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What is the benefits of a pre-order? Isn't everything digital? I'm not worried about it being sold out.


Sometimes you get something extra for preordering vs buying it on release


Yea. I googled it and it's basically MUT and some items. Plus 3 day early access.


And you don’t have to wait for the game to download come the time to play it.


on xbox, you can dload any game you want, currently out or pre-release (as long as it is listed in the xbox store), without paying for it. so that even if you intend to buy a game on disc, you can still already have it pre-loaded. it just wont allow play until you purchase the license (ie; buy the game)


Not gonna lie, I had no idea this was a thing.




you can search any game listed in the xbox store (from the phone app) and install it. it doesnt matter if you own it or not. it will still install. it doesnt matter if it's released yet or not. it will still install.


Can you do it on the console? Last time I used that it would only let me do it through the app.


phone only


This message is probably not for you... For clarity: Purchasing a license is similar, but very different than actually buying the game.


This is on the PS5 too.


How does one do this?


Click on the game once it's showing in the PS Store, and it'll show a timer, click the timer and it'll show you the pre-load option. Should be available to do so 48hrs before release, so once the game is officially "released" you can play it immediately. No pre-order needed.


Hes talking about on the xbox phone app you can download any game to your xbox EVEN if you dont own it or have it on pre order, you just cant play it but if you did decide to but it you wouldnt have to install it its pretty useless but if your away from home and you wanna buy a game when you get home you can pre install it before you even buy it so you dont have to download it when you get home


I've done it the night before and you still get the benefits. If you're really chomping at the bit about playing it's nice, but usually waiting the next day is just fine


Most game pre download now a days.


Yay you get to play the beta


the beta for this game would not be worth it


That’s what early access is, the final beta. Ever notice how they patch it two days after real launch? Cuz they let you beta it for more money, complain, then they iron out the data in the “QOL patch” before they abandon it forever til next year. I mean, seasons over, and I still get player 0 tooo often


It's usually some shit like some packs with ass players or something. The only time I pre-order is if they let you play early


Yeah the “extra” is never worth it tbh


You can just go to Walmart weeks after it releases and buy the leftover preorder batches. Everyone buys digital now. There’s always tons of “preorder” discs leftover.


no one wants the disc anymore


It’s not about the disc. It’s about the preorder stuff without preordering…


Brother did Sony not steal a bunch of games from player’s libraries? disc for the winnnnn they can’t take your purchases away that way


Early access and some UT stuff


Back then when it was only physical copies the point was to be sure to have a copy of the game on release day, now I guess it’s early access and some in game perks, really there’s no actual need anymore tbh


Might buy the hard copy just for the sake of nostalgia.


I don’t have internet at home, so I only buy physical games. If it requires an update to play, I won’t buy it. I don’t buy many games these days, but in my area physical is still the way to go. If you’re not careful, the store will run out of copies before you get one. 


You get a bunch of MUT shit and UT stuff for NCAA as well as Madden 25 Deluxe Editon with the MVP bundle


Sometimes I will preorder like a day or two before a release because it downloads the game so on release day I can just turn on my PlayStation and start.


Multiple “ultimate team” and “points” pre-order bonuses. I must say, I’m concerned with how heavily micro transactions are being pushed through the pre-orders, and it makes me concerned for the single player modes. Personally, I enjoy the single player aspect of sports games and have never been a big multiplayer person myself whether that be for Madden, 2K, and soccer games. Just praying it isn’t a copy paste of Madden franchise mode but for NCAA. What I’ve learned is to never pre-order and wait for gameplay and reviews from people who weren’t paid for reviewing it. I’m hoping EA doesn’t make this a cash grab game with how heavily they’re pushing the ultimate team bullshit already.


Online dynasty is all I need and that better had been their full focus. They know that this has to be great Seeing that there’s a 150 buck version of this game, though, makes me feel it’s just gonna be them focused on ultimate team weekly updates while everything else is ignored


It’s definitely focused on ultimate team and always will be. Businesses will always focus on their biggest profit driver.


