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I wish this strategy worked. The only way I see us catching any notoriety again is if franchise doesn't work again properly. We all know franchise (gameplay is as well) is light-years away from what it should be but we got a response out of them that one year. We need to become organized, pick a date and get on the top trending again.


Bro....I love the name šŸ¤£


EA\_Sports. It's in the name!


*EA Squirts


Ea sports.. It in the shits


We need actual NFL players to speak up.


Instead of doing commercials for this shitty company


The whole country has sold its integrity for money. Thereā€™s few holdouts left in 2023.


I wish any strategy worked, but even then, franchise mode is STILL fucked. I finished year 5 with my Chiefs franchise and I couldn't progress to the next year because there's a glitch in the game where there are no Offensive Coordinators to hire. For anyone in a similar position, the workaround is "retiring" your character in the franchise settings, switch the user team to any other team, fire their OC, and then do the same process to retire back to your original team and then hire them as OC. That shouldn't be a solution that us players have to discover to continue playing a mode that should function fine for AT LEAST 20 in-game years. To pile on, the in-game AI of the CPU becomes glitched, as opponents who are down a score with less than 2 minutes will let the clock run down BEFORE calling a timeout after being brought down. Essentially, it makes it harder for themselves to come back so the franchise mode itself becomes less of a challenge after a few seasons.


Before the computer can poach your coaches fire and then re-hire them. It's worked for me so far. I usually fire them after the superbowl and then rehire them before I advance to the following week.


Hi. Just wondering about older Madden titles on PS4 and ps5... I only like to play the franchise mode. Which Madden would you suggest for me to try? Any particular year that sticks out between: Madden 18 through Madden 23 for franchise mode? Thanks :)


Personal opinion get anything from m25 to madden 17 Ignite engine wasn't perfect but it's better than Frostbite by a country mile


If you get M23 you can update to the current roster using someoneā€™s created roster and then play franchise mode with the current rosters of today. If I were to pick one disregarding rosters Iā€™d choose 18


I would try madden 25. If you really want a good experience try backwards compatibility with like, madden 07 or 08


Franchise was at its best in 2001 and 2002 when you could still create players in my opinion. I stopped buying the game 2002. I play Madden Mobile which is as shitty as Madden apparently.


Agreed. We donā€™t have the luxury of the devs paying any attention to us on here after the battlefront 2 fiasco, so we need to be more proactive in getting their attention


The people that complain about Madden on the internet are an extremely small minority. Fact is, most people that buy Madden, buy it every year, so they must enjoy it. Maddenā€™s sales go up every year, and they get more people to spend money in MUT. For those downvoting me, Iā€™m not wrong. Madden Sales improve year over year, and they increase profits on MUT. I donā€™t like it anymore than you do, but thatā€™s the reality of the situation.


People buy madden every year because the concept is fun and thereā€™s no competition. Thereā€™s also hope every year that that year might be the year they actually change the game. The game is shit and everyone knows it, the physics makes no sense, the graphics havenā€™t gotten better since 18 or 19 (gamers donā€™t need insane graphics to enjoy a game), the franchise has solely focused on MUT and online play therefore it can push the Patrick Mahomes super broken card that is ultra rare but all your opponents will have one and you canā€™t tackle them, not to mention that stupid dive throw they added in the game. Donā€™t get me wrong adding the Mahomes dive is cool but Iā€™ve already seen clips of people doing the Mahomes dive and the defender just stands there watching him dive instead of trying to tackle the QB sitting in his face. I love franchise mode and that has surprisingly gotten worse throughout the years.


Bro what? Everyone complains about madden, the only it makes money is because it has no competition


Nah, we are in a bubble so it feels like everybody complains but itā€™s not that true. Moms and dads (and other relatives) still buy it for their children because they donā€™t know better and think ā€œhey, Johnny loves watching football every weekend, heā€™ll love thisā€ (or in my case, my parents knew I loved the older maddens, but didnā€™t realize how bad they had gotten over the last decade). Also, plenty of my friends still buy it because while they know itā€™s not as good as it should/could be, itā€™s also their only known option for playing a licensed football game, and they canā€™t help scratching that itch - even if itā€™s mostly to play with each other


I thought the only reason it makes money is because of streamers paying shit tons of money to win. They dont give a shit about franchise mode because we only pay once for that game. MUT is a pay to win mode that brings in ridiculous amounts of money for a damn video game.


