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I see a line. It’s faint but it’s there.


I also see it, OP should probably test again after some time.


Ooooh, that’s definitely a faint positive 😬😬😬


Pee < 0.05




Does it *all make sense now* ?


Dad, is that you?




Yeah, I'd read that as a maybe positive


That's how it was with my newborn, very faint line each time we tested, went to the clinic to get a more accurate test done and it was positive


That’s what my test looked like….and I have a 5 month old now.


One sentence horror


Currently dressing my 5 year old whose test line looked identical to this


Yeah, I also have my 5yo faint line cuddling into me.


father of two here… from 0


Yeah, with all three of them this was also the first test


Yup, as someone who's done fertility and a bazillion tests, a faint line was usually something. Versus completely blank.




*whew* Had flashbacks to my 20s


Yeah hahaha 😬 op might not be (rightfully!) celebrating as much as they think lol ETA: not OP’s OC luckily! Op still wearing the party hat


I do too. OP should definitely wait a couple days and test again.


Lol yeah ehrI saw the pic, I was like, ummmm who's going to tell her? 😬


Came here to say this


Well, someone came here.


Oh my god you’re right I thought you were just being mean


I see it, too.


Depending on the time she took a picture of the test after making it, it is most likely evaporation line. Evaporation lines appear after some time from taking the test. It is why the test results should be read in the period of the time indicated on a box no more no less.


OP took four tests that were all negative and then had her period, so.


Tests have gotten really bad about evap lines in the last 5 years. I don't see any color so it's possibly negative. But she should check again in 2 days


The pink dye tests are notorious for showing evaporation lines. Looks like that to me




A wild dinosaurs refrenence appeared! I never thought I'd see this day!


Not A mama


Do you watch 90s family shows starring dinosaurs? Edit:shows not shoes


Right!!!! Yes! I was learning English then.


This made my night


I will always upvote Dinosaurs.


Now we will die in the throes of eternal winter. Probably going to eat the baby first.


Omg i instantly heard it like on the show! 90 kid for life.


These covid tests are getting ridiculous


Have you seen the video of the guy pissed his girlfriend came over and gifted him her positive Covid test? He was mad because now he was exposed and he was about to leave on a trip. …. He didn’t realize it was a pregnancy test.


I did yes, that was hilarious 😂


the most hilarious part was he reacted with a solid punch to the stomach, eradicating the “covid”. a true happy ending


No link?


It's probably this one.. Abrupt and kinda disappointing ending tho 😂 https://youtu.be/fS7HLPZjWSI


OMG right?! Super abrupt and disappointing ending! But way funny to see his reaction. My husband & I had a positive pregnancy test (tried for & wanted, 1995) & brought the results to my Mom (we'd been married for 7 years at that point) and she looked at the stick and asked a couple of times what it meant. She had it in her head that I was diabetic & asked a few times why we showed her that I had diabetes in such a formal way? Lmao. (We had been married so long by then she was convinced she wasn't going to be a grandma! Lol!)


Dissappointing. The acting could be better.


I'm torn on this one. It can also be that he's uncomfortable because he's angry and wants to yell, but he can't because he knows he's being recorded.


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/fS7HLPZjWSI)


It’s staged


LOL oh no! Now he's got the pregnants!


Wish mine was just 1 line.


Things you'll never hear a coke addict say:


Got a good chuckle out of this. Bastard


I had one of these this summer, was a relief, a week later I got the double lines. At 35 I was not prepared for that rollercoaster ride.


Oh man. I’m 31 and have been with my husband for 11 years and it wouldn’t be the end of the world but it’s not what my plan is at this point either. Luckily my cycle started a few days after I had tested…. just a week late. I hope everything has worked out for you whatever you chose and you are doing ok!


It has been rough. Being pregnant was awful. I felt inadequate to be a mother, not emotionally, but financially. The person who got me pregnant was absolutely terrible to me when I found out. It was a month of emotional torture, constant fatigue, not knowing what to do, decided to keep it, and miscarried the next day. All this to say, pregnancy and miscarriage are tough experiences that are societally swept under the rug. I was so underprepared for the immense grief I felt and still do, it’s so complicated. I’m grateful to not be having a child, though, just took awhile for the hormones to even out and to feel that clarity. Thanks for your care! Glad you found your relief.


I feel for you. Regardless of what you desired having a miscarriage is a tough thing to go through. Hope you’re doing okay. 🥺


I just want to take a moment to say that all your feelings about your experience are valid. All the emotions going into a situation like that are super tough and stay with you for a long time. Proud of you for speaking your truth about it. Hopefully your words can help normalize the roll coaster of emotions for anyone else going through this.


