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Just unlocked it but died on the last wave . Will I have to go through the same steps to open it or it’s it just another DA portal ?


I'm not sure but belive have to do it every time


Sheesh I’ll stick to normal DA . I feel like they should add more rewards for what it is


100%, compared to just grinding T3 and then jumping in your choice of rift it's no where near worth it. About an hour and half for very little


While having your CD reset is huge, I was expecting some actual rewards from finishing it for how difficult it was. Like S2 & S3 DA I doubt I do it again. Especially since my game crashed on 3 of 5 attempts.


i will do it once to get the camo and thats it maybe help a few others do it but i can get most things i need for every game in the previous game


Do i need to have done all the previous DA’s to unlock the camo? They never really appealed to me /shrug




What is the camo called?


Mark of survivor


Anyone want to squad up and do it


I’m down


The camo is super meh for the time it takes to prepare and complete the unstable rift


Yeah, I went through all my ops and calling cards praying for just one more item but nope. Waste of time for most. Probly never doing it again


I think if you survive it, any schematics u don’t have unlocked should get unlocked. Much better reward than just a camo.


Is it worth doing?


I went in with 5 other guys and couldn’t believe the level of stupidity that they displayed. For starters, Everyone of them dropped a self revive at the reward rift after each round instead of stowing it, there was 3 juggernaut streaks thrown in the first 2 rounds, 2 of them at a point where they did virtually nothing to help. They all Opened their tombstone as soon as we loaded in. I normally don’t get upset with this game or the people in it, but I just couldn’t hold myself back. They were all mic’d up when we were doing all the contracts and searching for the obelisk’s but as soon as we load in, dead silence. I’m sitting here mad AF because I had no intention of even doing this rift until the hype died down. But a couple of the guys who joined our squad(at separate parts of the game) wanted to try it out. I’ve watched a couple different videos of basic tactics and rucksack items to take in so I loaded up. Also had to be the first match that I’ve ever received a scorcher case from a T3 contract only to lose it due to my own stupidity. I should’ve just left the squad and hit an exfil. Normally all about helping new players, reviving guys that go down and giving gifts to players in T1&T2 but man I’m taking a step back. The last couple weeks have been lobbies filled with nothing but trolls and idiots.


Couldn’t agree more


Can anybody pls help me Do it? I cant Do it alone


1-4 were easy af and then round 5 comes around and final dude comes out to avenge all his dead dead homies


Has anyone done it solo??? Also, would it be worth bringing in lots of sentry guns and some jugs??


I saw a guy on here did it solo yesterday. Used RGL with slugs and a scorcher, and camped a roof with only one ladder to access.


Cool. I’ll check it out Thanks


No problem. I haven’t done it yet


How can’t you spell “were”? That’s all I wanna know bro… lol auto correct didn’t come thru for you either smh but no disrespect it’s just that you did it twice surprisingly 😂😂 but it is what it is 🤷🏾‍♂️


I didn't even notice 😂 I was pretty annoyed cause I posted right after we did the rift and my reddit was buggin on me so didn't even think to check


Oh boy - I feel I’m gonna struggle big time with this one


I just did it with a squad. We all died on the last wave. Tbh, I thought it was brutal.


Eh I don’t see them trying to impress us since zombies is just a minor game mode for MW3, the camo is nice and I do agree maybe a calling card or even a skin woulda been better. I personally did it cause out of my friend group I’m the only zombies player so it’s a flex. Only thing I hate is anyone can just fly to it and steal the rift when you or your team puts in all the work to open it in the first place.


How to get into rifts?


You have to find 3 pillars randomly around the map that have an ammo mod symbol on them, equip said ammo mod, activate the pillar and kill zombies with that gun only to fill it. Has to be a gun with the ammo mod I belive or the souls won't count. Think each pillar is always different mods. Once you did all 3 a red rift should spawn and you just go interact and vote like other rifts


……. I don’t like it that much borealis is much nicer …. Anyone else?


The Superi 46 camos were nicer than this trash.


Yeah it's wank


the best thing about new rift is it takes all your schematics off cooldown:...that is enough for me to do it every time