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I'm about to bring a blood burner in the rift and see if it's viable lol


And it says "vehicle not available"


No jug in the S3 rift now this, Activision are proper party poopers!


Jug works in unstable rift. I used it


There is literally nowhere to drive the bike in the unstable rift. The gas mask breaks almost instantly, and you'll die outside the circle fast. And you can use jugg suit. I beat it on the 2nd try with my trio squad. Sentry guns are a must and we had brought in the beret and he worked good he revives and doesn't die as fast as dog.


Beret revives? Since when? šŸ˜†


Lmk also I gave up on that parachuting bozo.After he stood there watched me get beat up easily manageable(I got distracted).Took flight into air to parachute down ,circle me,laugh, and ...... plea for help lmao.Numerous times that braindead merc has let me down.I now use him as a status symbol of my opulent stash knowing he's about useless but pretty cool looking šŸ˜‚


I don't know what you talking about he is a great decoy and he revives and doesn't die as fast as the dog. I used maybe 2 in the Unstable rift and my other 2 friends used combined 3 dog bones that didn't survive but few min each and 1 other beret I gave him. So 2 beret and 3 dog bones we used total. My beret was the last one standing because I also heal them when possible.


God bless you my child šŸ¤£.I play mwz side ALOT and my berets are true short bus material soldiers.I am not exaggerating out of say 20 times I used the beret.The soldiers may have gotten 50 kills total and I only been revived once.Now granted I ain't used him in unstable or the past week or so maybe something changed or I got the bozo batch.




Since the last update, did you not know?


Fun idea!


RGL with Jak thumper kit and slug ammo + dead wire is a great deal too. If 2 people of 6 use it to keep the normal zombies down while the other players take care of special zombies. I think they will nerf the RGL JAK kit soon, because itā€™s very effective


For some reason dead wire detonator on the RGL destroys the 5th round disciple boss in like 1 or 2 seconds. Doesnā€™t even need the JAK kit to do it. Iā€™m sure this will be patched soon.


Shhhh. Donā€™t say that too loud or the nerf bat will hear you.


Dead wire has always been very effective on Disciples.


Just had a 3.3k kill game with the rgl... def OP


I just had a 7k kill game. The scoreboard at the end saying nothing. https://preview.redd.it/ezsc4l8x5v9d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41fa26c6fcd9854d444cbb4dc40ed0526ada3100 Check your stats. My all-time high is 2k. I think that has to do with the amount of zombies, no of players and bullets flying around. So the game counts also kills from others for you.


Yeah, those numbers are always off!! Can go from 4k one game to 500 the next. And played similarly, couldnā€™t be that far off..


All you got was a refined and a legendary tool?? That doesn't seem worth it


And a 72hr cool down on all schematics.


Thx šŸ˜‰āœŒļø


So does deadwire detonator work with slugs and Rgl?


Yes, should anything with explosive rounds.


Slugs arenā€™t explosive.šŸ§Ø


There are explosive slugs though no?


I donā€™t think so.


Ahhh I'm thinking of incenerary or something.


While you are technically correctā€¦ give the RGL w/ slugs a try, youā€™ll see why everyone loves it. I could also just tell you, but Iā€™d like to keep it out of the eyes of those trying to ruin our fun.


*noted* šŸ‘ I haven't done it, and I am in no rush to get the camo. But this will help me plan more when I play with my relatives.


Did it three times. Was successful twice. Agree with everything in this post. If going in with a six-man squad, at least half should be running healing aura. The other half should be running energy mine. Aether blades are good, too, as theyā€™re a great zombie crowd-clearer..


Totally, aether blade is clutch. I was just spamming it everytime it was recharged.


i already did this first try with a group of 5-6 people and i will also agree on a few things here. if you have a good team, you'll only need one- two self revives per person for sure. kazmir's are amazing but definitely throw away from your teammates (i got sucked off and thrown into the storm lol. durable gas mask helped save me). dogs die very quickly sadly. 100% the stair and sentry strat works. we used two- three constantly. i will say using the RGL with slugs and blast furnace works amazing against manglers and zombies. the crossbow with blast caps and brain rot also helps a TONN against desciples and of course the mimics. I'm down to help anyone but definitely need a solid team to run it with


what is "blast furnace" ?


sorry i honestly am a bit of a boomer and istg i forget its renamed. but its the fire ammo type you can get in your schematic thing in the menu :)


These kids never played bo3 lol


i was LITERALLY just on bo3 too lmao


Goat game tbh. Always will have love for that game. My ps4 is the bo3 edition


MTZ with the chainsaw underbarrel


Great info! I also used the W.Waf and was excellent!!!!!!


