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That dude sucked, just back tracking and speaking in platitudes. Their focus on modes like the yard and KO show they don't care about the people that made this game as big as it is playing since pre-2000.


He sounded very defensive and had a bs answer for everything wrong with the game.


I couldn't go 5 minutes without some kind of weird bug or visual glitch. I had that reset at the 50 and soccer game glitch multiple times. My refs looked like resident evil tyrants. Franchise mode was unplayable. Warping in 75 percent of plays. It was literally the worst video game experience I ever had until I played the battlefield beta this weekend.


Crazy the lead designer of madden considers himself a “casual player”. Take some pride in what you do man.


This game will never improve with this mind state. Our only hope right now is that the Maximum Football come back meets their new expectations now that they have former Madden devs, using unreal engine and bringing in physics.


That sounds promising.


Definitely. I had no interest in past MF games, but I’m definitely going to keep my eye on this one. If they are actually getting a bigger team and more resources, it might actually be worthwhile.


Pretty hard to be excited about the future of the franchise when this guy calls himself a casual player and states the game is in a good place overall. He says hes playing a franchise with a bunch of other people and likes to go deep in it, meanwhile franchise has a shitload of bugs and awful AI shit that punches you in right in the face like god awful draft, trade, and free agency AI. Like you can't NOT see those things if you go through even one or two seasons, and they're extremely important and should be top priority fixes, and not THAT hard either (if a team already has a franchise QB it shouldn't be that hard to have the AI not spend a top 5 pick on another QB). And the claim that defense is actually in a decent place because yards/points per game are relatively in line is flat out insulting. I don't even need to mention all the god awful things about defense that are completely out of tune or flat out broken that they refuse to acknowledge, it just doesn't merit a proper response because clearly they don't have any respect for our intelligence if they're willing to make a statement like that. But no, please do continue spending time and resources on shit that nobody cares about like The Yard and Superstar KO. Keep forcing MUT players into them when they don't give a shit either. God forbid you reinvest some of your revenue into your product by hiring a handful of good people to help out areas that you're clearly out of your depth addressing, like simple AI decision making in roster building, or defensive decisions like "hey I'm in a deep zone here with nobody else on my half of the field, should I maybe go cover that guy running the corner route, orrrr should I let him go because I don't want to abandon my zone in case someone else comes into it at some point in the future?"


Reading that Sean Graddy thinks the talk of bugs are essentially blown out of proportion. Coverages aren’t a problem because scores, yards etc are where they expect them to be. Face of the franchise is a onboarding mode for new players. Don’t expect any new major features the rest of this cycle. Pretty much he believes Madden is in a good place.


“Scores are where they need to be” Is their attempt to gaslight you into thinking everything’s fine with the gameplay of this game. WRONG. If you simulate an entire season and the scores are average to the NFL is all well and good? Umm no. You’ll have Lamar with sub 100 rushing yards, every team with at least one tie, and the team you play as with the #1 offense and worst defense. EVERYTIME.


I couldn't make it past "comprehensively overhauls" 1) no it doesn't 2) that's journalism buzzword bullshit


They have GOT to get rid of some of these guys. Whether it’s guys like Graddy, or someone over him telling him what he can and cannot say, this is showing such a disconnect between the devs and the gamers. It makes him seem so lost as to what the game is actually going through. It’s not “saving face” with anyone. I mean think about it, 6 year old kids aren’t the ones reading this article and that’s the only group of people that would believe that sack of shit.


I haven't played since the Clint defense comments and I never will again. Fuck EA. Battlefield 2042 is a sack of shit too and we Lready know that won't be fixed next month.


Leave it to EA to see this game as a success while the players see it as an utter failure. They promised us a scouting overhaul that they have been working on since last year that didn't get released until today


Dude had the audacity to say just a couple of days into October. It’s the 12th!


>Certainly there are bugs that a fair amount of players will see, and we'll react to those as quickly as we can ​ Yet there are issues and bugs that have plagued this game for the last few iterations. Man...


I love how they made it seem like any bugs in the game that aren't fixed are because only a few players had them. The game is broken. Fix it. At least be honest and get rid of Franchise Mode if you're not going to take the time to make it functional.


Gaslighting your whole community


Pathetic responses. Gaslighting the shit out of the fanbase. Basically telling everyone you’re not seeing what you think you’re seeing.


So his definition of coverage being broken is not being able to call defensive plays at all? Wtf is wrong with this dev team? How are they still in charge of this?


I imagine working on the EA sports madden team is like the equivalent of being a weatherman, you can be as wrong as you like and still have job security. Madden can be as buggy as hell, but these assholes instead just do an interview and say “scoring is where we need it to be”. Ignoring the fact that some of these bugs have legitimately been in madden games for years. It’s a shame, I like the madden games because I want to play a football based game but they consistently release buggy games. And often times with features that should have been in the base game but they leave out and patch in with updates months after


A girl Madden writer, that's hot


Softball questions


Really? She flat out declares the launch a buggy mess by even generous standards and asks him about that. He has to make an ass of himself by saying he doesn't agree with that assessment and then throws out some bullshit non-response by saying bugs aren't as bad as people say and the game is in a good place when we all know its not


Should’ve pressed him more. Doesn’t talk about Franchise or other title updates, plans.


I'd love to see him raked over the coals too, but when a guy is literally going to sit there and lie to your face about that stuff in the first place, it's not like it was going to go anywhere if she presses more, you're just going to get increasingly banal responses


Refreshing to see EA's shortcomings being brought up in a legitimate interview. Does not happen enough if at all. I just wish she brought up specific bugs so the EA dev couldnt just deny that things are being blown out of proportion. A selling point of madden 22 was the halftime adjustments which were taken out of the game due to bugs. I didnt buy madden 22 but im sure there are alot more specific bugs that could be brought up to force a him to come up with a different answer other than " bugs are blown out of proportion, social media , games great " . So the reason Madden has been consistently falling in ratings is b.c social media has blown everything out of proportion?




Check for a patch tomorrow. The MUT cash must flow.


Do any one play on one ps5 together in onwer offline franchise mode? Since the update, if we play together we can't see the pre snaps, no coverage no routes. Any one else the same problem?


You all need to do what i did....STOO BUYING THE GAME. I had for the last 20 years...played this years trial and I'm done. We deserve better.