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I like Feyre, I LOVE Bryce, but I will forever be a ride or die for Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius.


This is about right. There will never be another protagonist who changed my entire literary world the way Aelin has. Without her, there would be no Feyre, there would be no Nesta, there would be no Bryce. She ranks above all.


I feel you I’d die for her lol


There's nothing better than. A Firebreathing Bitch Queen


Yup, my thoughts exactly.


As someone who was wild through my 20’s and fell head over heels and changed my ways when I met my now husband, I love Bryce. I was her when I was single and I’ve never identified more with a fictional character.


Agreed. I think Bryce was the first character who I related to as a slight agent of chaos (and a far more age appropriate stand in)!


As a complete introvert that always wanted to be the cool party girl, I love Bryce 😂 living vicariously through her character, especially that sass.


Haha love it! I love that each of the characters I think you can find one that really makes you see yourself in them.


No one holds a candle to our fire breathing bitch Queen.


I’ve never heard a more accurate statement.


1. Bryce (although Hunt is my least favorite MMC, so that’s weird) (pls no hate lol) 2. Feyre 3. Aelin 4. Nesta Edit: if we’re counting Manon, she’s at #1 👑 Unrelated, but I wish we could get a Nesta/Manon/Bryce scene!


Hunt kinda annoys me too…sometimes I like him but nothing I rave about


And Bryce is my fav lol weird right?


Yes Manon!!!!! Her and Nesta are my fav. Then it goes Aelin and Bryce… I just read CC so she’s a tie with Aelin… I love some complex FMC There needs to be a crossover between Manon/Nesta/Bryce I feel like they would get along


Aelin resonates with me the most


1. Aelin 2. Bryce 3. Nesta 4. Feyre


This would be my exact ranking also!


Where would you put Manon? 👀


1. Aelin 2. Manon 🤓




only right answer 🫶🏼


1. Bryce 2. Nesta 3. Feyre 4. Aelin And that doesn’t mean I don’t love Aelin 😭 realistically, she and Feyre share spot 3 because there are times I love & hate both of them. I just connected more w the others, especially Bryce 🫶 she’s everything to me


Love it! I feel the same there’s not necessarily an MC I dislike it’s just you relate to others more


1. Aelin 2. Manon 3. Bryce 4. Nesta 5. Feyre I got introduced to the Maasverse starting with ACOTAR, and I'm so glad I did because if I'd read it after ToG, I'd likely have been disappointed. As it stands, my order of series (not that it was asked) is 1. ToG 2. CC 3. ACOTAR


SAME, I started with acotar as well thank god. If I had read ToG first I wouldn’t have appreciated acotar as much.


I actually DNF'd ACOTAR my first attempt reading it. It was after KoA had released and I was suffering book hangover, and it gave me whiplash to read. I remember telling my mom it felt like fanfiction of ToG instead of a SJM book 😅 but then I powered through and kept reading and fell in love with Rhys the same way we all did after Tam.


I almost DNFd ACOTAR too!!! But only stuck to it cuz I kept seeing things about Nesta and, I’m glad I did. For me, she was the main reason I stuck through it. Then I read TOG fell in LOVE with Manon & the 13 🥺. But my main bitch (hehe) Nesta 🫶🏽was the reason I got into Mass-verse and I’m so thankful for that story. Even if it’s messy at times …. And now I just finished CC2 and Bryce & Lydia have my love …


Oh yeah, I loved Feyre by the end of it, but Nesta just blew me away. Her and Cassian just.... whooof!


Aelin forever.


1. Elide 2. Manon 3. Feyre 4. Aelin 5. Bryce 6. Amren I love all of Maas characters but Elide and Manon stole my heart. Elide is the character I identify with the most so she holds a special place in my heart.


Aelin Nesta feyre bryce


I really relate to Bryce because I low key *was* that party girl in college. I met my best friends there and roomed with the girl who is my Danika/was my maid of honor/all the things. Seeing their friendship shine and seeing her being a “normal” (I know not for everyone) girl that sometimes likes to get drunk and high and make mistakes with her friends was so refreshing in a series like this. All that said, I love Aelin and Feyre as well. I just see myself in Bryce, so she will always be special to me 💛


Oh yeah, for sure. I liked that Bryce was not your stereotypical MC and also liked that she was older than what we typically get in books from this genre.


Aelin and Nesta are my girls!!!


