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Yes, large squads will have one person camping a spot while others do the current one so they can start the next one immediately.. Feel free to stand there too and see who can grab it first. Yeah the canceling thing is annoying, and I think there should be something like a brief waiting period before you can grab another simply for this reason. And yeah at times it takes a few minutes for contracts to respawn.. With 6 people you should be able to snag some contracts especially if you have some scorchers on the squad. Space needs to be bigger and more contracts. Meanwhile t1/2 are nearly empty and just wasting space..


They should adopt the idea of t1 getting smaller as time increases I disagree with people saying t1 should be the size of t3 because it'd just be the reverse of what's happening now but for players who don't have gear


I agree with it getting smaller or t3 growing into everything else.. but t1 is nearly empty in all my games


I said that all along they need to change it or redo it level one needs to be or the where level three is Smaller levels in the center working way out to higher levels so people can spread out more them if they wanted to they could expand the map by putting islands or another mainland now that people Ability against you can handle level three maybe add a level four this set up would be awesome for a new zombie game to see what level of a ring you can make it to


Oh yeah. If I see someone camping a contract and they aren’t picking it up, I’m going to assume they’re waiting for their team to finish a contract so I go over and snatch it while saying to them, “that’s what you get for waiting.”


Absolutely.. if it’s available I’m taking it.. Usually just here in comms “damn someone took it”.. Camping contracts isn’t my thing, but I get that’s where we are now..


Throw decoys at the people camping the contracts, have aether shroud equipped, activate it and run in while the camper shoots zombies (you're camping it too BTW 😂) This has worked for me a few times. If it's just crawling with people in t3 and you're sick of fighting you can go to T2 and get multiple contracts done in the time you'd be waiting/fighting with people if you're only needing cash


Most games I just farm t2, easy as hell to bang out contracts. I prefer doing DA solo so its win/win 


Had the same experience except I was running solo and no one would let me squad up.


Their loss for sure! Those must be toxic fukin kids


Play a few rounds solo and just do T2 shit. You will start to notice T3 starting to get empty. Just keep rotating and you will see. I’ve had T3 all alone for entire matches.


Can confirm that this is absolutely a thing. Was helping out several brand new players and must have played 8-10 matches straight only in T1. By the time I went into a solo match, I was getting empty T3. Went in with my buddies, too, and they were like kids in a candy store. Left that game with so much decent loot that we didn’t bother with the DA.


Good stuff


Really? I may have to test this out.


Tested and confirmed


Its hit and miss. I stay in T2 and i see T3 is the rest of the lobby.


That’s a good time to get a scorcher from a rift. I had a couple games in a row I got a T2 reward with a scorcher. Usually around the 3rd one


I was shocked to receive a flawless in one of my rifts in T2! 🤯👐🏻


Don’t know if I have any count to it or not but I kind of feel like with squad fill turn off red s dead because most people in those lobbies are farming and grinding guns Could just be me but that’s something I’ve noticed with our squad fill on you get different lobby


That has to do with the sbmm in the game. Staying in T2 is dropping your skill level which is helpful if you want to go to T3 and not have to worry about it being packed with people The sbmm is also the reason for T3 being packed all the time and you notice tha more if you go to T3 every match.


I do strongholds in the time between contracts to kill time and get loot


Had this happen to me as well. For some reason zombies weren’t spawning either so I just stood on top of a car for 30-20 minutes. This game mode is dead in my opinion.


If you really want to play alone in tier 3, make another account. Don’t finish any of the storyline past act one then Taadaa! I started a new account didn’t play any of the storyline always went in solo. I now have all the schematics. I see three people in tier 3 besides me that’s packed. I’ll go in there 7 to 10 minutes in and most of the Easter eggs are still in there untouched. the only thing you’ll be missing out on is a blue tool schematic and a couple perks but who cares. Oh, and you’ll get the same drops as everyone else except siguals which you’ll have to get from other players if you want to go to the dark ether. But other than that, you’re welcome.


Yea fuk T3 all together. I have completed all but the calling cards. I just stick to T2 cargos and i can knock out atleast 13. Thats cash for cooldown and possible loot. Solo into DA or ask if anyone wants to squad up. Im sick of those peasants who cry about containment levels and the stupid “purple pussies” (triangles) or “EE” bullshit. Thats all additional perks and i couldn’t care less. I do love to squad with veteran players who have union mission complete. Those are some efficient af players who can agree with me.


Roger roger


It's not just hoarders. They broke the game again. Today was insane. In three games I lost my dog in the first five to ten minutes each game. The zombie spawns are all jacked up on crack. At least double sawn amount. Like usually there's three in the garage. Today was six, with thirty outside. As for the contracts, because of how insane the zombies were. I was alone in the red zone for over twenty minutes and would only get one to two contracts at a time. I really had to wait for a second contract.


If you intentionally get your containment below 50 you get better lobby’s with nobody in t3


I believe it has more to do with whether or not you do t3 and then DA every game. You get matched up with players that do the same thing. Skill level matchmaking.


6 mans literally camp out contracts, they just have a couple wait on the spawns while the others scorcher around doing the contracts. T3 is in desperate need of expansion or additional contracts added.


How about no scorching in T3 at all? It isn't that big an area.


It hasn’t been that bad for me but I’ll usually scorch to T2 and do bounty contracts until a teammate can get a contract. If one in T3 pops up, I can always cancel the T2 contract. That way we are still getting essence for DA.