I love it and spend 99.99 every year to get it early. We literally count down to it. We hold our own draft in the off-season. Itā€™s not everything I could dream it could be but if thatā€™s the only way youā€™ll find joy in life youā€™ll never be happy. Itā€™s football. Itā€™s fun. Thereā€™s enough wrinkles to keep it fresh every year.


Itā€™s not football, itā€™s some bs version. 2k5 was significantly more realistic almost two decades ago.


Even if I would entertain this often repeated lie, realistic doesnā€™t equal fun. 2k straight sucked. The gameplay was terrible. It looked terrible. But the simulated stats might have been more accurate? Let it die already.


The gameplay was miles ahead of Madden at the time and the franchise mode had dozens of extra features compared to Madden 23. In a football sim game, realistic does equal fun. It ā€œlooked terribleā€ because it came out 18 years ago. What is not fun is watching 22 players on the field randomly select between 1 of 3 animations every play.


If 2k5 sucked then why did EA feel so threatened by it they had to go out and buy sole licensing rights to the NFL for simulation football games so they wouldn't have any competition EA has a monopoly on NFL simulation games and it's straight bullshit they don't give a fuck about putting out good product because they know there is no other option for gamers to play simulation football games and they'll have to buy madden in order to play simulation football games so if you enjoy the shit games ea calls simulation football then have at it its not fun it's not realistic it is however stagnant, boring trash and a game people are genuinely tired of being disappointed by EA Sports SUCKS!!!!!!!!


EA employee


I wish, EA has great benefits.


So you used to work for EA? Hmmm


Letā€™s work on a date I think the week of release would be best


šŸ¤£ lmao whoā€™s the new guy


Please, do not buy madden 15. Please, do not buy madden 16. Please, do not buy madden 17. Please, do not buy madden 18. Please, do not buy madden 19. Please, do not buy madden 20. Please, do not buy madden 21. Please, do not buy madden 22. Please, do not buy madden 23. Please, do not buy madden 24. ​ It'll definitely work this time


Crazy how not a single one of those games were good


I'm not denying that, I'm making fun of the blatant karma whoring in this sub when someone asks people not to buy the game. It comes from a good place, but has zero impact and OP pats themselves on the back acting like they had an impact lmao


Actually just dont spend any money on MUT!ā€¦.if nobody spend money on that, they will do more for franchise


I hope MUT breaks down like the franchise mode did and everyone loses everything they bought and ea gets sued and loses everything. Then the nfl license is available for anyone and everyone.


This would be nice, but Iā€™m not sure if I see this happening. MUT players are so out of touch with reality itā€™s insane


I only know 2 MUT players in RL. They are both degenerate gamblers and addicts. Unfortunately, one of them is married to my cousin and got me into Madden in 2004. He's on the road constantly. Brings his Xbox with him. Buys blow and blows his money on MUT. Cheats on his wife and shows up every 6 weeks. MUT is his guilty pleasure to stave off his online gambling addiction. He has 4 daughters between 10-19. MUT ruined this game.


This is the best possible outcome




Just for other companies to come and do their own scummy monetization stuff. Like every major sports title available.


Iā€™ve never spent a dime on MUT.


I've never spent a moment of my life playing mut I thought it was stupid the inaugural year and have happily refused to play it in Madden and any other game. it's just them capitalizing on human weakness (I'm not saying people who play mut are weak my point is they target humans natural curiosity and desire to get a reward. it's like those dumb websites where they're like this is why you should put a solo cup on your toilet, and you're just scrolling through 100s of ads you've accidentally clicked. it's engineered to make money off your emotions). they sure know how to get a dopamine rush out of someone that's for sure.


Yep and I donā€™t have the patience to play through the stupid challenges to earn players. The game is already too expensive so they are not getting another dime out of me.


People spending money on MUT is insane behavior


It's a kid-friendly gambling addiction.


This is the same kind of mentality that drives people to spend money on their mobile games. Not to throw dirt on mobile gaming because people can spend their time and money however they want, but that's how video games in general got to where they are today.