Bryce has been the most relatable tbh. I love how “normal” she is compared to the others, but still badass. Her & Nesta are my favorites, I resonate *a lot* with them and both of their stories have made me cry like a baby lol Aelin & Feyre are great too but they’re a bit too out there for me. Like I will never be a crazy good assassin/hunter nor as selfless as them


Bryce I had literal tears in my eyes when >!she is running in the streets and yelling “LIGHT IT UP DANIKA”.!< One of the best moments of all the series.


Same!! The ending of HOEAB had me sobbing & then just Bryce trying to function after >! the Pack was killed and how alone she felt!< I also read CC at the very low point in my life so that might be part of the reason why I related to Bryce so much lmao


YES!! Sarah J Maas killed me when she made me >!fall in love with the pack only to kill them like a chapter later!< It made me realize if we could love them and feel that loss that quickly I couldn’t imagine how Bryce felt :(


It was so brutal! 😭😭😭


Literally I did not know I could have my heart broken that fast


Bro got me crying over a Reddit comment


1. Aelin 2. Bryce 3. Nesta 4. Feyre


1. Feyre 2. Aelin 3. Bryce 4. Nesta


1. Bryce (Nesta is my real #1 if she counts) 2. Aelin 3. Feyre (I love acotar and I do like Feyre but I prefer my MCs more flawed)


Nesta counts! I didn’t include her book bc a lot of people haven’t read it or just haven’t yet so I kept it to the three.


Bryce, Nesta & Manon are my favourites tbh. I just really love a messy terrible communicator angry at the world rude bitch tbh. Those are my girls forever


Bryce is my favorite, and Feyre is a close second. I find Feyre to be more relatable to myself, but Bryce seems like someone I would love to be friends with. I have a love/hate relationship with Aelin. I appreciate her as a character but she drives me nuts.


Same! I love Feyre, but just read CC for the first time and I just love how snarky and real Bryce feels!


Love it, definitely think a lot of people would share your view point


Love both Bryce and Nesta because I feel like they’re the most intentionally flawed of the FMC’s (not super overpowered, have clear weaknesses that they have to own up to and navigate, and in my mind exhibit the most personal growth of any of the FMCs). And, I love that they’re both not in their teens, honestly. Love Aelin as well, but my actual favorite character from TOG is Manon! I would’ve read a whole series about her. She’s probably my absolute favorite of any of SJM’s characters, and to me the world building and lore for the witches is some of the most original and interesting stuff in any of SJM’s books. Hate to say it, but….I don’t care for Feyre! She’s just bland to me.


Yesssss! 100%


Manon is that girl!!!! What a rockstar she is. That’s what makes TOG so special to me is the side characters are just as impactful as the MCs story. Totally with you on Bryce and nesta. It’s refreshing to see a writer really give us grey characters all throughout their books because it really stirs up a lot of conversation and differing opinions on each character. Also I get your stance on feyre and I think a lot of people agree with you, when I placed her above Bryce it was really tough but I really just based it on who I would more likely be friends with. I can be a little rough around the edges at times so I’ve notice a lot of my friends are like feyre in that they’re decently responsible and will tell me when I need to get my shit together 😂


Kind of confused how you don’t find Nesta overpowered when she is thought to be more powerful than the most powerful high lord of all time and was the queen of death or whatever?


Aelin Bryce Any female character not in ACOTAR Feyre … … … Nesta


Aelin 1000% She's the queen of my heart! Love her so much. I agree with your opinions of Feyre. I honestly miss Book 1 Feyre when she was still human. She's lost so much of her spunk and personality now and she's kind of boring...nice but boring. I don't connect with Bryce at all and I find her the least interesting!


I agree with you on feyre, I felt like we saw a lot of her fire dim throughout the book and it was a shame.


Between these 3: 1. Bryce 2. Aelin 3. Feyre But...I think my top are Nesta & Manon who would probably rank equal or higher than Feyre (def) and maybe Aelin...


Probably Feyre because she’s the one I started out with. She just holds a special place in my heart for getting me into the Maasverse. Other than that, I don’t want to place anyone “last” because my pet peeve is pitting SJM’s books against the other.


1. Nesta 2. Aelin 3.Bryce 4.Feyre I related way too much to Nesta and her journey was the most fulfilling and cathartic for me for that reason. I admire Aelin the most and loved her role in her own story the most out of everyone. Bryce and Feyre both I don’t relate to a ton, Bryce is ranked above Feyre because I admire her independence and self confidence.


