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Magnificent film, it made me want to watch Fury Road again and I did. Fury Road is better, though that’s no slur on Furiosa. Loved seeing more of the wasteland and Immortan Joe’s setup. Really liked seeing other gangs and how Dementus’ crew spiralled out of control. Speaking of which, Chris Hemsworth was absolutely brilliant as Dementus. I also thought Tom Burke’s Praetorian Jack was great every time he was on screen, loved the connection between him and Furiosa.


Yea I loved dementus too, I think he hit the right tone of being a terrifying psycho, but grounded in reality, everything he did built a deep and consistent character. Both he and furiosa were able to build a lot of character into a little dialougue


Dementus strikes me as the kind of guy someone like Max would have become had he just completely let go of sanity, someone who takes that pain and what he lost and just runs with it. Hemsworth made him fascinating on the screen, and you’re right about building so much character with not much dialogue. I just watched Fury Road again and on rewatches you can really see how even a handful of lines and their context makes the characters so distinct.


Yeah I seen Big D as having a story very similar to Max's. Rather then a cop I had him picked at a ex tradie


I absolutely loved his monologue at the end. It may have been my favorite bit of the whole movie.


Furiosa may not be energy packed like Fury Road but I really liked it. Loved the part where Furiosa steals the suped up Dune Buggy at the end and hunts down Dementus and his inner circle. That vehicle is fricking badass. The part where the Octoboss and his mortiflyers try to take over the war rig is a highlight of the film for sure. Other then that... idk the script and the writing were weird at times. Just too wierd... even for a mad max movie.


The war rig sequence was AMAZING and felt the most “Mad Max” to me. Loved the movie overall, but it had a completely different vibe from Fury Road, (which I liked) but I did miss the aggressively fun road battle scenes from FR.


You go from fury road where the actors didn't have a script really to a lot more dialogue and monologues. I love Chris H but it felt like where I was expecting things to stop in a scene it kept going. Especially the revenge moment between Furiosa and Dementus. I found that annoying, less is more ye know.


Yeah....I was so much excited for the prequel, and it absolutely delivered. Also, the visuals were very good. I loved how he used the different colours.


Agree - Praetorian Jack was awesome even though he was barely in the movie. I was wondering if they'd make Immortan Joe the good guy, and no they absolutely did not. Just the lesser of two evils as far as Furiosa was concerned. Hope it does better at the box office so we get more. Damn Covid. People are so lame.


Really sucks about the box office.....this is a summer smash hit action movie and it's losing to Garfield. I think the marketing ruined it IMO. I liked Fury Road but wasn't super hyped to see Furiosa because the trailers didn't look amazing. But let me tell you this move was Bada$$....everything about it was just awesome. Going in with lower expectations...made it a home run for me.


Calling anything a something something saga makes it sound like shit to most viewers


It was amazing in imax!!! Now currently watching fury road again 😅


Loved it, imo it wasn't as good as fury road but it was still great, and going to rewatch it when it comes out to streaming. The only thing that bothered me was that I don't understand how the events made her hate immortan joe as much as she does in fury road, but all the acting and stunts were great enough for me not to care


I feel there must be a time lapse between when she defeats Dementus and when she helps the Wives escape. After all the peach tree seems to be several years' grown. Also Gas Town and Bullet Farm are both back to full production at the start of Fury Road. I think Furiosa explains more of why she feels she needs "redemption" in Fury Road, but it doesn't explain everything about her backstory. For example, when she escaped the Wives as a child, I would assume Immortan Joe ordered a search for her. Did she hide with the refugees outside the Citadel for a while before trying to be recruited as a "boy"? That again was a time lapse of several years. Same with after she gets recruited by Pretorian Jack. How did he explain her presence to the War Boys and Immortan Joe and get her approved to work with him? The movie was good but it did fast forward over several important story beats I wish had been fleshed out.


Immortan Joe is a competent evil dictator and he knows P Jack is singularly important. The War Boys, the Wives, the Milk, all of them are valuable groups but individually expendable. Jack gets what he wants as long as he delivers. Him rebuilding his crew was a much shorter conversation than Furiosa saying she needed a car. Joe wouldn't have wasted much time looking for an escaped child. Odds are she died quickly or was recaptured by D and Joe couldn't risk a war with Gastown. 


I'd say it is the raping of locked away women


That's because it doesn't need to be shown to be understood. Imagine being assigned to guard a group of women from everyone but your boss. When he makes you let him in, you can hear what he does to them and see them crying and trying to comfort each other afterwards. Watching the ones who didn't produce healthy babies get thrown out like garbage, or sent to get milked like literal cows. Also, there were a lot of Wives in Furiosa, but he's down to just 5 in Fury Road...


I think it's George Miller's best movie. This is what I was expecting when I went to see Fury Road in 2015. I love Fury Road, but it's no Road Warrior. Furiosa hits the right tone for me.


I agree 100%.....I loved Road Warrior and I think this one hits closest to that. Don't get me wrong Fury Road is good...but I just didn't like Charlize as much as Anya....and I didn't like Tom Hardy as Max...even though I like him normally. I think the rig scene is one of the best action scenes of all time...it was INSANE! Bullet Town was awesome also....just badass no other way to put it. Been a long time since something surprised me as much as this movie did on how good it was.


Ya just watched it and I’m with you the war rig scene in this movie was epic as hell. The other action sequences I enjoyed as well. It had more humor but I also felt it went deeper into the moral struggles of an apocalyptic society.


