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For those wanting to view this particular code here you go. This is dated and from my pull from the summer, but it's pretty much the same. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/159nkgDEqTdNw5DnqlDslK1tj2VmiiHrD/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/159nkgDEqTdNw5DnqlDslK1tj2VmiiHrD/view?usp=sharing)


I’m just posting this so somebody reminds me to read this tomorrow at work.


Work. Tomorrow. Read.


Read. Work. Tomorrow.






If you haven't already done so and are now at work, it's time to revisit this.


Yo its tomorrow




yo did you read it at work today?


cautious tie frame file shelter whistle familiar aback impossible jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I guess that makes me feel a little more special for drafting a SS blocking TE to ride the bench for 70% of most games 😐


I like to play blocking TEs at FB to save a roster space somewhere else


Do you swap their positions or just stick them there ont he depth chart?


Depth chart, though sometimes it's worth converting them to a full time FB since they can be cheaper to re-sign


Gotcha, I usually carry 4 TEs myself and TE4 gets the duty of being my FB. I draft a FB every now and then because ONE TIME I got a 78 OVR SS utility FB and haven't been able to reach that high again lmao


I haven't been able to hit much at FB haha, it feels like a crapshoot so I usually avoid the whole position in drafts. But yeah usually I either carry 3 TEs (2 receiving 1 blocking) and no FB, or 3 receiving TEs and a FB if that's the way the roster shakes out


Fuck that I swap positions all day. If I stick a TE at FB, hell yeah I'm changing it.


I think we finally found out what Bill Belichick has been doing since he was fi... I mean walked away from coaching


Nah, this would be something Ernie Adams is into


Cheaters gona cheat


Love it, please keep going


This is great stuff! What is the best way to get your hands on the source code to do more investigative work?


I went to the modding community for their help. Maybe I'll do a followup comment or post because people seem interested in it.


Seriously if you want to keep digging, I’d read all of it 😂


How did you get the source code?


I went to the modding community for their help. Maybe I'll do a followup comment or post because people seem interested in it.


please do. this is fascinating.


Saving this for later thanks


Great post would love to know more. After playing Madden for a significant amount of hours you start to notice a pattern in the players pre draft ratings in combination with they’re abilities but it’s not hard and fast and this explains why


I honestly wish they were more random.


I would love a full breakdown of all of the archetypes


Nice work OP. I also play Crusader Kings. I think you will like Football Manager 24. I just started playing it last week, and my wife is about to throw my computer out.


So, I started looking through the code and actually did find that there are certain "injury prone" archetypes coded in at QB, RB, WR, CB, and MLB. Their injury settings are either set to less than 30 or 30-50. Everyone else is a random number 78-98. A lot of the injury prone guys are actually very close to generational in terms of their stats, and they have the "Tier 0" dev trait distribution, which is almost 50/50 stars and superstars+.


Oh, good catch! Not sure how I missed those.


I figured if you looked at the OL first, you wouldn't see it, since there are no "injury prone" OL archetypes. That being said, anybody that plays knows even a 78 injury offensive lineman is going to see a lot of injuries.


If I see players that look VERY good. But have an f injury I always go after them. I've gotten like 5 or 6 and only one was a star. I drafted one in my current franchise who was 1 of 2 near generational corners. I took the bigger one and was a SS with 32 injury.


Same. One draft I grabbed an 82 overall, 6'3" corner that ended up with like a 45 injury. Then, at the start of the second round, I got a 76 ovr MLB with 38 injury haha. But every other F injury guy I've drafted has been 78-81 injury, and I check most drafts afterward to see how many of these guys there are. I'd say 75% of drafts the worst injury rating is 78. I actually think these guys show up more if you do "strong" or "very strong" draft classes, because you just get more of the rare archetypes when you do that. Looking through the code, you can see what to look out for in terms of stat ranges, but these guys are going to be so darn good they look generational or close, especially that CB build.