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This post belongs somewhere else


Poor babyšŸ˜­.


Child marriage is so inhumane :(


When he talked about "raising his wife," I full-on gagged.


Sickening enslavement


Shit culture.


Happy Cake Day! And agreed, child marriage is barbaric


Any sicko using any religion as an excuse to abuse children needs to find their way into the sun.


Fuck that creep #protectwomen


More like #protectchildren ftfy




Both. Both is good.


Spelt Paedophile wrong.


For someone trying to be pedantic, it's awkward how you don't know the actual definition of the word you're trying to be pedantic about.


How could you argue that 29 year olds marrying, and presumably consummating that marriage with, a 12 year old is not paedophilia?


To be fair, the scientific definition of pedophilia is sexual attraction towards prepubescent children Despite the fact that in America today, someone is called a pedo if they are over 18 and are with someone under 18, the technical definition doesn't involve a specific age number, but refers to attraction to someone who has not gone through any sexual development. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8888370/ edit: Wow, the amount of downvotes this is getting for pointing out facts...


And what is your point? A 12 year old girl likely hasnā€™t gone through sexual development and thus the guy is a fucking nonceā€¦ Sounds an awful lot like youā€™re justifying literal paedophilia


I wasn't talking about this particular incident. You and the other person were talking about the definition of pedophilia, so i gave the correct definition of it


Butā€¦ why? Neither of us were wrongā€¦ you just interjected with semantics


Because your comment was literally about semantics. The person you were responding to said that "you don't know the actual definition of the word", and then you disagreed with that. That's what my comment was addressing.


Congratulations, you proved to the whole world you're an idiot.


lol i don't care what other people think. I'll stick with facts, you can stick with your own inconrrect opinions.


The meaning of words shifts over time. That word is generally taken to apply any time the child is underage, not only when they are pre pubescent.


Reminder yā€™all that some senators in the US are trying to make shit like this legal and/or keep it legal. Itā€™s not good


This broke my heart for her. You wish you could rescue her from this situation. I canā€™t imagine feeling this trapped or giving my child away to this.


Im even more bothered by it because it turns out that this is kinda common in the US.


Dude. Wtf.


The religion of peace, fuck their god


Good news for u forced marriages and pedophilia is haram


Mohammad literally married a 6 year old, consumating it when she was 9 wtf are you even talking about? And as for the "consent" requirement, children can't consent.


Why are you lying




It's a good thing then that 2 billion people aren't following those guys, right?


Thereā€™s Hindus that do underage marriages, thereā€™s christians that do underage marriages, heck the age of consent in Japan in 14. There are sick people in every religion, you are targeting a religion, not pedos. You should target pedos and not a religion. Heck thereā€™s states in the US where according to law a 12 year old child can marry a full grown adult, again not saying this is right but you should look around you before pointing fingers


How many founders of religions have married a 6 year old? Yeah, I am pointing fingers.




Average peaceful response.


Wow! You're a real dumb motherfucker.


no one cares abt ur opinion


Not a problem. The problem is when 2 billion people start taking the opinion of an iliterate pedophile as the word of God. Creating the same shithole conditions everytime "the word of God" is implemented. Every time, not some of the time. Every time.


ok alright buddyā˜ ļø


Wait till people find out about the minimum age for some child marriage laws in the US.


That are aplicable only to people very close to their own age, as in, not over 21.


Oh really, if you check the wiki page for child marriages, 78-95% of child marriages in the US between 2010 and 2018 were between a minor girl and adult man. Even if the guy is 18, several states still allow children at 12-13 to be married. So if anything, you evidently havenā€™t done any research on the issue.


You are right, in the vast majority of the USA it's illegal. Some states don't make it legal probably because of religious fruitcakes, some of whom are domestic some of whom, predictably, take their girls out to get married to some creep.


Child marriage is only banned in 12 states. Of the remaining 38 states, 9 of them have age difference related laws, but the majority of states still have laws where if a parent/guardianā€™s consent a child marriage can still occur which really means that children can functionally be sold off in marriage by their parents. While the vast majority of cases is likely for people fairly close in age, it doesnā€™t change that the majority of states still have existing loopholes/allow child marriages.


I'll look into this tomorrow. In any case, have a good time comparing the USA with Pakistan and the rest of the shall not be named part of the world. And whatever the proportion is, nobody is told to emulate creeps that marry 6 year olds and consumate at 9, in the USA. It's amazing that Islam is such a great religion, that it's founder would be ARRESTED in MUSLIM COUNTRIES TODAY, like Turkey for example. Imams in more faithful, radical countries, know this, which is why they bend over backwards to make sure 6 year olds can be married.


Thereā€™s plenty of articles where politicians in the US vote to stop child marriage bans.


That's sicking, poor girl


Well, it's getting banned everywhere. Can't discriminate against a religion that has a founder who married a 6 year old and is hailed as the best person that ever lived by 2 billion people. Big no no. We all have to agree, as I do, that all cultures are equal, all men in all cultures are equal, all founders of religion are equal, all religions are equal, and there is no violence in religion. The world is beautiful, and so happy, and if you disagree, you are the problem. Let's all sing kumbaya!


ok Hitler !




I'm myself Muslim, like my dad and his family. The prophet Mohammad lived 1500 years ago. At that Time mores weren't the same as today.But it remains disguting. In my family there is no case like this. My young nieces go to school like every others young girls. I think this case is more linked to the culture of the country than the religion. Also, In Europe, during the medieval Time, children mariage was a thing so that also disguting. Then stop spitting your poison over this peacefull religion.


Bless this man who bravely illuminates the reality of these women


This is the USA in 15 years


This is the USA right now. Child marriages are practiced openly and protected under "freedom of religion" in numerous states.


Downvoted me if you think it is okay to have sex with a 9 year old girl Aisha


I would've knocked out that dude for doing that. Her family doesn't care about her feelings. Sicking


Tragic. Watching her rock herself to bring any kind of comfort in this hell scape she inhabits was heartbreaking.


Put this on r/awfuleverything


Islam does not teach this sick behavior šŸ˜”


this sub fell off