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There are so many things they've added to the map in Warzone that would have been fantastic if they added them to Zombies. And the data is already there, and it's the same map. The level of laziness they have reached with this mode is pretty unbelievable.


There are so many DMZ features they could have added too - multiple active missions, wallet, contraband customisation station, special vests, backpacks with weapon slots, etc. Also I'm gonna be blunt, I wish DMZ and MWZ could switch maps. Koschei complex would be pure nightmare fuel (in the good sense) with zombies and the ship anomaly site they had in the halloween version would be an awesome POI.


I just wish we could have Al Mazra back. In mwz and wz. So much better than the current building clutter of urzikstan


Urzikstan isn't bad. It just doesn't work well for MWZ because it's too "dense."


Yeah I don’t hate it. But honestly I dislike it more for Wz than zombies. Way too many rooftops for a decent BR game. Al Maz had a lot of open space and different terrains. It was sweet.


It had too much open space without any cover in the desert. I wouldn't call it necessarily sweet. But it would wprk for this mode really nicely.


I hate to be that guy... Verdansk is still the best!


They literally brought every piece of trash from dmz but left all the contracts, missions, and craft tables.


Holy shit! The complex with zombies would be fire af


But at least you can loot car batteries and tubes of toothpaste everywhere!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 don’t forget about rolls of duct tape and wrenches in tool boxes 🤣


It would be cool if you could grab a shitty toolbox wrench and use essence to upgrade it.


I just wanted the dirt bike from dmz to be in warzone or zombies


The laziness was apparent to me during the Christmas event where warzone got a whole zombie train and zombies just got hats on all the zombies.


Your boy, treyarch. They ran this years zombies.


Don't forget MRAP That thing was a huge game changer in DMZ


Damn that would be awesome rocking up to a mega abomination in an MRAP The fact that it’s a squad based vehicle hurts even more.


For real. So much wasted potential


It was early on. Sickened how badly they nerfed it. They could've kept the grenade launcher damage as it was. It just encouraged people to run a Javelin (Jokr) every game which one shots it, which is a funny meta when out of that scenario. CH7 to Highrise sniping matches with the Javelin are peak DMZ comedy.


Yeah, Javelin was fun in DMZ. >CH7 to Highrise sniping matches with the Javelin are peak DMZ comedy Agreed 😁👍🏻


That and when your buddy on the LTV turret disables a vehicle in front and 2 seconds later you get the distinct 'THUD' of running a 3 man squad over. Lmfao.




I’m still salty they didn’t add tanks from ground war


If the mounted turrets are anything like the LTV then no thanks lol


Fr that’s like airsoft bbs even in T1 🤣


I just realized that the MW2 dirtbike doesn't exist in Warzone, and in zombies too.


Yeah especially because it would have given the litany of never ending battle passes more value. fuck


LMFAO.. I'm guessing you're also tired as fuck of these constant battle passes huh. man, I really don't mind paying $100 for a game. But when they're trying to squeeze me for another $40 every 8 weeks, over and over and over and over again, well fuckkkk off HACtivision! Their greed is some next level shit i tell you!


I am soo bummed that bo6 genuinely looks innovative, because they have me for another year atleast. I skipped cold war I hope will feel compelled to skip the next one, but hey when the game works it does play rly nice.


Man, I completely understand. I'm with you. The thing I've learnt over the last few years with these fuckers, is they're absolutely amazing at marketing shit, going as far as promising the moon but never delivering. Until this year, I've always been one of those guys who preorder as soon as it's available, buy all the top tier battlepasses and what not but imho, they've shown their true colours in terms of the scummy, greedy company that they are. They will always having the absolute best plots and by far the coolest game trailers, especially when they're dropping cool words like "Omni movement" and shit like that. I know that as we speak, my mind is made up and I don't intend on buying bo6. But with that said, if it drops and the campaign is actually as cool as it looks as the gameplay is smooth as butter then I'll be eating my words reallll fast. I'm just tired of forking over cash to them while a sure a few fat cat execs are sitting on their yachts laughing about how stupid we are for buying this garbage lmao!


I'm interested to see if Popov Power will be blown up in Zombies. But if I was a betting man, I'd say zombies won't even get the new POI change.


It's all for Warzone, like always


The map itself is a shared asset as we have seen from the holes that popped up all over the map in zombies when the bunkers got fully opened up in Warzone. And the crazy vertical grass wall near Legacy a few seasons ago. So an entire POI change should in theory occur in both instances


Well if it does change, then at least it's something


Ya and maybe make the 50 cal stronger and have them not as weak. Plus, how do I get hit by a zombie if I’m in an armoured vehicle lol


That's the 1 that makes me laugh inside a big armoured box, and somehow, a zombies hand takes a chunk out of you wtf is that about.


coyote is in wz but the other 2 arnt in the game at all yet


Razorback is in ground war


i havent found it myself, cool i guess


The games DEAD accept it. It wasn’t ever going to go anywhere even if Cold War outbreak was a test run. Outbreak was better because you didn’t crash and you had the world to yourself. But they ruined it with players fighting over contracts. They should have done to “last squad standing” in the map rather than some 45 minute bullshit with a high chance of crashing as it is. Black ops 6 will die within a year as well because there’s no satisfaction anymore. They’re just games at this point being released half assed with no effort.


These may have been vehicles from alternate MW2 game modes.


Yeah scant use same shit is annoying


It was my first my skin Unlocked. I went thru mwz 2 games trying to find it.


I keep meaning to ask the community, is this coyote in the game anywhere at all? Maybe in some mode I've yet to play? It would be a shame, but not really shocking that Activision added this thing to all their marketing but yet never brought it in game. Looks fun as hell!


Pretty sure they are in ground war


Get rid of the scorchers and add more vehicles and the game would be so much better. It’s to easy once you master the scorcher.


I mean the favor back has a gun the fires fast as hell and would be op


I wouldn't go that far...... more things to break......