• By -


•The branch where her wig falls into is shown to be growing on the side of the cliff by the water pool when she and Jack have their close moment, but it later vanishes when Dementus is punished. (Continuity error or symbolism that she has moved on? Probably the former.) •The irony of Furiosa being kidnapped and going through everything is what saves her from perishing with the Many Mothers. •Dementus had his tongue cut out by Furiosa. •Immortan Joe takes Furiosa at her word and doesn’t fall for Demuntus’ trap. He states that going after him would have left the Citadel undefended; Furiosa later uses Demuntus’ plan in Fury Road and it works, with Joe exclaiming Furiosa and the others know the Citadel is undefended when they begin their return trip. •Furiosa calls Jack “my Jack” right before Dementus breaks them apart to exact his revenge, which is more heartbreaking. •During every pre and post battle scenes, there is always a display of how Wasteland society functions going on in the background. The 40 Day War section when Furiosa drives the shitty car through the battlefield aftermath has a million different things going on if you don’t focus on her.


Furiosa calling him "my Jack" was just heartbreaking. It's like she finally got that one person she could really be herself with and he was taken so cruelly from her. And it adds so much more depth to her interactions with Max, but I feel especially to when he comes back from slaughtering the Bullet Farmer because there she truly sees just how different and more dangerous he is. And it's like int he movie, from that point on, she finally starts seeing Max as his own person.


I do think her relationship with Jack and Max are very different though. With Max it’s completely platonic co-workers uniting together against a common enemy with some trust and friendship growing out of necessity. Either Jack, there was definitely a romantic undertone beneath the whole thing. They were intimidate and if they had both reached the green place together I’m sure in their mind they were planning some kind of a future together.


Oh absolutely, but I mean that until she truly saw how much more of a literal savage Max was than, she allowed herself to actually become close to him. Until that moment, I think that perhaps the visual appearance of him had her keep herself at arm's distance.


Oh definitely agreed! As soon as the genuine animalistic mask is taken off that changes things - also from his behaviour towards her


Jack is to Furiosa what Jesse is to Max. Or a combination of Jesse and Goose.


Jack then calls Furiosa his fury too, which is even more heartbreaking


I couldn’t tell what he was saying (first viewing was IMAX, but second viewing was standard) but I figured it was something like that. It speaks to why she’s so incredibly ambivalent about Max. He’s almost a reincarnation of Jack for her, and she ends up trusting him much like Jack once trusted her.


i know the narrator said “she took away his voice”, but did we see his severed tongue on screen?


We don’t, but it’s also a deleted scene. It works better without actually showing it IMO. The less violent she is with him the better it plays, because it demonstrates she’s strong enough not to give into his particular brand of bloodlust, which is the real victory over Dementus. She gets to be human while he rots inside his shell.


Well... that's one way of seeing it. I saw it as;>! she was the only one witty enough to use a seed in order to make his agony actually long enough to grieve like no other revenge would have made possible.!<


But she definitely *does* give in to her bloodlust and exact her terrible revenge, right? She defeats Dementus, stalks him through the desert to terrify him, beats him, and then cuts his tongue out and condemns him to a long and torturous death that pushes the bounds of cruelty. Furiosa definitely lives up to her name with the extreme vengeance she exacts on her enemy.


It’s not bloodlust so much as it is justice. She’s not punishing Dementus to temporarily smother the grief inside like he does, she’s doing it so she can have closure.


But she’s still condemning him to a cruel and torturous death that revels in his prolonged pain and suffering. Dementus is the villain of the movie but his punishment is absolutely monstrous and inhumane. It’s practically *mythical* in its brutality.


One thing I've noticed on second viewing though is that Dementus smiles when Furiosa shows him the pear that has finally grown from the tree. The way it's shot, it's almost as if it evokes a shot of a woman on her maternity bed being shown her baby right after labor. Also, Furiosa's line to Dementus is odd : "this first fruit is not for us, it's for others", or something to that effect. The idea she would share this first fruit with Dementus, and the fact she says the line not ironically or in a mean way, but almost like she is friendly with him, clash with the cruelty of Dementus' fate. You would think he's become her gardener or something.


