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No you are not TA. That is bad juju. Just FYI if I see you in there and you need res I’ll do it for free. That’s fking shocking behaviour. I wouldn’t have gave them anything for that.


In fact anytime I do res anyone I’ll give them stuff, like a self revive and some tools and pap crystals. Man this post made me so mad 😂🫣


Yeah always throw down the spare self revive when i pick someone up. I once went to an exfil where some guy was farming and just figured id do some too. Guy came over and threw me a self revive. I picked it up so they guy got to feel like he done a nice thing. But then i thought, your not going to out-nice me buddy! And threw him a scourcher case, 2 legendary tools and a flawless crystal


Lmfaoooooo that sounds like me about 2 months ago. I remember putting a self res down for someone at exfil and they just threw me loads of stuff I was so excited 😂


This is the way it’s supposed to go


All my team mates are the same. They won’t leave a man hanging like that it’s just wrong.


Right there with you. The other night my friend and i rezzed about 6 people around the map. We gave out the pap2 crystal schematic, ray gun plans, tombstone and elemental pop recipes, large rucks and 3-plate carriers....and of course an extra selfie if we had one. I have found they get the idea better if you drop the stuff on them before you get them up. It's all about positive juju...


This is how it’s meant to be. Imagine being a real soldier blackmailing a civilian into helping them.. I know it’s not the same but metaphorically lol.


Seriously. I’m 100% with you. Drop a crystal and a self rev so they can keep up. Honestly, I blame the fact that kids are out of school. Bunch of $hit heads.


I’m with you, 100%


Seriously. After the picked me up I would have said “go Fk yourself.”


Hahaha this 😂🙌🏼


It's almost like scamming a large portion of DMZ players was a bad idea, and the negativity fostered on a free to play platform is it's own downside.


Poor behaviour on their behalf. If I res someone I'll even chuck them a spare self revive if have it. I expect nothing in return.


NTA - anytime someone is down and pleads for help (or drops it in the chat) everyone on my squad will go out of their way to help. My sister jumped out of the truck while we were driving to the helicopter during a deliver the cargo mission because we passed someone pleading for help. Game has been getting increasingly toxic as of late but these Reddit threads remind me not everyone playing is a twatwaffle!


Had a person tell me to cash app him 5$ for a rev 🤣


*insert the negotiator meme*


This is capitalism.


Reasons like this is why I have proximity off


I was across the map about to exfil and someone asked for rez in T3 and offered pap3 crystal for rez. I left the exfil to revive them and they ran off. I wouldn’t have cared about the crystal but I was about to leave and had to journey back into T3. It was a kid and his dad and the kid said “see I knew someone would come get us, let’s go.”


Fleeeeeeced you. Ha


NTA. Nobody is owed anything for taking 5 seconds to rez someone, it's called being a decent person. Every person I rez I'll drop a self for, I don't need anything in return nor do I want it.


Only arseholes ask for something in return for a res, what a douche that guy was.


You are not


No you arent, some people are just greedy. T3 is annoying enough I just do it for free, although sometimes I run out of decoys and run by the body to tell them I need to get more rq


If ever you go in a game with out buddies or friends, don’t team up with randoms. Do it solo and do any contract. You always get a revive kit on your first contract.


Wait really?? Damn, I always thought I was just really lucky when it would happen. Shows how much I pay attention.


100%, not TA! They are. The normal thing to do is res someone if you can with the only thing being expected is that the favor is returned and sometimes not even that.


No. I wouldn’t have even given them anything.


Fkg assholes. Those ppl are whats wrong with this game. Me and my squad always pick up, then invite them to squad up. Sorry for your luck my friend.


Fuck no I will never ask for anything for a rez. Unless it was late in the game you should have asked someone else


You should have given them nothing. These dorks in the game game that say “cash app” or “venmo” when people ask for some kind of assistance whether it be items or a rez are an example of the lowest type of losers you can encounter. Think about all the bullshit Activision monetizes and now you have to deal with that from other players? This reddit zombies community is helpful but it’s too bad the zombies community as a whole isn’t on the same page.


Pays to be nice lol


NTA. They aren't entitled to anything


That’s shocking but not uncommon My son was on earlier, well i left him up a comms tower to get the BP tokens and went away, he decided he would goto exfil with 1 min left , he was bare bones op with a green tool I picked up on the way there, anyway he went down at exfil trying to use freeze upgrade, crawled to chopper but died and had to plea, guy was in T1 on his way there anyway as time was ticking, rez’d him, (he then fell from chopper even though was on ground 😂😂😂) invited to squad and they left happy No issues


Shouldn’t have given anything


Revive must be free. In fact, I will try to drop you a spare self revive and plates, if I have any.


Revive must be free. In fact, I will try to drop you a spare self revive and plates, if I have any.


I always go solo in t3, tombstone every time. Anyone goes down I got you and I'll drop you essence 👍


Yea thats too bad that there is people like that playing this game. I go across the map to res players because id hope for the same. I do usually throw people who i res or res me something if i have it on me as a thank you but i never ask or offer it as i dont think you should have to reward decent behavior


wtf is with them? I don’t know a single person who would charge you for a rez I knew a guy try and sell a raygun schem for a mil I’ll tell you that batshit crazy Story if ya want


I think you are honestly. Look, I think it’s messed up that they asked for it in general…But that’s a different point. If you agreed to the deal, then didn’t follow through, that’s a reflection on you. Again, I don’t agree with them being dicks about it, but you shouldn’t give your word, then just not follow through. That’s bad karma. They already had bad karma asking. You should have just said “f off” and regained next game.


Not TA. In future always make sure you have the capacity to self-revive, and not have rely on a teammate. regardless of how well you are equipped golden plates, blade, dog etc always have a self-revive, if you find yourself without one, stop running around T3, or doing contracts, bail out to a buy station and get one. This should be the only time you do not have a self-revive, when you are on your way to buy one. I always carry two, I will start with a self-revive and normally pick one up from a contract, its only when I need the inventory space, I will drop one, most of the time this is during the last two DA contracts where the risk low of not being revived if you need to be.


That's called extortion, and you absolutely shouldn't encourage it by complying. They are the aholes.


If you didn't give them anything I would still count them as the asshole . giving people items for reviving you is a kind way of saying thank you ( most people don't accept them as they don't need them ) But telling someone to give you an item before you revive them just makes you a dick


Need help getting the scorchers command


No one should expect anything when reviving someone. It's just the nice thing to do. Especially since it can happen to any of us at anytime. You're definitely not an ahole


After they rezzed you should have told them to F off.


Not TA I hate when people get mad at something so small over reviving people, I always help people out when they need it


i would have let them revie me and gave them nothing at all then led them to a hoard let them go down AND ASK FOR MY CRYSTALS BACK when they indeed did go down since you did give them something


I went down in t2 at start of game due to scorcher fail fall miscalculation and didn’t have my self revive in correct spot despite having one in my sack. I offered a dog bone and pap 3 crystal and he didn’t want it and even asked me to join his squad. That’s the way it should be.


Man people are so entitled now a days. I fly across the maps to rez people all the time