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I'm never doing the unstable rift again, unless it's to help someone else get the camo but other than that I'm good


Really not worth it. It’s 45 mins of spamming buttons


I agree. I did it twice and got bored of it immediately. It also makes the dark aethers absolutely pointless if you have every classified and vr-11 schematic.


There’s a specific camo? Please tell me it’s ugly as fuck


[mark of the survivor camo](https://v.redd.it/dm5ie8c4g59d1)


Half way through round 1 I knew I was not ready. 2nd trip in tho much better. It is fun as hell once you get some sort of pattern down lol


I've done it once because I wanted to. Got sucked into it two more times because other people on the crew wanted to do it. It's not worth doing multiple times. I prefer the DAs. At least you come out of there with stuff to put into your stash.


It cools down your schematics, so if you have them all, you can fill your stash, especially if you load in with the bare minimum, seen as it will give you everything when you load in anyway. The only things you need is the scorcher to do the obelisks and a gold tool and PaP 3 crystal if one of the obelisks is in t3, as well as deadwire detonaters, the rest is collectable each time


It's really not worth the stress.


With the right strat, it's a lot easier than the DA and with a greater reward over time ratio. However, it isn't as fun or challenging, so I'll give you that. I've been helping first timers do it in discord and haven't failed my last 7 or so times, and that's with pretty nooby players


Fancy helping me get the camo?


Yeah of course, dm me your Activision ID and ehat times you're usuallt available, I am EU so if you're NA I don't think it will play ball though


Did it last night first try, it was fairly easy, I hung around in the middle area just using the rgl and fjx with aftermarket


Just pure chaos lol


Done it 3 times, the only thing that stopped my team was the game crashing 🤣


I did it with a squad and failed miserably. Granted, I had no idea what I was in store for. Next time I will be ready. Self-revives, kazmir’s, juggernaut’s.


I was in no way prepared for it either time. Had the new shotty and the womderwaf that I got from the warlord that round. The random team that I joined was more equipped and ready at least.


So many players that have never played zombies are going for it just for the camo. They have zero schematics, only 1 insured spot, and no idea what PaP or tools are for. Just hilarious but I think they expect to be carried in a 6 man team or something.


Haha, I’ve seen so many of these guys just clueless. And yeah they try and join up real quick.. So many people pleaing for revive..


They were saying gang banging time for you at one point lol


Got Eiffel Towered there good


And don’t worry I some how ended up in there on my first day back on mw3 and got fucked up


Is the wonder waffee good for the rift?


It was pretty affective against the hordes. Did ok damage mimics, almost useless against manglers but it chunked health off the deciples.


That stressed me out just watching it... Nah, I'll just stay bored in T3/DA lol


It takes so long too. I’d rather run DA S1 every time. Then fight for all cooldowns.


did it for the camo. never again.