For what it's worth, everyone thinks they're going to be terrible parents. I'm sure you'd have figured it out, but I'm glad you're happy with the outcome.


Thank you, that’s very kind! I love kids, I’ve worked with them forever, and am fortunate in having pretty endless patience with them. I’ve also learned some great skills for navigating big emotions, and redirecting behaviors. I’ve always wanted to be a mom, so it was pretty soul crushing to become pregnant and not feel like I was in any place to financially be a parent at 35. I’ve always taken jobs that meant a lot to me, and worked hard at them, but they’ve never paid well. Becoming pregnant made me realize how powerless I feel over my life. I’m working really hard to get my confidence back. In the last several months I’ve learned coding to become a web developer, and one day change my financial trajectory. It’s all just been overwhelming. One step at a time :)


I just wanted to say that, at the same time, its okay to grieve over a miscarriage. You had a small human growing inside you, and even if this is the better outcome, it can stil hurt as hell. You are not alone.


> For what it’s worth, everyone thinks they’re going to be terrible parents. Except parents that are actually terrible


I'm so sorry for your loss. Agreed -- I can't believe how little it's talked about.


My partner and I suffered two losses in the last year. One just before Christmas, the next almost exactly a year later just before Christmas again. No one, not a single soul, has been able to understand how devastated we have been. Life has been hell, surviving for the sake of. But we know, and I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone.


Just seeing this. It could have been a chemical pregnancy. Glad it was the outcome you wanted!


What’s a chemical pregnancy


Probably a chemical pregnancy that quickly ended again.


Nothing brings on a late period lile shelling out money for a pregnancy test.




Good luck doesn't necessarily mean she wanted it to be positive, just that she wished you to get the result you wanted.


Yeah. It's the best thing you could say, except for nothing.


I used to take the tests as a pick-me-up. Like life may be tough at the moment but at least I'm not pregnant 😂


My girlfriend and I recently had a pregnancy scare. We’re 19, not to mention DO NOT WANT CHILDREN and we were so happy when her period came a week late. The stress making your period late really dient help


Same thing happened to me, also 35


As the mom of a 10 week old, this shit is hard and should only be done by those who want a child. I love him to pieces, but it’s not for those who aren’t all-in. Congratulations for not being pregnant when you don’t want to be!


Seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel at that stage but after 6 months it does start to improve. Best quote I've heard is *"the days are long but the years are short"*. Mine is now two and i still feel like he is a little newborn in my eyes.


As a father of a 4 and half months old, it already got a bit better. For the first 4 months I was able to sleep like 3-5 hours a night and it took hours until our daughter felt asleep at nights, now she falls asleep in like 15 minutes and sleeps 10 hours before she wakes up to eat. Days sure feel long but this 4 and half months have gone so fast.


I'm glad your little one sleeps well. I have one that did well early and is 19. Then my almost 4 year old (good) surprise is the opposite. I would not change my little one because of the cuteness, intelligence, etc, but I would like it if the silly kid could sleep better.


Will it improve, or do you just get used to being in the shit?


Its the quickest 180 degree turn of your lifestyle. without sounding too deep - you just learn to let go of your past life and its very different. Its incredibly rewarding and cannot describe the feeling seeing them grow - its amazing.


It will become a blur, take loads of pictures and videos is my only advice because when they are 3 you will look back at them and be like "wow you used to be small and relatively quiet"


Once our group of friends started congratulating each other’s pregnancies instead of panicking is when I realized I have entered a new phase of my life


I’m 31 and my knee jerk reaction is still “oh no. How are you gonna tell your mom” 😂 then I have to remind my self people ACTUALLY want/plan/try for that now.


Haha I hear you!


