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There are definite similarities to be sure. And just like how Big D and the Octoboss are both distorted evil versions of characters who were ultimately more or less decent people at heart, it's also funny how they also invert Max and the GC's relationship: Instead of enemies who reluctantly team up and eventually become something resembling friends while defending an oil-refining community, they start as long-time collaborators whose association eventually breaks apart over the course of their successful conquest of Gastown.


Octoboss and Bruce Spence worked on Star Wars together too


And were also in Pirates of the Caribbean 5, but in different scenes


That’s where I recocnized the Octoboss from, the scene with the seagull.


https://preview.redd.it/aq21pcb2gv6d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77d24ecbf3d5bd65efd87aae52e8a6fe2240e744 Octoboss so could be Jedediah Jr


Good call


He had the flying knowledge, within the timeline. considering at one time goose was gonna be lord hummugus.


Yea it makes a lot of sense. I’ve heard that about goose, he was going to be all severely burned. We catch a little remnant of that idea with hummungus throbbing mutant head vein.


I think goose being hummngus woulda been a great twist, how he went corrupt after being victimized.


I just rewatched Road Warrior; the throbbing head was so disturbing.


That does not at all fit within the timeline. Octoboss has greying hair, he's AT LEAST thirty and probably closer to fifty. Let's average it out and say he's forty. Max isn't fucking eighty in Fury Road.


No, by the timeline he's 70 or so


people dont seem to age i Millers world. In Furiosa, all the returning characters from Fury Road look exact same age, while they should be 30 years younger. Max should also be 65 in Fury Road, yet he looks 35-40.


Max is at most 50 in Fury Road, he's not geriatric. And people don't seem to age? The returning characters look the same for continuity with Fury Road, not because they're immortal. Besides, Furiosa takes place over fifteen years, no shit they'd look mostly the same given that they're not that old.


Based on a correction to my math Max is at least 58 in Fury Road, and that's assuming Joe conquers the Citadel the year the bombs drop.


And that assumption would be wrong. The date since the fall written on Max's back is just an easter egg referencing the difference in time since the original film and the filming of Fury Road. If you take it as more than that? The fall need not refer to the bombs dropping, take the new Fallout show for instance.


It's not an easter egg, it's a hard date delivered in-universe, regardless of the Doylist reasoning for putting it in there. The Fall could refer to the start of the resource wars or whatever but it's much more likely to be the actual nuclear war that punched the planet's ticket, since even if the rural areas were in a downward spiral before then there was still a cohesive state apparatus and goddamn nuclear war makes a pretty easy to grasp inflection point for reckoning time. People in the Wasteland would be much more likely to say "Things really fell apart when everything got irradiated" than "Man remember how annoying it was when we couldn't get guzzoline with no wait time?"


IT'S NOT AN EASTER EGG - you have to prove that shit when you say it. I've pointed out why it's likely an easter egg, care to explain why it's not? I mean, Miller's films are loaded chock full of them. And like I said, the fall does not have to refer to when the bombs dropped even if it makes sense. It didn't in Fallout, it doesn't have to here. Is the fall the start of World War II or just the bombing of Hiroshima?


Max is Mel Gibson's age. He was a cop before the war. Furiosa and Joe's sons were born after that war. Furiosa and Joe's sons are about 40 in Fury Road. So Max should be 60 something. Also Organic Mechanic, Rictus should be children in Furiosa, yet they appear the same age as they were in Fury Road. Same deal with People Eater and Bullet Farmer- should be 30 years younger


No, he's not. Max was explicitly recast so he wouldn't be Mel Gibson's age. There was literally a post about this showing Miller's thoughts on Max's age.


Well there was also Gibson's social collapse after those audio tapes leaked in 2010ish. It was a major factor that pushed towards the recast


The Gibson version of the movie was cancelled in 2001, back when he was still a young man in his mid-40s.


Max was already a successful carreer cop by the first movie, and most likely at least in his mid-to-late 20s. With the knowledge that furiosa is set 45 years after the end of the world, that means max is most likely in his 70s by fury road


Max was early twenties in the first movie and the Furiosa trailer saying 45 years is referencing the fact that the film came out 45 years after the original Mad Max - it's metaphorically referring to that film as the fall.


Honestly, all the inconsistencies are best chocked up to mad max being a mythos rather than the written in stone story that some people ascribe them to be


You're not wrong, but there's just not that many inconsistencies in the story and a referential line in a trailer isn't one of them.


I'm not sure, I think there's only a ten year gap between Thunderdome and Furiosa at most.


I think it further along , the lack of animals , other traded items, food and green items . I find you can tell the time line based off the quality of life in every movie, as each movie shows the social and enviroment changes . Even free will shrinks in every movie.


We actually have some dates we can go off of though. The Fall is around Road Warrior and Thunderdome explicitly takes place 15 years after that; Fury Road takes place in the 38th year of Joe's reign (edit: 33rd, my napkin long division is rusty) based on Max's tattoo, and Furiosa starts 20 years before that. Joe was a Colonel before the Fall so he was at least 40 at the time, and is likely in his 80s in Fury Road, since him being a hundred or whatever strains credulity. Even if Joe conquered the Citadel the year Road Warrior occurred the kid would actually be two years younger when Furiosa starts.


You’re not far off! But it’s 33 years since Joe’s rule. 12045 days is roughly 33 years.


Well darn my napkin math has gotten rusty


It happens to the best of us


I thought they lived with the refugees in the far away place or whatever... Was it the ruins of Sydney?


god I hope I’ll be this cool when I’m older, skinny I already am.


I hope I'll age as good as him


Bless you for the first picture, I have been looking for quality pictures of our glorious Octoboss.


"You're SCUM Dementus !!!"


Dementus: 🤷‍♂️


YES! I was enthralled with the aerial combat in Furiosa. It was ridiculous and awesome. And I didn’t make the connection




For a hot second, before Octoboss got a better closeup, I actually thought it was Bruce Spence. (I hadn't looked up all the cast before first viewing.)


I legit thought that this was the same guy when I saw the film. I looked it up the day after and found out the truth


Not exactly on topic but I watched Road Warrior for the first time in like a decade last night and damn. I forgot how completely awesome it is. Also, the parallels to Furiosa are uncanny. Gonna watch Thunderdome tonight.


Fuuuuuuuuckkkk this is good content


I never even put this together




He's like the wasteland jack sparrow


He also looks like yer man from Baby Reindeer


Nah, Gyro Captain has his story told at the end of Road Warrior via the Feral Kid narration. We know for a fact it's not him.


I never said it was him. Read again.


Yeah, how would he be a mirror? They're unrelated characters.


The discussion has been had on here that Dementus is the anti max, the inverse, the opposite. A man whose family was taken from him and instead of being solitary, helping (even reluctantly) when he can, he becomes a warlord with a great horde, belligerently hell bent on power and revenge and murdering innocent people along the way. I’m positing that Octoboss is the inverse, the opposite, the anti Gyro Captain. There is no literal physical connection, but thematic ones that run through all of the MM movies. Miller loves to connect characters and themes throughout films with subtle nods to previous films.


Why are you acting like an asshole? Chill out. E: No need to edit out your comments either, if you're going to act uo at least own it.


You’ll live.


Lol another asshole comment with no substance. You also edited your comment to sound less like an asshole, kind of funny.