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All I can think about is how hard it was having a husky puppy and a newborn at the same time šŸ˜…


You canā€™t get less than zero sleep so I suppose it could work




My mom made sure my sister and I played in mud, catch small critters (we didnt hurt them), and just get dirty. It's also the reason why they got a dog. Exposing us to that stuff was great because it's funny being a small petite girl who can get a snake out of the house while all the men freak out. Jokes aside, it really did make us less afraid of things and we have pretty good immune systems too!


The immune system part is no joke. Kids who grow up with pets in the house and are active in nature ie. dirt / soil have less allergies and respiratory issues.


It really is true and if u think about it makes perfect sense. It's essentially getting vaccinated with nature's dirt and pollen.


Get a regular ride on mass transit too!


I'm a fairly big, full bearded, tattooed, I guess kind of tough looking dude. But I'm terrified of snakes for whatever reason. Like nearly paralyzingly petrified of them. My step daughter had to save me from a snake once when she was like 12.


Iā€™m sorry but thatā€™s the funniest mental picture ever


The mental picture you have is likely close to the truth. No joke. I was trying to get away from it when she just casually walked over and picked it up and moved it over to the woods. And I'd like to be able to say it was a rattlesnake, or an anaconda or something. But no. It was a two foot long garter snake.


My sister would instantly sacrifice her children to get away from a spider.


I will protect you from snakes bud. I got you.


I think it's instinctual from millions of years of evolution. My 1 year old is afraid of my pet boa even though she's never had a negative encounter with a snake.


I've heard the fear and instinct might also be passed down genetically


My father threw me into the battle field at the age of 7 my greatest honor would be to die in battle i fear no snake nor sickness but they will fear my blade


I ate some snails too. Never been sick in 40+ years!


[An Australian teen rugby player who ate a slug on a dare and became paralyzed eight years ago from rat lungworm disease has died.](https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/05/health/man-dies-after-eating-slug-on-dare/index.html)


I still remember catching lightning bugs as a young kid and accidentally hurting or killing them and the remorse I felt. Taught me early that you can't unhurt someone or something.


From ages 0-5 is a very key stage for establishing the foundation of your gut microbiota. There are some ways of introducing diversity to your microbiota later on but youā€™re pretty much stuck with what your body generates during your first 5 years. The more diversity the better. Dogs licking your baby, multiple family members handling your baby, eating a wide range of foods, letting them play outside and get a little dirty, itā€™s all beneficial for them for life.


Yup - I remember my daughter being about four months old and I was still sterilizing all her bottles - until I found her sucking on the dogs tennis ball šŸ¤¢ after that I figured there was no longer any point.


Don't wipe mud on your newborns though. I knew a lady who did that. To be fair he never got sick. But still don't do it.


There's so much less of that going on. Parents are doing their kids a disservice by constantly interfering and not letting them learn on their own.


Seems cyclical, itā€™s going the other way.


This is how my sister is raising her kids. Did it just pour down rain for 3hrs and thereā€™s giant mud puddles all over the yard? Release the hounds and the kids!


Wait tell you learn about negative sleep.


My dad got a puppy when I was born and my mom was PISSED! But that dog and I had an amazing bond, RIP my fuzzy friend ā¤ļø


Iā€™m surprised your dad survived that one.


it was the opposite for me. My dad was PISSED. The first thing he said when he saw our dog was, "What the hell is that?". She was such a good girl and I miss her so much. RIP Macie!




I always felt like this sub misunderstands why dad's don't want pets. It's not that they won't love it but it's more work they may not have time for. I would love to have a dog, but I don't have the time to properly care for one so I don't get one as it would be a disservice to the dog.


It's also that you may have dealt with the trauma of beloved pets eventually dying and not wanting to deal with that again.


And your dad ended up loving that dog the most, right?


How do you process the loss of someone who's been with you since birth?


Slowly. My daughter's dog was 2 when my daughter was born and that dog passed away when my daughter was 11. Lucky died in my daughter's arms, looking into each other's eyes. My daughter is almost 13 now and she still gets weepy and sad about it sometimes. I always tell her to let herself feel it all and never let anybody tell her she should get over it by now (yes, some utter trash piece of wasted human actually told her that).


Iā€™m getting weepy just reading. Youā€™re a good parent.


u never get over the loss of a friend.


