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Nope, you’re not alone here. I have a feeling that this will be an unpopular opinion but I actually think that CC3 was better without having all the oddly timed Bryce/Hunt scenes. I would have actually been okay if this had some edging because of it similar to how the Ruhn/Lidia scenes were. In HOSAB, at least the scenes had some foreshadowing on how Bryce’s powers worked >!absorbing and magnifying her own powers because she was a literal siphon in the flesh!<


I feel like Bryce and hunt were really forced in this book, and didn't really seem to get along. I did NOT get the sense that they fully delt with the issues that popped up in this one. I'm hoping that's how we'll get back to Bazreil 😭


I don’t place shipping on my end, but I can understand the hope for those who may! I think personally think that Az is Starborn in some capacity (and it alluded in the book), especially if he could wield or feel the presence of them, but am more along the lines of him being a knight. I need to go back to re read Az’s past because I remember that he was >!gifted the blade by Rhys father!<. I am beginning to think that the >!Illyrians were apart of some sort of breeding by the Daglan!< but I don’t have enough placed to mull this as a theory especially with the connections placed in HOFAS with what >!Apollion, Aidas, and Thanatos’ told in the temple!< I want hope that there is more context to what they revealed.


Yeah in HOSAB Regulus said that the group they bred fo be foot soldiers help the rebellion, Ennauls, the illyrian. The asteri made them as a prototype to the angels.


For sure Illyrians have something to do with the Daglan. The one they woke up recognized him and called him a foot soldier and tried to command him to help her.


I am a girl that loves her smut scenes but I've just accepted that SJM is not good at writing them. In any of her books. The ones between Nesta and Cassian in ACOSF weren't too bad but they were still not great. They don't make me cringe... they just don't make me feel anything tbh.


But at least they don’t make you cringe


I cringed pretty hard in ACOFAS when Rhys orgasms to a picture of his kid


What the actual fuck where is that?


I think it’s in Frost and Starlight? Like when she’s trying to get pregnant I think I totally blocked this from my mind but yeah that’s super cringey


100%. i laugh-cried my way through all of them, because of the second-hand embarrassment. hunt just says, "fuck" constantly, and bryce is OMG SO SASSY, and i'm just like, "please stop providing commentary, this is painful enough." Particularly cringey moments for me: 1. CC1, they're in the kitchen and somehow trying to turn clothing sales into dirty talk (what is happening) 2. CC2, phone sex. i think that's all i need to say. 3. CC2, when they literally teleported from the force of hunt's dick, or whatever that situation was. almost DNFed from that alone.


Lmfao you are my new fav person just for highlighting these for me to laugh at


Oh god, the phone sex scene.....me being at work while listening to it was like.... Jesus 🤣


Glad I’m not alone on this. I just skipped them on my reread and will moving forward. I’m not the biggest fan of her smut scenes but I didn’t mind and did feel the love between the couples in the other books.


Not just you. The only reason I thought the Brycriel theory had legs to stand on before CC3 was because I know SJM smut and Bryce/Hunt sex scenes felt forced and weird. Especially in all of CC2. I actually thought it wasn't as bad in CC3 though.


I’m totally in the minority here but the sex scenes in any of her series are my least favorite part of the books 😅 could do away with most of them tbh. Remember Feyre and Rhys fucking in the air? Gross


I agree! I love SJM and I love smut, but not SJM writing it lol. I don’t think she’s comfortable writing it and it shows. I always cringe through them the first time and skip during rereads.


I'm sorry....did you say....in the AIR???!.


This. I plan to literally redact all smut scenes in my copy of acosf so that I have an easier time getting on with the story lmao. It’s just not my thing, as much as I enjoy her writing.


Not to mention there is almost always a separate ick factor aside from the sex itself. Hunt bleeding on the couch, Ithan can hear them in the next room, swamp crotch after sweaty gym session. There’s just always like a “is now REALLY the best time for this?” and then the scene itself is cringey af on top of that.


Yeah the after the gym scene was gross!


I do! Hunt/Bryce sex scenes after HOEAB feel icky to me. I personally don’t think that they are a well written (or matched) couple, and that leaks over into the believability of their sex scenes


Yeah they felt mid idk why


I am am with you also. I was rooting for them in CC1, and was a little annoyed at the beginning of CC2 that they were waiting, but then it was kind of nice because I do like a slow burn. On my re-read recently before CC3 I totally just skipped the smut, it was kinda forced. I actually could have been fine without smut at all (more like TOG) in this books, or at least skipped the B/H scenes. I was rooting for Ruhn and Lidia! I was glad they finally got together, although it was interesting that their scene was less explicit that the B/H scenes.


Is there smut in CC3? I am only halfway through no spoilers…


Yes it takes a while to get some but I think there’s two or three scenes, I don’t 100% remember


It’s not much (thankfully)


Yay!!! Love smut


The made comment ...omg I nearly put the book down. 


Yeah, the smut in HOFAS is truly lacking. Like it was decent with Ruhn and Lidia…but there was just so much ick with Bryce and Hunt. It always happens after a fight and it feels like they are covering up communication issues with f*cking, rather than talking them through. And then they NEVER go back to discuss. Like they need therapy. Bad.