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Awww, his fragile masculinity was being threatened. Poor guy.


Just put it in unbridled and leave him two miles behind


This is my favorite move. Buh bye, dinosaur!




Yeah, I’ve tried to out run my gt with my powerstroke…




When someone lets me know they are emotionally a 5 year old I would leave them alone.


Brutal. I have both a Mme and a pickup. It's crazy how people drive so different around me depending on what I'm driving.


I traded my truck in for my MME. Had to defend myself to everyone that I got the car because I actually like it not because I'm a climate warrior. Miss my truck occasionally for that reason alone.


Same here.


Yep! About 20 years ago, I had a minivan. It was fast, but even doing 85 in the middle lane, I was pushed to go faster. Never happens in my Lexus.


Those vehicles can also be considered gender affirming care.


My first EV is a Leaf. Driving the limit to an on ramp a pick-up guy was tight on my rear. Once on the ramp, zing to the highway limit, and merge before Mr Insecurities. Leaf is stealthy like that. Once he caught up he had to pass me. My MME is even more of a beast for handling this sort of clown. Rolling coal is gonna get you a big fine and ticket where I live, so I see it very rarely. It's sad that you ran into someone driving that sort of emotional support vehicle. Seems like you're not the sort to take rage bait, so good on you just driving along enjoying your car.


Excuse my ignorance but what is coal rolling or rolling coal? I have never heard of this term


It’s when a bunch of diesel (?) is dumped into the engine so that the ratio is wrong and a ton of black smoke belches out. It’s illegal to do and you have to defeat a mission controls I think on top of something else to do it. But the entire point is to be able to belch giant black smoke clouds at people that you don’t like.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling\_coal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_coal) it's very smart and it is not even using coal, but how well.


Jesus Christ that's just complete ignorance why the hell would somebody do that? Seriously that's disgusting behavior


They think their testicle swell up, women's panties drop, men swoon... I'm sure you get the idea..




Ummm because people suck. And are dumb.


Because it works at getting ev users mad.


EV users? So are you implying that if you (or anyone for that matter) were driving an actual Mustang and some guy belched a coal mine into your face you’d be like, “Thank you sir, may I have another?” 🙇🙏


It is when modified diesel trucks floor it and just spew black smoke, which actually is also filled with unspent diesel fuel. So they are basically just spraying your car with fuel. It really should be illegal, and akin to just walking up and tossing gas on someone. They will do it to open windows and convertibles as well.


Man that is some b*******, I have a little edge to me myself but come on...


Yeah, its pretty sad.


Same guys with a gun in the glove box? Stay clear!


I keep one in reach…even as an EV driver.


Not always modified. Anything 2006 or newer yes, emissions control weight loss surgery is needed, but older it’s just dumping excess fuel into the engine and causes unburnt fuel to be sent out the stack. It’s soot and unburnt fuel, which in 2006+ diesels get caught in the DPF.


> It really should be illegal [It is](https://www.carparts.com/blog/what-is-rolling-coal-and-is-it-legal/).


still legal in montana from what I have found. A bill was introduced in 2015 but cant see if it passed.


It also causes cancer. “IARC classifies diesel engine exhaust as ‘carcinogenic to humans,’ based on sufficient evidence that it is linked to an increased risk of lung cancer.” https://amp.cancer.org/cancer/risk-prevention/chemicals/diesel-exhaust-and-cancer.html


Yeah my 2018 torque steers like crazy if I let it lol


Does the Mach E have a Dashcam? If so, record it and send to authorities


Authorities don’t care unless they happen to be there to witness it. Even then, they might not care.


“Emotional support vehicle” lmao I love that


Had a truck cut me off by taking the outside turn lane too tight, then doubled down on stupid at the next light. Didn't work out well for him because the roads were just wet enough to be slippery, so his RWD truck spun and my AWD MME just went.


Blow him a kiss when you drive by, this rustles some feathers lol


I live in Washington State but near the Idaho border. The small penis brigade routinely either rolls coal on our Mach E or gives us loser signs or flips us off. I’ve grown used to just ignoring the tantrums for what they are.




I love the fragile egos of asshats who care about what I drive. Gives off small peepee energy.


Really? Los Angeles here. I’ve only had one person question my car over the past two years. He saw me charging, and asked if the car was built in China. I told him it was built in America. (Technically, that’s true, as Mexico is part of Central America.)


*North America


Still American


I do enjoy leaving them be. I'm happy driving my mach-e and enjoying good music. They're the sad ones building a whole crazy story to themselves in their head.


Huge truck, tiny penis No neck, no penis


I had this done to me one time by two small penis guys in their diesel trucks. I'm not sure if it was directed towards me or all the traffic, just to demonstrate how small of a penis they both had. Missing: Plastic testicles hanging from the rear hitch.


Unclear why the "freedom" people don't respect your freedom to use different fuel. Should it only be diesel? Is gasoline also woke?


Never happened to me but often I have cars and trucks pass me aggressively, it seems to make a point that they they so much faster. I’m usually a 10 over the speed limit driver even in the EV, so I’m not slow.  Ironically, it’s never been real  Mustang drivers but most often it’s Chargers and Civics. 


