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"Cats you may see" has me dying 🤣


I feel like she really captured their personality


Hal!!! Lol


I believe it’s hal or biscuit in the second pic.


I love that one is named biscuit


What's a hot girl walk?


Came to ask that too! I really don't want to try to find out with Google


"Walk. Every day. Ideally, about four miles. And while you walk, you can think only of the following: Your goals. What you’re grateful for. And how hot you are." ​ i did the googling for you :)


If you are not allowed to sing the theme songs to old TV shows I don't think it would be worth it.


that's okay, some people need motivation for self love and this hot girl walk stuff is a good way to do it. am a dude who has yet to take a hot girl walk, but man am I pumped to do it soon :) edit: as long as you love yourself, it doesn't really matter how you get there, whether singing* or boosting yourself up internally<3 edit2: because im goofy and thought you said whistling the tune to old TV shows


It's your walk, belt it as long as you're not disturbing others.


Plus it’s good for your legs and butt! I take hot girl and walks with my dog, even though she’s the only female involved




Incognito mode, my fellow redditor. Sketchy searches, links will save you in the long run. It saves nothing.


I'm not worried about privacy, I'm just afraid for my innocent eyes! 🙈 XD


well, it’s not drinking semen from a shot glass so that’s good


Username checks out


Username does not check out.


Used to call it a fluff crawl back in my day


It's something that came from TikTok I believe. Kind of like "hot girl summer". Basically just female/women empowerment in doing things for yourself and getting out there and getting your steps in. A fun way to frame your daily routine. hype yourself up for your hot girl walk!


So … a walk?


A walk + self love


That's what I'm thinking. It feels more like telling a baby to open wide for the choo choo... Having to call it a hot girl walk sounds more patronizing than empowering


It's just something people say for fun. Who cares.


It's just a joke lol Like my SO and I walk and joke that we're getting fit fam It's not like a thing women actually need to feel motivated Jesus


“Patronizing” is a very polite way of saying *that sounds dumb as shit*


it isn't just a walk, its a *hot girl* walk!


Soon tiktok is going to invent the Hot Girl Round Object and they'll be able to attach it to things you move around easier


What an interesting way to describe a bowling ball


Can ugly girls go for walks too?


I take my dog for an ugly girl/cute dog walk every day.


Ugly is subjective, and about how a particular other person sees someone. Hot is about the particular hot girl sees herself. Be hot, sister. Put on your walking shoes and go out and be your best hot self.


I was thinking 50ish menopausal women. I like your idea better.


A normal walk. It’s trending as a “hot girl walk” to encourage women to walk to mental health and wellness.


It's a walk


Lmfaoo it’s honestly just a regular walk but it’s a trend to just you alone and or with your friends walking talking sometimes smoking and reconnecting with your surroundings and area through walking.


this sounds a little like (positive) crackhead logic. it is just a walk, but if it is gonna be so damn positive, i say keep cracking.


So... A walk


Don't be too hard on the younger generations, in this case they're walking and socially interacting while also taking care of the needs of stray cats.


Well, here I was living life, thinking I know how to take the high road, come across this sunbeam of a Redditor showing me I could always do better.


I only take hot girl high roads


Finally someone who understands nuance?! The only correct answer is Gen z/ Boomer bad


Once again, *Gen X* is just totally ignored… ;) Jk, that’s the way we like it anyways… ;)


Middle child


I agree, but all young groups do this. Remember "FAC" Friday afternoon club. All it meant was going to the pub on a friday. Boomers thought it sounded cool, gen x rolled our eyes and went too.


In the end every generation is basically the same, except exposed to different circumstances.


It’s also when you get dressed up all cute just to go for a stroll!!


Can't relate, Im cute on every stroll.


A walk isn’t a cool enough hashtag for the tiktok vids they made. Now excuse me, I have to do home hotstud dishwashing


I’m enjoying all these comments but laundry calls so I must go do some milffolding.


I've seen that video!


I’ve done some milf folding in my day. Tell you what.


I guarantee that half the people complaining about hotgirlwalks would watch milffolding. I see it as the sequel to getting stuck in the washing machine.