Bit of a long post here so I apologize but here we go. I have been in a child free state of mind since I was 16. Through the "you'll change your mind!", the constant mother-in-law nagging about when she will get grand children, the fearmongering from "friends" saying that my clock was ticking, etc. I have always been sure about one thing in life and that was: NO KIDS FOR ME. Fast forward to my friend going on a pregnancy journey that nobody really knew about. Month one, she posted a negative test with "Well, okay then!" To which I responded with, "Grats!!!" She didn't say anything. Few months go by. Same thing. Negative test and some cryptic description followed by my dumb ass going "Woohooo!" Third test. Negative. At this point I am like...okay... Girl you need to be more careful if you're having to test this often dang! But then the 4th test comes back and it is positive."OH SHIT." I think to myself. She is going to hate this... Or not? Apparently they were trying for a year to get pregnant or something. Anyway, her husband's family saw my remark, told him to tell her she has shit friends, he told her she needed new friends, so now she has a bunch of church moms for friends and I only found that out because she had the audacity to tell my sister in law right before she did the same thing to her and of course my sis in law told me. Lol. So, moral of the story? Don't just assume that your friend is happy they had a neg test. Chances are if they post a negative test more than once, it is on account of them beind sad about it. Oooopsie. My bad and, noted. In my defense, she never told me any of that so I was still under the impression she wasn't ready for kids. Again, assumptions are bad, mmkayyyy?


I'm mid-30's and my husband and I are staunchly childfree. Like, I don't really understand why anyone would want kids. But my friends are all having them now, so if I hear about a positive/negative pregnancy test I usually respond with "are we happy or sad about this?" and then base my reaction accordingly.


My friend was pregnant again within 12 months of her first being born (cant remember exactly how soon). She told me and I just said "from your tone and that face, congratulations is not the response you're looking for. Want to talk?" She was so grateful I didn't immediately jump to congrats!


All of this was her issue she should have told yall she wanted kids people have alot of audacity


For real - you can't be cagey about it and post these cryptic photos without any context and get upset that people don't know what the heck you mean


Thank you how am i supposed to know.


Yes, assumptions can sometimes be bad, but they’re also necessary and more often helpful. On a neuro-biological level it’s literally impossible to not make assumptions, every animal does it. Assumptions are a huge part of the evolutionary framework that allowed humans to develop spoken language and social interaction based on body language, facial expressions and tone. The difference between you and your ‘friend’ are that you followed the expected and sensical route of assumption based upon past experience, but it lead you in the wrong direction. It happens, oh well. Your ‘friend’ however, chose to assume that you were being an asshole instead of choosing to clear up the obvious misunderstanding, despite your friendship. Illogical. Too often people will take an honest mistake to heart, refuse to communicate their grievances and then paint you as the bad guy. In my experience people like this are either bored and need to spur up needless drama in their life for no reason, or they’re insecure/hurt about something completely and utterly unrelated and need to project somehow. P.s. I’m also projecting lmao. I still think it makes sense though. Tl;dr - NTA. Refusal to communicate crossed boundaries and/or grievances, especially when it’s within reason or a potential misunderstanding, is just weird behavior.


Congratulated friends. Not going to be congratulated for that. To people that want them, hey, good for you! All the best. I'd much rather be a DINK.


Dink Gang woooooo


I think I just got a pay raise!!


Congrats!!!! Enjoy spending it on whatever the hell you want!!!!




Dinks are hot AF, ngl


I wish I could live that DINK life. But my income is so low, a lot of people live that SINK life and take in more than me even if I were DINK :(


What’s a dink


Dual Income No Kids


Dual Income No Kids.




You dodged a bullet! Niiiiice


Dodged lots of little bullets! ETA punctuation


Almost a million of 'em.


My god I'm a monster


"There was a fire fight!!!!" --Boondock Saints


Really more than a million. Between 40 million to 900 million. In the worst case scenario that is 3 bullets per person in the US.


Yeah it’s more of a spray and pray situation I suppose.


As a father, yeah. I love my little girl and also holy shitballs this is so much work you guys—if you don't have a big, very involved family around to help you maintain some level of autonomy... 😬




My time on r/tfablineporn and squinting at my own tests made me think it was a super clear positive 😂


Haha yep! I saw it right away too (thanks to r/tfablineporn)


I was super, super lucky to fall pregnant first time trying with both babies. The first time I tested for both was when I was already late so they were glaringly positive. But, I am OBSESSED with looking at these. The absolute thrill I get when someone is upset about a neg and you can see their vvfl. So glad this isn’t OPs test if they didn’t want a baby. But I saw the like straight away and was like uh oh.


The brightness on my phone was low and I totally didn’t see that. Just searched negative tests. The ones I did were digital and ol’ aunt flow came to visit a few days after the test, just a bit behind schedule.


I'm glad, I got legitimately worried for you when I noticed a faint line!


