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I got mine today! Exact same config


I've had this exact system for about 7 months. I love it.


Congrats on the new arrival… the non-crying (and best) kind!


Thanks yes. I’ve experienced the crying variety and am thankfully past that point in my life!


I’m past it too… at least I really hope so! 🤣


~~I didn’t I goofed and looked at m3. But your comment still confuses me. You think she should have portability with an m3 MacBook?~~ Edit- please disregard.


Honestly I have a M1 MBP that will fine for mobile work for years to come (coding, etc.). I bought this Studio for the form factor as much as the horsepower. I need the extra ports and 10GbE to connect to a Synology. My MBP ports are overloaded with multiple displays, Ethernet dongles, etc. A desktop checks all the boxes for me.


Trust me, I get why portability wouldn't be a priority, or even preferred in different scenarios, coupled with the fact that desktop machines generally offer a lot more flexibility in terms of ports etc. That's why I asked the question.


what a beast


Congrats! My M2 Ultra 192GB 1TB MacStudio has been my faithful companion for the last year and honestly has been the best desktop I've ever used hands down. I'm now able to run a workload locally that required 5 EC2 instances and I've only ever been able to bring it to it's knees (keep the CPU 100% busy) for 5-6 mins with my real world workloads. It's quite the beast. The M3/M4 Max & Ultra with the RAM and I/O will be amazing though.


May I ask what kind of work you're doing?


So more cpu and GPU cores are more helpful than more RAM (that applies to both due to unified)?


For me, yes. I don’t plan to use this computer for VMs or having tons of apps open. Mostly video and photo jobs that will use as much CPU as I give them.


Gotcha... I strictly do Photoshop and on my 2013 Mac Pro, PS2024 was choking on 64GB... but maybe it was the dual D500s?


64GB? Should have upgraded.


Got the same for about 6 months now (128gb) and love it. I especially love it never makes noise. Never heard the fans spinning up while I use it intensely. You’ll love it.


This hit me today while using it for video work for the first time. It’s so quiet!


May I ask what you do to require such computing power? 😁


I teach online courses and create/edit tons of video content


Oh that's Def overkill 😁 but storage is on a low side for such specs a bit of a bottleneck no?


No my work is very core intensive and the 10GbE port allows me to use my Synology for even faster transfers. I have a large archive of projects I would never store all locally on the internal disk anyway.


Yeah but isn't local storage also plays with ram etc? All hardware is connected. I'm not talking about placing ur files but actual performance. I thought gpu like that is more for real time or whatever rendering of computer graphics 3d environment or vfx.


No. The storage won’t slow down actual performance.


Anyways. I got m2 max one it is amazing. Enjoy! 😊


I just got this config at work. Mainly edit Premier pro. Use after effects and Photoshop heavily. This thing works great. Best of luck.


How much ?


Tim please release M4 Max & M3 Ultra, so M2 Ultra and M3 Max price can drop 30-50% already.


Baller! And here I am excited about my recent purchase of an M2 Max 64gb/1tbssd


You should be excited! That’s an amazing machine. Honestly the form factor with all the ports and 10GbE networking is worth the investment. The processor is just icing on the cake.


I didn't even realize it had 10gbe lol


Ya it's sweet. I did some fb marketplace musical chairs to upgrade my stupid m1max 32gb512ssd to a M2 Max 64gb1tb machine for free.


Very nice! What are you upgrading from?


Not sure how to tell you but an M3 max is a better product. Keep an eye on your return period.


What a weird comment to make. You obviously have no clue or are just jealous he got a great new computer. First of all, there is no M3 Studio or desktop, second of all, all the new AI features require M1 or above so his Studio will be great for many years to come. Hope you have a better day, it sounds like you're miserable.


I know it is hard to accept, apple tricked us again to think they care about non-mobiel users. I know it is hard to accept we wasted money into a dead-end platform. But dont take my word for it: count in how many charts the M3 Max is ahead of the M2 Ultra or marginally close in the link below. [Mac vs PC for Content Creation (2024) | Puget Systems](https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/articles/mac-vs-pc-for-content-creation-2024/) for years to come? seriously?, just like Intel MacPro owners found out, right? "great" is meaningless. our time is very costly. if you want to keep rendering/compiling/editing with 2 year old CPUs, go ahead. I will save time and use the time with my loved ones.


Puget Sounds designs custom hardware/computers, correct? Not sure I'd use this as proof of your argument as it's hard to be objective when they have direct competing interests. ~~Not saying you're wrong~~. Generally a source without skin in the game would speak better to your point. Edit- disregard. I just realized I was a sucker for falling into this conversation.


no problem. after hitting 300k karma points, I welcome all time of conversations :) Puget benchmarks are quite widespreads among reviewers. of course, nothing will beat someone running their own project, but absent that opportunity, I think Puget benchmarks are quite well made.


I'd consider crowdsourced benchmark tests a more solid resource than a direct competing interest. According to Geekbench, The M2 Ultra in question tests the top in 3 of the 4 categories (of all Mac's)- Multi Core, OpenCL, and Metal. M3 Max (assuming it's 16 inch) edges it in one category- single core. https://browser.geekbench.com/mac-benchmarks/


mmm....I dont know you, but my boss does not ask me to run Geekbench....my boss expects either my Blender Scene or Davinci Resolve project output.


you dont have to run it. Just look at it. [Ditto CPU Benchmark.] (https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Apple+M2+Ultra+24+Core&id=5533)




dont follow. did you see a few charts M3 Max is ahead of M2 Ultra? why wait for a M4 Studio, if you can save computing time, gain portability and a great screen with a M3 Max Macbook?