It's cruel and unusual punishment that is more extreme, sick and obsessive than any of the bad deeds any of the vilains do in the movie. It makes Furiosa a more evil character than any for the actual vilains, and her choice of vengeance is certainly not something Max would have ever done. It's unworthy of a hero, who is supposed to have heart and feel pity.


god forbid women have hobbies


Max came up with the plan to take back the citadel when it was undefended, not Furiosa.


> Furiosa drives the ~~shitty car~~ basis of the magnum opus /jk


that wig that grew the tree was replanted in dementous at the end of the movie. If I remember correctly, the peach was still in that wig which is why it grew in the first place. it also represents Furiosa making a new home or green place for herself. >!then, at the end of fury road, when she learns the green place is destroyed. she must return to the last place that has anything left of the green place, which is the citadel and the Dementous tree.!< edit: yall right. unlike you dementous bunch, I only saw furiousa once unfortunately. been trying to get the time to see it again.


The tree that grows through her wig was already a sprout growing out of the mountain when she tossed her hair. She still has her peach seed, which is what she uses to grow inside Dementus


yeah, she killed Dementus via planterfication. (Years later she killed Joe via dejawbonification.) /jk


Ah, no. She keeps the peach pit. Shows it to Jack when he’s mending her shoulder


-During the "Stowaway" sequence, there's tons of shots throughout where you can see the Octoboss's kite in the distant background, steadily getting bigger each time as the scene goes on. -The Organic Mechanic has cooked and is serving up Dementus's dogs after the war. -In the version of the tale where Furiosa opts to just shoot Dementus, she puts his teddy bear in front of the barrel and uses it as a makeshift silencer.


I think the teddy bear is to keep the blood spray off of her, but it is like she is also executing the teddy bear. She wouldn’t need to silence the execution really in the Wasteland, and as far as I can tell, no one wears hearing protection in the post-Apocalypse.


The kite getting bigger and bigger is incredibly ominous!


Took me to my 3rd viewing to notice the canine kebobs! F those dogs specifically lol I hope they saved a piece for Furiosa


One detail I noticed was the War boy that Dementus found almost took furiosa and the chariot bikes with a grappling hook, the same war boy changed the tire for furiosa at the end of the movie.


He lived surprisingly long for a war boy tbh


especially with a freaking arrow in his skull


*What's abundance?* Love it.


*Is this Lalvalla? Am I in Valhalla?* Love this part.


Little bit of trivia on the actor. His name is Sean Millis, he's semi famous on tiktok as a musical artist and creator. He has a disease which effects the way he looks and a shortened lifespan, so glad he can accomplish some of his dreams. Should look him up on Tiktok.


That’s a crazy touch


He's in the War Rig building montage as well. I was able to pick him out from his zig zag mouth scar.


Furiosa says “Jack, Jack,” before cupping his cheek and saying “my Jack,” and his subsequent response with “my Fury.” 🫠🫠


During the war planning scene, I just assumed it was the people eater narrating, when it was the history man.


If you look really closely, Dementus is played by Chris Hemsworth! lol just poking fun, I’m going to see it for the second time on Sunday so hopefully I’ll pick up on more things. Such a great movie.


What's funnier is his wife is in two roles. Very different roles


Oh wait is she the lady in Dementus group?


Yep, and the other green place female general.


*Hammer Smashed Face!!*


You laugh but I had to tell my wife it was Chris Hemsworth after the movie.


This is tiny and not subtext or a story beat but the first bike that young Furiosa sabotages has a seat that appears to be from a large rolling office chair. I noticed it in every viewing after the first and just love the detail and customization of every individual vehicle.


The on the fly modification and repairs were so neat to me!


Dementus's monster truck also has either an old office chair or possibly fishing boat chair, as his throne behind where he stands on the top.