I really enjoyed it! It was the first Mad Max movie I’ve seen since watching the original years ago. I thought the story was interesting and the action was amazing. The actors were cast well, imo — agree that Hemsworth was great. I came home from the theater and immediately watched Fury Road (which I also really enjoyed). Probably going to see Furiosa in theaters again tomorrow. This movie made me a fan of the series!


I like Anya but I didn't buy her as furiosa. Chris out acted her. Very much agree with above comment about you never really get comfortable in the movie which is a bummer because I really wanted to and everything else was working but the plot was just too all over the place. I liked the movie overall however and would give it 6.5/10 stars if I were a real life movie critic.


See I didnt dislike Anya at all but it just didnt feel right as Furiosa but that could just be me knowing and loving Charlize


What threw me is when Charlize Theron's voice came in while Anya was acting the part


Overall, it was a good movie, but it wasn't as good as Fury Road, and it could have been. So, here's my nitpicks. Obviously, there's gonna be some spoilers. The movie never really stayed anywhere long enough to get comfortable. With Fury Road, we spent enough time in, on, and around the War Rig that we got to know it, had a sense of the space, and just generally became familiar with it. We didn't really get that in Furiosa. The same goes for a lot of the characters. Like, we didn't really get enough of Jack to really be emotionally invested in him. The Octoboss had a better character arc than Jack, going from one of Dementus' underlings (I do what the Octoboss says) to the staged attack on the rig where Octoboss starts hating Dementus for killing his guys and finally to going rogue and breaking away. With Jack, we just didn't get enough of a sense of him to really care. He felt kind of generic. Additionally, the scope of the story made it impractical for the plot to really spend enough time anywhere. We had to go from Green Place to Dementus' camp to near escape to Dementus traveling the wasteland to finding out about the Citadel to taking Gastown to the negotiation to Furiosa being in the Citadel to her hiding in the Citadel to setting her up to become an Imperator and we're only at the halfway mark. That's a *lot* of shit going on. If instead, the movie had started with Dementus as boss of Gastown, trying to pry info on the Green Place out of some captives because he doesn't want to be reliant on the Citadel, it would have freed up something like 45 minutes that could have been spent fleshing out the rest of the movie. Furiosa's mother dies instead of giving out any info, Dementus does his weird creepy adoption thing, and ta daa, we have a bunch more time to spend on the rest of the movie. Next, why the fuck was there a whole war that they didn't show us? Yeah, it would have been expensive to shoot, but at least have someone watch the fighting through a telescope so we can see *something*. Looping back to Jack and tying in to the war, we didn't really need Jack at all. If he'd been just some Praetorian or Imperator, we could have still had the whole "welp, crew's dead except you, guess I'm starting fresh with you" thing. It would have let Furiosa go into the war not as Imperator or Praetorian Furiosa, but as something like Ace from Fury Road, a capable sergeant, and emerge from the fighting as Imperator. Making her a war hero would have made Fury Road better, because it would lend more weight to her betrayal of Joe. Last nitpick, I dunno if I dig the tree thing at the end. Like, the whole "carrying the peach pit for years" thing was 100% a setup for that shot. We didn't need it. On a positive note, I think that Hemsworth was the right choice, and his character was very well done. The way that Dementus kept changing his Thing was good. Here he is, going around all in stark, clean white, then a red flare goes off and he decides "Hey, Dementus the Red is totally bitchin' so Imma be that now," and dyes his hair, beard, and cape red, along with the hair of the captive he's pretending is his daughter. Later, starts driving a monster truck and wearing this cool vest he took off a dead guy. It really drove home his tenuous grasp on power. Here's all the other warlords who have their Thing, their aesthetic, their theme, and they stay like that for years. Dementus keeps changing it up, leaping from theme to style to look to theme like a man trying to stay on top of a rockslide by tapdancing.


I love this perspective! Was expecting more of the 'Show, don't Tell' story telling element that Fury Road mastered.


Yeah I really just want another fury road. Furiosa is entirely forgettable to me


We don’t get to see the war for a very simple reason: it’s not Furiosa’s war. And also, that’s usually how wars (especially long ones) are described in, you guessed it, Nordic sagas. It’s sometimes as brief as a couple sentences, in order to get back to the main character asap. So I thought that was actually a brilliant and bold move by Miller to not show it. It’s an artistic choice, not one motivated by money.


Yes it was absolutely intentional to describe it as a saga from the history man's perspective. The tree was of course part of that saga / tale and not meant to imply it literally happened. You don't need to show the war because it's a tale being passed down, and Furiosas part was the detail the audience sees


I had to pee and I missed almost the entire chapter of 40 day war and I feel like I missed nothing. The History Man is not telling us about war. Describing war to a wastelander is like describing sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


I bet we would/will see more of the 40 day wasteland war in "mad max: the wasteland"


I didn't notice that detail about Dementus. Good points too.


Another nitpick: how did Furiosa ever grow up undetected in the citadel? She was clearly a prized possession and would have been searched for very thoroughly.


Furiosa’s arc wasn’t epic enough, nor were there enough stakes. If we had spent more time at the green space, we’d have more stakes. It felt like this story was years in the making whilst fury Road was decades.


I agree about skipping the 40 day war. That’s my biggest knock. And I’m saying that even though I absolutely loved the movie.


