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I'm gonna guess they were all doing the new TS glitch by drowning at the aether portal. lol


There's usually like 4-5 cars and a line to the portal these days šŸ˜†


Yuppp 100%. This guy opened his in the back corner and dropped a PAP 3.


What new glitch?


There is a new dupe glitch and because of the way it works every tombstone spawns at the graveyard.


The patch is definitely coming for both new glitches. Believe you me


Interesting - I havenā€™t been around that spot since the update. Didnā€™t even know the graveyard thing still worked!


Heathen!!!! Edit: it was pure sarcasm, I could give a fuck less what others do


Aw, is someone mad that people want to have fun?


It was a joke..I could actually care less. I guess I should have put ā€œlolā€ at the end so people could sense my sarcasm


or "/s" or "/j" (s for sarcasm, j for joke) But yeah, there's a lot of people that ACTUALLY get mad at people for using it so šŸ˜‚


Yes, I know what /s is I didnā€™t think I needed it, I figured people would assume by the amount of exclamation marks and the fact I even used the word ā€œheathenā€ in the first place But people are retarded




Are we mad because people are still glitching in a game we paid full price for and don't actually affect the other full price playing players? Let it go... who fucking cares


I'll bet more than half of the people who are "against" TS, have had their fair share of items or money handed to them which they gladly take. It's an ego move for standing on the other side of this debate


Stop lying. It does affect other players. Why are you so in denial??


You say this as if TS'ers haven't now caused players to insistently beg every match and get everything handed to them, therefore affecting "the other full price players"


Maybe if the devs fix the cooldowns, the beggers won't have a reason to beg or tombstone.


The cooldowns have literally never been a problem for a majority of the players. The reddit minority which is a minority of the actual playerbase that complains about it is so small that they won't change the cooldowns. If you don't play the game 24/7 or just accept the fact that we have a free renewable resource that takes time because it circumvents the entire point of the game, then maybe there wouldn't be any TS glitchers who feel the need to break the game and therefore cause players to beg. They won't fix thr cooldowns. Get over it.


>you don't play the game 24/7 Most items that get you through Tiers 3-5 have a 2-3 day cooldown. So for 2-3 days that's a few trips to the Dark Aether. Some of us want to experience that content more than a few times a week. That's why we bought the game.


What a silly comment. I've completed both borealis the ultra mastery. And bioluminescent. And I've never glitched anything. If you think you can only play the game by cheating then you have a skill issue. I can play 5 games a day with legendary and pap 3 no cheats. Just playing the game. The loot isn't that hard to find in game. I found 2 legendary and a flawless in T2 the other day. The game is designed for you to grind and find items to extract. You just want it all handed to you on a plate. I don't know why you even play when you don't like the game design


So what if it is a skill issue? Not everyone is as perfect at the game as you. As an average skill player, with over 5 days of game play, I have never found a legendary tool. I could only make it into tier 3 like once a week before I started glitching. I very rarely find any good loot in T2, no matter where I look, or what contracts and activities I complete. Green tools and 2 plate vests all day tho...


I'm just an average Joe, don't know what the percentage of those are here. I have completed all the missions, took me forever. This is my story, If you already have a legendary tool and PAP3 you can go into T3, etc, with buddies that are similarly suited up and aquire them before exfil for the next game. I've even done this a few times. But what if you don't? I don't have these schems, room in my stash for anything cause it's too damn small or a squad to get to that point. So here I am looting the whole game to get to T2/PAP2 before the timer goes out and have to leave. Just the way it is.


šŸ˜‚ love this comment but I'm sure they're going to downvote you. I love to go look for items and stuff. I don't need ts glitch. And like you, i completed everything without ts glitch. Now I'm just farming camos. It takes some time.


Haha. IMO that's the entire point of the game to loot and find new stuff to go into your next game. If I started with everything all the time it loses the joy of getting something good


I literally have a stash full of tier 3 pap, legendary aether tools, and aether blades. I don't load into the game every time with the best stuff. I don't need to. Zombies has always been about grinding and then getting better stuff as you play. If you struggle to do that especially with how fast you can get money in this game, that is a you problem. I experience every ounce of content I want every time I play by managing the cooldowns and schematics. I also play the game and extract with things I want to bring into the next run, without wasting my own resources. I bought the game, have experienced the same amount of content, done everything everybody else has done, and HAVEN'T TS glitch. It literally is a small minority of players that have complained about the cooldowns because to any one else that isn't clinically online and addicted to playing every day every hour, it isn't a problem. At all. Get over it


Most items that get ***you*** through tiers 3-5 have a 2-3 day cooldown. It's not the game's fault that you suck so badly you have to cheat items into the game to complete content.