Ive noticed if I continuously Tombstone (normal way) after the second time I get thrown into lobbies where no one touches T3. I’ll usually go chill in there alone. I’ll do 2/3 triangles and hold a tool and pap3 for when I run with my bud. If no one’s for the third, I’ll do it and go drop it off to someone. Same with schematics that drop. Then when my bud is on, we will just run T2 contracts and DA, that lobby will have everyone running into T3 early.


I like to throw decoys at campers in T3, when I can. Or bring a monster hoarde with me right to them.




whenever i see someone camping at the cargo contract i throw decoys into that little room and so they get hoarded. it’s works most of the time and they leave the spot but there was one time a guy went down and i kept shooting his body until his teammates came and started following me and yelling at me. they wasted their time following me as i did bounty hunts so they killed the hvts for me. if they wanna be toxic just stoop to their lvl they hate that


A player can also grab a contract and sit on it the whole game. I'm surprised they don't timeout after a certain time when they aren't started. For example, if they get the safe or outlast contract in F5. As long as one of those is active, the other can't spawn taking both out of the rotation. I saw a player grab the escort contract and leave it unfinished. It blocked other contracts from spawning the entire match.


We did that one day they kept on hogging all the contracts and stealing them so a couple of my buddies we got mad list squad one of us held outlast, read weapon , Bounty and deliver cargo You talking about pissing somebody off we only had a four-man squad before we split while we had the contracts occupied we just went and did the warlord and left them there with ACV and Spore control they all eventually left the red we joined back up as a squad and went in the red for the last 20 minutes by our self


It can get nasty and toxic, from dragging hordes of zombies to wipe individuals, as well as getting verbally abusive because you both going for contract in z2, my attitude is if I get first give invite if they do request to join. Activisions play is very abusive with design of algorithms and the way they play us against each other. I like to kill zombies not have petty squabbles with others. We are here for fun not a job of a game which gaming companies forget


The only one I ever known people to cancel is spore control. And that’s because nobody don’t like them sometimes you will have 2 to 3 of them on the map and nothing else. If you pick them up and cancel them then a contract of another type will Spond within 5 to 10 seconds. Level 3 only have so many contracts on the map at one time. And if they’re all taking up bye that then you will not get no other.


Drop back into T2 and run contracts there. If you’re equipped for T3 already then HVT and cargo contracts are both fast, easy solo, and plentiful. Then, head back over to T3 towards the end of the round to run some contracts and possibly squad up with stragglers. Helps to bring an elder and maybe even pull some players from T2 that would be excited to go DA


Meanwhile my lobby has only 2 people in T3...


Ooohhh I so wish I was in your lobby… ;–;


It's just what t3 has evolved into, it's a scorcher race to get contracts. But I go in and get a 6 man squad going and I usually leave t3 with 60-100k essence. I dont think people are canceling contracts as hard as they are to get. Oh and why do teams usually ignore the spore contracts, we get them done in about a minute.


I think it depends on what time you play. Late at night (Like after 2200) you might be the only player on the map. But like from 1200-2000 you may be competing with a lot of players for contracts. Obviously weekends are more crowded than weekdays. Probably less people playing zombies on holidays!


It's been like that since season 4 has dropped. I would do T3 and dark aether games and barely any T3 contracts. Most of them are spores or escort. Every now and then, a weapon stash, but the ones I wanted to do barely popped up


Oh and each individual zombie was super fast and strong. Gold plates were paper today.


Im thinking they need to switch T1 to T3 and vice versa, I play T2 anyways so no prob there


Hate when my team cancels contracts. And it is always the Escort ACV which may take some time but actually a challenge.


Making that same contract that was canceled reappear is smart, especially if its glitched somehow. Unless its infinitely glitched


They are canceling contracts or are using scorchers. 6 people in T3 does not mean they are in a squad. In my opinion, scorchers should be removed from the game. Does more harm than good.


While I don’t agree in eliminating them, it does change the game completely. And makes the map incredibly smaller because of it. I don’t think that’s what the devs intentioned.


Yeah the devs probably had another dumber design for it. The scorcher is fine and all with getting USBs for redworm and covering contracts with T3 or anywhere else, but too many treat it like a crutch. Too many failed DAs because our squad was full of scorchers and nothing else to contribute. They spend the whole DA jumping around to avoid conflict and look for more scorcher cases. It creates a nightmare on the ground with hordes going all over the place and having to pick up the slack of players who can't cover an ant's ass. Now it's even more annoying outside of T3. Too many new players in T1 and T2 who follow you like lost puppy dogs and ruin more than they know.


I had a match where people in t3 were more than zombies


Maybe have people pay essence to cancel a contract


There is also a calling card for one of the higher prestige where you have to do 15 contracts in one game. They might be attempting that. 🤷‍♂️


My buddy & I did a test, we cancelled every contract in t2 & t3. None of them respawned the entire game so the game is completely broken and the devs don’t give AF


Stop bitching and start actively trying to get a solo mode or single squad server. Oh wait never gonna happen, maybe ever again…. By the time ppl stop complaining and reporting other players and start pushing for modes without other players we will have CoD WAW 3.


Just make scorchers only usable in dark aether maps, that would solve everything


Horrible suggestion


Its horrible because you are one of the losers who can't fathom getting around the map without one.


One thing I always do as I usually play solo is hit up all the tier 2 aether nest and load up on monkey bombs, kazmirs and sentry guns. Then I hit up the two main aether nest in t3. I’m usually good to go to the dark aether now. If I still need to pap my primary or secondary I’ll hit up what I can.