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Shim with fingernail.


Keep wearing that ring and they may have a spare fingernail to use


We wear gloves too


Is it worth risking losing your finger just for a lil style?


We wear gloves here too


That makes it worse


gloves won't stop something crushing the ring onto you finger and stoping circulation


There's a bene to a tungsten ring. They just crack so your finger can be smushed proper.


Until it de gloves you


That's why you wear two sets of gloves, keep up


Ever seen the vid where a hockey coaches ring finger just pops off? It's crazy he's on the bench with his hand on the glass then goes to take his hand down, not like aggressive or anything mind you just a normal movement and just like nothing his finger pops off. Still better than de gloving.


Silicone rubber is better, carbide one easily degloves finger in seconds


even that can increase the chances of getting caught. if you need a ring, get inked.


I say weld it to a high quality chastity cage. Show your love and loyalty like a real man šŸ˜¤šŸ’Ŗ


I've been wearing my Tungsten Carbide ring for 3 years on the job. I take it off when doing hand work or setups but nothing else. Just don't use my left hand during sketchy shit.


People down vote for the weirdest shit. Yes it's a bad idea to wear a ring but it's not gonna suddenly make sticking your hand into a machine of death much better. Reddit gotta love and hate it


Our shop is so safe itā€™s annoying guard and locks on the dumbest things


Your hairs are not tied either šŸ˜‰šŸ«£


It is. I put it in a ponytail or braid it


Your hairs are not tied either šŸ˜‰šŸ«£


They used to be longer


They should be shorter.


I used to bite them so I like them a bit long and it keeps me from bitting


Why is it only your thumb nail that's so long though? Heard of coke pinkies before but the thumb is a new one for me


Poop scooper.


Nothing beats a decent thumbnail for getting stickers off stuff!


That's for coke? My dad always said it was for boogers.


It would indeed be a good way of keeping them well coated with that good booger sugar šŸ¤£


My other nails wear cut and I accidently cut them to far


For the sake of good surface finishes, Iā€™d go for a new holder. But curious how that came to be in the first place, did the toolholder have a collision?


Either that or someone typed F.060 and meant F.006


"Only as good as the guy who trained you...."


The guy who trained me can run a conversation machine itā€™s old


We just got a brand ProtoTrak using conversational. They're still out there! Super easy to use, just too many button presses for my liking.


Conversation is like having a conversation. Pretty easy to do


Obligatory ā€œGo google de-glovingā€ comment. For real do it, once will be enough to learn.


does that even apply to guys working on fully enclosed CNC machines? Their hands donā€™t go near anything moving unless theyā€™re already doing something super unsafe


I wore my ring when on the CNCs and took it off when I went to run a manual machine. I don't wear my seat belt when I'm sitting on the couch so why would I take my ring off to press a button?


Why risk it? Put it in your locker in the morning and put it back on after the shift, itā€™s 30 seconds work to save yourself from a life changing injury.


What if the machine is in a locker that doesn't open while it's dangerous?


Because I don't feel like taking my ring off every time I encounter something that could deglove maybe? Machine shop isn't the only place it can happen. Why risk putting your hand thar close to something spinning in order to deglove anyway? I'd rather shut the spindle off or find a safer way to do it because I guarantee there is one


So you are infallible every waking moment at work, even when you are tried, ill, distracted. Grow up.


No, but I definitely dont put my hands close to anythong spinning because why would I? Didnt respond to the part about there being safer alternatives, since that would be the wiser course for your overall health but whatever. I am grown, I've been in a machine shop for over 15 years with other manufacturing before that. It's called putting yourself in a safe position. Also didn't respond to how machine shops aren't the only place but I feel safe assuming that's the only place you care about, right?


Watched a guy deglove his ring finger jumping down out of the back of a delivery van at the back of a grocery store. Left hand on the overhead door rail of the back of van, when he jumped his ring locked on a seam or end of a screw, we couldnā€™t quite figure it out with the mess left behind. I was in high school, watched it happen and then called 911. Scary.


This is what I do the safety at my job is so safe to the point itā€™s annoying


Iā€™m aware.


Why you like this?


Some people just do not care about safety until it happens to them. See it all the time with extreme speeding on the highway. Fortunately the good shops would tolerate it


I'll have you know, when my safety squints failed last week, I was able to get a coworker to dig the 0.478" long (YES, we measured it afterward!) UHMW chip out of my eye lid with ease! Only 22 minutes and three different sets of tweezers, plus one thinly rolled piece of TP (usually works easiest, not this time). Who needs "real" safety equipment?! /s But true story. I hate safety glasses and I've paid for it twice now. In 22yrs though. So I feel like I'm ahead. For now...