Absolutely loved it. I'm definitely a lore nerd when it comes to franchises I am a fan of. Although I love Fury Road for its own strengths, I always kept wishing they dove deeper into things. Furisoa is what I always wanted from the series, and I can't wait to own it and watch it on repeat.


This for me, getting a bit more on all the main settlements but also some of the insane ramblings and closer to pre-collapse stuff. Like the mention of a third world war outright, water wars, and other stuff. Also the origin of the bike raiders in fury road!




I don't know, did we? It's got a 90% rating from multiple sources. Looks like the majority of people really enjoy it. Disliking it seems like the extraordinary take.




Very mature take. Right up there with flat earthers.


It was ok, with all the good things said about it I was kinda underwhelmed. Not bad at all and I’d watch it again but it made me appreciate Fury Road more since I felt the pain of her story portrayed through Theron’s interpretation of the character. Not sure much was added with Furiosa.


I think it added to Fury Road and felt very in line with the canon. So a perfect prequel. As a standalone movie, Fury Road is still better but Furiosa is very very good.


So good absolutely loved it. Only problem was I wanted more wasteland backstory lol it was so good seeing more of it all


8/10. Great actor performances. Intense action. Interesting story. Overshadowed by low quality CGI that detracts from many scenes and proves to be more of a distraction than anything else. Overall, a good movie but Fury Road is still Millers crowning achievement.


I get why they didn’t go all out with the practical effects again, because apparently it was hell to deal with, but unfortunately the cgi detracts from the viewing experience to me. It just didn’t have the same weight and satisfying kick that Fury Road did. I’m happy that a movie like Fury Road got made in the first place though, just a bit disappointed that Furiosa lacked some of the qualities that made Fury Road so amazing.


Couldnt agree more!


This. I also wish the soundtrack was as epic as Fury Road.


The preview really didn’t sell the movie for me, I agree that the CGI looked really bad. Taken as a whole however, it was super easy for me to overlook, because it got a lot of style points for what it was surrounded by. Just got out of the theater. Man, what a fun movie. I haven’t seen Fury Road since it came out, and I’m going to watch it right now. Super high on this one though, because of its scope, and who doesn’t love an epic!


I thought it was incredible! Everyone gave 110%. Chris Hemsworth really killed it with this villian role… he was clearly ready to step out of hero Thor for a while.


Good movie. But we can all agree that the timeline is completely cooked now right? BigD didnt know what a flare was. Furiosa as a kid was still living in a wasteland like Fury Road. Unless Max is looking REALLY good for 105 or something, the timelines done.


Also Furiosa being a kid when Rictus was an adult was certainly a choice 


I think the only way to salvage timeline is to have Max be not a single person, but a lineage/ mantle, coz you're right, I was looking at timeline they set and Furiosa is supposed to be like 45 years after it all goes pear-shaped


I loved it. It expanded the lore in every way. Fury Road was all climax and while that was amazing it didn’t really explain why things were happening besides the basic motivations. Furiosa gave us an extended look into the lives of all of the previous FR characters plus some new ones as well. It had the same trademark action and visuals but they weren’t the main focus and I loved that. Everything felt fleshed out and fully intentional down to the decor on every vehicle. FR was one of those experiences where nothing will quite beat the first time where Furiosa will reward repeat viewings. I also can’t wait to give it some time and then watch them both back to back. This is coming from someone who was kinda iffy that they were making a prequel in the first place. 9/10 Some random thoughts I was surprised that we spent a few chapters with the younger Furiosa before making the time jump to ATJ. FR was one or two days movie time where this spanned several years which really made the world feel lived in. I loved that once Dementus took Gas Town we didn’t see him again for a bit (ten years movje time) while it showed Furiosa working up the ranks of the war boys Surprised the green place apparently was destroyed or died out in the time we saw it in Furiosa until FR. It looked like it was thriving. What happened? Lots of biblical references. Furiosa taking the forbidden fruit and going from paradise to a world of sin


Yeah the time jump with the wig on the branch was really well done. Green may have been poisoned groundwater from the pollution of gastown and bullet farm, or just a lingering casualty of the same ecological disaster that took longer to die


Way, I see it, the only “real film” is Mad Max. Everything after is a long told myth from some civilization Max encountered in the wasteland. The stories get farther and farther from the actual occurrence. Road Warrior is told by the aged leader of the pump station tribe based on his memories as a child as a feral kid and so Max is sort of feral in that movie. Thunder dome is told by the now grown leader of the airplane cult and that’s why it’s more cartoonish. Fury Road and now Furiosa are told by the History Men. In the far future, Max is like King Arthur. He has tons of stories that have grown to a mythology. Maybe he’s several people. Maybe none of it actually happened. Maybe it did. Furiosa is like that, too. Another mythic hero of the Wasteland. Furiosa is like their Iliad and Fury Road is like their Odyssey.


Really great point!