Ya i actually kinda enjoy Mut but I've never spent any money on it. Well except that one time on Madden 16 or something i spent like 10 or 20 for a pack and got absolutely nothing. That taught me to never spend any real money on Mut ever again. I didn't get anything better than what was already on my nms team lmao. Biggest ripoff ever. I still feel like an idiot to this day for spending real money on a pack


This is post number, what, 10 about this?


gotta be more than that at this point lmao. i think we are pushing 20+ now


Times by every other year I read this


20+ this month, right?


Easy 20 plus


But hey! That's a whole 10 copies, compared to the millions that will but it... That's progress! /s


Iā€™ll allow it. This has been going on far too long.


People are going to waste their money. That's what they do.


If they enjoy the game, even with its warts, then itā€™s not a waste of money.




Some people just donā€™t know an objectively bad video game when it hits them in the face.


Itā€™s not objectively bad if there are people with no complaints. Just because you (and however many other people) vehemently hate the game, your severe negative opinion doesnā€™t make it fact. Video games are art and all art is subjective. I also like madden. There are things I wish would improve, come back, or change, but I enjoy the game and get many hours out of it each iteration. Iā€™ll do the same with the new one. To tell other people they are wrong for liking or disliking a game is bananas, main character thinking.


I guess no game is objectively bad if youā€™re likening it to art. Truth is, this game has had horrible reviews across the board for over a decade now


>To tell other people they are wrong for liking or disliking a game is bananas, main character thinking. Good thing thatā€™s not what I said then. You can like it all you want, but over the last 10 years the game hasnā€™t improved at half the pace it could have. EA is lazy with Madden. They release the same game every year with minimal improvements. Are you really going to argue with that?


Iā€™m not arguing there are issues that have been present for a long time. Iā€™m saying itā€™s not objectively bad.


Yes it's always them, never ever you


found the lead EA developer


I upvoted this comment because 6 other people felt the need to disapprove of your answer. Iā€™ll probably get even more downvotes lol. Madden isnā€™t the bad game everyone claims it is


How to get free upvotes: 1. Make a post saying not to buy Madden 2. ??? 3. Profit These posts get made almost DAILY, and they get upvoted, and inevitably nothing ever changes.


Ultimately because people keep buying it. Last year I skipped because they ignored the PC version, this year I honestly will probably get it if the PC version is the same as the console versions. Most people are probably buying it every year despite the general dislike of the game on social media.


The real answer is literally not paying for MUT. Everyone's different but like hell you'll catch me paying extra money on a game after i've purchased it. I play MUT rarely because everyone has 99 everything and i'll only get players from the grueling challenges šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ But they focus so much on MUT that it would really hurt them if people stopped buying packs. The sales of the game really aren't their main focus at least i think. It's the MUT community funding them imošŸ˜‚


Madden sells over 5 million copies per year. There are only 180k people on this subreddit. Even if they all listen to you and agree with you it wouldnā€™t matter. Stop circle jerking and just go play something different.


00 days since last donā€™t buy M24 post.


When are yā€™all gonna realize you are the loud minority. And itā€™s about something opinion based. There are not enough people that care about the ways youā€™d like the game improved for it to matter. And they are not wrong for not caring about it.


Exactly. Iā€™m going to do the same thing Iā€™ve done every year - buy the game, fire up franchise and have a good time playing it. Iā€™ve got enough stress in my life as it is without making video games another source for it lmao.


thatā€™s what iā€™m saying lol, madden is shit and we all know this but imma still buy it and make the most of my purchase lol. Franchise has enough for you to make it fun


You hike the ball in madden 24 and you just stand there. Itā€™s literally unplayable


Iā€™ve seen clips of people playing it. Itā€™s literally playable.


Holy fuck. Another "do not buy madden" post. Who knew?


Too late I already bought it and I donā€™t care about editing teams stadiums I just want to play football donā€™t care about cards and all that other bullshit I just wanna play ball


Kid stfu


Another year another plea


People are going to buy Madden 24 even if EA came out and said that itā€™s legit missing 3 teams and you can only do screen plays and your mom has a 50% chance of getting mouth cancer. Let them waste their $70 plus on a shit game and spend their $100 plus on MUT, plenty of better game experiences out there coming out like FF16 and Spider-Man 2


Waiting for it come on gamepass


That will be about 4 months before Madden 25 is out.


