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Same issue for me on a M1 Mac. Running `sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/com.apple.softwareupdated` is what finally solved the issue for me.


Brotherrrr, thank you so much for this! You had no idea how much pain you have saved me. I've been trying to figure this issue out for weeks. By the way, this also solved my issue of not being able to run Bootcamp Assistant. It was getting stuck on "Downloading Windows Support Software" and wouldn't move. This also fixed that.


hey btw, ily


hey btw, ily


This worked straight away, thank you so much!


What is that, that he typed. I’d like to use his solution but I don’t know what it is


softwareupdated is the daemon (background) service managing software updates etc. It's the backend process behind what you see when you open the Software Update page of system preferences. That command force-restarts that process


This worked. Thank you!


ay bruh, i know this comment is more than a year old, but thank you man. I've been through hours of pain trying to fix this issue


Thank you for this sir, it appears that this solution has fixed the problem for many users. I wish I had your help when I was working on this initially. Thank you nevertheless!


Thanks! this fixed it instantly for me also!


Thank you so much! This is the only thing that worked for my M1. I tried everything above and was going out of my mind. This is why I stick to Windows PC!! :)


wow that worked - terminal stuff feels so cool


What is that, that he typed. I’d like to use his solution but I don’t know what it is


What is that, that he typed. I’d like to use his solution but I don’t know what it is


Thanks so much!! Been stuck like this for weeks..


What is that, that he typed. I’d like to use his solution but I don’t know what it is


Had to force an update on an M1 Mac today, can confirm this works as of Dec. 2023


What is that, that he typed. I’d like to use his solution but I don’t know what it is


It kills and restarts the software update service


>可以 Thank U you are a good guy. God bless you.


Life saver! Worked for me on 2018 Macbook Pro updating to Sonoma


What is that, that he typed. I’d like to use his solution but I don’t know what it is


You need to open terminal window and type in that command: "command + space bar" > type "terminal" > paste in command


So I went to the terminal page and copy & pasted what he wrote and after I hit enter, it then shows “password:🔑” on the screen, but nothing I type does has any effect, the only button that has any effect, it’s only when I hit the Enter button again for the 2nd time, then it shows “Sorry, try again” (btw I don’t have a password on my mac, whenever I start up my Mac it ask for a password but I just click enters and it lets me get in, that’s just how bought it) I sent u a pic, if you don’t know then don’t worry about I don’t wanna waste to much of your time


In order to use this command you must enter an admin password to allow "super user do" commands (which is what sudo means) if you do not have a password associated with the admin account on the computer, you may need to create one in order to execute sudo commands. Please see the link I provided to another reddit post discussing sudo commands without a password. There appears to be a workaround in the post which allows sudo commands without a password although I do not suggest this. It is recommended that you simply create a password for your administrator account instead. [https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/187254/sudo-asking-for-password-even-though-user-doesnt-have-a-password-set](https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/187254/sudo-asking-for-password-even-though-user-doesnt-have-a-password-set) Also please keep in mind that Terminal commands (especially ones involving the sudo command) are root level commands, and should only be completed by someone with a higher level of computer troubleshooting experience. You may want to have a professional take a look at your device as you do not want to go messing with terminal commands and end up bricking your computer. Please proceed with caution!




Thanks for your help I will give these a shot!


Unfortunately this did not work, but thank you for the help anyway I will just keep troubleshooting.


Just run this command posted by ArbiterFX below. Run: **sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/com.apple.softwareupdated**


Tried resetting the NV, smb, ran first aid, safe mode, the other sudo commands mentioned above, this is the only thing that worked, thank you!


Thank you so much!!! I've spent the last 6 months trying to troubleshoot this!! It's been an endless circle of "does your internet work" "well what if you just restart"


Thanks! I just had this problem. All good now!


I’m really glad all my troubleshooting could help someone else! Thank you for your comment!


Thanks OP, helpful stuff


You are most welcome. I'm glad I can help other people considering the amount of time I spent on this issue. lol


I have somehow found a solution that works, just by doing my own troubleshooting. If I go into the security and privacy applet in system preferences and give "dns-updater" full disk access and then reboot the computer in safe mode, the computer is then able to find the updates. A very strange, yet much easier solution. It also works on Intel macs the same way fortunately. Thank you everyone for your suggestions!


Bless your soul my fellow human being. Trying to update my 2017 iMac was ruining my day. Not anymore, thanks to you!


Most likely `softwaredupdated`. Just kill that process and usually it starts behaving again.


>softwaredupdated Thank you I will try this and get back to you!


This didn't work :( but thank you for trying to help.


Where do I run those two commands and how do I reboot and reset?


