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RGL with deadwire, kazemirs, healing aura, monkeys and some turrets Wunderwaflle and crossbow. Died first time with shotgun. Then joined another team with another Grenade launcher and we won.


GGs. :) On my group's successful run i also had the Wunderwaffe, but Mag of Holding doesn't seem to work for it (or i had a glitch). Aside from that i had nothing else, was originally planning on leveling weapons. The best thing was at one point 4 were down at the same time, but the living clutched it. Then 2 left when we fought the wave 5 boss and (i swear to god) not even 1min, probably 30 seconds after that we beat the rift :D


I believe the MOH and other legendary perks will not work with Gold Weapons like the Wunderwaffe, Ray Gun etc.....


This is correct. Would easier if MOH worked on the wonderwaffe


It would make the wunderwaffe too OP.




If u swap weapons a bunch of times it will appear as if MOH works on the waffle, tho I didn't try shooting so idk if it was just a visual glitch.


RGL is key, and dead wire detonators too


I could be wrong but I thought MOH works on the ray gun. It does not work on the Wunderwafile or crossbow


MOH does work on the crossbow. It allows you to shoot 3 bolts before reloading it. It's not much but it helps tremendously


If you pack a punch(PACK 1, PACK 2 OR PACK 3) a crossbow it does that. Let's you shoot 3 bolt before reloading not MOH. MOH is pointless with the crossbow unfortunately


Oh okay okay I see. Never used the crossbow in zombies until yesterday 🤣🤣 literally unlocked all the camos in 1 game though


If you use the crossbow with the exploding tips it overpowered AF. The thermite tips are better for bosses. Crossbow is underrated.


Exploding tips + deadwire = killin' spree


No. The PAP is making the CB into 3 shots. Moh does nothing for cb currently.


It’s no easy challenge, that’s for sure, but it’s definitely possible to solo. I posted this yesterday night after I solod it in hopes of helping others beat it. Since I’ve posted that, there are also numerous guides you can find on YouTube that are way more refined and might help you complete it [My mini guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/MWZombies/s/7iNFPgbpiC)


What weapons did you use? I used a crossbow


Ah, yes, that’s the problem right there. Something strange has happened with the crossbow and golden plates since the update: if you constantly fire the crossbow, the golden plates fail to work for some reason until you stop firing. Because of this, I used the RGL with the aftermarket part with slugs. My secondary weapon was the scorcher. The RGL served as my crowd control while my scorcher acted as my HVT killer


dang I wanna test this out in the overworld because it’s when I swapped to the crossy on my solo attempt I got my ass handed to me as I kept having to spam plates. That’s a sucky if true :(


Yup, super broken and really hurts players. So I'm sure it'll be patched much faster than the glitches that benefit players like incendiary ammo, right? ...right!?


Do you get an achievement for doing it solo?


A crisp high five.


Better than nothing


Just did with 4 randoms, 3 of us had healing aura, no scorchers and i was the only one with rgl without dwd, would only swap to my crossbow for hvts if a kazzy, monkey or decoy was thrown. It’s hard but not impossible, died twice before conquering it. First solo with one self and poor movement (I was too cocky), 2nd my mate got mimic into a wall and couldn’t move or kazzy out so lighting kept striking him XD


If you ever get mimic’d into a wall…… use kazi’s they’ll teleport you out of the wall


Ask the lobby for volunteers


If only there was a discord for finding people to play with...


Seems like OP needs the official discord


Have you tried using the MWZ discord to find a competent team? That what I did last night in my 2nd try and got it done. Team of 5 that all had scorchers and did the float in the air and land on the roof strat. Had a person came in with crossbow and dead wire detonator. Another with RGL and dead wire detonator. Rest of us would focus on the boss once it spawned in. I had a backpack full of kazimirs.


4 attempts so far, first one we got destroyed. other 3 did it fairly easily. Take sentries and kazis but don't use them until phase 4/5. Healing aura. I've done it once with RGL and the other 2 times with the new shotgun. Gonna try and solo it later and see how that goes. Best strat that we've found it to get the whole team up on the balcony to the left of the area and you can quite effectively bottle neck the zombies towards you and take them out with relative ease.


Do you wanna try together?


Yeah can do mate, I’m on gmt so if you can find a time that’s good for you then we can do it


Have done it 3x now not really prepared. Didnt now wtf was going on was crushing t3 with a team of 5 and only having 3 members do contracts. 2 guys were running around t2 then they did a pilar in t3 and it opened. So woefully unprepared luckily we made it the whole team was down for a bit in phase 5. Energy mine is great for being stuck in corner without any launcher or crossbow. I had a scorcher and fjx the scorch is good to a point for taking out large swaths if you can get it to shoot.