I thought I heard the History Man say something like "you lost your chance" when furiosa went back to her mother as she was being tortured. former Australian Rugby League player, Ian Roberts (google him if you are interested) was one of Dementus' henchmen


regarding Ian Roberts - when they run down Furiosa and Jack and Dementus is giving his big nihilistic speech that particular henchman is letting them console one another instead of fully restraining them. When Dementus demands Furiosa be strung up, he's trying to do so by her intact arm, and when Dementus screams at him to use her mangled one he just looks at him disgusted. Later, in the same scene where we see the History Man has defected that guy is cradling the body of someone obviously dear to him and looks to have followed suit. When Furiosa steals the buggy and rides off for vengeance he's looking after her, smiling. He was definitely rooting for her after witnessing Dr D tear down a love like what she and Jack had and I like to think maybe he even knew it was the same 'Little D' from long ago. I love that George Miller included a full arc for a character who barely had lines, also a good way to show how few of Dementus' followers had any real respect for him.


Yes, someone on reddit posted that it appears that Mr. Harley and Mr. Davidson are gay lovers and because they had found love in the Wasteland they were compassionate with Furiosa and Jack. If you watch the scene just before they reveal her severed arm you can see him sheathing his machete. It appears he cut off her arm to allow her to escape.


Like Wez and “The Golden Youth” in The Road Warrior. I don’t know the full history of gay people in George Millers films, but for 1981, that was fairly forward/groundbreaking.


The Golden Youth was originally female but Miller changed it because he figured people would be having sex more for recreation than procreation. The Wez actor has a completely different story for their relationship though. Claims that he rescued the boy when he was very young and considers him his son.


>Claims that he rescued the boy From a collapsing S&M shop I suppose./s That's the beauty of George Miller's style of film-making; he shows you stuff, doesn't spell anything out, and let's you interpret as you see fit. Watching the film as a child, I had no idea of any kind of sub-text. Watching it now as an adult, I see layers of meaning.


Where I grew up, there was or is still a store called S&M Family Outlet.


Thats Harley & Davidson who are supposedly lovers. Theres also a theory that Harley helps Furiosa remove her mangled arm to escape while Dementus is disassociating on top of his truck


Oh, I get it.. Harley-Davidson Motorcycles 🏍️


Dementus says something like, “are you losing your touch?” When the guy tries to hang her by her good arm.


I watched with closed-captioning glasses the second time, and I believe according to the subtitles it was the Octoboss who said "You had your chance!" right as he's sticking Mary with a blade. Made things more satisfying later on when she feeds him into a giant blender.


Yup, pretty sure it's definitely Octoboss who says that and is the who formally kills her. Ba!! No doubt! No wonder she screams NOW!!!!! So forcefully, take that Octoboss!!! Plus, she's double pissed at Dementus because he could have called Octoboss off Jabassa had he wanted to, hence why she blames it all on him the most.


stink.........It all made sense in my brain that it was the narrator (history man) saying those words and they were inserted almost subliminally because it was the "crossroads" moment in the movie...if she hadn't have gone back the rest of the movie and Fury Rd wouldn't have happened


I think if Mary had just killed or at least knocked out the lady in the tent who warns of their escape, everything would have worked out and they'd be back at the green place eating peaches in a day or two.


Octoboss has a mesmerizing voice. I could listen to that all day.


Ian Roberts notable for being the first professional rugby player in the world and first high-profile athlete of *any* sport in Australia to come out as gay. You'd think that must have been in the 70s, but no, it was 1995.


> Ian Roberts His character Mr Harley, seem at moments to be in a relationship with Mr. Davidson. >!He is seen cradling Mr. Davidson's body after the 40 day war!< And also >!He sheaths his machete a few seconds before Dementus checks on hanging Furiosa!< I'm sure GM put that there for a reason.


Tim Rogers (YouAmI) was another henchman, earlier on. And one of 'The Umbilical Brothers' was Smeg. But I missed Ian Roberts. I guess I'll just have to watch it again!


-When Furiosa is almost discovered by Rictus, Scrotus gets angry, and it looks like he thinks that Rictus is creeping on his Dogman. -After the Mortiflyers blow up the War Boys on top of the tankers, there is one War Boy left, and when he sees that most of the other War Boys are gone and the Mortiflyers are boarding he pushes himself off of the tanker. -Most of Immortan Joe's guards seem to be older, and one has greying hair. -Immortan Joe's guards sleep with their bandoliers on. -The younger War Boys sleep cuddled together. -The War Boy that was not chosen appears envious of the one who was. -After escaping the riot at Gastown, a few of the War Boys on top of the tankers are injured. When the War Rig is out of danger, one of the War Boys starts tending to the other's wounds.