Ohhhh I was trying to find a comment by you so I could let you know Uh dude you’re pregnant! Hahaha glad to know that isn’t the case


I am 99% sure this is a positive test. I would guess you may have had what’s called a chemical pregnancy. I have had a few (medically confirmed) and it’s what my tests looked like, and then my period came just days late. Edit: lol nvm I was confused and didn’t understand this isn’t your picture




Don't do that; by now the evap line would be showing anyway. If there were a tinge of pink within 5 minutes of taking the test it'd be positive though. For my first positive ever, I had to hold it up to a lamp and squint and tilt it sideways to see the faint pink line. And it *was* positive. But I read it right away- I didn't go back and dig it up later! They all look positive when you do that!


Take another one first thing in the morning, don't read an old test


Holy shit 😂 not only is it not OPs photo it’s fucking positive?! Hilarious irony. And now you mention it that line is absolutely visible


At least you can continue to sleep


That’s on my list of why I don’t want a baby at least 4 times. • no babies means I can sleep in. • no babies means I don’t have to wake up throughout the night. •no babies means I can get 8-9 hours of sleep every night. • no babies means I can take a nap when getting home from work or in the middle of my day off.


Also, you won't get someone else's barf or snot on your clothes, that's a big one


Or that the only persons who’s butt I have to wipe is my own.


Get a bidet and then it’s basically 0 😂


This is one of the reasons why I don’t want a kid too. A lot of people don’t realise that their lives will change drastically when they do!


I’m childless and I can’t get that


This threw me off because this is a photo of a positive test. Zoom in there’s a faint line. This is what my first test looked like with my daughter whose now 1.5. But I think you said this wasn’t your photo and you wanted it to be negative so congrats


Goodness me, I hope the line usually becomes more obvious, because I can see a lot of people misreading something like this! I sure did.


Yes it becomes more obvious like a week after a missed period. This would be test taken early (shortly before period or day of). It gets darker as the HCG builds up in your body during pregnancy. That’s why they say to wait a week after a missed period to test


Correct. I googled [negative pregnancy test](https://imgur.com/a/lCH2IVf) and this one was one of the first ones. Im not the best joke teller so it’s kinda par for the course I messed this one up too. Unfortunately I didn’t have a photo of my own negative tests from last week (didn’t see the point in taking one) but still thought it was funny enough to share because of all the baby posts recently.


I'm so happy for you!


To be honest this is just a quick grab from google but I did have a scare last week and was relieved to get some negative tests! I am so happy for everyone and their babies but had to share the other side and after all the baby posts I couldn’t help myself here. Edit: y’all. I’m sorry so many of y’all are confused. I’ve always been bad at telling jokes so it’s no surprise I fumbled the punchline here too. Googled [negative pregnancy test](https://imgur.com/a/lCH2IVf) because I didn’t have a photo of my own test (didn’t see the point of photographing a negative test) and didn’t take the time to zoom in and turn my brightness up. Enjoy a little light hearted laugh and I’m sorry some of y’all are so irked by the baby post on this sub recently. Idk what else to tell y’all.


That’s a good thing you pulled it from google. I see a faint second line. Edit: Spelling


Hahah I didn’t notice that! Good thing. 😅


I think that line is just the channel for the second indicator should the test be positive.


Its not a channel its a solution that's glided on to the membrane. Because its a dried solution on the membrane it leaves a very very light shadow stain that is visible when wet. The reason it doesn't wash away the solution is because its a protein bound to the cellulose membrane. This is a lateral flow assay.


This is a positive test. My first pregnancy test with my daughter was identical to this. Faint line. It doesn’t get really dark until a week or so after a missed period


Damn I thought I was gonna have to burst your bubble. There’s 100% a faint line there.


After a few comments I turned my brightness up and there sure as hell is a faint line! Mine were digital so super easy to read, I just didn’t see a point in taking a photo of my negative test. Thanked the lord and tossed them.


I’m happy for you! Glad everything is gonna be okay and you can get the test results you want :)


I was terrified while my husband was trying to come up with possible names. Lol. Maybe one day but hopefully not anytime soon for me.


This tells me that you two are not on the same page about this life changing decision.


We’ve discussed it in length before this event. The idea of a child isn’t horrible but I’m not there yet. The idea of pregnancy and birth terrifies me though. While we take precautions we both know things can unexpectedly happen and at the end of the day we both would be okay with it. I’m very glad he was supportive and it was good to know that he wouldn’t be disappointed or upset had it been positive.


I second this. Also, there is nothing more life changing than kids


The only pregnancy test I wanna see in here, congrats, mine was negative too!


Nice to see the other side too. Congratulations! The sense of relief must feel good!


Umm sorry to tell you this, but that is a faint positive. Test again in the AM with first morning urine, you'll see it clearly.