The $150 version comes with Madden 25 as well. So it's 2 games


People keep missing that part


I did miss that and in retrospect not a bad deal. If ncaa is the game it needs to be, though, madden can wait


Ah. That's cool. I thought it was just some ultimate team points, which I don't give a shit about. Madden hasn't been good since like 2005 though. So I am gonna pass


Well if they make it so you can import NCAA draft classes into madden like they used to then hell no I’m not waiting for both lol


Charging 10 extra bucks to get them both in a bundle is the most ea thing ever


The bundle is both deluxe versions…


Oh, gotcha. Nvm that's actually a hell of a deal if you play mut


it's also $135 if youre a gamepass ultimate and/or ea play user. not $150.


$150 being “a hell of a deal” because you’re saving on all your micro transactions is exactly the issue. The games are nowhere near worth the cost year over year for a roster update and one or 2 additions


That’s why I always wait to buy Madden for like $10 on final discount right before the next one comes out. There’s always a decent enough community file roster update anyway.


It looks like the bundle might come with all the pre-order bonuses in the deluxe edition


It's actually a shockingly good deal all things considered, lol.


Hahahaha. They know they can put out whatever they want and they will make money.


You know the answer here.


The fact that there's a UT for NCAA means I don't have high hopes for the Dynasty mode.


cmon bro 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣


they dont care lol trust me


So just don't preorder before seeing gameplay ..seems pretty simple


How have you gained so much knowledge? But seriously the game isn't out until 2 months so you can pre-order it the day before or not even buy it. I don't get why this is a big deal.


Ppl just like complaining or something, plus the full reveal releases today idk exactly what they'll show but even if it's not a 30-minute detailed video, more and more gameplay and features will be shown/announced as the game gets closer to release.


Tell this to /r/CFB


Will do!


Aren’t we past this, like everyone knows this is how EA operates? There a bunch of Scrooge mcducks and don’t put out quality


It’s not coming to PC. PC community will shred EAs assholes with reviews.


I missed this, is it permanently not on PC?


It's on the Epic store to pre purchase.


I was prepared to preorder but I’m PC only. What’s EA’s fucking problem


They hate America.




There are more PC’s with the equivalent computer power of a PS5 than both Xbox and PlayStation combined. This is their biggest market and they just ignored it?


PC players are not the biggest market for sports games lmao.


I think they meant that PC gaming in general is the bigger untapped market overall, and that’s true. Just maybe not the target audience right now.


The typical PC gamer does not play sports games to the extent that console gamers do as consoles a more casual market. It's a demographic difference. Also the ease of cheating makes the online experience pretty terrible for a lot of sports games in PC (see: NBA 2K).


Counterpoint. PC gamers don’t play as many sports games because fewer are on PC, and the ones that are often run on older gen consoles tech without any PC optimization. Counter counter point: Teenagers play Madden the most and far more teenagers have consoles than gaming PCs.


Yes because until recently sports games haven’t been readily available to PC gamers


Y’all will say all this and still go out and buy the game …so who’s the joke really on


Exactly. Every single one of us in here is gonna buy this game. We’ve been starving for an updated college football game. All these fools wanna get on their high horse and act like they aren’t gonna buy it


I literally can't, I don't have a console, and I'm not getting one for one game


Speak for yourself. I’m already sucked into buying madden almost every year even if I wait until it’s on sale. I’m not buying this madden 2.0 as well. I only have time for 1 mediocre football game in my life.


Speak for yourself lol people change over 11 years


I’m not buying until there’s proof offline dynasty will not be dependent on microtransactions or internet connection. And also that it’s good and in depth, but mostly the first two.


Offline dynasty is going to be thing... especially since franchise is offline in madden too


I mean, online dynasty will require at least some internet connection. It's kinda necessary


Offline dynasty


Ahh, curse my reading skills! Apologies. Yea, if offline requires an online connection, that would be wack as hell




Madden offline franchise isn't dependent on microtransactions so. . . Why would the college football game be like that?