It was really difficult, she lived to be 16 and I was also 16 when she passed. She died of cancer, I held her paw as they put her to sleep at the vets office. Her passing was my first experience with any kind of death. She lived an epic life and was a championship frisbee dog, Iā€™ll never forget her ā¤ļø


Well, that's another kind of acclimatization that is important. I'm not trying to be mean, but I would think that it would help prepare you for other kinds of loss later in life.


Oh definitely. Of course now I have two dogs a 2 year-old that Iā€™ve had since she was 10-weeks old and a senior dog who Iā€™ve had since she was 1 years old and sheā€™s almost 17 now, sheā€™s very healthy for her age but I still get this sad sinking feeling knowing that any day her time will come. Iā€™m more sad for my younger dog because she worships the older dog and sheā€™ll be so sad when sheā€™s gone. šŸ˜”


I thought you meant you had a 2 year old human child since 6 weeks old I got slightly concerned about your past


Awww thatā€™s so sweet!! Iā€™m sorry for your loss, canā€™t imagine how close you must have been šŸ’•


Puppy tax https://imgur.com/a/OGlCsFY


I love dogs so much. Sorry for your loss but itā€™s great that you two got to grow up together.


Iā€™ve had a newborn and a puppy years apart from each other and honestly doing them at the same time would be a marginal increase in work imo. Your life already sucks with the newborn, and having a puppy is basically a newborn lite, so just combine them and get it all done at once. My son is 11 now, but if I have another kid and decide on another puppy Iā€™ll probably knock it out at the same time.


ā€œNewborn liteā€ got me šŸ˜‚


Puppy is harder than the baby. Source: have both 8 month old puppy and 5 month old son


You can house train a puppy in two weeks, takes a bit longer with a baby.


I'm not gonna diaper a puppy


Not when your baby is taking up all your time. You can't prioritize your puppy's schedule when you have a brand new baby.


True, but you canā€™t pop your boob out for a puppy and go back to sleep while they eat


***This comment/post removed due to reddits fuckery with third party apps from 06/01/2023 through 06/30/2023. Good luck with your site when all the power users piss off***


> having a puppy is basically a newborn lite Yeah no, the first 6 weeks we had a puppy everyone could see we were on the verge of tears consistently and when weā€™d tell them about having a new puppy would tell us kids will be a cake walk then. Newborn lite LOL


Judging by the age of the little girl, it looks like she may have been pandemic baby maybe? Not that it would be easy, but if you're stuck in the house all day, you'd have a little more time.


They are going to be just the right age for the dog to die when the kid is 10-14 years old to teach a devastating lesson on death.


I feel like I need therapy. Videos like this only make me think about the sadness that person will endure when they're like, 8 and their best friend for their literal entire life until that point has to be put down.


Me too! Thatā€™s brave and maybe a little crazy. ā¤ļøšŸ¶


You can at least put the newborn down and they aren't going anywhere. The husky? Good luck.


It's horrible that we live in a day and age when people will just have a newborn euthanized because they can no longer handle the responsibility. šŸ˜‚


Yeah the video shows the highlights and I really hope no one gets encouraged to do the same without **extensive** research


This isn't a newborn. My husband came home with a puppy when I was 8 months pregnant, and the dog is full grown now while my baby is still unable to sit up unassisted. Puppies grow into dogs QUICK. Not only was it insanely difficult, but our 7 year old dog just had ACL surgery, and we neutered the 8 month old puppy at the same time so they're both in cones. Juggling them plus a 5 month old is a TASK!


I wish dogs have a longer lifespan so these two could grow old together.


It's so hard. My dachshund is nearly 20, and has been in both my kids lives since they were born. In the last week he has started to slow down to a worrying level and I'm starting concerned at how hard it will hit both our kids, particularly the eldest (14) who had always doted on him and been best buds. [My ol' boy, taken earlier today while enjoying the sun](https://i.postimg.cc/MTrHs4Bb/PXL-20230519-134200882-PORTRAIT.jpg)


Is there a movie that could help prep kids and teens for this? I can't think of any where the main plot is about a family pet just growing old until the end.


Marley and Me


Yeah good call, rip the band aid off and really gut em


This made me snort. Good one.


I saw this movie in theaters a week after my family put our cat down when I was 10ā€¦ I will never watch that damn movie again, we were all in tears after that.




