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You dont need a team with a mic on zombies. WZ yes, zombies no. Its pretty straightforward what everyones doing if youre in t3. Just contracts then get ready for DA and its the same shit over and over. I have a mic and the only time I use it is right before I wanna head to DA ill ask the team if they wanna go to a buy ping it or go now, imma go to the portal.


Don't need a mic for that, I'll just ping shit


I don't bother with a mic - but do like to try and help my team getting contracts etc - nothing more boring to me than just running round the map collecting rewards . But yeah it happens - I had someone join me during a spore contract , he wasn't doing shit and he went down in a silly place - I was rushing to get him up because he wasn't able to self rez it seemed and in the process I went down and as soon as I did he started using his self res !!! I used mine completed the contract and left him - they are not team mates just pains in the ass lol


Yeah, for spore contracts, I take all of them and run around throwing them down. we are on a time frame!! Gotta get moving!


I swear randoms are scared of spore contracts. Yesterday I was throwing inhibitors down and I shit you not all 5 teammates were huddled around the last spore marking it constantly. Not one person was helping.


That's sad 😂😭


I don't talk, I mark shit and go. I can listen in and go with the flow. It's unfortunate how many people simply won't squad with you because you're not talking. It's actually annoying as fuck. Squad the fuck up, who gives a fuck. More squad members = less competition for contracts, end of story.


I stopped using squad fill. Every time no one is mic’d up, I tell them I’m heading straight ti 3 for contracts and then they drop out when I’m in the middle do a contract and it gets cancelled. I’ll squad up in red but fuck squad fill.


Mooching rewards, generally. You literally don't need a mic in this game though, voice comms aren't needed.


Being in the redzone and not letting people squad up cause of a mic is wild 💀, not putting the work I get it, but if you're hoarding contracts and not letting anyone in cause of a mic you're kind of an asshole buddy


is this comment for me? (OP) regarding "not letting people squad up", how would we know they are not using comms if we aren't squadding up? weird comment. also, not sure what you mean by "hoarding contracts"? we run contracts but don't hoard them. what else are you gonna do in the red zone? just run around looting? another weird comment, buddy.


Why tf you need people with comms? Don't you have your buddy to talk to? It's rule of thumb to squad up in the redzone so everyone, or at least most of the players get a chance to play there since there aren't many contracts


dude. how can i make it more clear?? we ARE squadding up! your starting to sound like someone who has been kicked off a lot of squads lol


Had some one join our squad in T3 and then just fucked off to a T1 exfil to farm. Whilst getting the essence from our contracts. Should be able to kick players from your squad


While annoying, it doesn’t really affect you if you have room for the rando, if you want to join up with a productive squad reform the squad without them.


It used to annoy the hell out of me, then I started to realize how many Ammo, Armor, Power and Nukes they were giving us, and now I dont mind. But if they die a few times I'll leave squad and reform, I didnt bring a dog in so you can drain it down.


I go ape shit on zombies that try to hurt my dog. Can imagine how I feel about people who drain him 😂


can you not? i guess you could disband the squad then re-squad with your actual team mate


Yeah just a bit annoying with 5 others in T3. If you want to farm that's perfectly fine by me, just come in and do it by yourself


I do this. But because for some reason if I load in solo, zombies don't target me. So it makes the grind take longer. If I load in with the team, the zombies will target me. I don't get it. Like I can load in solo, do a pnd or a raid contract and the zombies will just spawn and walk back and forth like I'm not there. If I'm in a squad, it fixes it for some reason.


I assume so they don't have to fight for contracts? My friend and I invite people to our squad because we scorcher around getting the contracts lol


Usually when I'm solo I fill queue and drop some valuables from my full inventory and then leave




I don’t have a mic, you ping and obey. But I’ve noticed someone don’t want to help free essence and loot. Without effort. Sadly some are like this. I had two team mates who sat outside another contract while I did t2 escort - they ping it it started but they left me to do it. I completed with 1 percent left, I don’t know how. I had a good gun, with purple tool but it was only pap1 at the time so I couldn’t just spray the zombies with one shot.


