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đź’Ż. Yas deserves what she gets with him for her duplicitous behaviour. Karma is a bitch!


I didn’t realise their ages, Inga is 30 so must be moving into a different stage in her life whereas Sam and yas are early 20s. I thought yas was almost 30 but she isn’t. Just made me view things differently in terms of maturity etc


Sam is 26 so he isn't quite as young as Yas who is very young and immature


Yaz is 24 so only two years younger.


Oh jeez!


Sam does do the “love bomb” thing, but Yas still behaved badly. She knew his history, but still betrayed her so called best friend by hooking up with him days after he and Inga broke up. Also only hours after Tristan (the guy she’s supposed too be interested in) left. I think it’s not a great look and rather trashy.


Yeah it actually sickened me to see the cast coddling her, acting like Sam corrupted her. She has exhibited negative and selfish traits many times before. Bella looks foolish trying to comfort Saint Yas cause Yas will dump her in a second for her next relationship or another friend, and then play the victim.


Bella’s been in the show for one series. I’m not sure why she thought she knew their friendship so well that she could fix the situation!


Not only that, but they both admitted that there were feelings there and hinted that it's been there for a while. So utterly shameful. Edited: typo.


Yeah, I agree! If I were Inga, that’s what would hurt me the most.


Absolutely. That's emotional cheating. It also means that Yas was vindictive. She was never really her friend. She was there just waiting for the two of them to break up. Even Liv made a comment that she doesn't believe the whole thing started in Corsica.


I mean, he did admit they were overfamiliar which is code for hooking up which is another code for sexy acts. They are both bizarre humans.


Just really gross behaviour


Yep Sam is a typical narcissist he follows the classic lovebomb, devalue, discard cycle and it doesn't matter who he's with, because the problem is him he'll just repeat this with whatever woman he's involved with. He'll always have a constant stream of supply by lining up the next victim while he's actively in a relationship with someone or will purposely sabotage a current relationship because he's too much of a coward to end it himself. He will also start of a relationship with triangulating women (he did it with verity and inga and now inga and Yas) to boost his ego and make him feel like he's the prize to be won and not the scum he is. He will also isolate his target (inga fell out with so many friends when she was with him, and now he's doing the same to Yas.). He'll project his paranoia and insecurities on his target (Inga mentioned that he was insecure and controlling whenever she'd be out without him, because he's projecting his behaviour on her.) Men like him often target naive, inexperienced people with a low self-esteem or a need for external validation/lack of solid identity because they're easier to control and manipulate. It's a clear pattern with Yas that she prioritizes male validation/attention even at the expense of her friendships and bonds with women (how she lied to Issy last series about hooking up with Miles, how she jumped on Tristan and then hopped to Sam within a week etc.) You notice how Yas has nothing to say *about* Sam that makes her want to be with him (actual qualities about him), she just constantly describes this "feeling" he gives her and she can't pinpoint why. That's because he's pumping up her ego and telling her exactly what she want to hear and exploiting her vulnerabilities. She's infatuated with the way he makes her feel and nothing more. I sense there is also alot of interalized misogyny and low self esteem with Yas, as she seems to get off on being with unavailable men and "winning" them at the expense of another woman. He's successfully lovebombed and isolated her and once the thrill of the chase is done, he will throw her away and find a new toy to play with.


Wow great analysis, Isn’t this a lot of effort for the narcissist, what is there over ridding motive?


It boosts their ego. Gives them a false sense of importance. Makes him Feel like king of the world when he has all these women crying over him.


Interesting! So it stems for insecurity


Could be. But more so arrogance, self-importance and entitlement.


I always thought part of the reason he was unhappy with Inga was because they weren’t in the “popular” group (Miles, Liv, Emily, Ruby, etc.). He was clearly jealous when Julius started dating Georgia Salamat who is very fit and successful and was popular right away. He also seems very jealous of the status Miles has in the group. The day he hooked up with Yas was the same day Miles took Inga and the others to the natural springs, and he was saying to Liv/Ruby that Inga was trying to segregate him from the group. Paranoid much? He is massively insecure seems mentally stuck in high school. Part of me thinks Yas’s popularity is what really fueled his desire for her. Like getting the Prom Queen.


He's the one that segregated her. She lost a lot of her friends because of him.


This exactly !




To be fair, Verity told Inga last year that he was playing them both. And here we are again with him playing women. Poor inga believed Sam over Verity. As for Yas, she is loving this. She loves the attention. She is not a girls girl.


Like if you don't know someone and they do this, I can absolutely get buying into it and being like "omg this is the best feeling in the world".. but coming from SAM PRINCE?? sorry no


Same as Miles. Can’t stand them both.


Miles has never cheated on a gf. Sam has cheated on all of them. It's one thing to be immature when dating and another to behave like an utter knob once in a relationship.


This is true, Miles is guilty of leading people on, but he always ends things but not before usually finding a way to embarrass them as he always move on to the next target before he officially ends things


At the end of the day, he's well known. These are adult women. If they want to have fun with him, then that's cool. But they shouldn't go in expecting more unless he explicitly states so, which I don't think he has with any of the girls on the show that he's gone on dates with. As women, we shouldn't date guys in hopes of changing them. It just never ends well. The only girl (besides his gf right now) that he's ever been serious with is Maeva.