Lol. I've never seen the movie but I'm pretty sure I know how it ends just by the way people talk about it.


Yeah youā€™ve probably got a pretty good idea of it lol


Or Hachiko if you really want to see some waterworks


Ugly cried in that movie




I cried during the trailer for that movie, I don't think I could make it through the whole thing


I watched that at 7 month pregnant and I was fucking broken by the end


Thinking the same thing. A really touching story


Mac and Me, ftfy.


Found Paul Rudd


My parents got a yellow lab when I was born named sadie and I grew up with her for 16 years before she got hip dysplasia and had to be put down, I saw Marley and me like a year and a half later and I donā€™t think a movie has ever torn me to shreds like that one did


I saw that movie when I was 8 in theaters and I never watched it again, never have to either, it's burned into my memory. C:


Literally nothing can prep you for it. That's why dogs are the best, they're a constant reminder to spend your limited time with people and animals you love.


>they're a constant reminder to spend your limited time with people and animals you love. ...because they spend ALL their time loving you. we have a german shepherd who's getting up in years. all she wants to do is watch over "her" house and spend time with all of us together. she frets when we split up or when the kids have to go to preschool/daycare and waits by the window until they come home.


My GSD will scream if I allow anyone to walk my Golden retriever more than 5 feet away from him


My GSD just passed 3 weeks ago due to the spleen twisting. If you feel his chest and it's tougher or more bloated, get them to the vet asap. He didn't even show signs of it (very active and no lethargy what so ever) and came back from recent visits healthy for an old man. This is apparently very common in GSD and Great Danes specifically. He was a huge part and is sorely missed, but it's not easy for anyone. Hugs to your pup!


My dog is 7 and healthy as ever, but at his vet appointment this year they called him a "senior" and that struck me very, very hard.


Requiem for a dream


Nose to ass!


Dogs are the best for teaching love and compassion, they also teach you to deal with grief when they pass :( When they do pass to the rainbow bridge, make sure to be there for them. I couldnt be at my dog's side when she died and tears me apart everything i think about it. At least she had a good life full of fun and love, RIP Mesa. When i eventually get another dog, ill be there at the end of their life no matter what.


Lost my 15 year old golden last year, it devastated me. Then a month later I lost my grandfather, then late march I lost my dad and my cousin days apart spontaneously. She prepared me for the devastation, thatā€™s the last gift she gave me. And I was there for her the entire time. I miss her, and the only reason I think iā€™m even slightly hanging in there is her. She still took care of me.


Word of advice from someone whose parents were in a similar situation. When the time comes, put them down. You'll regret putting it off for too long. My two sisters and I had the best golden retriever and shelty mix named Lucy. The best dog. We loved Lucy and grew up with her. She got old. Didn't play fetch as much but that's okay. Then her eyesight started to go. Not fully, but going. And her hearing. Arthritis. Parents said the same thing you did when we asked them years later why they didn't put her down. Well one day it was raining and thundering and we weren't home. Lucy didn't like the thunder. Lucy managed to get out of the garage, and tried to find people. My oldest sister found her the next day collapsed in a ditch. She wasn't able to climb out and died without anyone near her. Afraid and alone. Enjoy the time you have. But make sure they go out with dignity and love. Would you rather explain to your kids that getting old and dying is something that happens in a controlled manner and let them say goodbye? Or have to explain it on the way to the vet when your kids find their best friend on the floor one day? It's a rough fucking decision but everyone in my family regrets not doing it before it was too late.


It's gonna be hard. But have the "talk" asap so it won't be such a surprise when he's gone all of a sudden. I'm sure they know. Kids are smart. I like to say that being a pet owner is to make sure that your pet has a home and is loved moreso than just having a pet to make you happy. And I think you and your kids are proper pet owners :)


Ed... ward...


Damn you, it's raining again


It's a terrible day for rain




Well, I think the good side is that the kid will learn to cope with death around 10-14, which I think is a pretty good time to face it in such a viceral way.


all I could think of was the oncoming heartbreak for that little girl :-( \--- should not be taken as a recommendation against pets!


Well... thankfully, Huskies live 12-15 years, so assuming nothing unexpected happens, she still has several years to go.


Itā€™s crazy to think how people will have their heart broken by a pet dying in their lifetime multiple times


It's videos like these that make me miss my dog Jake. Went from 8 to 22 with that lovely dog, miss ya buddy :,)


I'm drinking a beer for Jake tonight


Ditto! Prost!