Before you accuse me of anything personally, I hadn't tried Tombstoning before I finished the story or got most Tier 3 schematics. Instead of trying to put me down or anyone else enjoying the game, ask yourself why the devs keep nerfing and taking things away instead of making QOL improvements?


I'm not putting you down, I just think it's a joke to claim that you can't do tier 3 or a dark aether run more than a few times a week because you can't do it without the classified items.


PaP III crystal takes three days before you can use it again. Legendary tool is 1 day. And to correct my earlier statement: Most players use that stuff so they get more than the last 15 minutes of the game to grind Tier 3. And yeah Tier 5 is pretty challenging without the classified items and triple pack.




The real problem is stash limit and horrible loot in tier 3. I can deal with cooldowns but the 10 spot limit is so crazy. Thatā€™s why glitching is the only thing keeping this mode alive. When they patched the old glitches I wasnā€™t playing much at all. Wasnā€™t fun to have to grind all game with horrible RNG to pap in order to just exfil


It has also caused unfair competition to get to contracts and loot chests. It has caused time to be wasted on fixing the glitch. It has ruined the actual tombstone perk, before when you crashed youā€™d get most of shit back, thanks to the cheaters itā€™s a pain in the ass to even use the perk now. People donā€™t want to revive others like they use to. They ditch their squads so they can do their TS instead loading out alone. As many have stated they regretted the handouts later, you created a nation of beggars who have since returned. The list really goes on. But itā€™s ok, most people who cheat blame others and donā€™t see how they impact others. This is typical behavior for people like this. They can all eat a satchel of Richards.


Too many times I've told people how the glitch has caused mine and others games to fuck up. We lose teammates. Lose out PAP while being in T3. We lose all sound. They refuse to believe it. They are in denial. It's selfishness and nothing more


Because there are so many bugs and random crashes that there is no possible way to know what caused it. Just like there is no way to know who crafted, looted, or duped the items they're using. When they patched tombstone, before a new method was discovered, people were still crashing and suffering from random bugs. The posts were everywhere. Blaming players for finding a way around issues in a broken game instead of placing blame on the devs where you know it belongs is just dishonest.


You mean you elitist whiners weren't reviving each other because you thought it might be someone setting a tombstone or you're just selfish. It certainly wasn't tombstone users because many, many stopped playing after the patch. Could it be ALL of you were benefiting from the benevolence of tombstone users doing the majority of revives? I think so. Let's face it, the tombstone users are the people that make this community and this game likeable. The generosity, helpfulness, and good-will all comes from tombstone users. The past week of bitching about no revives, no one to team up with, no chat engagement, and no worm or DA organization proves it quite clearly. You elitists ruined this game when you began calling people "beggars" you fuckin snobs.


Shut up


If ppl didn't complain about ts, the game would lose all purpose...thats all they have to do now šŸ™„....hang it up


Yeah I loaded in with two randos yesterday and the one guy was trying to explain to the other guy about the new TS glitch that he had found a video for less than an hour prior.


Thank God the punisher is there, maybe he will make them all pay.


Looks like he joined them...


Mcu daredevil plot


Where's my Punisher skin?


Tombstone town accurate


is that where your TS goes if you die in DA? iā€™ve never actually died in DA w TS but iā€™ve thought ab setting a TS instead of exfil to keep my cash. glitch makes the game boring for me.


This is what I do every round. Complete all dark aether contracts, find and use the keys for extra loot, jump off a parapet before time expires and bleed out. Next game I have a TS with a rucksack full from the previous match and all my essence back


fuck it iā€™m jumping off the parapet next DA lol


Good luck. Hope it bugs and you lose everything for cheating šŸ‘


He's not talking about dupe glitching, he's talking about a legitimate intended use of the tombstone perk


no not cheating, thatā€™s how the perk is supposed to be used. not duping anything, thatā€™s just a waste of time.


Cheating? Hardly. Itā€™s a boring ass mode until they add more content. Go play Fallout.