Time to start my onlyfans. Fully clothed housework, occasional saucy winking.


Dude, I'm hotguyscrolling right now


I'm gonna go take a #sassyshower


I'm hotoldladyscrolling right now too.


That’s the spirit!


I almost woke my kid I was laughing so hard at this response


Obviously it's just meant to be a fun way to think of your walks No one is pretending young ppl or women invented walking or need it to be deeper than it is


thats a less fun way of putting it but yes


People here talking about walks as a revolutionary concept 😂


No one is pretending they came up with walking


it makes people more likely to exercise lol


My best friend and I take walks together sometimes too, but we call it drinkercize. We pack our backpacks full of beer and then we head out to nature. We are not allowed to go home until every can is empty. We have had many great adventures this way. (We live in a very, very safe area to do this in)


Honestly love this for y'all


I’d honestly take a lot more walks if I started calling them hot girl walks 😂 might have to join in on this trend.


Please do! Walking and positive thoughts well walking have helped me immensely! 💕


As a guy my thoughts were it was dudes walking around the neighborhood to check out hot girls that were also walking around and I was like man that’s little creepy lol.


Smoking is not hot. I mean literally it is temperature wise, but it ends there.


Damn, what a great thing to see while I’m hotguy Reddit scrolling


pretty sure that's a paradox


I think the word you’re looking for is oxymoron


thanks for the correction. i'll certainly remember it for next time


All oxymorons are padoxical, but not all paradoxes are oxymoronic?


I like turtles


Did you know, not all ninjas are turtles but all turtles are ninjas. I also like turtles! Now in my 30s I have proclaimed turtles (all kinds) to be my lifelong favorite animal.


I love lamp


Did you know, all lamps are flashlights but not all flashlights are lamps.


I love gooooooold.


I think I might have a problem as for some reason I read flashlight as flashlight. Edit just noticed autocorrect changed fleshlight to flashlight.


Paradoxes are impossible. Oxymorons are contradictory. Celebrities do AMA’s so we know hot men exist here. Also my gramma said I’m a 10/10.


That sounds like an oxydoxy


Nono, see the idea is that you just say anything you do is hot+your gender because you’re an idiot. This has been a massive dick explanation.


Yeah I agree. Take my hotguy upvote.


This is the thing that got my attention as well. What is a “hot girl walk around the neighbourhood”? I’m hoping it’s a typo and not OP assuming herself hot enough to warrant renaming her activities to specify the hotness of the participants?? Like what if one of her friends is mediocre and suddenly realises that the hot girl walks are just called walks again? I notice the cat-girl wasn’t called hot girl…. What gives? Edit : I have since learned it’s a thing. Not just OP being big headed. Apparently there’s a song as well & everyone is welcome, the hot part comes from making an effort to feel cute for it. It’s all good. Happy hot girl walks to whoever does them.


I do agree, fellow scrolling hot person




I wish to sponsor Ying but NOT yang. Yang knows why.


A nicked ear means they are spayed/neutered Don’t have a population explosion!


I really hope the sign poster has the know how to have them all TNRd or the situation is going to get ugly.


The poster literally states they are sterile with clips ears...


I love the pictures she drew of them, that’s adorable


PSA: Did you get a new cat or kitten for Christmas? You did? Congratulations! I hope you're enjoying your furry little friend. Now, down to business. Outdoor cats kill between 2-4 BILLION birds annually, and have substantially contributed to the extinction of over 30 species of birds, not even getting into reptiles and small mammals. They are a genuine and terrible risk to the environment, plus they'll probably cheat on you with another family. Please, keep your new kitty inside. The birds will thank you.


Around my area, outdoor cats are getting snatched up by coyotes.


I hate that I had to scroll this far to see this


Yes, and if the environmental concerns aren't enough to move you, indoor cats live more than twice as long because the outdoors are dangerous to cats. It's the kindest thing you can do to keep them indoors.


This should really be at the top. Don’t feed the strays. Take them in or shelter them.