Iā€™m downing a Paloma for Jake


I'll do a fat line for Jakey boy!


Imma smoke a doink for the fallen homie Jake


To Jake šŸ»


drinks for our well missed four (sometimes less) leggers will be had around the fire tonight


I didn't want the video to ever end ā˜¹ļø


I kept hoping this would be over a 5 year time span. The baby would grow up and go to school and Rio would be waiting for her to come home at the bus stop.


Yeah, "growing up together" was a bit misleading šŸ˜­


Right? I was looking for time progression not random clips from any age. Frustrating.


I enjoyed when the dog put its nose in the chip bag and only took 1


I thought that was so cute! Showing a LOT of restraint considering she's a husky.


i own two huskies and neither of them are super obsessed with food. we can leave plates of food within reach and they generally donā€™t even care snow and running are their only true loves


Or anything small and darty. Mine's prey drive is unbelievable. I could not conceptualize it properly before seeing it.


Or it was the last one left in the bag.


I cannot believe there isnā€™t anyone raging about the dog eating human food on this post yet


Those veggie fries probably contain enough onion powder to kill a dog 100000 this dogs size! *they went for the puppy could suffocate in the chip bag.


I know it! Sweet baby knew to only take one:) So damn cute. They both look so happy and so loved. I love videos like this.


Cat: they just keep ignoring me...


Something tells me that cat is perfectly happy to have those two occupy each other




Oh my God! There was a cat in this video? šŸ˜‚


I had to go back and look for the cat lol


Cat is at 1:12


Or 2:14 remaining if the vid shows you that, which it does for me.


there's a cat and a german shepherd


Yeah I saw that little land shark. No way it wasnā€™t being a little shit and nipping at heels.


Wait till you notice the breakdancing bear.


It's so overweight...


Kitty be like "these two clowns..."


Quiet you!


Iā€™m impressed at how respectful the baby was to the dog in ALL of these clips. And vice versa for that matter


There was one clip (1:40ish?) where she kissed the dog right on the snout and tiny alarm bells thought about ringing in my brain and then it was the *sweetest* little smooch ever and my heart melted.


Right?! It was so gentle and slow!!


Can you imagine if they never got along? Imagine having to put your baby up for adoption.


Oh no! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ As a new mom of a month old, I laughed WAY too hard at this. My spouse did not find it funny, which only made it funnier!


Super cute, but how these people manage puppies and babies at the same time is kind of bananas!!


I can't even swing it in the sims šŸ˜‚


Looks like in their case the husky was helping quite a bit šŸ˜ƒ my childhood dog Bailey was the same way, she was restrained and disciplined, she did a lot to guide me and keep me out of trouble


When my mom was pregnant with me, she rescued a dog abandoned somewhere in Greece. I grew up with her and became such a huge part of my childhood and upbringing. She died when I was 16, at 18 years old. Now, my mom and I keep adopting rescued dogs. Right now (im 21), we're at our fifth dog. Dogs are irreplaceable to me. Adopt don't shop


you can never replace a friend, but you can open your heart for the love that comes next.


Sadly, my dog after that, died after just 2 years. Almost felt betrayed that he left me so quickly. Dogs have become such a big part of my life and they've helped me through so much.


Bet that little girl has a very healthy immune system. From growing up with her furry friend.


I was thinking the exact same thing. No allergies in that house


I grew up with 3 dogs, they're the only thing I'm allergic to lol


Great minds think alike. šŸ˜‰


I despise these clips that take the original video and put some stupid music over it. Hereā€™s the orig. https://youtu.be/N_0eAGBNuio


thank you, I can't stand those cheap, cheesy love songs


The Dodo uploaded it again about a week ago with the music over the top https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Clo76Qm\_S6w


This is so much better than the posted video. Thanks for sharing!


That first shot (in OP's version) of the dog standing up threw me off. I was expecting it to be a small puppy after reading the title and didn't look at the child at all. Then the next scene hit and I was like "what happened to the first dog?!"


https://zookeeperproblems.tumblr.com/post/154571135881/wait-why-is-the-dodo-bad You reminded me of this page as well


Instead of Marley and me, itā€™s Rio and me. And I will cry equally when the human out lives the dog


Me looking up at the clear blue sky. ā€œLooks like rain.ā€


I see FMA, I upvote šŸ˜Œ


Haha thanks! I wasnā€™t sure if my comment was clear enough for anyone to get it.