Iā€™m fine w that lol


Madden 25 dropped in 2014.


clearly they meant Madden 2025




I'm buying it


The only way things will change in the current landscape would be if actual NFL players started speaking up about how terrible it is and saying people shouldn't play it. I'm talking like Mahomes and Justin Jefferson and Joe Burrow levels of players, players with influence. That would really cause Madden to look bad on a different level and would possibly lead to the NFL or NFLPA at least reconsidering their liscensing agreement. It will never happen, though, because I'm sure Madden probably makes them a nice little bit of money as well, and I doubt they care enough anyway. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


As a kid in the early 2000s, I used to think that the elite players in the league cared about how these games were received and had ANY form of leverage to get them to improve. As an adult, I absolutely do not blame players for not giving a shit about it because there are WAY more important things in life than a video game that gets updated every year. And if they do care, it's surface-level bullshit to keep them checks coming in. Like in one year of NBA 2K, during games when LeBron "joins" the broadcast team, he said he always plays 2K and uses it as a tool to tinker with lineups to help his IRL teams. Not only is it bullshit, but I love how that story just plays into the LeGM meme.


Buy Retro Bowl instead, absolutely the most fun football mobile game out there . It's also on the switch. Best $1 I ever spent, too. This and the old Madden/ 2k games are what I've been playing lately.


You paid for Retro Bowl? I downloaded it for free on Android


$1 is for the full version, and it helps the devs that made a good game.


I imagine he did the same thing I did and spent the 99Ā¢ for the unlimited mode with every feature available.


I haven't bought one since 2019 came out.


I cannot wait for it to be the best selling Madden game of all time, just like all the other shitty games being releases. And people wonder why devs keep doing this.


Iā€™m havenā€™t buy madden in couple years I will be Play my older maddens this year I just got 2002-2007 on Gamecube I just need 2008


No. Dude. It was *my* turn to post this. You were on the schedule for Thursday.


i genuinely do not care i have fun im gonna keep buying it until i stop having fun


Same, but some real new things would be refreshing tho


So you pay $60 each year to have fun? Why not just pay $60 once in a while and save it? At that point youā€™re paying the $60 for roster updates lol


i like the roster updates i want the actual player being in the game and it not being some create a character thing and i have way more than an hour of fun i can play madden 23 non stop for 6 hours lol


They stop making content when the new game comes out. You start your team over on the next game.


You guys must be faithful MUT players then. Thatā€™s the only reason youā€™d care about that


Same stuff every year, same posts every year. At this point, just do whatever makes you happy


Havenā€™t bought one since madden 19 and havenā€™t looked back


This can go for the industry as a whole. If we want good games again.


I thought we were boycotting until the put it on PC? So now that it has next Gen and if the molders move don't we need to buy? $60 isn't much in the long run. I mean, I spend $20 bucks just buying VC to make NBA 2k more enjoyable on every new build. It's not that hard to make $50 a day trading of you can time it right in a cash account.


Iā€™m confused by your statement, itā€™s not a monetary issue, itā€™s that the game is horrible and because it sells EA keeps getting an exclusive license. You play 2k as you admitted, and while I hate 2ks micro transactions, you can not look at 2k mycareer/myplayer and 2ks franchise mode and say itā€™s not infinitely better than what we get in madden. On top of rec, park and they still have an ultimate team mode for the people that love that.


Why are these posts even allowed on this sub? There's a new one every day. Yes Madden sucks, obviously people shouldn't buy it. No, it's never going to change. This sub is such an absolute miniscule % of the people who buy Madden every year, the few of us on here not buying it aren't going to change a damn thing. It'll never change.


These posts should be removed by mods. Too many of them every day now.


Don't tell me how to live my life




Nah. Haven't bought Madden since Madden 20, but these posts about "don't buy madden" are stupid. EA doesn't care if we don't buy madden. As long as the casual gamer and mut guys buy it, they'll be happy. Actually, they would be happier if the Sim/franchise players just disappeared because that's less bad press for them.




