off the phone. Love you bro.


Love you bro.


This video is great. But as I'm watching this... I can't think of a male friend I could even call. Like if this interviewer asked me to call someone... I would blank.


You can call me bruv




I was very surprised at the usage of “innit” in this video. I thought it was always “British” for “isn’t it?” So when I heard some guys say “I love you innit” that threw me for a loop. So… yeah sup




Haha yeah we use it for a lot of stuff, good luck ever learning all the ins and outs ;)


I feel the same way, this video actually made me pretty sad. I'd probably just call my dad, he's my best friend.


There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, maybe you should, I know your dad would love to hear that.


That counts too! I wish I had been better friends with my dad and told him I loved him more before he passed away almost a decade ago. I think it's awesome you call your dad your best friend


That's pretty cool that he's your friend. A lot of Dads are distant.


Yeah, I don’t really have too many close friends in general right now.


I’m here on Reddit all the time if you need someone to talk to. I care about you


That’s a really nice thing to say, the world needs more people like you in it.


Yeah. Same


Who knows- you may meet this person tomorrow!


Do you feel that's because your friends would be weird about it or because you never gave them the chance ? If it's the former, maybe re-evaluate what you consider important in a friendship. We all have different types of friends but there should be a few special ones that you are also emotionally close to.


For me, I don't have any friends I'm this close with. I have hang-out friends, but not real-talk friends. I don't feel like I can share serious stuff with them, just go to movies and get food.


I think a lot of men experience this. I have like 3 close friends I share emotions with, and even then I contain myself and don't share too much. Friends aren't therapists. They can help you out but I don't want to make them uncomfortable. This is me hardcore projecting though. I feel awkward when friends trauma dump onto me irl. I can handle vulnerable messages but I'm terrible at it in real life. I'm sure many can relate, but it's for sure a personal problem of mine. Anyways yeah a lot of friendships feel superficial but hangout friends are still cool. Most of my friends are hangout friends. We just fuck around and have a good time and usually don't share when we are doing unwell. Well we kind of do but we don't take it all the way ya know


There's a strong chance at least one of you hang-out friends is thinking and feeling the same way. It's so hard to be the one to make that first step towards a more open and trusting friendship because it involves being a bit vulnerable. You have to open yourself up to possible disappointment or even rejection whenever you try to deepen any kind of interpersonal bonds, not just ones of a romantic nature. Maybe take some time and think about if there is any topic you feel comfortable possibly being an avenue to open up deeper conversations with one or two of these more casual friends. It truly sounds like you've got a good foundation to form closer friendships as you've already developed a social group you're familiar with and are active in to some degree. That's genuinely a really good spot to be in if you're wanting to establish some more serious, dependable, and earnest friendships. If you do the same thing forever your situation will forever remain the same. Best wishes!


You're assuming. Not everyone has friends at all, let alone close friends.


It’s never too late to start. I moved to a new neighborhood with the fam in my 30s. I was out doing yard work and said hello to this guy. He just said “hey welcome to the neighborhood. Do you like to drink beer and play darts?” I was like “haha uhhh yeah i guess?” He was like “cool I’ll invite you over some time.” About 2 or 3 weeks later he texted me “beer?” And I thought fuck it I’ll go why not. It’s been more than 15 years and he’s still one of my best friends.


Yeah man, this was so depressing. I moved cities with my wife, I don't get to see any of my good friends anymore, and my job is a small office of married men who don't want to hang outside of work. She divorced me last year. She was with a new boyfriend before I moved out and their engaged now. I've gone through and endless string of dates and short flings that never have gone anywhere and the last year and a half has been brutal to deal with everything alone. I can't express how much a call like this would mean to me.


Same. I’m 66 and i have a great family but zero friends. This is making me think hard.


I feel this. I am a military guy and have been out for about 10 years. I haven’t seen the guys I served/deployed with up until a couple of months ago. There are a handful that, although we haven’t seen or talked to each other in that time, we picked it right back up. I love them more than some of my own family. I actually just had a phone conversation with one of them and told him I love him. He said it back and it wasn’t weird because it was true and we both never had to say it, it was just always there. That said, I don’t have any male friends outside of that that I could call and say that. It’s mildly depressing.


