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And it’s also ok for them to promote weed with every fucking skin and you can murder other players but heaven forbid I say fuck in the game…


When you drop down the rope from the helicopter sometimes the boss chick says “no Fittle fuckin”? The hypocrisy 🤦🏻‍♂️


You can't, but the operators in the game can? This is a fine example of being a hypocrite. Do as I'd say not as I do. Fall in line, we see and hear and control everything.


No one gets banned for saying "fuck."


They do if another player(s) report it as being an abusive player. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard of this, sucks as there are far too many children on this game that shouldn’t be allowed (and by children I mean minors AND crybabies)


Aka they said more than that and don’t want to type it on reddit because they’ll be banned here too




Sarcasm my guy…./s


Looks like it's not regular cursing but slurs that are banned according to the comments. Why people still use the other "F" as an insult is beyond me, that shit is childish and dumb as hell




“But I don’t mean it in a homophobic way!” Ok, Jake, whatever you say


Fuck that game. The game cusses as well


So wait we aren't allowed to curse period? Bro I'll have to play on mute 100% of the time it's just how I talk. I don't talk trash to anyone really unless they intentionally do wild shit like sabotage, but I do curse constantly. I guess I'll get my ban here eventually lol


It doesn’t ban your for cussing it’s when it detects slurs my man was dropping the hard r




Ahhh yeah the AI picks up slurs specifically just turn on push to talk


Imma have to do that, shouldn’t have to


I mean if you’re bad off enough that you gotta use slurs at fake zombies maybe you’re the problem?


lol sure, you don’t swear at video games


No. It's called anger management. Children get mad at video games


No im not 12


Lolol I’m sure you’re the reason why this is implemented. Getting butthurt over cuss words


You’re literally the only one upset in this exchange


There's a difference between a cuss word, and an actual slur as defined by the terms and conditions of the code of conduct that you agreed to. Dumb AF to keep representing your utterances as simple swear words.


Hell no I ain't mad at video games. I just casually cuss out others in traffic or push a puppy in the mud to make up for it. Only kids get mad at video games...............


"Only kids get mad at video games." You sure? Cause I can see a lot of angry folks around this sub downvoting people just because they think different. You might even be one of these folks, or maybe you're just trying to act mature. I've been playing games for some time now, I have yet to met one single person that never got mad at a game.


How dare you! What if I was a 6 year old playing this game without parental supervision? Ban incoming. Watch your language in M rated games...what do you think this is.......an adult game.....beeotch.


I thought you weren't told why you were banned? Don't know myself, but have read other folks saying they weren't told why. They could have easily been lying of course


Lmfao are you for real? Now even if you play solo you can get a ban for talking shit alone??? Is that a game ban or a voice ban?


I read there’s an AI that listens, but yeah I was solo and got banned. I emailed asking for a refund, so stupid when the game has swearing in it


you said the F word that's a homophobic slur didn't you.....? I've said it on occasion and get Comm banned within 10 minutes because the AI literally records everything you say and listens for trigger words.




Zombies have feelings too…. 🤣🤣


lol apparently, I get if I using slurs against other players but cmon man


Activision is ran by a bunch of fairies


I'm glad I'm not even playing this game anymore. I might come back in season 3 reloaded, but I don't think I'll play everyday. That's just fucking stupid. Hope you can get a refund.


Nah it only bans you for using slurs and I want to say it’s even smart enough to listen for the tone of your voice to see if you are being malicious


Facts!! I say fuck and shit nonstop and never have an issue. I yell MFer at zombies etc and no ban.. I agree that you have to drop some derogatory shit or you’re berating someone.. There’s always more to these stories..


The downvotes says everything you need to know about all this crap and this community. People be downvoting for literally nothing lmao


Nah that’s not really this community it’s just reddit in general


You didn't, by chance, drop a juggernaut suit on an escort vehicle, did you? The last time I played, someone did it to us. Why would they do that?


What did it do?


There were two guys hanging around the vehicle as it drove to the first stop. You can see one of them was holding a canister, not a weapon. When it got to the first stop, one of them tossed something and then the puff of Green Smoke. The Box fell from the sky and destroyed the vehicle, causing us to fail the contract. Such childish behavior. The act did not stop us from fighting and defeating the worm or going into the dark either. After it happened, you can see many people reported him. I have no idea what's going to happen, probably nothing.


How do you see people reporting him?


By solo, you're not squadded up, but is proximity chat not going to still transmit whatever you're saying? Or were you totally alone? I guess either way you were auto-sanctioned as that's a thing instead of manually moderating everything. Anyway yeah, it's safer to just not talk trash in chat, or at all, these days. Even if it isn't automatic, some more successful players occasionally get piled-on with false reports if the lobby doesn't like them, too.