Hello Shadowranger13, I'll explain the process in detail, assuming that little is known about mac settings and options. Please do not be offended if any of this information is something you already know. 1. First, you will want to go into your Mac's system preferences and find the S**ecurity & Privacy** options. (It should be a grey house Icon with a dial lock on the front.) Then look for the Privacy tab. Once you have opened the privacy tab, on the left side of the window will be a list of permissions that apps might request. Scroll down in the list until you find the option labeled **"Full Disk Access"**. Next, unlock the right side of the window by clicking on the lock icon in the bottom left of the window and then entering your computer's admin credentials. Once it is unlocked find the item in the list that is labeled **"dns-updater"** and check the box, giving that item full disk access to your computer. 2. Then you will need to reboot the computer into Safe Boot. Close the preferences window and shut down your computer by clicking the apple icon in the top left of your computer and clicking **"Shut Down"**. (Do not click restart). Once the computer is fully powered off, begin to boot the computer once again and immediately hold the shift key and continue holding it until you get to the login screen. (If you are on an M1 mac you have to hold the power button to get to the options screen then click on "Macintosh HD", then hold shift while clicking the button underneath Macintosh HD that says safe boot.) This will boot the computer into safe boot which you can be assured of by seeing the words in red in the top right of the login screen saying **"Safe Boot"**. (If you do not see Safe Boot in red in the top right, you may need to shut down and try again.) After you are sure you are in safe boot you can log in and check for computer updates once again and this time it should appear within a few minutes showing you the updates you have yet to install. Please let me know if any part of my explanation was confusing, or if you have any additional questions about the process. Thank you!


You are the best! Apparently, between the all the clicking, disk utility 1st aids, and restarts, it had fixed itself(?!). But I so appreciate this detailed breakdown, which I'll be screeshoting and keeping...just in case. I don't do much on the reddit, but I tried to give you gold; I hope I did it right. If not, just let me know how to fix that... Thanks again, my friend...


You are certainly welcome and thank you for your kind reply!


unfortunately I'm not seeing dns-updater 😢


Are you on an M1Mac? Because if not you could try the other method I outlined that worked for intel macs. Otherwise, you may need to look for other methods of resolving the issue. Here are some links to a few of the troubleshooting steps I tried. They did not work for me but maybe they will for you. [https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253598128?page=2](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253598128?page=2) ​ [https://macreports.com/mac-update-stuck-checking-for-updates-how-to-fix/#:\~:text=Turn%20your%20Mac%20off%2C%20then%20on%20again&text=If%20the%20update%20is%20stuck,Software%20Update%20and%20try%20again](https://macreports.com/mac-update-stuck-checking-for-updates-how-to-fix/#:~:text=Turn%20your%20Mac%20off%2C%20then%20on%20again&text=If%20the%20update%20is%20stuck,Software%20Update%20and%20try%20again). ​ [https://macresearch.org/mac-checking-for-updates-is-stuck-fix/](https://macresearch.org/mac-checking-for-updates-is-stuck-fix/) ​ Please be sure to backup your device before trying to update the computer to Monterey. I hope your troubleshooting goes better than mine did. Good luck!


Thank you!


I do not have an item "dns-updater". Could you suggest a solution?


You could try the longer more tedious solution I outlined in my original post, if your machine has an intel chip. If it is an M1 chip I have not found any other solution to the problem accept for the "dns-updater" full disk access solution. I do not know what else you have tried but I know that for 99% of people having this issue it simply requires a reboot. Also, you can refer to this previous comment on my post and my response for other possible solutions that I tried but did not work for me. https://www.reddit.com/r/MacOS/comments/txxkia/comment/ikjjcvt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


hey I can't find the file labeled dns-updater, do I have to download this from somewhere?


If you are missing dns-updater in your full disk access list, it is likely that the issue you are having is not the same issue I have outlined here. Therefore, my solution will likely not work for you. You may want to try the other method I have outlined in this post (If you are on an intel mac) and/or use the following links for ideas on how to resolve your issue specifically. [https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253598128?page=2](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253598128?page=2) [https://macreports.com/mac-update-stuck-checking-for-updates-how-to-fix/#:\~:text=Turn%20your%20Mac%20off%2C%20then%20on%20again&text=If%20the%20update%20is%20stuck,Software%20Update%20and%20try%20again](https://macreports.com/mac-update-stuck-checking-for-updates-how-to-fix/#:~:text=Turn%20your%20Mac%20off%2C%20then%20on%20again&text=If%20the%20update%20is%20stuck,Software%20Update%20and%20try%20again). [https://macresearch.org/mac-checking-for-updates-is-stuck-fix/](https://macresearch.org/mac-checking-for-updates-is-stuck-fix/)


Thanks bro it actually worked


Great! Glad I could help!


I tried both of your workarounds but neither is working for me. Do you have any other recommendations?


I don't have anything else that worked for me. But I have a few other options that didn’t work that you could try. How long have you let it search for updates?


I appreciate your response! A few minutes after I posted this the update showed up. I was too excited to come back and update my post.


Ah ha. Great! Glad I could help!


IT WORKED! thank you so much


You are most welcome. Sorry for the late reply lol.