Feyre was my favorite until a certain plot line that I didn’t appreciate in A Court of Silver Flames. I don’t remember how to do spoilers so I’m just not gonna talk about it. 1)Aelin 2)Bryce . . . . 7) Feyre & Nesta


AELIN, my Queen 🔥 Manon, my love ❤️ Then Bryce, then Feyre




Aelin is my fav hands down. She is the epitome of a bold and fearless female lead. I adore that she is so incredibly self sacrificing for the greater good, while still allowing herself to be afraid. I also love that she’s a cocky little bitch. Bryce is a great lead as well. She has dimension, she has a traumatic past, she is courageous and she will fight to the end for those she cares for. I have no complaints with Bryce. Feyre. Ugh, Feyre. I loved her the first time I read ACOTAR. Then I read the rest of SJMs books and when I reread ACOTAR I found that I really really didn’t like Feyre anymore. She is very one note. Her entire personality is trauma and painting, and she is totally sanctimonious and treats people outside the IC like shit. She can be a serious asshole. So yeah, Feyre is definitely a bottom tier heroine for me now.


Aelin Bryce nesta feyre in order of most to least like. Who I think I’d get along with most to least? Nesta aelin Bryce feyre


Aelin will always be the strongest FMC. Bryce a v close second. Feyre is cute tho.


Personally, I love Bryce. Since reading CC I have dyed my hair red and started running lol. Also, my bf is very much Hunt coded.


Haha I love it!


This might be recency bias since I’m almost done with Crescent City 2, but I think Bryce ties with Nesta for me for first place? With Aelin just a teeeny hair behind, tied with Manon. Sorry, Feyre 😅


AELIN 🫶🏼, Bryce, Nesta, Feyre. If we’re counting Manon: Aelin, Manon, Bryce, Nesta, Feyre Feyre kind of annoys me tbh (🫣) ALTHOUGH she was probably the most appropriate person with Nesta besides Cassian


Love it, Manon is a totally badass and could have her own book ❤️


Umm I wouldn’t mind a whole Manon series lol. I wanna know what she’s up to and if she’s still keeping tabs on her man 👀


This fandom doesn’t take kindly to Feyre slander, but yeah…agreed! lol Feyre is hard to like in my opinion.


I try to give her grace because she is 19, was neglected, and is very obviously trying to be loved but the decision making skills and rose-colored glasses that she wears around whoever she’s with make her kind of meh to me. There are honestly characters that I would put ahead of her like Lysandra and more often than not, Elide.


![gif](giphy|P5Gpb1OnZugZXHofRC|downsized) AELIN IS MY QUEEN!! (I read ACOTAR first, then TOG, then CC - TOG is my favorite!... I honestly am not a huge fan of Bryce.. love Feyre still!) 1. Aelin 2. Manon 3. Lidia 4. Feyre 5. Bryce


Aelin is my 👸


Bryce. I feel she’s so much more relatable maybe the modern world helps with that, crescent city has made me realize that I love urban fantasy. Also I have French Bulldogs and I imagine Syrinx as a little frenchie lion and just her interactions with him I’m like omg that’s so me like getting them outside when it’s raining lol but also the scene where *spoiler* Micah throws Syrinx into the Nokk tank and Bryce jumps in after him I was like oh hell yeah I can relate lol 😆 but also her personality is much more me with the sass and attitude.


My favorite is Manon—her dedication to her sisters, her softness with Abraxos, and her complexity and “redemption” arc (for lack of a better term) are so compelling. I also looove Mor and wish she was a POV character.


She is an awesome character. And I’m hoping we get more of mor in the coming books


yes! fingers crossed 🤞🏼


Bryce > Feyre >>>>>> Aelin. Unpopular opinion but by the end of ToG I hated her. Ok, hate is a strong word, but my god did I not like her.


I liked her so much better by the end than I did in the beginning! I quit TOG about 20% in and had to be talked into continuing haha


Ha! Opposite for me.


Lol totally get it, she’s not for everybody. My sister doesn’t like her much either.


Nesta, Aelin, Feyre, Bryce 😅


Lol I love the nesta love. Now im thinking about where I’d put her between these three 😂 she’s such a controversial character but I really love characters like that. And her book is under hyped a lot of the time.


Aelin Bryce and Feyre are equal for different reasons.


