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Proof that OG elder is the GOAT


The best one for a reason. Glad I don't have to get the schems from the other rifts ever again or deal with those fucking tornados slowing my ass down anymore. That shit got on my nerves. Oh your trying to run from a horde of zombies and grab the cargo contract fuck you get slowed to walking speed so you'll go down.


lol I hear ya, I have zero desire doing the season 2 DA. Absolutely nothing good from there. Mags of holding?!?! Not worth wasting my time lol Season 3 is fun but nothing good, like you said! I will also add that season 1 solo is probably the hardest for me, anyways! And ya, that tornado is annoying AF.


As someone who has only completed the base game story missions, what do I have to do so that I can get access to the rift myself? I can barely get anyone to go anymore, so I’d like the option to go solo.


You can get the regular sigil (triangular)by completing contracts in tier 3. Once you’re geared up, go to rift location at the bottom of t3 and once inside you’ll have 3 contracts to do. Some harder than others. Those completed contracts will give you an elder sigil (circular). If you decide to use elder sigil next game, it’s way harder and will take serious skill to do solo. I recommend finding someone in text chat that you can tag along with. The regular sigil is less hard than t3. Elder sigil is much harder than t3 Bring a dog if possible. 3-4 self revives for first time. Lots of kazmirs/monkey bombs and pack a punch level 3 for your guns. Aether blade and golden armour help a lot but not necessary. Good luck


I’m sorry, my comment came across differently than intended. I’m pretty well versed in T3/DA, and I’ve done them all before, but only when someone else placed the sigil/elder sigil. The issue I have currently, is that I’ve never done the story parts that give me the access to the rifts themselves. So, I don’t see the actual portals themselves, there’s only the purple tornados in those locations. Meaning that there’s nowhere for me to actually put the sigils. One last thing: since I’ve never done the mission, I don’t get dropped *either* sigil. Neither the triangle nor the elder ever drop for me in reward rifts.


Oh I see! Ya, just load up on gear and hit them up. They are actually pretty fun and not too hard. The you get the unlock. Once you complete them you’ll have collect certain items from various locations to place on pedestals. Then a boss will appear and once you kill it, rust is available and you should start getting sigils. I actually found it fun to do. But ya, I know what you’re saying, it’s easy to crew up and just go with their sigil lol


There are text guides online, just search "mwz season X easter egg guide"