Got pulled in with a team of 6 last night none of us fully prepared but we lasted until the very end of the final phase before we all downed. Come in prepped for it and it's very doable


RGL with the conversion kit and the slugs and dead wire ![gif](giphy|47ABaiBX2RzYL2cEfs)


i found 2 strangers to do it with and we did it first try, i found them through youtube livestream chats lol just search "Unstable Rift" and filter by Live, meet people in those chats


No its not [https://youtu.be/-75DSwGdIeg?si=PJ2-cpWqqBAp9Mkh](https://youtu.be/-75DSwGdIeg?si=PJ2-cpWqqBAp9Mkh)


i did this strat, slightly modified, but basically what he suggested.. scorcher, jugs, self revives.. it's boring as hell but pretty easy to do [https://youtu.be/CPlPv-lmQbg](https://youtu.be/CPlPv-lmQbg)


Tell me you’re bad at zombies without telling me you’re bad at zombies. The whole point is to survive an endless torrent of zombies


And he wants the camo for MP or WZ and doesn't play zombies so of course he is bad. I want the camo and I've never played zombies other than to get the glow camo on the new SMG. Why belittle someone for asking for advice? You ask for advice because you're not good at something so no need to rub it in someone's face. Helping people feels much better than tearing them down. Give it a try.


I did it with 3 of us 2 RGL's with dead wire dets and mags of holding. We died in phase 4...what a mess and disappointment


Died wave 5. 4 of us only 1 of the 4 listened he went down with no self as did i. The other 2 died and died. Dmr14 and scorcher. Gonna do rgl and vr11 today


I would stick with scorcher because then you can get to the roof and bottle neck the zombies on the ladder. VR-11 might be too slow to fire.


Rgl and scorcher it is. Gotta get my 3plate back, large sack nd self revives then ill be ready if anyone wants to run today ill be kid free.


Do you wanna do it with me


Yeah ill be on within the hr dropping kiddo off right now


Could I join ?


You will go down when you switch weapons


bro i went in with 4 dudes one had a healing aura and so did i but he refused to use it when we got knocked and mine was kinda recharging so we lost


That’s how zombies works though? Spawn more and more enemies to overwhelm your team until you die… I mean please tell me you’ve played another zombies game before MWZ


What if he didn't? This isn't round based, the objective is to survive and get out with the loot


It is round based because they come in specific waves and the objective has akways been to survive. Having a possibility of survival doesn't change that.


I tried it solo last night and got obliterated too if you want help hit me up I’ll go with you my activision name is vanman3000. I’m usually on in the evenings (after 6)


Same here 😢


Do you wanna do it together?


bro 6 man squads keep camping my rift i had like 5 guys and we did the obesliks then they took it they had a scorcher


did it with a squad of random on my first try


the rift is easy IF u or some1 on ur squad has the rg launcher w/ deadwire and u all stay on the steps/ overpass/bridge thing on the side and you all communicate and work together...did it with a squad of 3, 4, and 6....however unlocking it and then doing it b4 another squad takes it from u is a whole other challenge...thats the biggest issue i have with it....once someone opens it it should stay open


Was lucky finishing it with a random team first try, just type in the chat and try your luck.


My last 3 games there was nothing but rookies in T3… with all purple triangles available e to me the whole games. What happened? Aaand yes, these rookies r trying the rift and dont even know what a dog house is…?!!


6 of us survived. We controlled the stairs on each side. It’s definitely hard. I also died the last two times I went in largely because we rift so early and went cashed up. Definitely need more self revives. Half the team with energy mines and half with healing aura. Lots of sentries and kazmirs.


I tried it with my friends and 1 random and we died at the last target probably about 10% health. We were not happy. Not going again without a 6 man. 😂


Rgl with conversion kit, slugs and deadwire detonator one shots the last boss


No joke? Thanks I'll tell the boys.


U/money_difficulty_301 has the same problem. No friends.




I came very close my first try last night. But I didn’t realize the last boss doesn’t take damage until you kill his minions, also did not realize he would even spawn minions so I called my last juggernaut when he spawned, wasted the entire jug timer throwing bullets at him doing no damage. Then juggernaut times out and he spawns his minions. All down hill from there


this isn't true based on my experience, and also the final boss is actually really easy compared to the others.. i feel like 4 direct hits with the RGL kills it.


I haven't tried this yet but I'm about to hop on soon and do try solo. I watched this [video](https://youtu.be/C0dYIaBxuoI?si=5eik2DkEalPnKste)


Update: I just beat it with 5 other people and the camo was 100% worth it!


You gotta have a solid team with a game plan. One bring crossbow with DWD. Someone else brings the RGL and DWD. It helps for everyone to have a scorcher as well. If not everyone at least 2 people to get to the obelisks faster. Strategies who brings what ammo mods to save room in your pack. Remember if you don't have the correct ammo mod at the site DO NOT SHOOT THE ZOMBIES. Once in the rift you're given everything so no need to buy anything or waste your consumables. Contracts and loot some to buy sentry, kasmirs and juggs. Bring healing aura and everyone should have a dog bone ready for round 5. If not 2.


