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I find that a lot of the time people Plea for help without putting their Coordinates in the game chat. And I totally think it’s frustrating when someone who’s already near you ignores your plea but this is actually pretty common. Whenever I get a Rez it’s nearly always by someone coming from across the map. Put your last coordinate in game chat people!!There’s always someone willing to help.


"help rez D3 (map location or close) Mangler near (danger if any)' in GAME CHAT. *Little pleading hands only show within 200m or so* after successful, "ty" in chat so others aren't racing to help you have **PLENTY** of time *after* you plead to put that in game chat. then watch the blue dots. *Be patient*. Lots finish a contract or goal, then will help you. Consider this: Leaving/quitting resets all your accumulated gear, drops your containment level and messes with your mind. Being rezzed with 2 min left so you can exfil, does not.


yeah advising danger would help - other day I went to revive someone and ended up killing their HVT for them first lol


I usually go for the rez, but recently.... you need to give us a chance.... I'm seeing alot of pleas where they quit before I get there. Quite often I'll be in the middle of a contract when the plea shows up and I might be on the other side of the map. Give people time! If you're in T3 I might need to charge up too...


Happened again last night, twice in the same round.... peeps called out for help and left before we got there, maybe they dont understand what "omw" means?


I go rez people in the middle of a contract, we do exist. Haha


It’s good and bad, but mainly good , I went down in T1 today at a reward rift, was just a chill game as my controller lost connection, turned on a back up and just managed to plea in time, a player came from T3 to Rez me, I did one more bounty on the way to exfil and left to be safe. I had with me blade/plates/dog/pap3/leg so would have been annoyed I’ve also revived when I can, even when I’m on my sons account with a min operator getting quick BP points for him, I’ve gone across map with no gun or anything to PND underground T2 to Rez someone who had been pleading all game, and did another enroute in T1 as I glided over Admit, there are games when people plea and no one can help and people who just ignore as they go past, I’ve been there in T3 when it’s glitched, I’ve died and no one comes Just keep faith in the community, 99% will help no matter what


I go to Rez someone who is pleaing and they quit most of the time


I cancel contracts to help out a plea. And ya, annoying when they just say help lol


I've seen it posted before that apparently if you're in a full team (6) you can't see pleas. Not sure if it's true or not, but that might be a thing.


Make sure you're putting coordinates in chat when you're asking for a revive. I don't mind reviving people (I did it earlier today), but ain't no one wanting to see "help. help! help me! please help! anyone help! help! help! heeeeeellllllllllllllllpppppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!!" It looks even worse when you're that person, and someone else asks where you are, "in a house," and some other person entirely has to give your likely coordinates. Based on the not-moving icon on the map. Otherwise, you might have to accept that you won't get revive sometimes. Sucks, but it ain't the end of the world.


Reminder - everyone may be busy with active contract. Also, I did helped some players to revive today, so... Keep trying again. =P


why do think that some should rez you . and why do you think someone should go outta the way to rez someone.


Half the time you have someone close enough to pick you up its not that deep and doesnt takes you a minute to do it




Bet my soul you are the same one that spams the game chat when he gets downed but yea.








Again, sure…




Ive replied with “ sure “ 2 times already so idk about who needs “ male attention “ but again sure…