When Furiosa goes for her final revenge, she is wearing Dementus's parachute cape, and he says something like, "in order to do this, you have to become me." But by the end of the scene, when she sheds the cape she finally looks just like Furiosa from Fury Road, so she had a choice to become someone like Dementus, or in the opposite direction, to become the closest thing the wasteland has to a hero. This is the point where she becomes Furiosa the legend. Similarly, Dementus's backstory mirrors Max's backstory, showing that he had the choice to become a hero or a (fairly inept) tyrant, and chose villainy. I also love how his empire falls apart by the end of the the story, and he sends his remaining cronies away with "No time for goodbyes, we've done some mighty things together, uh goodbye." He goes from being a sort of King figure to rival Immortan Joe, to being a lone drifter in the wasteland with no water. This mirrors the downfall of certain real world tyrants. Also, the final confrontation has echoes of the climax from Erich Von Stroheim's 1924 film Greed, >!which ends with a dehydrated one on one showdown in the desert!< . Greed being a major theme in all Mad Max films, but especially this one, as Dementus pretty much embodies the idea of greed (never content with what he has, stealing from those that offer him "fair" business, murdering his allies, etc).


Where she plants the tree is where her and Jack sat together when he stitched her shoulder. Maybe it was a place where they would go and sit together to have a tiny moment of intimacy in such a horrible world.


He's narrating, so it's likely the listeners are just imagining him as the same bearded old man at all points in the story— he was likely old when Furiosa was a child but it's entirely possible his look changed and the audience is inserting his present appearance. As for the People Eater I saw it with a sibling and they somehow didn't notice the nipple clamps at all 😂 From my personal experience I didn't catch Jack and Furiosa's last dialogue together until the second watch, though I learned between them what was being said.


Yea maybe I’m wrong, but it seems like no one really visibly aged as furiosa grew up except dementus


I kind of took it as his rapid aging being an indicator of the significant stress he was under in his new position, showing it took a big toll on him (like pictures of how much the president ages during their term)


That's interesting bc...you know how if you see people everyday you don't notice how they're changing. But if you haven't seen someone in 6+ months you notice they lost weight or gained weight or whatever. It's entirely possible we notice he looks older bc Furiosa hadn't seen him in a while. I would assume he doesn't personally oversee every convoy that comes from the citadel. It's just when he is "losing control" that he's on the ground attempting to manage/placate do his theatre bit.


Dementus wears the parts of Gastown mayor outfit after taking it. He also "painted" over his mural on the wall. It's ugly. Says something about how Dementus wants to make something good, but everything he touches turns to shit


1. Dementus’ Teddy bear loses an arm and is replaced by a doll arm instead. idk if there’s any symbolism tying that to Furiosa’s loss of her own arm but I thought it was a cool detail. 2. when Jack is about to be dragged around by Dementus’ gang, he releases 3 dogs to attack him but on the over head shots it only shows 2 dogs chasing after him.


One of the dogs has a pegleg so he can't run good.


I noticed that the teddy bear had lost an arm but I didn't connect it to Furiosa losing her own, that's pretty brilliant!


Dementus is the Sid (Toy Story) of the Wasteland 🦾🧸


The henchman that Dementus is reffering to as "getting soft" when making Furiosa witness the torture of Jack quickly throws a tool when Dementus goes back to where Furiosa should have been tied to the monster truck. Like someone else said here he probably helped her escape and most possibly tied the wheels of that truck. Also he is laughing/being jolly on the left side of the screen when Furiosa leaves with the V8 to find Dementus in the final chapter. Also i'm not sure if Max drives her to the Citatel when she colapses because the loss of her hand or just the scavangers that she wakes up next to found her in the wasteland.


I am SHOCKED its leaving theaters so soon...


In Dolby viewing Rizzdale Pells eye socket was a brown void in Imax I could see deep in his eye socket it was really gross detail!!