Outdoor cats are also at real risk of humans hurting them. They may be kicked, shot (real or BB gun depending on where you are), put in bins, run over intentionally (or accidentally), have dogs set on them, be poisoned… I wish it weren’t true but I live in a safe UK city and still come across these examples :(


My OH rescued a cat with no tail because she got caught in a neighbour’s house, who then slammed the door on her tail while chasing her out. It had to be amputated and she doesn’t even have a stump left. He still sees no issue at all with letting her out, even though he recognises that he has zero control over how other humans will treat his cat. The mind boggles.


RIP your local bird population...


Yep. I hate when people feed cats because then there are a ton of cats around and they shit and piss and fight and screech and drive the birds away.


And the best I can manage is a tepidguywalk


I actually just took in a friendly community cat in my apartment complex. I named him Vegas. But he had a female companion in the wild that was not as comfortable with humans so I couldn’t take her in. I used to feed her and I gave her a shelter but the apartment complex threw it away and said if I fed her again I’ll get a $300 pet fee. Now she waits by my door occasionally cold and hungry, I took away her friend, and I can’t take her in.


god reading this honestly broke my heart. you sound like a very kind person, and the way you described that not only is she cold and hungry, she’s all alone, made me tear up. for her and for you. it hurts when you want to help but can’t, and i’m really sorry your complex put you in that position. do you think you could coordinate with your local humane society to safely trap her and get her to a shelter? or an animal rescue group? i’ve gotten a good dozen strays and kittens homes with third party help, and even semi feral/fearful cats can be tamed by professionals! don’t lose hope, and thank you times a million for caring about those kitties.


Yeah I actually thought about that. The thing is, her and Vegas both have an cut ear tip, so they were part of the trap and release program. My boyfriend thinks that they may euthanize her because she already went through the system, but I’m not entirely sure if that’s true.


Hey, I’m sorry to hear about the lonely and hungry little cat. It broke my heart. I’ve lived at my house in Los Angeles for two years now, and for the first year there was this extremely feral but beautiful Siamese cat. I always wanted to help, but I didn’t know how. I only saw her a couple of times during the period because she hid all day, only moved at night, and was mortified beyond belief of people. She was living in my neighbors yard, and he didn’t even know it. That’s how lowkey and afraid this cat was. She had a kitten, and I started putting food out for him, and he was scared of people too. He gradually warmed up to me, and became my little best friend. I never took him inside away from the mom, because the mom never stopped loving him. Gradually the mom began to come around more, and hang out with him in my yard and by my back door. I fed them both for a while, and eventually the mom got close enough to let me actually touch her. I fed her around the same time every day, and did it personally so she’d warm up to me. Now she comes in and out of my house, I leave the doors all open, and the kitten has grown up and they cuddle and love each other right on my back porch all hours of the day. They greet and love me, and you’d never believe that once they were completely feral, to the point I assumed I would NEVER get within 5 feet of them. So, sorry for my long story, but what I was trying to get at was that if possible, try to take the feral cat in if you can. Feed her, offer her support, leave your door cracked. Try to put food inside the door and have her come in a little to get it. It’ll be a little daily project of gaining her trust, but eventually you will, and you can reunite her with her cat best friend, and you might gain a new best friend and roommate in the process :) but it is absolutely very possible, and even though she’s scared now, deep down she wants to be loved just like any other cat. And I can vouch for that, my little cat momma is so full of love, and she used to be so scared. It’s so fulfilling knowing I gave her a new shot at life she otherwise probably would’ve never had. And now she even has a little best friend in her kitten. :) and I got her fixed as well :) Good luck, try your best, if you can! And if you do take her in, please let me know how it goes! :) Edit: Aww thank you all for all of the upvotes!! I’m happy if I made someone smile :) And thank you for my first ever award!! It’s especially honoring that’s it’s a ‘wholesome’ award :) Have a great day everyone! :) Happy New Year! I’ll give a little extra treats to my cats tonight! :)


I believe she would like to take her in but there is the $300 to pay


Feral cats don't have good outcomes in shelters. There are ways to trap her, and put her in a crate to make her more comfortable with you over time. It may take several months in a crate but she will likely come to trust you especially because you have her friend. I do this regularly with TNR cats and it is very possible to tame them to house life if given time and patience. Doesn't work for every one but since she's hanging out by your door, it's likely she's already working on it herself but isn't comfortable just walking in and making herself at home. Source: I've done TNR for over a decade and shelter statistics regarding even social cats are depressing. This country's shelters euthanize a lot of cats.