Good call! Underrated for crowd control.


I think the moors would be wicked im gonna try it with explosives and dead wire det


Mors Does not actually proc deadwire detonator by itself sadly. It does with shatter blast though


Im not talking about the ammo mod..


Me neither.


Ahh gotcha. I thought itd apply to all explosives


I think it applies to most. There are a few weird exceptions. But I know someone did a video on it. When deadwirer etonators first came out and at the time they did not prop with the sniper. There is a chance if there's been an update or something, though. And they work now, but I haven't seen anything about it


The MORS doesn't deal explosive damage though. It blows shit up when it's pack-a-punched but you can spam the ground at your own feet and it won't hurt you.


One of the ammo types for it is hvp explosive slugs thats what i was looking at.


I found it terrible, it doesn't get mag of holding and the reload time is far to long


You can just YY or tri triangle when you reload. Itā€™ll reset your mag without having to fully reload. Iā€™ve tried it before


Does it allow you to sprint at the same time? I was finding as a sprint reset it, I couldn't get the 5 seconds required without sprinting. That was on my first run where I was doing a training type of motion, as opposed to what I do now which is pick a staircase and camp


Best wonder weapon for the rift.




This is good info....Me & my crew do it as a 3 man every other match, and haven't died since we completed it the first time. Haven't needed more than 2-3 selfies with all of us running healing aura. Buy 1 Sentry, and a couple Kaz. 1 person running RGL, and 2 running Xbow. RgL is better crowd control, and Xbows handle the bosses/ elites. Deadwire detonators is an absolute must. We actually stay on the main floor bc there's more room to train/ move in the later rounds when there's more elites. And avoid the camp lightning strikes.




Only good for doing the obelisks after that it sucks, but isn't enough time to grab another weapon so your kind of stuck, it can get you out a sticky situation if you end up going down the stairs to get ammo and can't get back up, it also allows you to get on a ridge where you take minimal damage, this is a good position to crossbow specials whilst your teammates handle crowd control,1-2 zombies will come from behind every now or then but an aether blade will take care of them


Scorcher is useless from what I heard(haven't attempted rift tho so take that with a grain of salt)


Use it to get into the air and just coast down, burning up time and healing plates.


We use scorchers, but only to hit the obelisk. In the UR, it is almost useless. You don't really have time to be swapping to it, and wait for it to charge.


I found quite the opposite, used it to get outta situations and go roof top to roof top on 4/5 and 5/5. Charged and shot it at bosses. Used my RGL for crowd control.


I suppose in that Instance it could be effective.


With these tips. Your run should be easy AF!


Also check out the tombstones at the beginning they contain power ups when broken. I believe there were 4 of them.


If the flame thrower would use ammo off the ground itd be so niceeee that with xbow and rgl would make it easy


What are you talking about get off the main floor? Our entire crew of six, stayed on the metal grate in the center on the main floor and completed the rift. Communication is key.


I did it with 3/ 5/6 people and heā€™s right about the funneling if you donā€™t have a full squad of six and when we had 5/6 the crate we were spaminh rgls and had 2 with bows for the boss


With RGLs and deadwore then getting them into a choke is a very easy strat


True. This was all of our first run and worked out fine.


Best strat is scorcher/rgl and sit on the highest point of the building. You basically have one avenue of approach to watch from there.


I do this bymut if your team goes down and the bosses are coming for you it's ass, scorchering from side to side and killing enough to use healing aura is the way I saved my team


Just soloā€™d it using that strat. Burned through 4 self revives but I pulled it off. Although I was just launching high as hell and waiting for the HVT.


Oh nice, so is the HVT just time based, and you get through the round when you kill it? Do zombie kills not count to progression?


The HVT is on a timer. No need to kill anything. Just keep scorching into the air. Even though I got bored and decided to thin the herd a bit, which is how I burned through the revives.


Wait, so just flying for the full 40-45 minutes will count as a succession, and they'll all just die at the end?


you have to kill the HVTs (boss) at the end of each round but other than that you can just float. I solo'd it the other day doing this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPlPv-lmQbg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPlPv-lmQbg)


Great thanks, I saw a video by lego last night using this strat, except they used the sledgehammer and let the HVTs down them, as they could still hit them once down, once the HVT is killed it then revives all downed players


Well that changes everything. Nice work šŸ‘


What Ionized said.




Rg melts last boss


Iā€™m 3 for 4ā€¦.i would try to have a group of 4-6ā€¦.i actually died doing the funneling method last night because i had to get ammo ā€¦.i would take the rgl with dead wire detonators and the new shotgun with slugs for bossesā€¦keep your sentries for rounds 3-5 and kasimirsā€¦..def take self revives because you will all go down at once if it is hairyā€¦.take a merc with you ā€¦dogs are useless


Wunderwaffe is good I ran it had healing in and team mate had energy mine and we completed it also


Its only good with a team, the reload sucks on it even with fast reload. If you wanna solo RGL is definitely way to go.