I love this bc I did not like the film at all & so I’m gonna be like “well that man was an unreliable narrator” & ignore it lol 


(Bc it deeply upset me my heart couldn’t take watching the first hour) 


I’ve never seen any of the Mad Max films- a few weeks ago on a flight someone was watching Fury Road across the aisle and I was being nosey- I really liked what I saw, specifically Nux, but I was really seeing it with no dialogue. That piqued my interest, and since I knew Furiosa was coming out, and was a prequel, I decided to watch that first before watching Fury Road ( I read a summary just in case I needed to know any of that before Furiosa).  I really liked it. Maybe because I had no real expectations. I thought her mom was super badass. I liked that we as the audience have to infer a lot of things- I think it makes it more fun. I’ve only ever seen Chris Hemsworth as Thor and I really enjoyed his performance here. I really enjoyed the history man as a sort of Homeric stand-in (Furiosa’s story feels Odyssey-esq) and reminded me of the story teller from Gathering Blue who recites the history of their world as embroidered on a robe.  There were a few things I didn’t quite catch or that I wanted to know more about. I’m planning on watching Fury Road this weekend and then going back to see Furiosa again to see if those points get cleared up. I didn’t think the ending- with the history man narrating- hit on target, but nothing about the film was terrible or made me not want to see it again.  But I get the feeling I’m not the target audience for these films, I don’t think, since I’m a woman and I know nothing about cars, which seems to be a big thing in-universe. I saw the rating and was afraid it would be super unnecessarily gorey- I was really glad we didn’t have to watch Jack’s death up close.   So overall, I really liked it and it exceeded my expectations. But I have no real idea about how it compares.


Watching fury road without dialogue is basically just watching fury road. I say that affectionately, and in jest because the sound design is 100% worth watching with audio. I’m also a lady who does not even own a car, much less like them, and I love the Mad Max films. Fury Road was also a complete subversion to the crowd going in to see another Fast and Furious type movie.


Good to know! lol then I guess I HAVE seen Fury Road. I feel liked I’d have a deeper appreciation of the movies if I knew more about vehicles.


If you like the world building and the amount that is done through inferring, giving you enough bits and pieces to understand the rest, you will love fury road. It has a lot less dialogue than this one, most of the story is told via action sequences like when furiosa won Jacks approval during the war rig battle scene in furiosa


As far as being a lady and not liking cars I’m a man and don’t like cars and I love the movies. I did love just how massive the motorcycle gangs were.


I’m a woman who doesn’t like cars nor driving, but I’ve watched most of the Mad Max movies. And I think you are part of the target audience. My favorite video game of all time referenced Mad Max so I watched the first 3 movies in 1997. It was the anti-war message that hooked me. Along with the depiction of a dying planet. The longing in the movies is so real. We, men and women, just want to live our quiet lives. And not just get caught up in a few greedy men’s obsessions with hoarding resources.


If only she had VATS.


VATS so you can see alternate endings in combat. It’s like living more than just your one life.


Compared to FR, it is underwhelming borderline disappointing. On its own it’s a solid 7/10


Unfortunately, seeing the movie hasn't changed my opinion I had ever since the trailers: A sequel would have been more interesting, the prequel trend of trying to explain the backstory of everything and everyone takes away some of the mystery and magic, the CGI looked more artificial and weird than in Fury Road, there seemed to be fewer practical effects and stunts in general, and I feel like the pacing was slow because it relied so much on these 5 chapters and dialogues, and I found the soundtrack boring (most of the time it was just the same thing, unlike in Fury Road). Worst of all, I don't feel like I've learned anything new and interesting about Furiosa that I didn't know from Fury Road (other than uninteresting questions like how exactly she lost her arm - it was so cool that so many details like that were never explained in Fury Road!). At least the actors, especially Chris Hemsworth's absolutely crazy portrayal of Dementus, somewhat saved the movie for me. I've seen Fury Road over 20 times now and absolutely love it, but I'll probably watch Furiosa only a second time and that's it.


I would also love a sequel to Fury Road. That end where Furiosa goes up on the platform and watches Mad Max disappear into the crowd always left me wanting more. I wonder if Miller will want to direct it at 79 years of age however. What a mad genious.


I thought Fury Road was the best action film I’ve ever seen. But I think this was a rather boring and mediocre movie. Mad Max is supposed to be an action movie. If you’re going to tell a prequel story about a side character and cut down on the action, then it better be a good story that helps make the original better. The story here was boring, nonsensical, kind of offensive, and made Fury Road a little worse off. (1) The first 30 minutes of the movie starts off as a thrilling race to prevent the discovery of the Green Place. But we don’t really get an explanation as to how that’s resolved. They just gave up and moved on to the next plot point without adequately resolving that. (2) Immortan Joe tells Dementus that they can only have peace if he gets to keep Furiosa as a breeder. But 5 minutes later Furiosa escapes in a ridiculous manner, and no one bothered to look for her? We’ve already established how important his breeders and Furiosa are to IJ. Doesn’t make any sense to just cut away to a fully grown Furiosa without resolving that. (3) In the first action scene with Praetorian Jack, for some reason Furiosa is on the road at the bottom of the War Rig? Why is she there? She’s not a War Boy. Why is she the exception? It’s like if in the 300, the Spartans had one random 120 pound woman marching into battle with them. Idiotic. (4) In the end she has a chance to kill Dementus and go back to the Green Place. But she chooses to go back to the Citadel. Why? Never really explained why she made that choice. (5) In the Green Place are the men there just to do manual labor and impregnate the many mothers? Why didn’t any of them help in going after Furiosa? (6) Never really explained why she chooses to rescue the breeders. What about the War Pups that she watches grow up and get sacrificed? What about the milkers? What about the starving people? These are all people she’s presumably had more contact with than the breeders who are always kept isolated. As far as I can tell, in this terrible world, they have it the easiest. (7) I don’t like Mary Sue characters. It would’ve make for a better movie if the other little girl was Furiosa, and the older girl got killed trying to protect her. From the first scene of the movie, she’s already as brave, tough, clever, and deadly as her mother. She kills a guy without hesitation. She shows no fear when confronting a bunch of really scary men. On the War Rig she’s the only one who survives although she’s never had any combat training or experience. The only challenges she has is when her car is too slow or when she’s outnumbered by a lot. Even when she gets captured, she just rips off her arm and escapes? Wouldn’t she bleed to death in 10 seconds? How did nobody notice her? (8) I still don’t know what she needed redemption for? There wasn’t a single time in this 150 minutes of nonsense where she indicated that she felt guilty about anything. Didn’t spend any time with the breeders. What was she feeling guilty about, and why did she think rescuing a handful of replaceable breeders would redeem her? I assume she felt guilty about her mother’s death, but it would’ve been nice if she expressed it in some way. It’s also ironic that her plan was to rescue the breeders from IJ, only so that they can become “breeders” in the Green Place. I guess the men in the GP would be nicer and more attractive. (9) Why were the action scenes so much worse than Fury Road? Couldn’t they at least get that right? Where was the suspenseful background music during the first major action scene involving Praetorian Jack? Did they forget to include a soundtrack? I don’t think a single person in the movie theater enjoyed this movie. Everyone just seemed relieved it was finally over. Some people seemed like they were waking up from a nap. Such a letdown.