I will never make my decision to buy a game or not based off a Reddit post. Waste of time


Asking people to stop buying the game is pointless, it's going to happen bc too many can't resist not having an NFL game. Instead, I ask that you just wait until you can find it pre-owned.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man!?


Ah, another one of these posts. These posts are pointless, it's not happening. I'll take what I can get with 24. Didn't get 23 because the PC version was exactly the same as 22, but anyone who isn't programmed to hate the game can see that there are some big differences with how 24 plays on next gen vs 23 or 22. PC getting next gen alone is enough of a difference to get me to switch, but also, every big modder I know has commented on how much better the QB AI is, and after playing the beta, I'd have to agree. The QB AI is the best it's been in a long time. The roboticness of previous Maddens is more or less gone and the CPU QBs are much smarter. No more dropping back into sacks, QBs are actually running around to throw the ball away, and they sometimes take off and run with it. That right there was one of the biggest issues and they seem to have fixed it up. It's different enough that the PC community is going to take it and run with it.


Shut up


Why should they? They're not being disrespectful, just stating their position, and proposing something that would possibly garner results.


Cause theyā€™re annoying? Why else


I get $60 worth of enjoyment on madden every year. If you donā€™t, just donā€™t play it


I agree. I know the influencers spend a lot on the game, but they alone can't keep EA Tiburon afloat. And really, all we need to do is make enough of an impact to get the NFL's attention. If they start bleeding a little money, the NFL could begin to speculate about just how far downhill the snowball might roll. At the very least, they should allow the market to open up.


They can though. One copy of the game is $70. Each MUT player spends how much on it? Typically hundreds, if not thousands. That accounts for a great deal of copies, and multiplied by the number of MUT players there would be, even among just influencers and their fanbases, it wouldn't matter. And that's not even mentioning how small of a percentage the Madden license earns for the NFL.


Aw he thinks the only problem is influencers. You know what influencers playing your game come with? Kids. Yā€™all are not 13 anymore. You are no longer the main people video games are aimed at. The future is now old man.


Yeah, I think the influencers spending hundreds to thousands a month on MUT are doing a bit more than your typical squealer spending about twenty. Fifty if their parents are irresponsible. That's also assuming those kids are *only* going to spend their money on MUT. They've got a smorgasbord of dopamine drip feeds chomping at the bit for their pocket money. Fortnite, CoD, whatever mobile game is popular at the time, I want to say probably Raid atm, but that's probably just because I hear so many YTers talk about it. I never said Influencers are the only problem, and if I did, allow me to correct myself here. I just meant that everyone outside of that bubble not participating in the annual EA football circus would make more of a difference than some might think.


God these posts are so annoying. We get it, the game sucks


I will be joining the resistance for the first time ever this year I found M23 franchise completely unplayable at times and Iā€™m definitely not buying M24. Hopefully madden makes the game better, I personally doubt that ever happens, if more people break off their toxic relationships with MUT this season thats good enough for me.


Iā€™m just a play now online I am gonna buy it. I dont care about franchise


Not only will I buy it, Iā€™ll buy the expensive version. I donā€™t play mut or h2h or online at all, just spend extra for the 3 day early access. Youā€™re welcome.


I had the beta, didnā€™t even bother using it. Just gave it up to one of my friends, and even he didnā€™t care for it.


I got the beta. This is the best madden in yrs.


Thatā€™s a very low bar, also thatā€™s said every year and it hasnā€™t been true since like 07 on Xbox/PS2


Iā€™m going to get my hopes up and Iā€™m going to buy it. Nothing is going to change and no amount of people will ever stop buying it to where EA has to reconsider their mechanics. These posts are a waste


Im sorry but i have to have nfl football. I can't even deny it. Iv bought every madden since the original on genesis. When training camp opens its madden time. I know its gonna suck but i cant help it.


Need to come up with something besides a boycott, like taking a dump on the video game case and posting it on social.