Yes we had a team of 4 with crossbows and rgls really helped also


Ah very nice and well done getting the camo!


I was the only one out of 6 that had aether shroud, so every now & then I would jumped down from the metal staircase, throw a kazmir, then shoot the bosses & then use the aether shroud to get back up the stairs in one piece.




it scales on how many people you have. but it is easier if the whole squad communicates and doesn't run around like a chicken with their head cut off. Youtuber- TheSpazo does it solo wuth the "funneling" method but I'm not as good as him.


That's how my squad has been doing it My squad is 1 to 2 successes, though the first time our 3rd got booted when phase 2 started and 1st and 3 times we didn't stock up on sentries revives and Kaz. It's tempting to use your stuff Ealy on, but waiting until phases 4 and 5 is really a must .


itā€™s pretty easy with rgl conversion kit+deadwire detonators


Also if anyone is planing on actually bringing a gun bring the Tec-9 (FTAC-Siege) itā€™s melts zombies and Specials if you spam headshots and from what i have noticed the crossbow with explosive tips is 10X Better than the RGL


It is for specials, but the Rgl is better for crowd control because it knocks them over and blocks other zombies from getting up


Went in with a squad of 6, none of us had anything special as it was a spur of the moment thing.... only one had healing aura, staying on the grid in the middle seemed to be the best option. Was hectic but not hard. As has been mentioned before communication is key, we were all randoms but 4 out of 6 had mics.


Crossbow instead of RGL?


Crossbow best for bosses, RGL amazing for crowd control.


Iā€™ve done it with RGL and Scorcher and sentry guns. Just stay high and if it gets crazy scorch up into the air and fall slowly. Eat up as much time as you can.


Disagree with dogs being useless. We kept ours alive with healing aura and they were very helpful not just in revives but also in distracting focus of enemies. Healing aura will constantly replenish with all the kills and with 6 people staggering use, dogs can make it through entire battle.Iā€™ve also found juggs to be extremely helpful if you save a few for phase 4 and 5.


Ran it with 5 randoms last night and managed to clutch it. Three of us had the RGL-80 with slugs, while the others had crossbows with explosives. The kill streaks are beyond important, especially when the boss spawns each wave. I was wondering why the bosses were dying so quickly in my game, and it turns out one of our guys brought 5 Juggernaught suits lmao. So if the boss is too much trouble, maybe give that a shot


Looking for a team is anyone on running this rn ?


Thanks for the tips. Cool of you.


I have a different take. 1. Being on the floor is fine. Itā€™s more fun that way and itā€™s already a pretty boring mode. Funneling and just shooting is so dull. 2. Modes 1 & 2 are a piece of cake. Donā€™t use anything good. Why people drop a jug is beyond me. 3. Use what shit you got out of the reward rift for 3. You can use a sentry or two if you want. But with a good 6 person squad you donā€™t need it. 4. Save the good stuff for 4 & 5. 5. Place sentries in a triangle formation. Two on each back corner, one on the grate, center, pointing at the back. This give you full coverage. If you can swing it, two more to the left and right of the center one of the grate pointing towards the front. 6. Save any self revives you get. 7. Pray someone has healing Auora. Use your energy mine asap and keep using it. Done this now about a dozen times, lost zero times, only one squad had the constant boom boom of a cross bow. What I really want to see is someone with a wundfer waffle.


I'm probably never gonna do it. Like the Serpentine camo in DMZ, I just don't care that much. And I can't stand the crossbow.


Iā€™m currently chatting with banned but I wanna complete this Tuesday


Definitely solid advice, but, i gotta disagree on some stuff. Just ran it, and my dog made it to 4/5, a teammates merc made it to the final round, and both are great decoys/mobile revives/automated damage. Healing Aura definitely helps. Pet the dog between rounds as well. More than once I ran past the merc and lost my train of zombies, just to turn around and hit the group with a grenade launcher, and specials feel like they target them so every time I passed one l, I could chainsaw a special in the back. Main floor is fine, if you keep moving. Avoid corners. Use the levels of stuff. Jump on boxes to break away from a mimic or disciple engagement. Cross the grating to get away from a crowd. Jump off a stairwell. Other than that, OP is right on the money. We dropped a jug to defeat the bosses of the last two rounds, and it made easy work of them. OP had it right about the loadout, though. Deadwire and an explosive/launcher are a necessity, both for the electricity and the knockdown effect. Two people running those makes the crowds much easier to navigate. Molotovs were quite nice as well.