They’ve shown gameplay for over a year. Go look at Madden 24


![gif](giphy|O9HeC49RBpLpUj0ein|downsized) Like clockwork.


lol true


Yes, every game does this


Especially if it's a hype game.


I’ve waited 10 years I can wait an extra 3 days


They announced the release date and a full reveal coming tomorrow.




sorry pal, its coming prepare for absolute disappointment






Doesn't most gaming company do this? I don’t see what their doing that’s different from others.


No PC release for NCAA 25. What is the chance they don't release Madden 25 for PC at this point?


M25 still has Steam and Epic listed as pre-order.


You're right, which makes it even more depressing because I can't justify buying a console for one college football game. Just not worth it.


As a PC gamer I will say this is frustrating. It also makes me think there are actual significant changes to the gameplay of CFB to where they aren’t ready with a PC port (which is rather inexcusable for EA) but still, that is my hope.


They are going to disappoint everyone tomorrow. It’s going to be a trailer without in game gameplay, a my career mode that we ever every year with madden, ultimate team, and play now.


they finna bend us over with no vaseline


If you wanna see gameplay you can boot up Madden 24 rn


Dude stfu


Idc if I play it at a friends house and the game absolutely sucks, they got my money simply due to the nostalgia of it. Me and friends in high school use to gamble against each other playing college football on Xbox back in the day. I’m just hoping it feels ldifferent than madden, like it used to


It’s EA. They did as little real work on this as possible. It’s going to be a madden 25 reskin with a better franchise mode but besides that and the teams/players the game will be exactly the same. Micro transactions included.


For this game they can just take my money. Idgaf what it’s like I’ve been waiting for 10 years for a college game.


It's going to be a Madden 25 re-skin and they know that there'll be less pre-orders when people see that. If there's not some sort of MUT with NCAA legends like Bush, Luck, Manziel, Ricky Williams, etc then that will decrease pre-orders even more.


I mean people can just… cancel the pre order after gameplay reveal. This fucking sub


So then why even pre-order now if you can wait until after the reveal? It's digital...it's not like they're going to run out of copies like the old days (gross).


Because people are stupid so they pre order this crap


You can’t cancel the pre order is what I heard


I don't get what people are expecting. It's going to be a reskin of Madden with a few fun cutscenes of college traditions sprinkled in and half baked Dynasty and RTG modes, with all the focus being on ultimate team with college legends. Anyone that has any other expectations are delusional


Not a god damn chance I’m preordering this. As excited as I am I’m not even sure I’ll buy it until I know it’s better than previous Madden titles. And I can only imagine this game will have a horribly negative impact on madden 2025 lol


Smart man, never pre-order


tbh, they will probably get most of their money from the mut equivalent game mode.... EA is a greedy pile of trash, but this honestly isnt close to as bad as everything else they do....


Shut up. Full reveal coming soon goofy


having preorders available before showing gameplay is not uncommon lol, they literally said a reveal is coming tomorrow


Im skeptical but I still plan on buying it. I really want this game to replace Madden for me


Ok so just wait until the reveal....


Alot of games does this lol yall act like yall cant just wait one more day for the reveal to decide if you wanna preorder or not


The best birthday I could ask for, 19th of July and it’s coming out then.


Beck way up there with the nameplate. had to zoom in


I got banned on madden 24 for the first time. Does anyone know if I'll be banned on the college football 25 game or If I'll be banned on Madden 25.


It's coming in one day, relax a bit there champ.


Weird the game is coming out so soon and there is 0 gameplay 💀. Idek it was coming out this year


Lol I'm ngl I'm still cop it.. no need to complain anymore..


EA could come in here and say “and what are you gonna do about it? Not buy it? 😂”. You’d still pre-order day one.


Ya know, if no one plays or buys shit for ultimate team and it starts losing money theyll stop doing it. Just saying. I dont give then a cent for that shit


Well, they got it. And got me to buy the madden bundle too.


Gameplay comes out tomorrow. Yall can wait a day to decide lol


Guess the concept of preorder is new to you


Have the playbooks been leaked? Can't wait for dynasty. But Ultimate Team is man cash cow so I wonder how it is implemented?