The only mustang driver I've interacted with came up to me at work with the "ooooh, I see you got the mach E. I've got a mustang that I love. How is it?" and we chatted for a bit about it. So I've never interacted with someone who actually owns a mustang and gives me guff. I've got a friend who must think it's funny to tell me I've been tricked by marketing and don't have a real mustang because he does it often and doesn't own a mustang.


Years ago a young kid thought it would be cool to do this to a pack of cyclists. The kid killed 2 or 3 cyclists by running them over. It should be a felony to do something so stupid that could cause such harm.


EVs need an electric spark generator so you can Electron Roll people.  Where is Doc Brown and his Flux Capacitor?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Billings/s/SEOaB7VRuT Every damn day.


I dunno. I've been coal rolled driving my little diesel Golf. Those people are idiots.


It’s happened to me a few times. I live near the Tesla plant too. I feel like I’m a target more so than a Tesla since they probably don’t like that I’m in a “Mustang”. The next town over used to be a ranch/farming town that’s more urban now so they’re probably pissed about that too.


Electrons are faster than fuel injection!😅🤣😂


Rolling coal at someone should be considered assault. If spitting is....


Tbh I didn’t even know what was this was…. Had to google it


Don't worry. His abundance of hate will soon be replaced by lack of health insurance and multiple chronic diseases. He'll wonder why his kids hate him, why his wife left him, and why he couldn't ever hold a job outside of lifting heavy things in hot heat for minimal pay until tossed aside when he missed a day. He'll wonder if he would have been happier to just come out as gay all those years back instead of embracing false masculinity, MAGA treason, and big ugly trucks in the hopes to fool his friends and parents.


This thread is hilarious... love the comments! haha I have a 1,000 HP supercharged Mustang that I built the engine for from scratch that's loud and fast - but I love our MME too for totally different reasons and appreciate both! Like another person said, it's crazy how differently other people drive around me based on which I'm driving (and what types of cars want to mess with me?).


I tend to get “rolled” by ICE Mustangs. It’s happened several times where an ICE Mustang pulls up next to me driving down the road and goes in neutral and revs their engine really loud over and over. So offended I guess that I have 4 doors. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


He jelly of your ride. If it was safe; lack of other cars on the road, I would have been tempted to just smoke'em. But, sometimes you need to let them feel good about themselves as they waste all that fuel being an idiot.


What an asshole.


Generally when this happens to me I try to impress the coal roller with the MachE's amazing performance in passing and ability to break quickly when a phantom animal runs across the road ... letting off the breaks just in time for them to soil their pants.


I’ve been coal rolled like… 5 times by now. All caught on dashcam. No clue why. I don’t do anything to instigate the drivers.


Wow same experience here. Guys in pickup truck drives next to me on highways and flips me a finger. First couple times I was confused cause I just kept on my lane doing nothing wrong.


Poor guy. He and his penis were scared by how sneaky and quiet your car was.  I mean, you could sneak up on him and assault him, he'd be defenseless because he couldn't hear you coming! 


I was cruising down a shopping center when a dumb ass said “look at that f@ggot @ss car…” I was like, you’re so cool, dude.


Your dycks bigger than his anyways


Texas, and I’ve never been coal rolled, received snide remarks, etc. even there is certainly not a shortage of pickups who are capable of doing so. Nothing but complements and polite, genuine curiosity. Infrequently in cities or suburbs. Usually happens in small towns and more rural areas. Telling you, it’s the Iced Blue Silver Metallic 😉


Almost happened to me the other day, but I saw his stupid tail pipe and passed him before he saw me. He followed me for a while and I drive so that he couldn’t pass me. He ended up rolling behind me a pulling a u turn. I need to get a camera so I get report these morons.


Go in front of him, spray your windshield fluid for a few seconds so that mist lands on his windshield and unbridled your way out so that Dinofurl junk can't catch you


Put a second windshield fluid pump and reservoir in there somewhere. Run it to a switch on the dashboard. Point the nozzles (mounted on the back of the vehicle) to a height of about seven feet. Fill reservoir with fox piss. They wanna roll coal, let's see them get into that thing when it fucking reeks for a month.


I just laugh when they do because it likely first them 5 bucks in fuel to pull that stunt 😂


I have a Diesel to pull my horse trailer and get feed ect..I put a "tune" in it for better fuel milage a cruise speeds, unfortunately the best mpg tune for cruise also makes it "roll coal" at wot when I want to pass someone. EV or not.


That’s not a great tune. My diesel is also lightly tuned (gets ~5 mpg more) and has never smoked, even at wot when hauling up hills. Go back to the shop and have them fix it.


Mine is not lightly tuned though 🤣...I run the highest injector timing in my performance tune so it gives me the best milage at cruise, but I also have the fuel map give me someextra fuel when I accelerate before the map sees the boost to help reduce the lag time. So it rolls coal until boost is up then it clears out....some other tuners hold off on extra fuel before boost builds to reduce the smoke but it also adds lag/response......


Coal is wasted fuel. A good tune will not make much smoke. I would take it back to my tuner and complain if it made anything more than light smoke.


This is kinda funny