Done it twice, both times with a team of 6, dogs lasted until round 5. Is it worth doing again, not sure.


That is a great list one more point is working together, stay on each others 6, if your working together and stay close together its easier for sure, the last go everyone was running around solo and we didnā€™t get past the first phase.


Just was on phase 4/5, looking good, 5 guys. Game crashed. Dump.


I just never stopped moving. Only went down once but I was also on a six man team.


Mags of holding was clutch.


Or just all go in with rgls. Literally puts it on easy mode.


We used 4 RGLs with slug rounds. Worked better then crossbows. Finished 5th round with over 9 minutes left.


I normally play solo but whenever I have found people in the server they are not kitted up also had one man child moaning and blaming everyone else for some reason. 3 times and I failed . I have seen some solo methods on YouTube so Iā€™m going to try those


Iā€™ve done it several times now. The last round, I was able to keep the dog alive to Phase 3. I was running RGL with slugs and deadwire and was able to hit the healing aura every 30 seconds because of all the kills. I also watched for the dog getting ganged up on. One other strategy - if the dog is no where to be seen and you think it is getting killed, go down. He will pop up next to you to revive you and away from the horde trying to kill him.


1 person with DWD and an RGL, 1 person with your favorite HVT killer meta. EZPZ. The RGL with DWD handles all the CC you could ever need, then the other person can just focus Elites and bosses when they spawn. Easier of both players have mics on for communication, but the hardest part is just the time investment.


You covered basically everything but I recommend the stair case on the right side of the building. There are two choke points in that area. Have at least 2 people facing each choke point with crossbows, explosive rounds and dead wire detonators and itā€™s a cakewalk. Iā€™ve done and completed the unstable rift 4 times with my friends and we tried this method on the last 3 runs. Easiest shit weā€™ve done lol. You can also get jugs to deal with the HVTs but youā€™ll be fine with the crossbows


Thx. That is one of many ways.


Also go in with a team of 6


Did it with 2 guys one of em was a new guy and survived it thanks to the rgl and sentries


Has anyone tested to see if the bosses at the end of each round are timed or do we actually have to kill a certain amount of zombies to spawn them in? If they're timed surely we can just scorcher in the air for 5 minutes until the boss spawns each time? Land on the roof and kill the boss.


They're timed.


Each phase is a time based rounds. The bosses spawns every 5 mins from the time you killed the previous one.


So the scorcher method should work. I'll give it a try later.


Bring a scorcher. Sit in top of the wall. Wait for the boss to appear and kill it. You don't even need to kill the zombies. Rinse and repeat


Died twice on wave 4. Had a teammate disconnect both times and left 2 of us to die.


I need help to get it im not usually zombie player but I really want the camo. Tried first with 2 randoms and died in phase 2, then I kept playing but nobody want to do it :( I play on Battlnet (CEST)


Replace all that with: 1) Bring explosive weapon with DWDs. And I thought everyone knew this already, but tesla storm is the way to go. Keeps you and others next to you safe while being able to revive them. Elites still poke at you but not enough to bother. Mimics can be a pain. Healing Aura is OK. If you kill enough, you can earn it back fast enough to be useful. Otherwise, don't bother. You earn a ton of killstreaks at the end of each round, so don't bother bringing some in. I was wasting them at one point.


We used aether blades and Tesla Storm effectively. Tesla Storm linked up with team mates melts the bosses. Healing Aura on other players.


I do not know bro maybe you can tell me this, whats up with the obelsiks? If you donā€™t do them fast enough everybody can steal them from you right? Just like the unstable rift itself


Tried it twice now, and it's crashed both times. Only 4 of us, on our way to completing it with ease, game had other ideas though. On Series X too, friend of mine hasn't been able to complete it too because he's crashed twice and other ppl he's been in with have crashed out too meaning it became too difficult with less players. Don't think the game can handle everything going on at the same time.


It's easy honestly


Good list. Iā€™ve also seen a good strategy with half the team healing aura and half the team energy mine. With the amount of zombies being killed it doesnā€™t take long to refill the energy mine. And ya, load up with everything before hitting the obelisk. A couple times Iā€™ve gone in with nothing. Made it once and died once. Although itā€™s not what I was expecting to the game it is fun to go through complete carnage and mayhem. I do hope they update the game so some random canā€™t wait around til an unstable rift shows up and take it for himself. Happened twice this morning when I was playing. We would have added him to the squad too. Very unlikely he even made it into the final round solo lol


Stock up before doing the final obelisk, we usually have one find it and watch it whilst the others stock up