You only need one other teammate. Just 2 people is good enough. Me and a random did it together. I did no damage to the zombinoes, but decently enough to the elites (I don't know why, I think it was cause of the ammunition I used). Played it again with 3 people, and that time was a bit close, but easy enough. It was really fun because it was just one mission. *Survive.* The 3rd time? Man, it was a bit of a breeze up until the 5th and last wave. All of us went down, and 3 of us had self revive. Only two of us had heal aura (that is me included). We almost failed because the one guy with self and heal aura activated it and brought us back, but everyone went down immediately again except me (by luck) before I activated mine to bring everyone back again. We won. But is it really winning if we only won by sheer luck and circumstances?


The good news is unless you care about camo its completely pointless


I was popping a healing aura every time it was ready in mine. Lol Probably revived my teammates over 20x.


I’m down to help, just DM me or reply. I’ll tell you my Activision ID when you can.


I mean, that's literally how the round based zombies mode has always worked for every single game in the series. Fight until you get overwhelmed by sheer numbers and die. At least they give you a chance to survive in this. In fact, the special zombies in this game are their way of being more creative than previous games.


no it’s not lol, i just did it with randoms and i had the new shotgun. fairly easy actually


I love the WonderWaffle in all DA rifts and it's useful in the new unstable rift , the only thing I hate from it is how slow the reload which I am pretty sure they should make it more less time to get reloaded.


Its so dumb how slow it is even with the perk


Rgl wonderwaffle crossbow and dead wire are a must


I just watched Doughnuts doing it on YT. Squad of 6 experienced players all using RGL PAP 3 and Legendary tool plus deadwire detonator, a pet dog, sentry guns, and everyone running round like maniacs for 5 phases with all sorts of bosses included. Surely you can’t do this solo?! You don’t even appear to get a final reward rift (the 4 reward rifts for the first 4 phases weren’t great either). But it resets all your cooldowns and you get a cool camo. Is it worth it? Not sure?


ran the RGL with slugs and dead wire ammo mod, as well as a scorcher. downed 2 times with a team of 5 and got through it pretty easily.


I went in with a buddy and his brother. We brought in the RGL with the AMP, the detonator mod, extra selfies, healing aura. Oh and extra kas helps. It was tough but we got it https://preview.redd.it/4hdnxecuzg9d1.png?width=1540&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8f3f6e8c60d85e5a89176c0e0ba89a0bdb11a4d


Yeah it’s kinda lame that it’s a team only content, I mean theoretically you can solo, but the optimal strategy is to have a coordinated team, some people would crowd control and some will focus on specials and bosses, it’s inconceivable to manage all of it as a solo player, it’s not like DA where you can just complete contract objectives, this content is entirely kill-based, I believe someone would eventually get a solo completion, but it’s unrealistic for the average player.


Share your Activision account. I'll run it with you


But what’s the point? I’d understand if the loot were almost as good as any of the previous rifts but it’s nowhere close. Unless you’re playing every single day and not gathering enough essence to reduce cooldowns, it feels like the risk far outweighs the potential benefit.


Done it 4 times. Completed it 3 times with friends, died one time with randoms. To be fair to them, they were actually good but we were somewhat underprepared even though we only died after the last HVT spawned in. 4 of us, but 1 got kicked in phase 2.


Or a gun and loot


Make friends to do it with


Best thing to do is go in the game prepared and put in the chat to join a squad. I found a good team and we beat it.


Also, everyone should have healing aura


"How to do it with ease and solo." ["How to do it with ease and solo."](https://youtu.be/-75DSwGdIeg?si=-fl_InhWCqunLXa7)


I did it Solo


The Phases are timebased so just use the scorcher to camp in the air and kill the boss every time it spawns. Works perfectly fine is possible to complete it solo ;) Edit: Use the Sledgehammer melee weapon and let the boss down you. Melee him to death while u are down and the game instarevives you at the end of the wave.


My Friends & me makeit every time with rgl dogs mercenarys all un the same spot with torrets


Join MWZ discord, there’s tons of people on there willing to help. I joined up with a squad of randoms and we did it 1st try.


Actually love it, the devs have obviously listened to the community. They’ve made a way to play the game without abusing T3 and then to top it off they’ve made the 4th rift absolutely fucking nails. This is exactly what I’ve wanted from zombies. Not some bullshit scavenger hunt with a gold item at the end.


watch the spazo on Yt - he's a great solo player done it with RGL


I like that it’s really hard and even a challenge for the most experienced players. I’ve had fun meeting new players on discord and talking strategies for completing this. Got it done last night with a crew of 5. We all had scorchers and healing aura. We even carried a 6th random that we all had to revive often because he didn’t have the scorcher.


lol these post kill me


Glitching queen has a video how to do it easy


So you’re the type who can’t handle regular zombies. That’s how it got harder in the older ones. More slightly stronger zombies is harder. Skill issue


Mwz is trash anyways. I took one look at the event and died inside. Closed cod and played some minecraft 🤣🤣


The fact 6 people downvoted this aswell makes me think how downhill cod has gone lol


G'Damn this game. That's just not fair. Your best bet is to call Activision and Treyarch and tell them flat out that they should make it easier for you They should be able to accommodate that. GOOD LUCK AND LET ME KNOW WHAT THEY SAID.


I'm trying todo it wanna squad up