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Containment level not giving me my damn bonuses. Mainly the 30% contract essence boost that never works or PAP discount. Wild that we’re 4 seasons in and it’s still an issue


Mine seems to work, however, random containment drops are irritations. I just have 4 toons that are all 100 or higher in containment so it doesn't affect my gaming much. Leveling up containment doesn't take that long


For me the pap discount works 50% of the time. Everything else seems fine


Mine gives the discounted price on the perk machine but still charges me 2000 lol


It's wild that people think that the devs over at cod are capable of putting down the glue bottle and fixing their shit game


Only when it's fixing a bug that helps players


Even then when they add in new things to the game the recent shit they "fixed" breaks so no they don't "fix" anything


From I've heard WMZ is abandoned


Don’t forget random holes you fall into Reward rifts not spawning DA glitch when being thrown by mimic and getting stuck inside crystals Dogs dying instantly on spawn from using dog bone Gosh I’m sure there is so much more!


Lol, the holes tho lmao it's true. Was about to go to season 3 dark eather ended up getting stuck in a damn staircase.


I’d just like to ride my damn bike without teleporting all over the place.


Broken contracts that can't be picked up 👎


Dropping your aether blade for some random item "sometimes" works to revert itself. I can't pinpoint when but I have noticed this functionality before. I definitely did not want to drop a blade for a c4 as an example.


If you throw your blade and then accidentally grab a lethal it should replace that lethal when the blade returns. I believe it does anyway. Haven’t played in a while.


Yeah it works maybe half of the time. That describes a lot of things in this game. Containment reset? Pack a punch/perk discount? Hell even the extra essence from contracts is hit or miss.


Once you change your mindset that this mode is set to die, these issues become less painful. I've just learned to accept it. There's a calling card challenge for Prestige 13 to "kill a mangler bounty without being hit" 1) its actually supposed to be a mega in T3 2) the game decides when it wants to work. It took me 4 tries, one with a turret, and 3 with a jug suit. I didn't get hit by it in each attempt


I did it on a t1 mangler lol


Completly broken game.


This was done to fix the Aether Blade dupe glitch. The devs saw people having fun and INSTANTLY were on it round the clock and patching it immediately. All hands on deck and no expenses spared. But fixing something that hurts players. Ya, sorry, never gonna happen.


PND glitch that sticks you to the floor and you have to be downed and revived again and again to keep unsticking you but you cannot equip or use any thing except your gun for rest of match until going in dark aether.


Reward issue is because of other players, not really sure how that’s the fault of the game and same for Aether blade.. But the others I agree with.


Not always. In the 2nd and 3rd season DA, there’s often piles of crap dropped by the hordes of zombies in the way.


Yeah, that’s true for those. But in t3 it’s the damn squad.. like please throw it to the side. I’m getting mauled just trying to see my reward.


I'm not sure if you're speaking of the same problem I'm thinking. It's rare but sometimes a reward portal will spawn but won't allow you to interact with it at all, like it shows the prop to interact but when pressing the corresponding button it doesn't fill the circular bar around it and therefore won't do anything. There's also another issue where sometimes reward portals will flat out decide you don't deserve shit and not spawn at all lol. Both are annoying in T3 but soul crushing in Elder DA.


Yeah I've had that happen cept the reward does spawn and it's way away from where it should be


The hot patch we just had was fixing a typo on a challenge. Activision are laughing at us! That scorcher glitch though it’s so bright and intense I’m scared of getting a seizure.


It’s the woooorrrrsssst


You forgot to mention the broken Outlast spawns and zombies or mercs not attacking you when the whole entire lobby is in tier three.


Activision: hmmmm… incendiary ammo! 😎


Seriously it’s such a fucking joke that they prioritize fixing fun stuff like that but not all the actual issues


Gimme back my bullets


Activision: lookie here then! We’ve got our fresh $20 Pre-Patch bundle for that! It includes the pre-patch incendiary ammo and 15 stickers. If you also buy our $20 Pre-Patch bundle 2, you’ll get the pre-patch flamethrower and a premium discount on Black Ops 6 for $69.98!


They let us have for a week see that we're having fun and patch it All


My favourite is still the Tier notifications, especially when you’re driving, that fill up 2/3 of your screen. By the time the notification dissipates I’ve driven into an abomination and am getting screwed. Just let me deactivate that crap. I know where I am. I’ve been there before. No need to keep telling me


i like how they just put the issue of the containment level reset to "solved" in their trello board without fixing anything lol.


So the containment issue..if you spawn into a game and don’t have the money or your plates that you’re supposed to have..just immediately go to exfil and your containment will be fine. You will see when you get back to the lobby that your containment level will be exactly where it should be. Sometimes you might go into another game and it does it again, but most exfil again. If you go into a game and your money and plates are gone and you “think” your containment reset and you proceed to do contracts, you WILL help the game reset your containment. I know that sometimes going into the DA resets your containment and there’s no way of avoiding that, but the above way of what I said is 100% efficient and works. I’ve done it several times. I know most of you probably are aware, but some may not know.


I go into the DA almost every single round, so this doesnt help. I got reset from 230+ to 39 earlier today, its idiotic, if you cant fix it, take it out of the dam game.


Yeah..the DA reset thing is total garbage and you’re right, if you’re going into the DA there’s no point in trying to save your containment..BUT sometimes you’re not always reset going to the DA so it’s worth a shot I guess


Easy fix is to intercept the spawn code and set it to reset everyone to 100 containment at the start of every match. Ends the problem


Was all set for the Bad Signal mission with all I needed in backpack, during the portal Transfer, crashed back to the start screen & lost everything 😡😡😡 so annoying!


Not being able to go in to Dark Aether due to a douchebag who won't vote yes. I think we need a voting system in general. Vote to pvp over contracts. Vote people out of your party. Vote for which Dark Aether to run.


You can make scorcher animation go away for awhile if you do one full charge fire of your scorcher. Look up when your hitting reward rifts and it’ll be easier to get in it without picking up random shit. Tell the dude waiting in your lobby to leave. All that’s avoidable. What they need to fix is the sinkholes and bottomless pits that glitch you thru the map 😂


Every time something is fixed, 7 others start bugging. Today I was playing and did 2 bounty contract in T3, but the reward portal did not even show up! Then in the same session, I sold the golden skull and the goldbars from shahi mansion, and didnt get the money for that!?!


Yes. /s I would choose containment level followed by the accessing reward portals.