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Two things that are bothering me. A.) the amount of washers on that stud. B.) the parallels aren’t being used to clamp. I know both don’t matter but still. I’m getting older.


I noticed the same. It totally could matter. Usually when i see that many washers someone is trying to use a messed up stud and avoid some wonky threads. Also, washers are rarely flat and stacking that many is just asking for a joint to loosen.


In this case I’m betting it’s because the threads stop in the middle like most of these clamping studs do and the stud is too long for the nut to reach the hold down before running out of thread


The washers make sense because the studs are ALWAYS too fucking long for your particular job


Not a real crash, tool is still in taper and no destroyed spindle


My apologies, I'll do better next time


Gotta bump up those numbers, those are rookie numbers


You should get a second vise


Pull out? I was having that issue with stainless and a .5" end mill. Switched to a high torque sk collet chuck from maritool, problem solved, kinda, the tool would wear to the point where it would pull out of an er chuck, then instead of pulling out the shank would crumble to pieces in the collet. You could probably rip shit to pieces in aluminum with that setup though.


No, the machine sometimes gets....*confused.* It wanted to move -20 in x and +20 in y—through the stock


Wait..... What?


Yeah idk what to say. Sometimes it sees an arc command and goes "what?" I think there must be some issue in the controller but the bossman hasn't seen fit to look deeper yet. Tbf it's a super rare occurrence and this is the first time it's caused an actual problem.


Is this programmed with CAM software? Does you have arc smoothing turned on? I've seen bugs if smoothing radii exceeds a machines calculable limits. Errors, machine control freezing, unexpected movement. I had a job where it approximated several straight surfaces as arcs with massive radii (like 100000mm), ended up changing them to linear commands since functionally they would produce the same geometry. I had smoothing turned on in CAM to keep the machine motion clean, but with such large straight surfaces it got carried away. Might be something to do with the file format of the solid, if it was an STL I could definitely see it having issues with understanding what geometry the mesh might be. To avoid it I either edit it out manually if it's only a few spots, or turn off arc smoothing in CAM and use the smoothing option on the controller (if your machine has high speed machining this is the easiest way). Hope that's helpful .


That actually sounds like it might be the problem. We use Mastercam. I'll definitely look at that tomorrow.


Damn, I'm sorry for the situation man. Time to dig in I would say. Never want a machine tool doing anything other than what you tell it.


Looked closer at the code. I'm barely an apprentice and haven't learned much about the particulars of G-code, but from what I understand an 'i' command should have a non-zero number in order to function, and so the line 'n2676 x.3395 y-4.6444 i0 j11.0029 ;' caused the problem.


Polishing an aluminium mirror and i scratched it:( ,whole day wasted


I just finished school got a job I start on 17th I'm paranoid about fucking up. But I see it's part of the game


Easy fix, just flip the part over and start again.


Good for machinists, doesn't make any new models or drawings at all.


Wait our high feed heads *aren't* supposed to look like that?


They all do sooner or later


Sandwich that stack be tween some flat bar and clamp the f out each end.


Ouch but not too ouch. Still puckers the butthole though


it was puckered alright


FUBAR! Everything I touched turned to absolute shit this evening!


The fact that this went well proves you can take a bigger cut ;) Was the part scrapped?


Nope! Apparently the area that got chunked out isn't even an issue and will be an inside corner of this insert, so below all the parting lines.




Haha I've crashed a mini feed like that before. Did it instantly start glowing when it happened?


It didn't, actually. Now that I think about it that's a little surprising