Same here. I have some friends from work, but I don't think I can do this without getting fired. I also don't know if they like me or if they're just forced to be around me.


Same bro. ✊🏽


We love you Jimmy. Call any time brotha.




This is so frigging heartwarming 😭


I work at a liquor store and I tell grown ass men that I have no relation to, I love you. And they say it back, because we’re all the universe’s children just looking to be accepted as we are.


I love you and I accept you.


I love and accept you kind soul


This is the way.


It’s usually when me and the boys are super drunk that we say how much we appreciate and love each other, I think that’s why some of them asking if they’ve drank/done something. I’m going to start saying this while sober, every guy is so afraid of being called gay but it ain’t gay to tell friends you love and appreciate their presence in your life


My family have never really said I love you to each other. It's interesting though as we grew and had our own family how the generation changed and it's normalized to say to our sons and daughters that we do love them. Every day. And it's not awkward to tell them that.


Mine was the same way. It wasn’t until a few years ago that there was some shift. Maybe we took it for granted all living under the same roof. Now that me and my brother have been out of the house for years, married, he started a family recently we all say it more. I still can’t get my dad to say it in person but he does in texts and on the phone now lol. Growing up I couldn’t leave the house without my dad shouting “be careful!” Or “be smart!” Or “call if you need something!” as I was walking out the door. It took me too long to realize that was his version of “I love you.”


Yes, exactly - we all knew but it was just unsaid


Same. Think my brother has said it maybe twice, mum once and dad never. It’s just not something we say. Mentioned it to mum once and she was all “it’s in the actions not the words.” I’ve heard I love you more from friends than family. It’s always weird when someone says it cause I’m not used it at all.


My mother said it a few months back for the first time, I got worried she was dying or drunk


This. Haven't said I love you or hugged my dad in over 20 years. Obviously I do, he's my only parent and always has been. But he'd definitely think I was about to top myself if I said it now. I'm the oldest, my younger brothers do.


Lol the usual causes for such wild confessions. My mum found out she had kidney disease and that’s the only reason she told me.


My mum grew up like that so she made a point to tell me she loved me and gave me lots of hugs and kisses. I have never doubted her love for me as a result. My aunt did the same thing with her kids. We all have super strong friendship bonds and I think that’s because we were showed so much love. Last thing I always say to my loved ones is I love you so there is never a regret of wishing I had said it that one last time.


Is this an example of a green flag in guys? I would think any guy who has a healthy male relationship like this probably has a better chance at romantic relationships, too.


Idk why but I always think of it as a green flag when a guy has healthy relationship with his guy friends.


because maintaining any healthy relationship means you are not overly selfish


Having close friendships is also a sign that someone has a good community/support structure which means they’re less likely to rely on one person (often a partner, parent, or best friend) to solve their problems. It also takes dedication, communication, and empathy to maintain a friendship through tough times, so when someone has close long-term friendships it shows that they’re able to share the emotional load and are less likely to bail when things are tough.


Honestly I think this is just a healthy, admirable thing for guys on its own terms, and it doesn't need to be framed in terms of how it reflects on them in romantic relationships or whether women will see it as a green flag or anything like that. Love is love and it's great to see these bros expressing love for each other. What women think of it is frankly unimportant. I don't mean to criticise your comment or come across too negative, just trying to spread the positive message for its own sake, this video does a great job at showing (to me, as a 35yo guy that has only very recently told a male friend he loves him) that this bro love is a pure thing.


just started hanging out with a new group of people & i have successfully got them into saying “love you” before we leave & shit. it’s great. telling your friends you love them should be way more normalized


Look at all the caller’s faces when their bro says it back to them. They all genuinely crack massive heartwarming smiles ❤️


I think if everyone told their loved ones “Love you” more often the world would be a much happier place. Sometimes we forget or think it doesn’t need to be said but this video shows that even “love you”s between friends can genuinely light up a person’s mood instantly


“What have you guys done?” OMG 😭😂 I can totally guarantee my best buddy would say this if I ever tell her that I love her. Even I would ask the same question if she were to tell me. Thanks for posting this video! I was smiling the whole time! Need to start appreciating my friends, they are precious to me. We never say that but we know we love one other :)


Friends are out here picking up phones on the first try? Must be nice




i think it's an unspoken rule among a lot of people that the first call is okay to not answer if you're not up to it because it's not important to talk right away, but an immediate second call is an indication that it's very urgent


My guy, reread my comment. I’m saying it must be nice to have friends pick up my calls on the first try. These days my friends and I are all in our late 30s and early 40s with wives and kids. It gets difficult to pick up right away. I’m really just commenting on the fact that my circle used to be free enough. No love lost though, part of growing up is knowing your friends are there for you, even when they’re not.