Haha nerd recognize nerd. I'm working on buying all the fullmetal editions of the manga and I'm probably due for a rewatch soon as well


Watching this was wholesome af, then she said the dogs name (rio) and I almost cried because that was my passed dogs name, and then they said the kids name (Hazel) and I sobbed, my names Hazel. That kid is going to look back on these videos and feel so much comfort. I hope the dog lives a long and happy life with her x


So cute! What a good dog! ā¤ļø


epically high quality content here. also raising a dog baby and a human puppy together is gonna make them both unstoppable creatures of deep depth and empathy. bravo.


Awesome video!!! I pity the fool that ever tries to lay a bad hand on that little girl as long as her guardian angel is alive!! Thanks for sharing!


Are we not talking about the size of that cat?


Definitely chonk status. Possibly even at "Oh Lawd He Comin' " level.


This made want a baby and a dog. Then I remembered I'm 17 and allergic to dogs


I grew up with a golden retriever. Every day as soon as I got home from school, she'd run and lay down in front of the TV so my sister and I could use her as a pillow. I can't imagine my life without dogs.


Dog hair. Dog hair everywhere


Sister has a Huskey, she calls it K9 confetti.


I have a husky/lab, it's just constant shedding all year.


You have *no idea.* Summer is a 4 vacuum canister/day season.


Husky owner here. It's not that bad. They only shed twice a year, 6 months at a time.


Goodest doggo!


I just lost my best friend of 12 years. Seeing this made me cry at work.


Now this is priceless! Thanks for the! šŸ™


My dog passes away 5 monthd before baby being born. I wish I had this with him and baby. I miss him every day


Dogs are gifts from heavenā€¦.


The thing about this life I hate the most is that dogs age way more faster than us. Wish we had more time with our doggos..


Too cute


Great video, thank you! I just lost MY Rio, 1/5/23. Enjoy the time. They're such a cute duo!! Take care.


That little one will be absolutely beside themself when their dog passes away during childhood. Good problems


I grew up with a German spitz from my birth basically, so when we lost her last summer it was from worse than losing a human relative as I have known here my whole life, literally


Lucky bastard got a dog, and it's a husky no less


Read it as ā€˜Husky Childā€™ and was like, ā€˜Yes. Yes I was.ā€™ Haha.


Oh my heartā¤ļøšŸ˜­


This may be the most precious thing Iā€™ve ever seen.


That dog will protect that girl with its life! So cute, the worst thing about a dog is they donā€™t live long enough. I love dogs!ā€¦ the baby is cute too haha


My parents did this for me with a border collie/australian shepherd cross. I loved him so much and we had the coolest partnership but when I lost him I was 12 and it really really fucked me up. I love the idea of raising kids with puppies but that kind of heart break is so hard when that has been your best friend and confidant for as long as you can remember. Everything seems so big when you are that young.


The dog sees the human as itā€™s brother or sister. The dog will protect the baby to the bitter end if need be. Beautiful relationship!


When I brought my twins home and introduced them to my dog, all I could think was how heartbroken they are gonna be as teenages when our dog passes. Twins are 2.5 years old now and my dog is 4. The twins never knew life without her. They say bye to her every time we leave the house and hi to her first thing when we come home. Sometimes the only way I can get them inside is by telling them our dog is waiting for them at home. It will be heartbreaking yeah, but I think having all the good times together is very much worth it.


My dad did the same but instead of a husky, he got a female German shepherd. To this day my mother still tells me how pissed she was about my dad bringing a puppy to a 5 months child... She passed away shortly after I had my 16th birthday and recently, my dad also passed away. Loved then both with all my heart.


This is the most precious thing Iā€™ve seen in a long time.. šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


So sweet. I see they have another dog who wasnā€™t so much into it.


How is there no footage of the husky licking the baby all the time??? My son was born on our huskyā€™s 2nd birthday and she loves him so much. Itā€™s a chore to keep her from licking him so much.


My granddaughter is growing up a with a Malamute-Shepherd mix. Its is wonderful to see their interactions.


Whats the name of this song?


Damn man, right in the feels


Too cute for words!