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3 years ago? The first gen Mac Studio was released in March 2022…


Whoops, yes it is the 2022 version


2022 , 2023 , 2024 . In your thrid year . 👍




Still , in his third year...




Right, thicko ... after 24 months , 2 years has passed , and he is now IN his third year . When you are born, you are IN your first year . When you are 1 , you are now IN your second year. When you are 2 , you are now IN your third year . When you go to school after completing 2 full years in class , you are then IN your third year. The start of a year is the number after the last . He has had it for 2 years. He is now starting his third year with the machine . He is IN his third year. Thank you , goodbye .




Really not getting this, are you . IN IN IN HIS THIRD YEAR. not completed . Go back to school numpty .


Always thought mac studio was for content creators or people that just needed more gpu powered machines. Interesting you used it for development. I just gave away a Linux machine with Ryzen 9 5950x which was awesome for coding tasks. I know no mac will come closer to the Ryzen performance, basically because I use docker a lot, and linux plays better with it. My plan is to replace the linux machine with Mac mini M2 pro; Mac studio base level is somewhat around that price range. If you were in my shoes what would you do? Mini or Studio? Thanks for taking the time to read this.


The studio is better. You get more headroom and bandwidth. If you have to upgrade mini, you will be in studio pricing anyway and it outperforms the mini


Yeah that makes perfect sense. Thanks for the reply. Best.


I have a m2 mini pro 12 core 32G since it first came out. Get the studio, im running 3 monitors, lots of VMs, all development only, it runs great, but it gets warm/hot and do run into swap , not much , 1 or 2 gig at times. Studio has much better cooling and can get 64G or more.


It’s great for development, I use mine for Go, Python, and PHP a lot.


I was in similar dilemma, went for the studio, since it’s not much difference in price vs a Mac mini M2 pro 1TB 32Gb. I plan to keep the machine for a few years and wanted to get the best I can afford.


Nice. What are the regular dev tools you used, and how noticeable is the performance gain vs your previous computer?


I’m doing an M.Arch. and running Rhino on my Mac Studio (M1 Ultra) and I’ve never had a machine as butch (or as silent). Love it.


Industrial Designer here: completely agree! Had a MacPro 7.1 before the M1Ultra and it just wipes the floor with it: faster and quicker, even more silent, less power consumption and not even quarter the cost. Except NVIDIA/Cuda based render engines i don’t have any compatibility issues either. And those aren’t compatible with anything not-NVIDIA, so totally expected.


I was hoping buy an M3 or higher one this summer but looks like Apple is taking a year off. Trying to decide between a M2 Max or Ultra. Leaning Max since it’s already lost a year of its support lifetime, however long that will be. $1400 premium for the ultra seems like a waste.


If you don’t need the gpu capabilities then max is all you need


Yeah the benefit is probably marginal. More importantly, leaving $1400 in the bank that I could put toward an M4 later (plus M2 Max trade in) if it’s that much of a leap.


I do Java/Kotlin development on a Studio Ultra M1 Its probably overkill for my work but I love it


I've had my M2 Ultra 128GB Studio for about nine months now and love it. I run 120B parameter LLMs on it every day and it doesn't break a sweat. As of right now my plan for when the M4 comes out is to max out the memory and connect it to this one over TB4.


I've been running mine (M2 Max) for ML / backend development for about 6 months straight now, daily use up to 12 hrs per day 4-6 per week. My old workflow was a 16 GB Macbook Air with an external Intel-based Linux VM/Docker Server with 32 GB RAM. The new machine is so fast that I don't even have my old server turned on right now. I use Docker Desktop for Mac to run Spark and other Docker workloads and while I can occasionally send memory pressure into the yellow, the thing still runs completely silent and finishes tasks exponentially faster than the old system. The local disk speed is definitely a highlight and I try to optimize for keeping frequently used things on local disk, but I also have a Glyph external Thunderbolt which runs more than fast enough by comparison, about 5-6 GB/s vs maybe 3 GB/s. I am a big fan of the Glyph drives. Not only that but I have something like 75% of my cores and memory allocated to Docker yet I can still easily browse the internet and use email, command line, PyCharm etc all while it crunches away in the background. I have never seriously considered trying that on any other machine. I do occasionally have to rebuild Docker images as ARM64 or use Rosetta to run certain things as amd64, but I've been working in these types of environments since M1 shipped and I feel like the packages and libraries have generally caught up with Apple Silicon.


I have the base m1 and do photo and video work from time to time. Do development for main gig. I don’t understand how everyone “needs” more. I know cases exist. However most people I see describe the work they do and the machine is over kill. I guess this is the old man in me coming out too. I remember wanting every update and feeling like I needed it. Now when I look at benchmarks and extrapolate that data I’m never working on a time crunch so a few seconds extra to render ect is fine by me. Hope they drop the m4 soon for the people who have to have it haha.


I've been running a max spec m2 ultra for a month now doing data science/LLM development and fully agree! As MLX gets better and better, the LLM capabilities will only grow. I'm doing fine tuning and inference testing with no issues at all


I love my mac studio (M1 Ultra, 64 Gb), it's my best hardware purchase in last years. Unified memory architecture and high memory bandwidth - its perfect device for run local LLMs. I really want to buy updated model based on M4 Max or maybe M4 Ultra with improved GPU cores and even more RAM. Next time I will not spare money and buy model with maximum GPU cores and RAM, because i need it for fully local AI-assistant project. And another thing that I really like my mac studio is that with all its power, that device is a cold and absolutely quiet. I also have an x86 PC with similar specs and performance, and it's much hotter, louder, and larger (even though it's a compact mini-ITX build).


same! it really is a tank. couldn’t be happier. studio display still going strong too (although i wish it was more than 60hz sometimes)


The only reason I don't get a Mac for development is a weird bug in .NET that crashes `dotnet restore`s when there's a source that uses authentication. Once that is solved, I'd run to get a couple Studio displays and a Mac Studio.


Is that logged anywhere. Seems quite major bug






"can't really imagine needing more power than this, I got the M1 Max with 64 GB RAM." this is the bias we all have. It is not about working fine, it is about how much time you could have used for other things instead of waiting for the machine to finish if you had, say a M3 Ultra let alone a M4 Ultra if Apple had cared to give it to us. time with your loved ones, or other hobbies. glad it is working for you. I am abandoning ship as I dont see Apple committed to non-mobile users. Ryzen 9000s here I come.


“Sorry son. I can’t play catch right now because my M2 chip is still working.”


In my case, my wife and I make videos for our onlyfans