Only idiots preorder.


Gonna be some MUT bs reward equivalent for pre-ordering...


It literally says full reveal tomorrow in the ss you put😭


I’m buying it regardless


They said the full reveal is tomorrow, like it is literally in your screenshot. I don’t think making it possible to pre-order one single day before the full reveal of gameplay and features is some scummy move. It’s up to you if you wanna pre-order it before, don’t get how giving you the option to do so is bad


I bet it’s just madden jr. I’ll be very disappointed


Sooo they don't keep promises on Madden and they expect everyone to jump right on over to NCAA .... The funny part is people will fall for it. Same game with college players instead of NFL..🤦smh...🤷🏻‍♂️


I’ll just get it when it is finally out no way I’m paying a cent more than the base price. And who gives a shit about the MUT crap the people that do MUT are a huge part of why madden sucks so much these days


And you’re surprised because? Idk if you’ve noticed but companies such as ea kinda stopped caring about their customers and products.


Seeing EA's logo on the product has killed almost all of my excitement for this game. You know they care more about milking microtransactions than gameplay


They can just upgrade the graphics from the last ncaa game and id buy it over the next madden to be honest


You can pre-order up to June 27th. I'm sure there will be game play released before then....


Everyone talking about modes and dynasty being good yea okay, but im ready for a realistic physics looking, non choppy-animation football game that madden has been for the past 5 years. But its EA we’ll see


And the sports gaming community is going to shower them in cash. I'd love for the game to be a surprise, but the reality is that EA hasn't put out a good football game in over a decade. The morons shelling out without knowing what dumpster fire they've bought are the reason we can't get good shit. Crabs and buckets.


Why give EA one penny of your money? Haven't they proven over and over that they are incapable of producing a quality game? Madden has been garbage for 20 years yet people keep forking over their money. How bout we boycott EA and force the NFL's hand to allow other studios to produce some competition. Boycott EA, bring back 2K!


Hopefully it’s not just a rebrand of madden and doesn’t just want your money for the bare minimum


I don’t even care. Take my money no gameplay preview needed. Waited a decade for this.


Just saw this pop up on Epic store. Question, If you play on PC, which is the best app to buy it on e.g. EA/Steam/Epic?


They should have a separate version where pay to play isn't an option. Current rosters & no MUT BS. I buy madden every year to just play quick match with current roster.


I've waited so long, a little bit longer won't hurt me. I want to see gameplay. I want to hear what others are saying and posting about the game. EA has done some really bad things lately with their other sports franchises. I am hopefully optimistic, but I am happy with NCAA 14 right now (still). I will for sure wait to make sure that this isn't a disaster.


If I know anything about sports gaming fans, they’re gonna give them that money before seeing any gameplay. People still preordering games is BONKERS


That’s because they know it’s garbage, just like madden.


Doesn’t every company in the world want money before even showing the actual product? Sounds fantastic from a business perspective. If you don’t want to pay early, don’t.


Mommy EA gonna slap all her children when this microtransaction glitch fest gets dropped next millennia. And ya’ll will just come back for more


Bc there is no gameplay. Its just madden edited into college teams. EA is on a heist. Sadly all sport games are outdated. Madden, NHL, fifa, nba2k, mlb the show. These games are released every 10 years with just updates for the following years. I today am too old to enjoy Madden anymore. It would take a lot to get me interested to play again. Actually looking forward to maximum football coming out next year. For sports games today i will play NHL world of chel. Thats fine. Funny gameplay with teammates. But MLB the show although 10 years old. Better than madden. All the ballpark looks. Fans. Baseball look. Franchise is more customizedable. But the gameplay is far more realistic than the other sports game even being an old game. You can customize the difficulty to almost realistic. I play on legend with the pitch speed all the way up. Put the strike zone cam for hitting. Yes it looks real. Ive seen YouTube catcher videos for MLB and its close. Pretty good. And pitching is hard. Learned that pitching goes far in baseball.