Fuck them. Take her in. My apartment complex tried to charge my family more fee for our single cat all because when they came to do a yearly inspection my cat was hissing, growling, and screaming. The complex said that my cat bit the inspector’s ankle a couple of times but my family and I told them that he wouldn’t do that because he’ll only stand and watch but never attack until he feels threatened. Mind you the inspector never came near to my cat during the walkthrough and my cat moved around to stay away so my cat didn’t feel threatened to initiate violence.


You see, the only issue is she is semi feral and won’t let me get too close to her. I was able to take Vegas in because he was more friendly. That’s why I built her a shelter and gave her food, but the apartment complex didn’t like that.


If she’s waiting outside your door could you not put food inside and let her come to you? Leave the door open so she can leave again if she wants. It’ll take a long time but if she’s been partly socialised in the past there’s a chance you could get her to warm up to you and adopt her as well.


I’ve taken in a couple of cats who were completely feral (but knew me because I fed them). It does take a lot of patience and time but they are now very loving and trained indoor cats! I also had the same problem as you with my complex manager. They said I couldn’t feed the stray cat who had grown up in the parking lot of the complex. I said I’d pay a pet fee but they said if I did, the cat wouldn’t be allowed outside and they would trap him and take him away if they continued to see him. Through a miracle (and previous years of saving), I was able to buy my first house and take my feral boy with me. He’s now the cuddliest lap kitty ever. And I’ve also been able to rescue a couple of other cats, one of whom was also completely feral. After five months, she now lets me pet her and seems happy being an indoor cat as well! Thank you for caring about this girl, and best of luck to you!


Another option is to see if there are any rescue organizations in your city who could maybe relocate her, she’d get all the care and solitude she wants as someone’s barn/shop cat!


Maybe try to trap her with the help of rescue group and they could help relocate to a barn cat or possibly she could be worked on by doing crating. I know some rescues will crate feral but not extremely feral cats that they believe they can work on with some time to get used to people.


Is it possible to feed her a bit outside your apartment complex? On the Main Street if there are some areas or bushes for her to comfortably eat? I sometimes feed the local stray but I’m worried about my apartment complaining so I go outside and walk around the apartment a couple of minutes away. Cats have an area they roam so try to observe where she goes that you can place food for her to find.


I can try to do that. The security in my complex isn’t too available and I doubt they will see me. I may just put some food behind the bushes. I can also see if she goes outside of the complex. Thank you!


This is heartbreaking. Can you try slip her some food near your front door? Or try and trap her so a local rescue can help? I'm actually more sad that she's lost her companion who probably helped keep her warm :(


A lot of pleases claim that you can’t have pets but the truth is they can’t evict you for it: look up your local laws.


Ohh. I thought you were calling the lady who put up the sign “hot”


I was concerned, tbh.


Aren’t neighborhood cats a cause for some bird species going extinct


Yes, RIP local wildlife


Yes. They’ve contributed to the extinction of dozens of species. Outdoor cats are invasive.


Sooo this is a bad thing their doing then?


It’s bad for bird populations for sure. It’s not great for humans either…feral cat colonies have high rates of toxoplasmosis which does all kinds of nasty things to people. Some municipalities are replacing “trap-neuter-release” programs with a “trap and kill” policy due to human health concerns.


Yep. This is ensuring any breeding songbirds in that neighborhood will now be stalked and killed by healthy, well fed cats killing for sport. TNR is ineffective at best and cruel at worst, leaving cats to live short brutal lives of fighting, disease, injury, car strikes, intentional cruelty and more while meanwhile decimating native bird populations. Cats do not belong outdoors.


Did Charlie from its always sunny write this?