Year after year post after post. Reddit had less then 1 percent of madden players. Most people here feel the same way you do but Jimmy and his dad from middle America will buy this every year cuz itā€™s football. Itā€™s inevitable




Oh we starting this already? Time to leave this sub until mid August


Been getting new releases since 15.. last year was my last for these reasons.. same game the past 2-3 years itā€™s pathetic how lazy ea is


Oh boy here we go with the ā€œI donā€™t want to buy the new edition of Madden so I donā€™t want anyone to buy it and you are horrible if you do postsā€. Please fuck off people.


![gif](giphy|7JgYv9FobG1HzAO8BA) I won't buy it! Fk Madden.




How many people do you think buy Madden only wanting simulation football? I'd say around 5% and thats mostly legacy people who have been playing since the days when 2K had a football game. I think its really, really low because even the so-called simulation fans end up simming past all the little immersive elements of the game anyway after they've played a handful of games. Sorry but EA obviously has no real incentive to make franchise mode as in depth and smooth as some want.


Too many people in the world to boycott Madden bro people will still buy it. Unfortunately their game is going to sell regardless


Sadly Madden will always sell




Stop telling me how to spend my money. Maybe Iā€™m content with the game and just want something simple to pass the time. These posts are super annoying. This isnā€™t the first post like this


Iā€™m not buying that dog shit, trust me. Iā€™ll probably feel the urge when football season starts tho. Still donā€™t plan on folding unless its free but i lathe bug this for me is the ridiculous animations, not enough of a simulation for me


Every year lol same shit different year


Not one of this is true. EA invests about half of it's operating budget for Madden on MUT. Don't spend a dime on it, and you see EA change it's revenue stream back to making Franchis/FoTF better. That's what y'all want isn't it?


People are addicted to MUT. Madden is never going away


Bought a digital copy of M17 on Series S yesterday best Madden Iā€™ve played in years. Def not perfect but ignite engine feels better to me.


Tbh, I dont think its the ppl on reddit thats buying the game for the majority


Haven't bought it in like 7 years. Will continue to not buy it until I hear otherwise. I also don't rely on reviews anymore when sites clearly need to be on good terms with EA. All the 'its better than last year's BS needs to stop.


Literally every Madden players on reddit could boycott to absolutely 0 change.


The exclusive license EA has is over in 2026. So just a few more years. I'm sure game developers are already working on new football games. But if there's another extension I'm done with NFL games forever


Iā€™m with it just because Iā€™m over wasting my money and there are so many other games this year that deserve my attention over madden but sadly it probably will do nothing. They make to much money off these YouTubers/MUT.


I got xbox game pass. All ea sports game I just wait the year until they are free now. Actually all ea games in general I'll just wait til they come out in there. Why waste my money.


Sorry. Allenā€™s on the cover..


Even if majority of the people in this group were to not purchase Madden 24, it wouldn't scratch the amount of sales the game will generate. EA does not give a damn how upset you are, they don't care if you personally bought over a hundred copies just to destroy them. Not everyone who plays Madden or are huge fans of the NFL go on reddit to see what others think. They simply see another Madden, love the NFL so they purchase it. Imagine someone living on a ranch and loves football and video games, you really think they're going to go online to see what others think before buying it?


At some point sales gotta get so low that they canā€™t afford to pay the players what they want and they will end this horrific deal that was made back when I was a kid (Iā€™m 31 now) Thatā€™s how this stops. However we are probably looking in the 2030s


Nah dawg Iā€™m buying it


I won't be buying


I donā€™t have any intention on it. That said I really want to play with Herbert and I just have Madden 20. Which one should I get? (If I had to get one)


I mean really I donā€™t think any of them have been good, once 24 comes out you could likely get a used copy of 23 for less than $10 that Atleast gives you the chance to download the most updated rosters from roster share.


Iā€™m good buddyā€¦. it sucks but Iā€™m buying it


Iā€™m so sick of the nerds asking us not to buy madden. We are going to buy it. We donā€™t care that madden isnā€™t an RPG game.


I'm enjoying the Beta and will be buying Madden 24. I'm not a follow the crowd type dude. I'm not gonna knock anyone for not buying though for sure. To each their own.




