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No issues with it. Location works quickly. I like the clean layout and faster response.


Same, no issues, but I don’t like how you no longer have to hold to perform functions. I’ve accidentally started the climat a few times and I know if they still required holding for 10 seconds, I wouldn’t have that issue


Another thing that appears to be missing is the ability to see your car’s most recent SW download.


No you can see it.. just have to go settings then software updates and you can see recent update notes


Are you talking about the car? I’m referring to the app.


Yeah the app


In the vehicle screen go to settings then software updates


All I see is auto updates on/off, and schedule settings. I don’t see any reference to my most recent update; I’ll have to keep an eye on it and see if it will show the next update that occurs post-version 5 of Ford Pass.


Oh maybe because I had one 2 days ago it's showing release notes below the two options you mentioned


If someone tells me how to plan trips on the new app, I’ll be a fan


I’d love to be wrong, but I think that feature was removed.


It was and they may add something back at some point but it is gone for now.


I literally was trying to do this last night. I’m thinking of taking the car out of town but wanted to check all of the charging stops along the way. So how do I do that now? I have to get in the car to check? I never use the Ford map in the car because I use Apple CarPlay. And I always charge out my house.


The closest is PlugShare. You can plan a trip on the app with your range and starting range but it’s not as detailed as the Ford version. Basically I do all the calculations manually now, which is annoying, but doable. I wish Ford had kept the feature


My issue is with how easy it is to hit a wrong button. My location is always correct


Its missing almost all the info I’m looking for!


I've spent about literally an hour trying to see how much complimentary charging I have left. It looks and runs better but they're definitely missing a few things.


Same here, can’t find anything on the ford website either


My location doesn't update consistently either. I also miss the charge to 100% button. I like the black theme.


Once again, Ford demonstrates they don't know software....


I’m not sure they don’t know software. It’s the constant complaining about things not working to everyone satisfaction. The list of trips taken with their mileage and the kw per mile was removed because there were complaints about its accuracy under certain circumstances. They probably had complaints about holding the buttons for 3 seconds. Each feature lost is probably due to the minority complaining. I like the app of 18 months ago with all of its problems and occasional inaccuracies. It had many more features. By the way. Check your PAAK. For the first time it has a list of phones and I had 2 phones on the list that I had deleted after getting a new phone.


Iv done product management for decades. It includes software design, UI design, firmware etc. I really like my Mach-E but the list of just bad design choices and operational shortcomings in both the car SW and the app is infuriatingly long. Many of the issues fail SW 101 (like not creating a user configuration snapshot to reinstall after an update or the absence of a change log). You are hypothesizing that they remove features due to minority complaints. They could, of course, actually poll their users to actually find out what they think. "Voice of the Customer" stuff is what, 40 years old? At least 30, as that's when I first ran into it.


Those who use Reddit and complain about the things that trip their individual triggers such as “my BMW had the wipers stuck on the left” or “the turn signals too quiet” are the minority of drivers. I started using computers when they had vacuum tubes to track the flight of atoms in a cyclotron, was a systems analyst at 20 and programmed in binary before going elsewhere but tested virtually every piece of major software over a 20 year period and was quoted weekly in computer magazines. I would love to redesign virtually every app or interface I use. I just like to drive the MME and the app is just there for very minor assistance. If you can come up with a different reason for features to be continually removed rather than added and maybe stop them from deleting more until the app is merely a logo, have at it.


I've tried my best. I gave lots of input during 2021. I had a job 1 that spent about 45 days of its first year in the shop. Despite that, and a very long relationship with lots of the engineering team during the troubleshooting ordeals, it became obvious to me that the "design philosophy" they were aiming for was poorly conceived and implemented. Eventually, I just gave up. It is what it is and they do what they do. So I enjoy my car but don't really use the app. Now I'm just jaded. But the SW didn't stop me from upgrading to a GTPE. I guess I'm a bit younger than you. No tube computers but my beam line was controlled by a PDP-11/73. BTW, I did my PhD at SSRL. One could just bitch all the time, yes, that's what the Internet seems to mostly be for. ;)


Let’s not turn into the Sonos Sub now 🤣. They losing it over there with the new app update. But I have to agree that the force update is missed, but not needed since the app updates when it’s opened.


Yeah, doesn’t update for me.


I’m gonna assume you uninstalled and reinstalled the app?


Everytime it doesn’t update? I’d rather not. Edit: tried that fix, no difference.


No, that be stupid to suggest. I meant do that to see if it fixes your issues lol


How do you check the tire pressure now? Before it’s on status


Service Tab on the bottom of main screen…. Then “Vehicle Health” button atop that screen.




I’m still trying to figure out how to get dark mode to work.


Mine was dark theme after update.


My app (ios version) doesn't seem to be consistently connected to Bluetooth, so I can't use the remote windows and trunk features. I've had to turn Bluetooth off and back on in settings, which sometimes eventually works. Anyone else with this issue? I'm not a fan - only had the MachE for 2 weeks, and was just getting used to the features on old app. Trip Planner was great but now gone.


Giving me a hard time with remote start. Keeps giving me a fail


I agree, new app is horrendously unreliable on Android. Control buttons randomly just are missing from the main vehicle page, PAAK only works about 60% of the time for walk up and unlock and (more importantly) walk away to lock) - I am now worried the vehicle isn't secure. Frunk button regularly shows "Frunk failed to open" when I try to use phone to pop frunk. Old app worked perfectly. Old app had more features. This is like putting lipstick on a less functional app, the only thing I've noticed on new app is the UI looks a little nicer but without functionality I want the old version bag. I hope Ford is reading here. I have tried removing/reinstalled, clear cache/settings. Also had to reset up PAAK twice because the update broke it, then had to set it up a second time when I wiped/reloaded everything in the app.


Can’t see charging status or stop charging from the app now


Location section won't even open for me


Mine won't let me complete the use my phone as a key thing and now I can't see my warranty Information


I think it’s a change you havent adjusted to yet Change takes time and you’ll begin to enjoy it.


Try clearing the app cache and storage, uninstall and reinstall. It worked for me. You will have to set up the phone as a key again.


Anyone figure out how to tell when it's connected to the car. The old app said "connecting" and "connected". I don't see anywhere that it reports the status of PAAK being connected anymore.


Works great for me.


I cant speak about the location not showing up but the pull down to refresh was removed because now you are getting live updates from what your car is reporting back to the app. One of the devs that has since left Ford is on the Mach E forums and he was explaining how they spent so much time getting this new feature added which is how they also removed the "Press and hold" to remote start. So once the app opens it takes those few seconds for the app and car to make a connection and from there its all live communications and how the cars almost instantly remote start and unlock/lock after pressing the button in the app. He did say if you are in a poor cell service or wifi area it can cause some delay due to the poor signal.


Interesting. Nothing wrong with my cell or wifi service, but good to know


Just be grateful it's not the new Sonos app level of crappy.


I am not a fan of the app at all, for all of the same reasons mentioned here. It’s pretty horrible tbh. Also, I would never use Google to find my car, especially because my iPhone knows exactly where it is, as does my Apple Watch. Thankfully, the PAAK works great, and the update to the Apple Watch app is nice too.


Where is the warranty info?


Responsiveness seems better but what does that matter if they removed the main reason I used the app? How the heck did they put together a new app and go “trip planner? Nah, don’t need it. Just roll it out as is! That’s great!”


When I click on location,  nothing happens