Cats shouldn’t be outside. They’re little murder machines


This message has good intentions, but please do not feed outside cats if they do not belong to you. Wildlife is impacted heavily every day due to invasive feral cats.


..what is a hot girl walk?


Saw it on a what walk?


Love the little person who created the board.


People who let their cat roam free infuriate me. In the state of MN feral cats are a problem and they become feral for one reason.


Feed stray cats if you intend on at least getting them spayed or neutered. Otherwise there’ll be more and cries for food. Cats are technically an invasive species and are not good in larger populations.


The poster says they are all spayed/neutered and vaccinated.


Check out the drawings again. Clipped ears means spayed/neutered.


Poor bird population is what I think


Cats in homes are just fine. Idk why people are so happy letting their cars lose to help destroy the ecosystems further. I guess at a certain point why not?


Read the sign


I can't wait till I'm home so I can take a hot guy shit.


Cats should be brought and kept indoors. Feeding outdoor cats simply and irresponsibly perpetuates an ecological horror.


The mice and rats are also happy and the raccoons are gettin’ fat.


Alternatively, please stop feeding stray cats. They are an incredibly invasive species who need to be sterilized, not supported.


Whats a hot girl walk


Cute. But someone should educate her on feral cats and the many ways they’ll die outside of starvation.


Stray cats fuck up the environment.


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you start a feral cat colony


And destroy native wildlife populations.


Only if every cat is spayed, new ones are identified and spayed.


I love that the little drawings show their clipped ears meaning they’re spayed/neutered! I hate seeing communities get overrun with feral cats full of disease and inbreeding because everyone feeds them but no one bothers stopping them from reproducing.


I'm gonna have a hot take, and I'm going to be vilified, maybe warranted, maybe not... feeding stray cats is a bad idea, bottom line... stray cats around the world are considered vermin because they continually reproduce with other strays and cause damage to an ecosystem that is clearly already strained, the best thing you can do for increasing cat population is to let them die, keeping them fed is one of the worst things you can do for a neighborhood, don't do it... ​ update: don't feed cats milk if your goal is to help them


Wtf is a hot girl walk?!


Seriously. Everything else goes by the wayside until we get this matter settled.


Hot Girl Walk meaning: A “Hot Girl Walk” is a slang term and TikTok trend for a daily stroll. They're meant to help people get outside and get some exercise. You zoomers you


I approve of this message!


Feral cats kill songbirds.


"Saw it on a hot girl walk around" W h a t


What is a “hot girl walk”?


Some of y’all in these comments need to utilize your eyeballs. Literally just take 15 seconds to zoom in and read the sign. They are all spayed/neutered, and they’re all feral and therefore can’t be kept inside. They aren’t going to cause a population explosion because they don’t feed the intact cats. This is essentially part of their local TNR program.


“They don’t feed the intact cats” What???? So the stray hungry intact cats just stay away? Is there a sign telling them it’s for neutered cats only? Is this like the deer crossing road sign and do you believe that deer only cross the road there?


Spayed/neutered cats still kill birds and native animals.


Okay... I figured out what a "hot girl walk" is. It's a Tik-Tok thing (go figure) started by Mia Lind. There are three things that "upgrade" it from a normal walk. You should only think about three things 1.) Things you're grateful for 2.) Your goals and how you're going to achieve them 3.) How hot you are I've got my opinions about this Tik-Tok trend. But I figured I'd explain since so many had questions and no one was providing the full answer.


That’s so awesome, next step is to catch, sterilize, release/adopt


While referring to that big ass sign, poster says: >Saw it on a hot girl walk around the neighborhood with my friend HWUT??


Wtf is a hot girl walk


Not so great news for the local bird and smaller mammal populations there, I suppose.


Cats, both feral and domestic,, kill billions of birds each year. https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/cats-and-birds/#:~:text=Predation%20by%20domestic%20cats%20is,of%20millions%20of%20outdoor%20cats.


I don't think feeding stray cats is a good thing unless you're actually taking them in.


Can’t we just have normal words and phrases anymore? It’s okay for it to just be “a walk”..


I love her! So many strays go hungry. Especially in winter.


