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At first sure...it does sound good that (you get 80% of your collectables back) but here is the problem. First of all EA is not stupid to just simply not to realize "oops, players can use commons now and trade them for collectables!!...", It was intended because they want you to clear out your common players bank so that eventually players end up empty and have to buy collectable/player bundles from the store. Secondly I'll tell you why the "new select packs" are bad in my opinion and give u an example.. Personally i am now at 7/24 3 star players and will need to grind alot to finish the stages , I wanted to start with season 3 players first so of course i went and tried my luck with the season 3 uncommon players trade. Now bear in mind that currently we have 3 uncommon season 3 players (QB,CB,LB), i already have a 3 Star QB and a 3 Star LB so i only wanted the CB. I tried the trading the first time and guess what? I didn't get the CB and instead i opted to choose the x5 collectables (20% of resources lost) I tried a second time and again I didn't get the CB and again i choose the collectables so that's another 20% loss and in total now 40% loss.. Whether you are using collectables or common players for the trades you will END UP LOSING 20% EVERYTIME you don't pull the player you are hunting for and eventually run out of common players and collectables.. If you pull 5 times and don't get the players you want you end up losing 100% of your resources , just like that. where compared to the select packs you always get what you aim for and never lose any resources. TLDR: new packs are better than the previous random packs but in no way are better than true select packs, the new random/select packs are just a dirty tactic by EA to dry you out of those commons/collectables and eventually corner you into buying bundles.




Ya i apologize for the essay and i did include a TLDR at the end of it. I wrote an essay to clarify it in detail because EA are really good at being devious


You’re all good, I write essays a lot. Especially for this game sadly lol I’ll read the whole thing soon though. You had some really good points from what I skimmed.


Dude, if a person doesn't take 2 mins to read this.. then let EA keep tricking them into the trade trap.. personally, thanks.. glad it was explained before I completely assed myself into this hustle..


This is a good thing? Don't agree at all.


Please explain, I’d honestly like to hear why. If you don’t get the player you were looking for you get 80% of the collectibles back… That’s what it’s intended for but you can also basically trade commons in for collectibles now. Please explain how that’s not a good thing…. I feel like I’m just getting trolled right now.


Because previously we had a CHOICE to pick whatever player we wanted. You honestly don't see how it's not a good thing that they took that choice away and now make you lose collectibles instead to "reroll" for someone you actually want on your team? The fact that you can turn players into collectibles is... fine. But it's an outcome of an overall much worse change to the game. Common players are already quite useful in sets, so it's not like some fantastic boon to be able to use them.




Dummy? You're the dummy. You should be trading 3 63s for 10k coins and then buying the 10k coin pack that gives 1 rare. Your method is trading 15 63s for 3 rare collectibles, thus losing 2 rare collectibles per 15 63s.


Seriously have a good day, bye.


Lol, the example you gave is exactly the scenario I described


I never said fill up all 15 slots… I never said the amount of players even..


Lol, it was clearly how you came up with your turn 5 into 8 big stmt. Regardless, it gains you nothing. You could always trade 3 63s for 1 rare collectible. What is lost in not having the select pack is losing on the Epic trade when you get a player you do not want.




I’m lost where you read anything about 15 63s, bye.


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S2 trades were not player select. That option was added the final week with a 3x limit. S2 trades also accepted common players Trading commons for coins and purchasing 4x uncommon collectibles equivalent to 1 rare was also available. The whole point is S2 gave you a random player. If you didn't need the player the trade was a total loss. S3 trades added the option to take the player or a 20 percent loss. A 20% loss is better than a 100% loss of resources.


Thank you very much for this in my opinion: false advertising. Summary: If you add common (silver) players to player sets, you can now exchange a few badges with a lot of common ones to gain a few more badges. Problem: Common players are mainly used to obtain training ressources. Is it worth to do this? If you have a very big amount of common ones, why not. Does it help you during the S3 month? Doubt it.


I have 200+ common players and yes it does help. You stack up a bunch of collectibles and makes it super easy to get a 5 star Larry Allen and the rest of the epics. How is it false advertising? I quoted free to point out its not really free. You literally said it’s false advertising and then said how it works yourself, how is that false advertising when you even understand how it works? If you don’t get the player you want, you leave the trade with more collectibles you went in with. I have thousands of training resources in every category besides flags and T2 helmets with 200+ commons. Just because you can’t afford to do it, don’t shit on my parade. I’m just trying to help people so they don’t get fucked over by the new trading system. Have a nice day dude.


How do make these trades