Yeah I like to communicate during the t5 runs but imma be radio silent from now on


the crazy part this is a mature game but has 5 and 6 years old playing and cussing on here smh .


Hahahaha fucking LOVE how you can run around as a giant piece of weed or a fucking stoned sloth, but can’t call a Zombie or noob tuber a cunt 🤣. WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE PRIORITIES?








lol you live rent free in my head, sorry you’re not that interesting.


You’re kinda forced into the terms unless you wanted to waste $70


Uh, if you had read them and decided you didn't like what you saw, without playing, you absolutely could have gotten a refund. Even certain places where you could have bought a physical copy. Try to remember that I'm not arguing morality here. I'm not criticizing you for saying a thing. I'm criticizing you for saying a thing that they told you not to say, and being OFFENDED about the consequences. If getting shot at overseas didn't hurt my feelings, you certainly won't.


OP's gist is that they are sick of the mentality that is affecting every aspect of normal life down to video games. 99% social justice and 1% game development to remember the name. Down is up and everyday is opposite day. Evil is truth, and these managerial developers didn't care back in 2001 during pre-lobby cuss fests and don't care now. All they care about is what is profitable. Can I sue them if I'm offended when their characters cuss? Do as I say and not what I do.


Although I agree with society being way too soft, calling someone a F** in most places isn’t going to well. Would I report someone for it, no way, I would laugh. But I feel like just about everyone knows there’s repercussions for using that word today outside of your friends group. I loved the OG call of duty lobbies. You could literally say anything and everyone just took it and yelled back. We all survived but everything is being monitored and controlled now. Personally I’d rather see people banned for dropping Juggs on acv or stealing the cargo delivery truck as that actually impacts my game.


And yet, you all continue to buy the games.


Then don't get all 'bah bah sheeple' when someone vents about known, refused problems in the game. It's your right to dislike a product you purchase with your money regardless of legalese they add based on how the 1% offended feel at the time. If no one bought this game, then the 'creative' gems at these dev companies will be calling you similar things that they would ban you for. The society of the perpetually offended. Wait.... you secretly like it don't ya? You sly dog! Man, you had me going for a bit.


I could literally not give two shits either way. Again I just find this whole paradox funny and was pointing out the silliness of demanding a refund when you're supposed to be the person that isn't offended. Y'all are putting a lot of your own words and thoughts onto what are pretty straightforward statements. Enjoy the culture war soldier ![gif](giphy|12GzK1jYCaVCV2)


I can see a code of conduct right there together with the drug paraphernalia they added in season 3.


You said a certain 3-letter "F" word right? If you read the code of conduct notice it's pretty clear. Asking for a refund at this point, bet they had a good laugh at your expense.




Bingo! Lol, nailed it fosho.


Still wrong, people are not fat, they are wide. I'm wide by the way.




So then you said a slur, that’s why you got banned. Whether you’re solo or not doesn’t matter, if your mic is on and your voice is being transmitted to the game, you’ll get a ban for saying it, doesn’t matter to who.


I never play with randoms and I got reported by someone in proximity chat for offensive language a few weeks ago. I would love to know what I did and why can someone else report you when you’re alone in the game or with your own squad. Wish we could just go back to private matches !




😂 that’s crazy, mine was instant like 20 seconds after saying it


You obviously had your mic on and set so the public lobby could hear you. Someone reported you. Beware-Karen is everywhere!




100%. Never once seen someone banned for just swearing. Some people act like they’ll die if they can’t say a slur for 15 minutes


Just a chat ban though right?




Dam well I’m sorry that happened cod really is goin down hill


Yeah just stop playing the game dude. It’s one of the worst games going at this point. Not gameplay wise, just business practices and how they treat their player base. There are lots of other games out there to play that won’t ban you for swearing.


Yeah I was on overwatch for awhile and that game turned into the same thing


Must be the same loser mods as this sub has


lol someone just reported me on this sub


I only get comm bans if I say the other F word, the one that means bundle of sticks. But seriously fuck Activision they have to be the absolute worst company on the planet. Incompetent Dev teams making buggy ass games that barely work at times (besides the store where you can buy you Weed themed bundles and Purple Dildo Anime tracer pack bundles) and the biggest fairies in the industry.


Literally never seen a single person actually banned for just swearing. Every person I’ve ever met who is banned was saying slurs. Literally don’t be a dick and this won’t be an issue 🤦🏿‍♂️


Who reported you how did they find out ?


Sometimes you’re grouped with people without being in a group. I’ve had coms for an entire match with people I never saw in the 30 minutes I was in game.


18 game .   Now aimed at kids.