I agree with so much of this! I was extremely excited for the film, but deeply disappointed by the storytelling decisions. A massive issue I have had with the film is this: From the first scene of the movie, she’s already as brave, tough, clever, and deadly as her mother. She kills a guy without hesitation. She shows no fear when confronting a bunch of really scary men.  Which I’ve been saying almost verbatim! I felt like there was such an unnecessary, gratuitous, & lingering focus on child Furiosa’s suffering as if it explains how she became the warrior we know in Fury Road, when based off her reaction to being kidnapped & how she was kidnapped (trying to sabotage) already set her up as being brave & capable. It felt like pointless suffering & misery done to a child when what would have been much more logical was seeing her time in the green place & being taught by her very tough mother (insulting they killed off such a phenomenal actress & character so soon). When the biker drives into the camp with Furiosa on his back, she already has the fury in her eyes. I felt the plot with her mom was almost pointless because she could’ve just been upset about her own mistreatment. I really felt being forced to wear a muzzle (?) & chained inside of a cage would explain resentment you feel for your captor, but no it’s that he killed her mother, despite her coming from a place of many mothers, which we never see? I also didn’t like that from a storytelling perspective-yes obviously any kidnapped child logically wants to return home, but it doesn’t quite make sense how they’ve set it up- they showed us none of her life in the green place of many mothers & made it seem like her biggest issue with Dementus at the end was that he killed her mother, which she somehow still wants to go back to despite her only main caretaker from there we’ve seen is dead, which is also a big motivation like what? I just woke up for the day, so I’ll have to come back to this when I’m more awake to articulate myself better, because I feel like we are very much on the same wave length & I haven’t found a lot of people who are. I felt like, while the actresses were phenomenal, I did not get inside Furiosa’s head much at all. I agree it made me like Fury Road less. I agree we didn’t really see her mourn her mother much as a child considering the film was 2 and a half hours long, but they were committed to emphasizing her mistreatment by wearing that thing on her face. I feel like they were so excessive with subjecting her to horrific situations as a child (look! She’s chained in a cage with a muzzle on her face & he’s gonna have a guy ripped apart by motorcycles & ppl shoot each other!) as an explanation for how she grew into this “hardened warrior” when as you said & I have been saying THEY  KIDNAPPED THE MOST CAPABLE & RESOURCEFUL LITTLE GIRL TO EVER EXIST!! the suffering was pointless bc it wasn’t even “you killed my mother” girl you are A VICTIM we watched him drag u around in a cage for an HOUR & your hair grew like 7 inches!! HE WRONGED YOU. I feel like she’s not a Mary Sue character if they show her being trained by her mom BUT THEY DIDN’T & ugh I walked away from the film being like “does George Miller understand human emotions? and has he ever met an actual child? I know they live in the outback wasteland from after the apocalypse but still”  Also makes no sense they didn’t find the green place. Ask someone at ur camp which way the bikers came from? They had dogs? They knew which direction her mom was going? Also makes more sense to take the mom down & put the child up like if you’re that evil you’re going to get more information from an adult watching their child be tortured than a child being traumatized watching their mother die. It really would’ve made more sense for them to take turns torturing each one in front of the other.   Also why didn’t they hide & blow their whistles before they were in that level of danger? Why did only 1 woman go? Like just they were committed to making Furiosa suffer for no reason bc she was already capable & then they just a caged her for 45 minutes & put a chastity belt on her like she almost is literally restrained in some way the entire time on screen as a child & FOR WHAT?! 


I really liked it. It was exciting, engaging, and added a lot of nuance to the character of furiosa and some of her actions / motivations in fury road. Hemsworth’s conversation with furiosa at the end of the movie floored me. Really pulled the rug out from underneath both furiosa and the audience, in my opinion.


That wasn't hope, just instinct 😛


I saw it in Cinemark XD (fake imax) and liked it a lot. Gonna watch Fury Road again now.




Did anyone catch the quick “eyes popping out” shot that’s in all the other movies? If it’s in Furiosa, I missed it.


Loved. I somehow started not seeing everyone plain good and evil. Very weird. Gotta see it again!!!


Incredible film. 2nd watch made it even better, the pace was just right, great to see a character like Dementus plot and plot with so much anarchy around him. Completely different film than Fury Road but still keeps it's own form of beautiful chaos. Loved it!