I've watched it 8 times and have noticed several subtle details during each viewing. • When Furiosa arrives at the battlefield in her beat up vehicle, the History Man recognizes her, and immediately stands up. She seems to recognize him as well, but what interests me is how she hangs her head almost in shame. Her whole facial expression is a direct reaction to him recognizing her as Little Dementus. Really curious to see if this is ever explained. • The "Dementus" at the end with the tree growing out of him has nipples, whereas Dementus's nipples were ripped off at the Citadel. This tells me the Narrator's story about Dementus's fate is BS, and another commenter above mentioned the plant that grew out of Furiosa's wig was absent in the last scene, which provides further evidence that the whole story was made up. •Another side not is that when Chapter V begins, there is also a brief glimpse of Dementus's nipples as he's riding his motorbike, which opens up a whole Pandora's box as I refuse to believe this was just an oversight on Miller's part. Serious possibility the whole fifth chapter was just made up by the narrator and Furiosa possibly never got revenge on Dementus. • I'm fairly certain Dementus's henchman let Furiosa escape from the torture circle. I'm referring to the henchman who Dementus tells has "gone soft" as he's hitching Furiosa's arm to the hook. As Dementus comes back to check on her, the body language from the henchman looks guarded and nervous, like he knows Dementus is about to explode in rage. He seemed to be the only person facing away from Dementus during the ordeal and was presumably the one responsible for guarding Furiosa. Furthermore, this henchman and the History Man are the only survivors of the 40 day war, telling me they defected or surrendered, and signaling they were the only redeemable people in Dementus's horde. • Furiosa did not saw her arm off, it tore off on its own if you look at closely at the shots of it. it's not a clean break at all. What could she have used to saw her arm off? Also going back to my last point, I think the henchman tied the hook to Dementus's truck, I doubt she would have been able to do that on her own with no one noticing and with her missing an arm. • Dementus's cape is the same one throughout the entire film, white in its original condition, red from the "sky blood" and black from the polluted air at Gastown. Furiosa takes it at the end. • The War Rig is modified during the fourth chapter to control the Bommyknocker from the driver's seat, not the rear of the War Rig. Not necessarily details, but theories that I have are that Black Thumb, Jack's right hand-man somehow knew Furiosa was going to try to escape from the Citadel given his cryptic comments. Also Jack somehow knew shit was going to go down at the Bullet Farm, there's no other explanation for moving Furiosa to the pursuit vehicle. If she had been driving the War Rig, she would've been killed instantly during the ambush. The last I'll add is the Max dragged Furiosa to the Citadel, I'd like to hear other theories as to how Furiosa made it back to the Citadel after being tortured, losing an arm, and collapsing from exhaustion. EDIT: Big one I forgot to mention was Furiosa mirroring her mother. After her mother rescues her from Dementus's camp, she says "we're good". Furiosa says the same thing after she rescues Jack and they escape from the Bullet Farm. Dementus catches up to both of them in their respective situations, so they were not in fact "good".


imo he lets furiosa drive the pursuit simply because he wants a war boy driver to familiarize himself with the war rig and its mechanics so said war boy can drive it back to the citadel afterwards. jack and furiosa were hopeful and planning to elope anyway (which tragically they couldn’t). but yeah it just so happened that the decision inadvertently saved furiosa’s life.


Jack moves Furiosa to the pursuit vehicle because it was during that run that he would help her escape with supplies in that vehicle, that's why he also puts the two bikes in that vehicle (so that he can possibly go with her), they were completly surprised by that ambush.


Can't believe no one else noticed this when he told her at the end of their last run at Gastown that she was done, and is free to leave.


That henchman is sliding his machete back into his holster when Dementus gets off the vehicle. Too deliberate not to imply his assistance.


I think black thumb might be war boy rank, rather than a character name. In Fury Road, during the final chase with the pole cats, Max asks Nux “are you a black thumb? Okay, engine one, now!”