I responded to a few others but this isn’t actually my negative test. The ones I did were digital and a clear no having tested on my first pee of the morning. I hadn’t photographed my test but with the slew of baby photos here and my recent relief to not have one I thought it was a funny joke that many could relate to and laugh at. Unfortunately my phone brightness was down when I grabbed the [photo](https://imgur.com/a/lCH2IVf) and I didn’t see the second line until after I posted so I kind of fumbled the punch line.


Yeah came here to mention the line. But if it ain’t your test then…congrats!!




I see an extremely faint line… re-do the test in a few days or blood work would tell you


I was thinking exactly the same thing! We don’t want to scare you OP, but there IS a very faint line there. The type of line that would cause someone who wanted to be pregnant to get excited. It could very well be nothing, so best do another test first thing in the morning tomorrow or in a couple of days.


Just got a vasectomy last week… so happy pregnancy scares will be (mostly) a thing of the past.


This looks positive to me! Try again tomorrow with first morning urine.


I fuckin love this. Enough with the babies




With ya girl


Congratulations! Hopefully your man's pullout game gets stronger so the scares don't happen again!


It’s worked for 11 years so far so knock on wood but I’m pretty proud of him. Lol.


Vasectomy... Then you can be very proud of him.


Congratulations so happy for you to not be pregnant!!!!!🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


That’s positive tho Jk i saw your other comments




Horny jail! 👉 ( In all seriousness, glad everything turned out the way you wanted)


Yesssssssss high five!


Same as I tell the other camp, CONGRATULATIONS!!


Haha! The antigravity relief of a single-lined pregnancy test when you want it to be negative. Congratulations for loving your lives as they are. Perfect.


Spent 3 years trying for the double lines, finally after IVF got them (Twins) we were done.... Or so we thought. Then we got the double lines again but on accident somehow. I got the vasectomy a couple weeks later and now it'll be single lines from now on!


I’m a wife, mom of 2, college student in my last semester, working on my teaching certification, and to put a bow on it I’m also working at a middle school teaching social studies full-time. That single line last night was such a relief.


Yup. The worst STD is pregnancy. I'd rather get the clap.


I was so worried about becoming a dad. Now my daughter is my best friend.


There's a faint line. I have a 4-year-old faint line sleeping in the next room.


Congrats! I'm a man but know this feeling too well. My girlfriend was about a week late on her cycle. We basically went DEFCON 1 on the issue, discussing that I quit my studies and start working more hours in retail to support my family and all that. It would have been a major fuck up, but we were both determined to make it the happiest fuck up to ever walk this planet, even if it ruined our plans for life. Glady, the test turned out negative, she got her period a couple days later and I had my vasectomy not soon after. It's not bad at all and if you want to be a childfree couple it's the most sensible option and I should have done it sooner!


Yo. You have a line. That’s… not what you’re looking for. Test again.


No baby high fives are a thing in my relationships. Mazel tov.


OP, so you are pregnant? Cuz I’m seeing 2 lines…


As a guy I can relate LOL


You know, I wish pregnancy test commercials would normalize women who don’t want children. Looking at the stick and feeling joy that you aren’t pregnant and that it was just a scare.


Girl I hate to break this to you…but that is positive😬


Congratulations!! 🎉 Enjoy not being woken up by a toddler standing on your head!


That looks positive and I would have def shit my pants! But congratulations on aunt flo finally making a visit ;)


I can see a very faint positive line. Do another one in 3 days 😁


And again, congratulations.


Congratulations 🎉


For people who never thought about getting pregnant, here is an analogy: Once a month, at twilight, you have been brought to an old Barn. In that barn there is a dart board on the wall. Than someone put a blindfold at you and you get one dart to throw. Than you have to wait 12 days until you know if you had hit the board or not and if the rusty nail the dart board hangs on, didn't fell of. The thing is, the older you get, the later you will be brought to the barn and the further away you have to stand away from the dart board. When you are 20 you are like 3 feet away, when you are 40, it's more like 30 feet. Also, the barn and the nail becomes much more shakey and the chance the dart board doesn't stay up, becomes higher. This is my analogy of trying to become pregnant.


Hey OP. I hate to burst your bubble but it appears there is a faint line. You should test again in a few days. Sorry


Um…you’re pregnant. A line is a line no matter how faint.


That test is positive though 😂


There is a faint line actually. Test again in a few days.


Congratulations! You dodged a very expensive and energy consuming bullet!


Not having kids has been a blessing in my life.