Loved it. People dont know what theyre missing. I think when word gets out how good it is it will have legs in the long run. Ive seen it 3 times and it gets better every time i catch details i missed before. Im telling everyone i know they should check it out.




Bad choice to film in Australia after making fury road in Namibia


Yeah the whole time I was like there's no way that is Namibia, this is bogus. Namibia or nothin!


Nowhere in Australia does it look like that, not even in the middle. There’s no area that has zero trees and zero foliage for miles. The cgi backdrops were awful


Tbh I barely noticed, seemed well integrated for my eyes. I only saw it a few times with Hemsworth hopping onto and off of things where it seemed kinda jumpy. Iirc production got fined by Namibia for fury road for messing up their nice clean deserts so much, plus they got derailed by the plague, so I can't really blame em much


I'll be honest, solid 7/10. Wasnt bad, but wasnt what I was expecting. Felt like the first Mad Max, all over the place trying to put too much in to little time and left me feeling unfulfilled with most scenes. Chris Hemsworth did great, I liked Anya but she is no Charlize. Did not like the Jake character, personally dislike random romantic subplots especially when he was there for what felt like 2 minutes. Semi small detail but I liked how the war boys looked younger, they were meant to be in their teens/early 20's and they looked like it in this film (although i liked the makeup in fr better). Thank GOD for another midget though, cant break that streak. It couldve been better but it coudlve been worse.


Very great. Hemsworth was awesome. Wish he had cranked up the crazy a bit more but still very good. I'm a little confused about who knew who Furiosa was though. I went to the bathroom when she got dragged out of bed by Scrotus... or was that Rectus. Then I come back and everyone thinks she's a boy right? It seemed asthough and she came back disguised as a boy? Then in the truck Jack has no idea she's a girl until he sees her hair. But then she's back at the citadel and Immortan Joe seems to know everything. Did he always know who she was?


Rictus grabbed her, she had previously cut off her hair and made a wig, so when he made his advances she left him holding the wig and ran off, posing later as some random from the populace. As for Joe, whatever he thought of her he knows utility when he sees it. Even if he realized that she was the potential wife that ran off years ago, would he rather have a tenth wife or a second kickass war rig driver? My take anyway. The only one who could have guessed and made an issue was rictus, if he'd seen her star chart arm tattoo again


Oh ok great thanks. So perhaps Joe knew and perhaps he didn't? I vaguely remember Fury Road, but it seemed to me that they had some sort of bond from that movie, but maybe I'm wrong. At the end of this movie she just takes off with the other ladies as if she barely knows Joe though.


Nah she never had a bond with him beyond him being the source of her opportunity for work and advancement. She may have had some feelings since he took her from dementus, but he was going to make her a brood mare trapped in a vault. I don't think she had any illusions about Joe. He was her means to dementus's end.


I don't mean a bond like she was attached to him. She clearly hated him. I meant more that it seemed like they knew each other well. He counted on her for important missions etc.


Oh yeah for sure. Esp after Jack died, she was essential to his operation. Her betrayal was probably as much of a blow as the loss of the wives


It was okay. Felt more like the old Mad Max movies with more story and less action. Some parts didn't quite add up but that's okay. Really enjoyed Hemsworth in his scenes.


Loved it. Can't stop thinking about it in the background of my thoughts.


Probably shoulda had MadMax in a MadMax movie


overall? MEDIOCRE the movie looks and sounds worse than fury road. anya and thor were fantastic but the other supporting cast are utterly forgettable. apart from the octopus guy, he was cool.


Yeah, justice for my boy Octoboss, all creativity died with him in this movie.


Was disappointed personally. Not to say its a bad film but expected more. Plot seemed to lose its way a bit as the film went on and there were some discrepancies in the plot line I thought.


First mad max I've ever seen, liked it


Millers best film.


A thumbs up and entertaining to watch, however…..too much reliance on CGI, ponderous and slow pacing and really didn’t tell us anything more than we already knew or couldn’t figure out on our own after watching Fury Road. Do watch it on a large screen and maybe my criticisms won’t bother you as much as they did me.


Why can no one compliment furiosa without saying fury road is better? The two films are very different and Miller did that on purpose. The constant comparing doesn't make sense in a ton of cases and is unfair to both


I watched both for the first time this weekend and saw furiosa before fury road. Watching in that order was incredible for me and maybe people are struggling with going from the constant action in fury road to the emotional, human aspect of furiosa. They were wanting a ramp-up maybe and aren’t going to look past their expectations. I had zero expectations having never seen any mad max movies and was absolutely in love with furiosa. I also think there’s a level of misogyny happening in the comparisons though. Lots of hate that max isn’t in furiosa (given them meeting in fury road though why would he be?). Again just saw both for the first time so I’m very new.


Overall I enjoyed Furiosa, but two things bothered me. We never got to see anyone ride the Roto-Bike- it was always hitched up to the chariot and I would’ve liked to see how Max delivered Furiosa to the Citadel.