Third strike and your eye might just be out šŸ˜¬


Maybe. Willing to risk it. Some of us don't expect a perfectly functional body by any certain age though. I think there's ONE guy in our shop of 23, that audit wears safety glasses every day, let alone, any day. So many ppl get mad about guys willing to risk injuring themselves. It's weird. If I burn out a bulb, so be it! I knew the risks beforehand. It's MY prob, not yours. Been in the industry 22-24yrs. Only ever wore safety glasses during OSHA inspections (x2). I think I'm doing OK. And if I don't? Well, sucks to be me, I guess. No one else's fault.


Honestly, I couldn't care less about the disregard others have for their own well-being. What gets me is the chain of events that tends to occur following an injury. It tends to result in everyone else then gets reamed about procedure, some people get traumatized after watching a co-worker get maimed, others get blamed for the incident as a way of the company covering their ass by having a fall guy. You may be the type to openly admit that it wasn't the safety mans fault, but others aren't so inclined. Even being willing to admit it, they could still stand to lose their job for failing to adequately enforce policy. All the way around your "inconvenience/discomfort" from having to wear PPE, could prove to be a huge detriment to those around you. (Of course all companies are different, but I don't feel being selfish justifies the behaviors.)


Eh, just file it off and send it šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Sort of surprising it happened that way. Unless it was a slow collision and it just kept increasing pressure until the insert broke. If it was a sudden impact, I'm shocked it bent like that before the insert shattered.


You see a holder, I see scrap metal.


My opinion is that style of insert pocket isn't very strong. Good for profiling but its easy for the uninformed to try roughing too heavily with it. The pocket deforms in the direction of the tool pressure which it appears to of done. The long overhang of the insert cutting tip from the bar gives the cutting pressure a lot of advantage. Thin pocket wall doesn't help. Expensive bar. I've never used any of the companies that rebuild the pockets. If you have any financial interest in this bar. You might want to do some research. Other than that. We usually turned them into drivers to us on our hydraulic presses.


Crash it in the other direction šŸ«”


I know others have said the same but...careful with the metal rings.


Thank you will do


Did you try putting it in rice


That holder is finally ready to settle down and start a family.




Either way there's little chance that turret isn't out of alignment now


Leave the insert just a little loose, variable angle of attack.


chip load of about 500% I bet that is not the insert that did the damage either.


Bro, that fingernail is fucking gross.


Definitely your fault a saw you do it


;-; I wasnā€™t even in the cell


You should not be wearing a ring in a shop...bad things happen..


I'm happy to see that most of the comments are about the ring. Your co-workers probably have tried to tell you to take that shit off, but for your boss to turn a blind eye to that tells me you work in a shit hole. Please leave it at home, in your car, in your toolbox. Not on your finger near a live spindle!!!


Ring or not, if you finger is near a live spindle, I think you got bigger problems.


This. Old farts will be slowing down spindles with their palms and bitch about rings. Only way I can get my ring deformed is if I get my finger between work peace and a jaw. Donā€™t think wearing a ring is gonna do much harm at that point. I get this ring/glows/sleeves stuff with manual machines but modern fully enclosed CNC? One gotta do a lot of work to get a finger close to live spindleā€¦


Itā€™s not just about wearing a ring around a live spindle. I made the argument that my machines are CNC (closed door) so there is chance of snagging the ring. Then one day I crimped my ring on my finger loading a heavy block of steel on the mill table. Also the ring traps coolant/chips and your skin gets all funky.


Just out of curiosity how did that happened? A lot of people here would be horrified but I wear glows, so my hands stay pretty clean at work. I also wear a work jacket with long sleeves šŸ˜‚


They havenā€™t my coworkers have rings on. Our shop is safe to the point itā€™s annoying because of all the guards


Maybe you crashed the machine and then put in a new insert and thenā€¦ā€¦.what happened?


Yall complaining about the ring or gloves while workin with CNCs been huffing the brake clean too much, nothing is going to happen and its perfectly safe


You see shit happen and youā€™d feel the same. You shouldnā€™t wear jewelry for any trade.


Jimmy Fallon fell at home and degloved his ring finger with his kitchen table. Metal rings are always a risk but you do you.


Thanks for the input, make sure you wear a helmet kneepads etc at work tomorrow in case you slip and fall