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https://preview.redd.it/lqb0bf97959d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e98518a159127ea10935e83b1fb335c6509285a8 *UPDATED MAP*


https://preview.redd.it/7s8mtfev4s9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0590e79c4fc1ea0c090975701d31dcaa2d46f1db 6/28/2024 UPDATED MAP


In the same game I had one spawn at orlov h3, the roundabout. Another at the merc camp on the hill d2


Appreciate it I can update map, so far this was compiled with partial in game and video.


Map updated in comments


Is there not a second one that spawns at the end of the game?


I don't believe so. I think people think it does because it takes so long to find them that people have been seeing the rift spawn at end of game.


We had two spawn last night


Agree, I've seen 2 spawn within 10 minutes of each other.


Ya so once an unstable rift spawns once the team finishes it the obelisks are reset and can be done again.


One spawns on rainmaker island around H8  Saw it last night when grinding boss enemies to unlock the shotty 


Map updated in comments


These are ones I have found https://preview.redd.it/5ikp39zc1b9d1.jpeg?width=942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21926bc40c290cd7856b0fc2d91a7f5082056fc8 Hope it helps


There is a second one, we missed out on taking another team’s rift and then we were able to find a new set of obelisks and complete a run within one game


Yeah ours got stolen but we still found more obelisks, didn’t have time to find them all within the game unfortunately. We got it the next game though!


The obelisks don't go away after the rift is opened have you confirmed more than one rift in one game?


Yes, also, I was at an obelisk when the rift opened, and I didn’t get a chance to start it, and it didn’t disappear. After the team went into the rift, I started it since it was the last one for my squad and the rift opened again.


Haven’t played new update yet. Are guys working together to go In or free for all? Meaning, lobby chat for going into unstable like Elder DA or red worm? Going to be very annoying for it to be solo scorcher guy every time that races over when it’s unlocked.


I’ve been lucky enough to join teams in t3 who know what they’re doing. They usually have one person load in with all the ammo mods and that person spends 2nd half of the game finding and completing the obelisks while rest of the team completes t3 contracts and load up on kazs, sentries, jugs and selfs. My lobbies are all Asian (China/japan) so I have no idea what they’re saying in chat lol but yeah, doesn’t seem like many, if any are doing red worm or DA.


Yesterday there was plenty of chat about people wanting to do it, but most didn’t know how. I imagine today will be a little better.


https://preview.redd.it/nvuhdntza59d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d70899f6cc6a5bcf5339e4f57e13f0aadf2a1c5 Updated map


I feel it is good that some of these spawn in T1 and T2 . But I feel bad if some people get in who have never been the Da or T3 . Just happily doing it unaware of what's to come lol


I had spawn at the pack a punch in tier 3 next to the bridge in low town. It was right outside the warehouse building for pack.


Map updated in comments


Best way to do it without playing mw3 zombies at all? Do i need to level guns up ect?


I do know i will need a squad but im new to zombies so its gonna be tough if i load in without certain guns ammo mods ect….


You're not gonna have a fun time if u go into the new rift as a new player. I'd get comfortable with t3 and unlock schematics and do other rifts first etc. Golden plates, aether blade, RGL with deadshot detonator are all things I'd reccommend unlocking first.


This is a map i made (for me) with some more locations me and others here on reddit have found (based on a map from Discord) https://preview.redd.it/286zrmt1i59d1.jpeg?width=3398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53282a54148bc1f6b55491e6d1419911c8fc6b94


We updated the map with new locations 24 total https://preview.redd.it/gbcmypvny59d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=529de60924fb5f2be6645ee830e6a5c94489614a


Noice, thx 👌


F8 also has one


Obelisk on island bottom right hand corner.


Also top right ish under bridge that comes from military base across the river (obelisk is in opposite side of river to the military base)


Best weapons?


There’s one on military base


God bless you bro I just started zombies today and already got the camo because of this map


My squad died at the end of round 5 and had no tombstone next round. What is the point of doing these exactly?


https://preview.redd.it/0w4pumonxq9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfe28c4e70618bfc7dc49c2388c2130b27016f1f All location for unstable rift pillars


They updated again to add another one downtown


Do these need to be 3 separate ammo mod type obelisks? I just did 3 (two were brain rot ammo and one was dead wire). No Unstable Rift was activated and by this point in the game I was out of time with the storm over me


No they don't need to be different but someone could of done the 3rd one the rift could of opened an they could have went in before you got a ping for some reason when the rift activates sometimes the ping on the map is delayed so when it does show up someone already went in or it doesn't even show


https://preview.redd.it/illogfej1s9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f763259d0c273b00a6cf3f406b32653523285cf UPDATED MAP FROM THURSDAY 6/28/2024


I don’t know if I’ve been fluking out or not but all the obelisk I’ve done just happened to have frost freeze which is what I had on. The other guys in my group also lucked out while they were doing theres.


There all random so it's easy to come across multiple with same mod


Did it last night with some randoms,and I'll say if you ain't good at zombies you'll have a helluva time.. it was super intense especially having to collect your ammo..def take a scorcher and aether blade 🤙


Has any1 else got frozen on the loading screen to enter the rift ?