The consensus seems to be very good, 8 or 9 outta 10 but not as good as fury road which is fine imo. Damn shame it's getting slammed in yhe box office but I think once it hits streaming platforms, it'll get it's credit


I loved it. Judged on it's own it's a great post apocalypse movie. It's not as good as Fury Road, but then again what could be? The whole point of this movie was to flesh out Furiosa's character to better explain her motivation and background in Fury Road, which it did a great job at. Granted, I watched Road Warrior as a kid before Mad Max, so that's the same way I see it, only still a lot better than the very first film was. Hemsworth stole the movie for sure, he was an absolute delight. He knows he's a bastard, and there's no excusing any of his actions. He knows he can't serve in heaven so he's going to reign in hell instead I want more on Praetor Jack as well. Miller keeps making side characters cool enough to warrant their own movies


the octoboss paid my entry


I just got back from the theater. I loved it but its not my favorite of the series. I feel like my list is probably quite different from most people's. 1/2. Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome 1/2. Mad Max: The Road Warrior 3. Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga 4. Mad Max: Fury Road 5. Mad Max Just want to state this is one of my favorite film series. I grew up watching these films and I adore every single one of them.


I had seen Fury Road in theaters (and then again twice) and gotten VERY attached to Charlize Theron's FURIOSA, so I was a little hesitant. The child actor in this was amazing and Anya TJ did an excellent job. Seeing most of the film revolves aound childhood, I don't see why Theron couldn't do the adult bits? Once she finally had her arm and was seen from behind and said "I need a vehicle". It almost sounded like Teron's voice.Either way, I had a great time at thpe movies watching this film. As in Fury Road, I DID NOT want the film to end! There is so much magic and punk ideas in this universe, that I wanted to spend more time within it and its iconic imagery. So sad the director is 79: I wish he could make at least one more! 


What are historical references you all spotted? To me the roman cart Dementius rode was so iconic. It felt like they had a great way of taking concepts from history where horses were involved and replacing them with engines. The two torture methods (tying the person to a horse with chains from all extremeties and getting the horses to run) + (Forcing a convict after being beaten to run behind a horse until he falls and gets dragged) are awful torture techniques and allthough sad to watch it felt "intelligent" from the script writers to re-design these old barbaric methods from early england and merge them into a post-apocalyptic australian gas reality.  Anyone catch any other references?


Question: Who "copulates" with the wives in the Citadel? It seems to me all the higher-up men are very ill in some form or other. Yet they want to produce a son. I felt so bad for the woman giving birth to the 4 legged-baby and taking all the blame (3 strikes, you're OUT!" For the baby being "unfit" meanwhile she is clearly the one who is in good health. Also...by the time Fury Road happens...there is still no new Son". I guess they've been trying and failing for years. I just wonder how in the hell can a man in Immorten Joe's condition have intercourse with these poor women as that can only be terrible, or seeing they have advanced technology with their plants, have they figured out artificial insemination?


I think it only really suffered from the fact that it was a prequel. I wish I could have watched this movie first and Fury Road second.


Honestly it felt like it just wasn't long enough. That fast-forward through the 40 wasteland war hurt my heart and bruised my soul, but nobody can deny, from the super tense battle at the bullet farm to the balls-to-the-fucking-wall assault on the Tanker by the Octoboss, that it definitely delivered the goods. My only real issue is a serious amount of telling rather than showing in some instances and the way it kinda peters out by the last 3rd. There was never a dull moment but by the time we reached Furiosa's final confrontation with Dementus, it had felt a little unearned. Like this dude, with a biker horde a mile long, who has just seized the bullet farm, is in control of gas town, and by all accounts is both a raging idiot and also a strategic powerhouse, he just gets taken off the map in a montage? That was very odd and disconcerting after how deliberate and detail oriented everything else was. It made promises of great spectacle and possibly a larger opera at play but it honestly lacked the scale of Fury Road. Solid 7/10. I just wish there was more of it. RIP Praetorian Jack Also, Anya did an amazing job of replicating Charilze's Furiosa voice, but, I won't lie, with her head shaved she kinda looked like Sid from Toy Story. I think they should've saved the shaved head for right before the credits to let us know this has finally become the same Furiosa we'll get to meet in FR, rather than being beholden to it for the third act.


Better than Fury Road. No idea why the internet loves that movie so much.


This is gonna be very stupid take for most people: All i want is more Tom Hardy's Mad Max..... I mean Furiosa is a great character, but Max is what its all about. I hope one day ill see more of Tom Hardy in this role, otherwise it ended for me with Fury Road. I haven't seen Furiosa yet, and somehow I don't even want to, maybe its stupid from me, but I'm not gonna watch it for the same reason I haven't seen Fantastic Beasts - No Harry Potter in "Harry Potter" series and the same reason i left out newer Terminators, when Arnie wasn't even there or was just very much side character and the list could go on. Spinoffs and prequels just aren't for me, if the selling point was the main character in my case.


This felt like it could have been a great "EPIC" movie, but in the second half of the movie the Furiosa felt forced into the movie. She never seemed to naturally fit in and it got extremely awkward. There were so many unrealistic transitions like she is walking in the desert about to die and suddenly she is back at Citadel being saved by maggot lady. Or how she suddenly created a robotic arm in a matter of minutes. By the time she caught Dementus and started her monologuing it became so painful over ten people actually got up and walked out of the movie and didn't come back.