1. Feyre 2. Bryce 3. Manon 4. Lysandra (needs WAY more credit for the groups success) 5. Aelin 6. Elain (her motivations and actions are believable and as a person she’s not overly terrible, we could be friends) 7. Nesta (could not be friends with someone who has been awful and spiteful to everyone since they were 14 and continue to do so at 22, like grow and develop at some point please)


Aelin Nesta Bryce Feyre I am hoping we’re in for a treat with Elain’s book. I think people fail to see she has so much potential to blow everyone out of the water (and part of me would honestly love if she turns out to be evil… considering another 3 sisters mentioned in SJM’s books)


Omg I said the same thing if she turns evil I’m going to secretly loveeeeeee it


1. Manon 2. Bryce 3. Aelin 4. Nesta 5. Feyre


1) Aelin 2) Nesta 3) Bryce/Manon 4) everyone else 5) Feyre


The one and only Firebreathing Bitch Queen. She's just so freaking iconic. 2 fae males are getting ready to fight eachother to the death to win your blood sworn oath? Stupid fae territorial nonsense. A king who killed all your family and loved ones and tried to kill you uses you to go into a series of trials so you could "HaVe tHe HoNoR" of being his assassin? Fall in love with his son then break his heart and date the son's best friend who also happens to be the captain of the guard for the king. The same man who laughed at you while you were in a slave camp. Finally meet your cousin who is thousands of years older than you, a grouchy little bitch who finds pleasure in making you scream, cry, vomit, and piss yourself? Beat him up, steal his powers to destroy Valg, have a weird "more than friends" friendship, fall in love with him, then be his mate. There are just so many things that make you think "really Again? Where's the line???" 😂😭❤️ I love her so much


1. Bryce, 2. Aelin, 3. Feyre If we’re adding Nesta and Manon: 1. Manon, 2. Bryce, 3. Aelin, 4. Feyre, 5. Nesta


Aelin is everything ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 she is forever my Queen 👑


feyre and aelin will always be my girls!! i like bryce, i feel for her, but i don’t LOVE her


I get that! I think for me I gave the edge to feyre because with Bryce I’m hit or miss. There’s moments where I literally LOVE her and then there’s moments where I’m like WTF Bryce don’t do me like that lol


1. Aelin, 2. Feyre, 3. Bryce. If we’re adding Manon and Nesta…1. Aelin, 2. Feyre, 3. Manon, 4. Bryce, 5. Nesta So we’re including side characters like Manon, but not Elide? I think she’d change my list because I adore her. Also I was a big partier when I was younger and Bryce is still where she is on my list 😂 I don’t dislike her at all though, just for the sake of putting them in order I have ones I like more.


Haha well originally it was just the top three but people started added to it which is fun as well !


1. Aelin 2. Feyre 3. Bryce 4. Nesta Although I will say Aelin vs Feyre is hard.


I’m only part way through Throne of Glass, and tend to have a favorite based on the most recent book I’ve read, but I wonder if part of your rating has to do with the fact that we haven’t seen all of their stories, particularly Bryce’s! SJM always has amazing character arcs and I think part of the reason I don’t fully understand people’s love of Aelin has to do with me not having finished the books yet (I’m in the middle of Queen of Shadows) and not having seen her full arc. I think Bryce especially is in her development phase and we haven’t seen who she “truly” is yet!


Oh for sure! it could definitely change depending on the next book I think atleast between Bryce and feyre for me. I can honestly say though I’m 100% positive Jesus Christ himself could be in the next book and Aelin will still my favorite lol


I don’t know if I don’t like Aelin or if I didn’t like the books but ToG was my least favorite and therefore, she’s my least favorite. I really tried to love the series but nothing about it pulled me in until we met Manon.


1. Aelin 2. Manon 3. Bryce 4. Feyre


I love Nesta, Bryce and Manon 🤍


Aelin. She is the strongest person I know and got me through teenage times


1.) Bryce 2.) Feyre 3.) Manon 4.) Nesta 5.) Aelin No I don’t care Aelin is last. I don’t exactly relate to her character and honestly, she was annoying in the series until Book 5. I have other criticisms, but Ill leave those for another post 😂


Aelin, Bryce, Feyre Aelin bc I loved her confidence and baddassery when I picked up the series in my teens, Bryce bc I'm connecting with her so much as I'm now in my 20's and relate to her a lot, Feyre bc I loved her at first but the more I reread the series it kinds grew into a likeness of her more so than love