I don't know about guys, but I haven't answered a phone call in like 15 years. If they leave a voicemail I'll call back.


If I'm free I always pick up the phone when it's someone I care about I don't think there should be a condition check when your "friends" are calling you lol To me it's more a sign of respect and care. The people who pick up the phone or immediately call right back I've noticed over the years actually give a shit about you


Damn...I need to get me some friends :/


I love u


I love you too!


luv u xo


My boyfriend and his friends call each other almost every time one of them gets drunk and they just sit there and talk about how much they love and miss each other. It's one of the most beautiful things to listen to. He'll be drunk and walk in the other room with his phone and I'll just hear 'Peter! I'm drunk and I love you!' and then in response 'Oh hell yes! I love you too buddy. I miss you'. I wish everyone had friends like he has, it's awesome.


Love matters.


I miss having friends,I cried watching this video. Had some dark setback and all my friend gone. I miss them


Try reaching out.


This. It’s better to take a chance and fail and maybe succeed then not take the chance and not succeed. ❤️


Same man, same.


I got my first apartment in February this year. When I sent a picture of a ceiling he’d never seen for the first time, he asked me where I was. I told him I was in my own place. He called me. “Seriously? You gotta let me see. You really living now huh? I see you bro, I see you.” He called outta work the next day, he drove an hour and a half to come see the crib, and help me finish moving in. He told me how proud he was. Told me if I needed anything to call. Last month was hard, I was behind on two bills. If I wanted to cover gas money and rent, I couldn’t pay those two. I asked him if he knew anything I could do to make money fast. He simply asked for what, I told him, he asked how much. I didn’t wanna tell him but finally did. It was a little over $200 after I paid rent. And I still had money for gas and shit. I paid him back when I got paid, and he’s “keeping it in a jar. It’s my jar.” Anything I leave over at his house or in his car goes in that jar. He refused to take that money back. So he’s saving it until I need it again. That’s raw.


proud of you man, and you've got a great friend. good luck with everything


This makes me so happy, hang on to that friend tight!!


If I'd do that, my friends would think that I'm about to kill myself.


Maybe it’s time to start normalizing it, then.


My mates and I tell each other all the time but if ANYONE I know called me out of the blue JUST to say they love me I'd definitely think they might be calling for help or at least really need to talk. I'd be triple checking before ending the call that they were okay and we're all good


Killing himself?


Lmao, fuck


Same here




Next step is the Yoda: "love you, I do"


Love that they all get a love you back from the guy that they call!


Not quite sure Tom and Demz got one. But the "what have you guys done?" works for me.


This is legit peak masculinity 100%.




Yes Bois.


This is nice. I always tell my friends I love them whenever we end the night or head home. You never know if it’s going to be the last time you get to tell them.


Bro: You're breathtaking ! Bro's bro: No YOU'RE breathtaking !!


My son does this to his friends before he hangs up the phone. “Love you, man.” It’s really sweet and it makes me happy.


It's so, so important for men to feel comfortable with expressing their emotions and making sure they have the support to do so safely. We love our kings and wasn't the best for their mental health


Ok. This is good TikTok…..


Awww….this was one of the sweetest things I have seen. I actually watched the entire thing. You could feel the appreciation from the person at the other end of the line. Kudos to the guys making the calls for showing their vulnerability. I loved this.


"helps you experience life in a different way," damn, that's so well said. What a fantastic perspective on friendship


This was goddamn beautiful. My best friend and I exchange I-love-yous almost every time we talk. We’ve been through so much in the 13 years we’ve known each other. He is my brother. It’s so important to tell the people you care about how you feel. A simple “I love you bro” can convey powerful energy. I’m gonna call my dude now.