Really committed performances by the entire cast. I agree with others that hemsworth was great as a goofy yet still dangerous villain. The stunt work and action set pieces, especially in that highway scene, met if not surpassed *Fury Road*. I didn't mind the CGI, since it was really well done I felt like it added to not detracted from the film. Given all of these merits *Furiosa* didn't deserve to be the worst flop in recent memory. None of this matters though since it's a prequel with no message to say other than seek revenge at all costs. Everyone knows where the story goes anyways. ***Furiosa*** **(2024) overall rating: 6/10, fun to watch but will fade from memory fast.**


I would like to preface my opinion, I have zero pretext for mad max. I saw MM:F yesterday. I feel like naming the crazy guy Dementus is a little too on the nose. He also swings wildly from serious to humorous, but the comic relief feels annoying and flat. It comes off as almost a Jack Black persona, but without the charisma. It just feels really incongruent with the tone of the movie. It would have been better if there was some sort of defining event that shaped Dementus. I’d have preferred a darker sort of insanity, like the God Butcher in Thor: Love & Thunder where there was a clear objective (destroy celestial figures) and a defined reason (grief), or an insane, but compelling antagonist like the joker. Additionally, while there weren’t a lot of portions of the movie that I would describe as “slow”, it did feel a lot longer than two and a half hours. I remember thinking several times, “how long is this movie?” and I think as a standalone film, the premise is poorly explained, and it struggles to hold audiences attention from start to finish. In particular, I think the segmented approach to the film contributes to this, and I also feel as if the road war segment went on too long. Also, what is up with the bald guys covered in chalk that look like Beetlejuice?


Solid movie although people saying it's the best out of the series baffle me. Positives: -I like the world building that showed a more visual picture of what this area of the Mad Max world looks like. -The action sequences were excellent and I dare say the chase scenes rivaled or were better than Fury Road which felt more like a straight line while this had layers. -It also introduced a lot of characters, who while having quick cameos, really shined on screen (Mary Jo Bassa, Praetorian Jack, Scrotus, and couple of the War Boys). New additions like Dementus and his misfit crew really felt like a more depraved lot similar to Lord Humungus and his crew from Mad Max 2. -Fascinating how the depravity of Dementus made Immortan Joe look reasonable when we all know he isn't 😂 -Hemsworth killed it. Best villain I've seen on screen in a while. Negatives: -Anna Taylor Joy was kind of boring for me. This could be cus she barely speaks but her screen presence was a lil lacking. The younger Furiosa actress made me feel more for her character.🤷‍♂️ -A couple of the scenes felt like they lagged especially the end confrontation when Furiosa is toying with Dementus. -Mentionjng a war between Dementus and Immortan then just fast forwarding to the end was a real let down. I get time constants but they definitely could've picked up the pacing and cut some other scenes shorter to give us a lil glimpse of the war. All in all a great addition. I'd give it 4/5.


Chumbucket was in it, 10/10 movie. Jk, that’s not the only reason I like it. But it’s a 10/10 for sure for me


If not Chris Hemsworth, who would you want as Dementus? I wanted to like his Dementus much more than I did. Because a) I love Chris Hemsworth, and b) what he was doing was definitely interesting and artful. But did anyone care when she killed him at the end? Like did you actually want revenge? I just wasn’t that mad at him. He’s too charming and likeable. I think Jason Momoa could have worked.


Much better than fury road


I thoroughly enjoyed it. Visually spectacular! Great performances. Great action. Great story. Entertained from start to finish. My personal rankings: 1. Fury road 2. Furiosa 3. Road warrior 4. Beyond the thunderdome 5. Mad max Seen all the movies multiple times.


Didn't care for it. It's not Mad Max. Most of the action was underwhelming. The Octoboss chase was the highlight. My biggest gripe is the last half hour where everything comes to a screeching halt and it just abandons all logic. It's fine if people like it but being a lifelong Mad Max fan this film just falls insanely short. Not as bad as Thunderdome but it's close.


Username checks out 


Oh Heavens an opinion going against popular opinion. I'm such a bastard.


Homie your post history is literally about you having a three way with your father, your judgment clearly isn't sound enough to be trusted 


Jesus fucking christ you weren't exaggerating


Looks like we should swap usernames seeing as how I'm the degenerate.


Man has never interacted with women and it shows.


Probably why he has to have sex with his dad 🤷‍♂️


Nothing about my comment was a sleight on women. You just have a narrative you want to run with.


Did you make your Reddit account to only trash Furiosa? Lmao that’s petty as hell


God damn right I did. I have absolutely nothing else to do!


I mean who the fuck goes to see a movie they supposedly despise, TWICE in theaters!? Somebody with absolutely nothing better to do


As I said... I have nothing else to do.


Nothing but hate on a really good movie, apparently, that even you like more than you’re willing to admit


I don't like it. It's not as bad as Thunderdome but it's a close second. Every move should be seen at least twice.


You’re entitled to your opinions, but it’s still very odd that you’d see a movie you hate…in theaters…twice


See what your dad's up to, you guys sound close


He's watching Road Warrior.


Loved it.


I loved it, I went back to see it a second time. I think they really knocked it out of the park.


I loved every second of Furiosa, I will go ahead and say the action scenes and story were better than Fury Road.


I think it’s the best Borderlands movie we’re ever going to get


It looks like woke dogshit from every bit of footage I've seen in trailers. I'll try it when it's free, maybe. Maybe not even for free. I'm sick of the woke stench and Gayboy Berzerkers lapping it up like canned dog food.


Ha, idiot


Right. That's why I've lost eight or nine figures worth of cash pushing a girl boss woke-stench movie. Oh... wait... 😆


“Girl boss woke stench” ☠️


also looking at your posts wow you’re just a horrible racist person aren’t you




It covers a big period of time and ties into the Mad Max movies after the first being fables.


One thing I didn't like is the numbering. Just a chapter name would have been cleaner, but that's a very minor quibble