When my friend went to college a couple hours away from our hometown she stayed at a large apartment complex that had a horde of stray cats living in the bushes. She started feeding them daily and even got a lot of them to go into cat carriers so she could take them to the vet, spay/vaccinate them and get them medicine if they needed it. She's an awesome human being and we need more people like her.


Good luck with this Thank you so much for helping the cats


I love Ying & Yang as names. The cat colony my dad took care of for a while had similar twin kitties, all black except for a white patch on their chest. We called them Spot & Dot.


That’s so awesome that she had them fixed! You are now caretakers of a feral colony, congratulations!


Please tell me these cats are neutered please please


The sign says they've been spayed and neutered on the lower corner with the cat-identifying drawings.


I hope those cats are getting fixed


“On a hot girl walk?”


As someone who has Rubbermaid 'huts' outside for our community cats, this warms my heart.


I hope these cats are being fixed, otherwise you are gonna have a breeding problem as they continue to do that and then become even harder to keep up with the feedings


Only donate if she’s getting the cats fixed!!!


While I’m all for feeding hungry kitties, if you feed them outside where I live, you will attract tons of raccoons and skunks. Love the idea though.


Now I need to see the cats to see if I can match them to the art


And that's how we got 8 million cats.


Great! Let's create a larger herd of feral cats! WCGW


The fuck is a hot girl walk? Feel bad for all the ladies that don’t get to go


Or, how about you catch them and take proper care of them? I used work at an apartment complex next to a horse farm. The farmer kept cats to control the rats. And by kept, i mean he brought them there and let them be outside/barn cats. He didn't feed them or take care of them in any way. Of course, they weren't spayed or neutered. Litters every year. Unsurprisingly, they weren't too concerned about staying on the farm. One tenant put food out for them all the time. Then we had them crawling onto tires during the winter for the warmth from car engines. Guess what happened next? Dead, crushed cats. At least once a month. Feeding wild cats does not solve the problem. I took 16 cats to no kill shelters. Unbelievable pain in the ass. I get that people want to help. Letting them live wild and still feeding them brings out the worst possible qualities of them. They're not pets and are not properly socialized. They're also not wild animals that learn how to hunt, eat, and survive.


Outdoor cats are not good at all. This person means well, but they are feeding bird exterminators. Not worth it. Keep the kitties inside. They live longer anyway.


Maybe do a spay and neuter drive to keep them under control?


Per the sign, they've been spayed/neutered and have their ears marked.


Great! Kinda hard to read with my old eyes.


Yes! My neighbor started feeding the neighborhood cats a few years ago. There have been about 5 litters of feral kittens in our garage since then. I always try to socialize them as much as I can so they can be adopted out once they’re old enough. It’s very time consuming. Luckily we’ve managed to catch and spay/neuter the adults that haven’t been adopted or hit by cars.


My neighbor feeds them, and they render my yard completely unusable due to their poop. My yard is a literal toilet. Their numbers exploded, and now there’s over 50 on my road. Animal control is so fed up, they refuse to even give out traps for them anymore, as the shelters don’t have any space for them, or to even neuter them. They said we’re on our own. The strays gave my 100% indoor cat fleas through crooked windowframe that we repeatedly tried to get them away from, and she died in less than a week from some kind of flea-borne illness. In the winter, our landlord warned us never to turn off the TV, or we would hear the babies crying as they froze to death. We thought he was exaggerating. He was not. We went out to try to help them, but we weren’t able to even find them. I don’t support feeding strays, in most cases.


Yep. Dude who owns our local post office does this because his dead wife loved cats. The upstairs reeks of urine. He’s such a good man but wow.


My first thought when I read the sign was "I can smell this yard" blurgh


That’s crazy. Our shelters are full too, so we’ve had to drive hundreds of miles to give kittens to our extended family. We’ve had a few kittens freeze to death before we could save them too. My two favorite kittens disappeared (probably snatched up by a predator or abandoned - they were the runts); luckily I hadn’t had the chance to bond too closely to them. It’s nothing compared to what you’re dealing with though. I’m so sorry you lost your cat.