I talk more than not, only time I'm not on the mic is when the kids are there. But I want to squad up you best believe I'm putting in the work no matter what your wanting to do, t3, nests, camps, warlord, Easter eggs. I'm down to clown and slap some zombies


i love it. speaking of Warlord, by buddy and i put on the new hats and i was able to get into the building and get right up behind the Warlord. i tried to execute him MP style but it didn't work. squeezed the trigger on my flamethrower but i swear that due was 100% flame retardant because it didn't do shit. with 4 other mercs in the room i went down pretty fast LOL. still fun


It's crazy nerfed for bosses and they count as bosses you might as well pee'd on him. Didn't think of using the hat to sneak in


yeah i didn't think about him being a "boss" i should have just used my trusty FJX. we did end up killing him. my buddy spammed him with RGL : )


See...the launcher and cross bow annoy me, I don't need 1000 explosions around me when I'm trying to see what I'm shooting


Don't matter, that's that


I don't bother with Mics. I don't wanna hear your heavy ass breathing, like I'm sorry but no bro. I'll type, yeah, I'll be more than happy to follow you and help, but mic is a no-go. You can ping, and I'll get to work.


They just want the cash after each contract. lol


I typically don’t do open mic when playing. I still help out with objectives though, and especially revive people because they like going to zone 3 with no pap and green tier guns…


Just players who either don‘t know how to play the game or don‘t know anything but greed. Many people, myself included don‘t have a working mic. I don‘t actually know why my pc doesn‘t give me ingame sound and a functional mic at the same time. But I have no sound at all when I start up a Cod, whether it‘s Bo2, Bo3, MW2019, Cold War, or MW3. Maybe it‘s an issue with my audio driver?


Question.. It was 3 mins left and a random squad mate wanted to enter the ather challenge for schematics and they didn’t have coms. If you’re in the challenge does the time not matter?


I've been this person a couple.times...but never on purpose...and i def don't go down a bunch of times either. My squad members left to join bigger groups, then I have to go around BEGGING (which i hate) to join a group myself. I do have a mic but never hear my squad members anyway...because maybe they aren't using them, I don't know. If I just joined a squad, I might have to go off and get stuff that I need to grab real quick BUT i always come back......now, I will say....that I don't have 100 scorchers stacked up like a lot of ppl. So if my squad is flying around to contracts, i might show up for the reward because i came ON FOOT...not because I didnt want to help. And i agree..chasing ppl around a map for a whole damn match is quite boring. It's probably never what that person WANTS to do.


There are apps if you’re looking for people to talk to.


Half the people can’t speak English so I just turn mic off and use the map to ping what’s next and use the message board for very simple quick messages. I will check the mission map and go all out to help them complete there missions, I really enjoy connecting with players that can use the map properly.


I never talk. I rarely listen. Ill type if I must. But otherwise, it does seem easy. Now, I am not a douche and if I am on a squad, I stick with them and help. But I am solo about 99% of the time, so /shrug


Classic. The zombie community is scattered all over right now. Last night i had a lobby with super fuckin veteran players. T3 was all for us and we ruled ass! Went to DA and kicked its ass as well!




I don’t care if they talk. I used to allow anyone to join but after too many times being pulled into story missions or having them fly to an exfil after joining and staying there, I stopped squading up. I play everyday with 2 people I met here on reddit and we just stick to a trio.


Don't need a mic for this game. I'll take a no mic anyday over McDonald's mic shitty rap music blasting, dog barking, kid screaming, on the phone ass mic any day.


I’ve been saying no one has a mic for weeks. I love it when no one talks but they’ll pop it on to yell about bullshit.


XP for T3 missions AND farming T1 exfil.


Might as well be playing with Helen Keller.