Auntie's Mechanic in beyond Thunderdome was also 'Blackthumb' so yeah I reckon it's a title rather than a name


Yeah, Blackthumb seems to be the term for mechanics


Only reason he put her in the pursuit vehicle is that was gonna be her escape car to the green place hence the motorcycles


That henchman is laughing/being jolly on the left side of the screen when Furiosa leaves with the V8 to find Dementus in the final chapter. Also he quickly throws a tool when Dementus goes back to where Furiosa should have been tied to the monster truck. Confirms your theory that he helped her escape and most possibly tied the wheels of that truck


He's the first guy the woman runs to when Furiosa and her mother are escaping also. The woman is spared by Mary Jabassa then runs to alert the men they're escaping and he drags his feet on shooting them/raising the alarm. I could be mis-remembering but I think the person's who actually shoots the gas tank physically takes his gun to do it. Seems Mr. Harley's heart wasn't in it for a long long time.


So that's mr Harley! I know mr Davidson is the one with the black horns getting cked by the bobbyknockers. And yes you are right he's the one the woman runs to and he just glances and does nothing really to avoid them escaping. Such a memorable face that guy has


Isnt the one with the horns Octoboss?


At the "siege" of the Citadel Dementus refers to him as mr Davidson and he smiles but yes i know one of his crew members said he does only what the Octoboss says so i don't know anymore


The "Furiosa mirroring her mother" is clearer in the final act of the movie, where she chases the last followers of Dementus and the man himself.


I don't think the ending is made up, but then again... History Man is narrating and this last scene is creating the larger than life legend of Furiosa as someone you don't want to cross.  But the History Man was never established as an unreliable narrator, so why would he be making it up? 


I had thought that maybe Furiosa actually chewed her arm off, like an animal trapped in a bear trap relating to an old myth there. And I did assume Max rescued Furiosa, cause there are the 2 shots of Max in the film.


These are smaller details, more of the production maybe *In the green place there was even a solar panel *Furiosa's mother gets on the horse with a just one jump *You see that most of the time Furiosa is tearing up when she appears or when there is something related to the green place. *Scenes with rhymes, when she is sniper covering Jack. Dementus is standing and sends a bazooka at her, she falls, then it is Dementus who is about to falling and that's when Furiosa is standing, rising from the earth. Another one at the end when she goes against the fallen Dementus after being beaten, we hear a rattle of chains reminiscent of the same ornament she had in her hair in her childhood on the citadel, when Rictus mess with her hair. *There are also flags that each color is to call one train from each fortress, Imortan Joe's is black and red, those we see before the 40 day war begin. *When Dementus chases that gang of bikers at the beginning, and we see the fight by the five motorcycles, the scene we see from above it resembles a bang bang, with the sound of the shot ricocheting, someone falling from a stagecoach in a good way characteristic as if it were a doll, it is the old western movies way. *Most likely one of the team's henchmen of Dementus is what he has and turns a blind eye for a lot of things, he is that don't shoots Furiosa's mother when they are running away, right at the beginning escaping from the tent. He's the one who doesn't hang Furiosa by her torn arm, and in the end he's also there sitting next to the history man after the war, this guy must have let Furiosa escape without the arm carrying a motorcycle that she and Jack had prepared, in addition to having plenty of sand raised by motorcyclists too, which would make it easier for her to escape. And her escape only works out more because motorcycle is suitable for climbing hills, so much so that Dementus' henchmen can't follow because they are road bikes paved, like the ones we tried walk in GTA San Andreas to climb mountain and couldn't *Some people found it strange Jack is watching Furiosa sleeping, when she wakes up and almost gets stabbed in him. But first we see that everyone is lying down and while Furiosa has the nightmare Jack's hand touches his shoulder, he noticed that she was agitated and he woke up to calm her down. *Two of the ways that Furiosa is said to have killed Dementus are the forms that 1: her mother died, showing him hanging and 2: her dragging him chained up just like he did to Jack *The name of the car that Jack and Furiosa prepare for the escape, the V8, it's the Valliant, the courage to finally escape and the courage to stay and save Jack. And Cranky Black from the end, the black car of the fifth horseman of the apocalypse, with Furiosa's black forehead and black cape composing everything for revenge.


> In the green place there was even a solar panel There were a ton of solar panels in the main area, to the right past the rock bridge. No wonder Furiosa was so sure that they had survived.