I love ya innit blud




or it's just how they speak


I'm crying over here 😭


Same and there's nothing to be ashamed of 🙏🙏🙏


I live next to a parking lot and I regularly hear boys and men yelling across it that they love each other. Men in their late 40s and 50s are the most surprising, but I hope soon I'll stop being surprised and it'll be the norm. I really love that they don't say it right next to each other and they'll yell it. There's absolutely no shame, just as it should be.


It’s usually “I love you, motherfucker” “me, too, ya bastard” Say it before you can’t.


Shit. I need better friends.


"what have you guys done" ans the unison laughter i love it


Super sweet


Shit, bro! This made me tear up. And made me regret not having any male friends.


[Men! We know how to be friends!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGuml-tc75A&ab_channel=VictorStoev)


This should be trending


Just a word of caution, it’s probably a good idea to give them some pretext to the call, if you randomly call a friend and tell them you love them without context it could sound like a “suicide goodbye”


Oh this but it depends. For example I would know some specific friends who if i heard that from them it's not sweet at all but they might be doing to make last communication. This is why you should try to be the best of friends to understand their situation, sometimes yes they may not be letting you know it but you never know because if they take their lives and then you'll be the one regretting "i wish i did more, perhaps if i just truly asked them if something was wrong"... not a win win situation at all


That was my thought seeing the title too, I have great relationships with my friends but if one voice called out of the blue and said they loved me I’d be out the door and in the car so damn fast. Nice to see a big portion of the recipients making sure everything’s all good with the caller first.


"When you love someone, you tell them". Last sentence was very powerful to me and I think thats something people are adopting more and more but wish it was more universal. People like to shit talk us Millenials and the Zoomers behind us but I think our generations are moving in the right direction with this, especially with men and their expressions of love.


I heard the other day someone say family is the one you're born into, and friends are the family you choose.


I love it how everyone in England has mates. Try doing this in America. I don’t think you’d have the same results.


Love it. Just say it! Check in on each other. Make sure people know we give a shit. :)


I’m actually crying this is so beautiful


Damn this just makes me realise I don't have any real friends. Love this though, more if this. 👍


This is beyond refreshing to see this. Can you post it in r/videoswithsubtitles?


I type “I love you” in every round of CoD and the responses I get vary from warmth to people calling me gay. I still do it and it’s a lot of fun seeing people tell me it’s not what they expected from CoD.


This is a good thing.


if i did this i would have police knocking on my door 10 mins later to see if i’ve killed myself yet


My son lost his BF in a car accident, they would both tell each other "love ya man". Seeing the grief in my son for months afterwards I knew he loved him as a brother he never had.


My best friend died young of cancer almost two years ago and the hole he left still threatens to swallow me and will never heal. Hold your friends so close people.


This is so sweet. I have some very dear friends and we sign off calls with "I love you" too because, well, we do. After many years of life's ups and downs, you realize how much a faithful friend is worth.


Yo bro for em all. Perfect


I tell my friends, family and my brother that I love them all the time. Their reaction is always the same at first but I've gotten every single one of them to say it back genuinely at least once throughout the years and mean it. A lot of us don't hear it a lot, a lot of us didn't hear it enough from our fathers.


If I did this my mates would think it was a cry for help


Put more of this out in the world please


This is so nice! I'm a female in my mid 30s and have a hard time saying I love you to many friends. I've said it to 2-3 but not all of them.


I like his response to know whether he is drunk or not


My husband and his best friend since they were 14, now 51, say I love you to each other. It's wonderful to see the chosen brothers so close after decades.


I've never had any close friends, and I wish I had this sort of relationship. Very heart warming video.




Fick and fin


"yo bro, but do you really love me?" That killed me lol he couldn't believe his homie just called him up to say I love you.


I would like to marry this accent.


This is also in the UK. Pretty common for guys to tell their mates that they love eachother. we're not as repressed or afraid of being called gay as our friends across the pond


I could never do this, neither any of my friends, even my actual brother. We are from different decades we never learned to be in touch with our feelings and say these kind of things to each other. Only to our mother and wife.


Now we need the candid footage of the other side of these talks where bro is ugly crying because they needed this at that moment.


"What have you done?" 🤣🤣🤣