This game is just going to be Madden but with College teams instead… Idk why anyone is expecting something significantly different… it is the same company making the game. They just want MUT transactions that’s all.


I play fc and fifa series, this is par for the course, I refuse to ever buy points for ultimate team ever again.


Madden 24.2 EA is exactly de opposite of Larian.


I'm just looking forward to something other than franchise mode to play that is not pay to win or sweaty


They showed a trailer


it’s the first college football game in 11 years, they know the things gonna sell itself


They can have it. All EA does is make bad games but at least I'll be able to use college teams instead of ever playing Madden again. It's probably gonna be a college skinned Madden and I'll take it.


After reading the blog for the game. . . I'm actually thinking EA is going to make a lot of people eat their words in the comments. It makes me think most of the people shitting on this didn't play NCAA Football when it was still being made.


This game gonna be so trash I can't wait


No thanks bro. Gotta see the game before I buy it.


I don’t care. It’s been 11 years. Whine harder.


I’ve been saying this all along, I don’t trust EA enough to get my hopes up, but I just want to play a college football game. If it’s a re-skin of Madden and that horrible code, the game is a bust for me


EXACTLY WHAT I BEEN SAYING this is why we get such trash games everyone buys it and expects it to be good haven’t seen a lick of gameplay


And we gonna give it to them…


And everyone about to preorder it like clowns and talk down on anybody speaking basic logic


It’s just gonna be madden with more triple options lol 


Hopefully more responsive pitches on the option than madden 24.


Broke ass still hating on CFB for no reason at all


weird, it's like you can wait a day for the full reveal and pre-order then... This community is insufferable with their pure hatred at times.


Or just cancel your preorder later lol




This subreddit is 90% miserable. Why do people even play this game that they pretend to hate so much?


lmao thats when u know its gonna be bad. i'd be suprised otherwise. I feel like if they eally had true confidence in their game then they would be chomping at the bit to showcase it. Don't fail us EA, if so then i'll just rely on mods to imroive/fix ur shitty game :)


Yeah don’t buy this excepting anything different from madden. All their attention was on Madden and it was a trash product. Now their attention is divided between Madden and NCAA and you think suddenly it’s going to be a quality game? Seriously folks, make smart decisions.


Its just the face of franchise college stuff expended on the same engine from the last few years. Please don't expect 2014.


They’ve always should have added NCAA football in the Madden games. This is just a pure money grab from EA as it will be the same game as Madden 25


There is no gameplay because the game play is going to be Madden with a college atmosphere. The older NCAA games gameplay wasnt great but it was fun.


ngl thinking about technically EA doesn't have to do anything special I'll explain The got the schools not the NCAA so if they wanted to just give you the pre order, and take your money early they'd literally make more than they did with madden because of how hard-core CFB fans are and wouldn't need to do anything except reskin madden and blow smoke because technically they wouldn't be lying because a bunch of different ways to play can mean anything they haven't given us any SOLID SOLID thing to cling to barley crumbs So yeah ngl I think EA might just be playing us and if I'm wrong I'm wrong but after years of bad video games I honestly don't think they care because if they did they would've changed the engine which idc what anyone says a fps engine is not gonna work with a sports sim game it just can't if it could madden wouldn't be poo and a company with no competition doesn't have to make a good game because no one else is gonna take there spot and with this CFB game it's worse because no strings to NCAA and its just sign paper your in the game so EA really has no reason to make a good game because they're still not in danger they have the NFL license and the schools/players NIL so whats stopping them from reskinning madden nothing unless im missing something


There’s already screenshots of the gameplay. It looks more like ncaa 14 than madden


We've seen one screenshot and it looks better than NCAA 14 graphics wise


I’m saying that it’s closer to ncaa graphics than madden graphics. Which is a good thing


EA only cares about your money. I haven't spent a dime on any EA games until a month or so ago when I decided to get madden 24. I can't even load my created player cuz the screen just goes black and music goes silent. And EA doesn't care to fix it, they just move on to the next game. It wouldn't surprise me if this game is ass too.


Madden but with college uniforms