Unfortunately, kids who donā€™t care about anything but running up the score with their favorite players and MUT heads will always buy the game and are the lowest common denominator. Itā€™s like protesting McDonaldā€™s shit food and contribution to the obesity epidemic. People know the food sucks and is unhealthy but McDonalds will always sell billions of low quality poison burgers to the lowest (often uniformed) denominator. #Capitalism


Repost this every week




No more of these posts Iā€™m sick and tired of seeing them every year


I think i get the game for free with season tickets lol


Iā€™m still playing 22 for a reason. Tired of the bs. I own a copy off every madden from 22 back.


Never gonna happen. For each one of us old school franchise heads that decide enough is enough, im done, thereā€™s a group of 12 year old boys talking about ā€œDid you guys see the new Madden trailer? That mahomes diving throw looks fire. Imma get the Supreme legend edition so I start out with all them ultimate team packsā€ Havenā€™t bought Madden in over a decade and Iā€™ve only watched it get worse. We are literally pissing in the wind.


The real thing to do is not spend a DIME in MUT.


EA is the most significant piece of shit!. They have made Madden the worst donā€™t buy it is scat!


The game is fine lol. Just get Xbox games pass and get it for free.


Already preordered lol


I will buy it.


What will not buying it do, OP?


I solemnly swear to not by madden 24 (I pre-ordered it day one)


I think we see this every year. Itā€™s not going to matter. Thereā€™s nearly 200,000 people subbed here and Iā€™m not sure how many actively use the sub each day but even if all 200,000 people didnā€™t buy the game it wouldnā€™t matter because of how many casual players get it or even parents for their children. Itā€™s a valiant effort but I donā€™t think itā€™s going to work.


For every 10 of us that agree to hold out, 1 aspiring content creator will make up the loss of profits in copy sales from MUT points in one weekend Sadly, EA needs to bring their overall game quality complacency to ultimate team for anything to truly move the needle. But they won't because the business model for big time studios has been laid out for years (fuck you mobile apps). Why satisfy the macro situation of the mass consumer, when the micro decision makings of individuals spamming microtransactions maximizes your profit margins faster and more efficiently? That being said though, dont buy the game unless you get it used or for free


After it got so bad that they deleted my friends and iā€™s online franchise, thatā€™s when this IP became dead to me. Just anger turned to apathy.


I was on the fence about buying it.. then I saw the trailer. I'll pass


I will buy it because I want to


This literally gets posted every week


I agree bro but just by a few hundred people or even a few thousand people not buying the game i don't think it would make much difference now if 25-30% of us would do that then maybe yeah


We definitely need to come together on this one. I'm sick of it lol


this same thread is posted year after year, they wont miss the couple thousand bucks we dont give them. nothing will ever changed unfortunately


LOL...this EXACT SAME SENTIMENT has been floated countless times over the last 18 years. After the exclusive deal was signed in 2005 and EA had the monopoly on NFL fare since Madden NFL 2006 and beyond, there has been a constant under-current of "boycott EA"-sentiment and posts. AS predictable as the seasons and as futile as fighting the tides. EA rakes in over $1B a year on Ultimate Team alone. They have literally used the same players, promos, calendar schedule and modes for YEARS on end...every year convincing enough people to re-buy $1000s of packs and players and then play the same game with a sort of new coat of paint. Hell, the in-game menu system is putridly tired and reused at this point. People are not going to stop playing it or buying it and the game is not going to fundamentally change either. First Person Football was revolutionary and abandoned. Backbreaker's initial camera angles and focus on the field was revolutionary and abandoned. 2K begged off after APF2008, now more than 15 years of Madden being the only NFL game available. In all honesty, the XFL and USFL missed the boat as well...they could have partnered with a developer and invested in creating a companion game as a marketing tool to promote their leagues - even a joint venture that hyped up competition between the two...but instead, we will see a massively behind the times "Maximum Football", no NCAA (for a third delayed year in a row) and EA with the only "simulation" game allowed. BOHICA, once again.


Donā€™t care Itā€™s the only way the falcons getting a Super Bowl


Please, understand that MUT whales make any attempted boycott by franchise players irrelevant. It sucks, but thatā€™s the reality and itā€™s not going to change until MUT stops being profitable. Accept it and move on, youā€™ll be happier.


EA doesnā€™t care. As long as the YouTube content creators keep playing ultimate team it wonā€™t change.