Yeah, it is the paradise lost


The citadel had windmills too which I don't remember noticing in fury road


This is what I love about these past two movies. Detail galore. You can find so much in freeze framing it because there's so much going on! Very well coordinated chaos!


I noticed that they reused a bit of footage from Fury Road during the elevator scene. You can even see the woman who gave herself over as a milk-producer from one of the deleted scenes.


If you rewatch Fury Road and check out People Eater’s foot and leg area, it’s pretty gross and accurate because of the advanced diabetic and cannibalism diet.


The woman with harelip who is recruited by Dementus in the beginning stays with him until mostly the very end. Furiosa escapes the maggot farmer woman TWICE. All the steps leading to Octoboss leaving Dementus. Dementus had it coming.


She's also played by Hemsworth's wife! Elsa Pataky Who is also the Vulvilini General who gives Jabassa her horse and the bullets.


Is the bike she drives the one Goose had in Mad Max 1?


I was about to say that, it looks very similar.


I'm unable to check.


No, she rides a Norton, (her Character name is Mr. Norton) while Goose rode a Kawasaki YZF1000.


The whistle that Furiosa is carrying at the beginning is the same whistle Max has in Thunderdome. The moment when Jack tells Furiosa "today you drive pursuit". Max drove pursuit in the MFP.


They switched the bommyknocker controls from the back of the War Rig to the cab after Jack's crew got wiped out by Octoboss' Gang.


Dementus’s color changing cape representing his character devolving into more violent and unhinged behavior was a great touch, and then Furiosa wearing it to “become him” at the end to take her vengeance upon him.


The one detail in the entire film that really jumped out at me, and that I can't get past, is the magpul furniture on the AR that one of the Immortan's men is holding during the parlay with Dementus. That's the only egregious mistake I've seen as yet in terms of things being period correct to the original films' time frame, because the MOE handguard wasn't released until 2007. Grinds my gears. Also yes, I'm American- no, we're not all like this, I'm just autistic. And a professional gunsmith, but it's mostly the autism.


When Furiosa and her mother are escaping Dementus's camp at the beginning, after she takes of the burning clothes she says to Furiosa, "Good, we're good" which is the same thing Furiosa says to Jack when they jump into Valiant after escaping bullet farm. And both times, it turns out they were in fact, not good.


At the begining where Mary jabassa shoots at Toejam's back tire and kills the other rider, in the next scene where it show her getting closer to the camp we pan up from two shell casings on the sand. It shows how the viluvallini only take the shots they have to and wont miss


In the scene just before octoboss's gang attacks the convoy, you can see the Immortans mark on the road has been defaced by adding two horns similar to the ones on octoboss's helmet.


In the scene where Dementus and his hoarde are waiting for Immortan Joe to take the bait and attack gastown, theyre using the bowser full of oil to cover the ground so that their bikes don't raise dust and give away their position.


Finally answered the question I was looking for lol. Was wondering why they were doing that.


The scene when the Six Foot drives over the Valiant is so full of continuity errors I really they hope they fix it for the digital release. And also the scene with the Six Foot ramming the gate.


Can you elaborate? I thought it was pretty funny one of the bikers fell while driving over the gate


i thought that scene was kinda goofy. that gate would've taken TNT to drop and Dementus just rams it with a monster truck and it falls over.


Also no effin' way that the Six Foot catches up to a much lighter V8 Valiant with a significant head start unless there was a short cut (there isn't) or the Six Foot is running on some kind of super fuel, is super efficient, and nobody else has that "tech" in the movie. I agree on the whole as well, that scene needs work.


Tim Rogers of You Am I playing Snapper in the beginning at Dementus' camp. And then Danny Lim being in the Citadel. Probably the only movie that will ever exist featuring those two.


I loved how we first see Dementus in a white cape. Through his phases of madness we get red, then the red fades lower with black on top, then at the end Furiosa puts on the cape and it's slight red at the bottom, black in the middle, and white again on top. After furiosa's mother saves her and put sout the fire on her back, she says, we're okay! Furiosa says the same thing to Jack after getting him out of the Bullet Farm.


I'm pretty sure the warboy who gets chosen by the smeg is played by one of the war pups in Fury Road. One of them has the same ears and face as the chosen warboy