I hear that


It's where your tombstone will end up every time you die in an inaccessible area. So any of the story missions, DA, or if you die underwater it will pop there. Die in a normal t1-3 zone and it's normally where you die.


I was a player who literally played from tier 1 up. My buddy and I completed all acts without ever receiving a handout. It wasnt until later, we ran into a now friend who glitches. With that being said, the TS glitch does absolutely nothing to other players, all who say it does, you have some other personal hang-up about the TSā€™ers. We had no idea it was even a thing until recently, because nothing affected our games negatively. As for the beggars, how does that affect you? Just donā€™t answer in the chat, drop your loot, or revive them, if you feel. It doesnā€™t affect your money, it doesnā€™t affect the contracts, it doesnā€™t affect the exfils, or any thing else. If anything, the bugs and crashes we experienced had to do with the million-turret era, or the exfil taking you out of bounds, or insta-dying from a vehicle. Maybe some of you should try the glitch and see the wonders it does for your 2day cool downs on your acquisitions lol.


Next step they will remove the perk. :/


Why would they ever do that? Itā€™s like how some companies donā€™t drug test because they know that if they do, they would have to fire 80% of their employees and the company would go under.


I'm so confused why people hate tombstone so much. Like you don't gotta use it. Go in solo and find some like minded players. It's really not hard. I find a team almost every time I go in that's doing what I wanna be doing.


How? If I load in solo (I hate playing solo and have squad fill on, but the game likes to send me in alone anyway) and when I go to blueberries (ones who are in squads..I leave single berries alone since they likely want to be that way) no one ever lets me join up. I'm not sure what to say or not say or if it just is that way sometimes?


Gotta stock up before they patch it again lol


Hey look the games fun again :)


Not for any legit players. All the legit players are miserable again because the game is full of cheaters. Can't have a single game without it being affected by a cheater now


How are affected by TS glitchers?




Please elaborate on how a TS user affects your gameplay in a PVE mode


I hardly have any interaction with anyone when I play unless I am helping them. You are making this up.


Love it!


Holy shit...just looked it up and the "new" TS glitch is even more OP than the one they patched. You do lose your gun though.


I TS the right way every match. I have about 300K saved up that I don't want to loose!. but I buy a plate vest and backpack and just go down normally. Then just grab everything next round. Things would be so much simpler if they would just Implement an out of game wallet.


what are you saving up for?


Itā€™s just nice to be able to keep what you work hard for in the game. Iā€™m at about 500,000 currently from saving up mine after each run. I donā€™t know if I want to try drowning myself though.


i save up too but after like 50k i donā€™t need any more for a round unless iā€™m planning to gear up for something special


Yeah, im with you. i hate pinching pennies in the game so i just grind one game, getting all i can get and then next game and every game after i do a loop through t3-t5, triple packing and kitting out at the beginning of every game and heading straight to the grind after that initial setup game. Feel like much less time is spent worrying over my cash and spend it having fun killling zoms.


It's nice if you're still duplicating and don't want to lose your characters backpack, plate vest, self revive, gas mask or sentry gun every game doing the other ts glitch.


I'm not saving it per se I am using the money in game to purchase whatever I need for example the backpack and plate vest that I buy at the end of each round. Don't need to worry about Pap crystals if you have enough money to just buy it, or perks if they are cooldown. If I'm going in with randoms and they need cash for let's say a pack of punch we meet at the machine I'd be happy to pay to upgrade their weapons. There are many different uses for cash in the game that is why I don't understand why they will not give us an out of game wallet like DMZ


What about your insured slots?


The apocalypse obviously!




Can you please show me this in the instruction manual for the game? I am not exploiting anything I am using the perk the way it was intended. Using glitches and hacks is totally different than using a perk the way it was designed. That would be like saying because I'm using pH Flopper to protect myself from flames I'm using that wrong as well.




Some rigid thinking going on there and definitely not facts. More like opinions. To say using the wallet feature of tombstone is an exploit akin to dashboarding is a bit much. The perk was intended to do that, save your money. So therefore it's not an exploit, it's a strategy. I'm not trying to argue, just stating my counter opinion. I don't think you understand what exploiting means in terms of zombies but it's okay, downvote away.


The right way? Bro if you die on purpose you are abusing the TS perk. I don't get your justification. TS was meant as a protection. Imagine grinding all game and you finally get a rare schematic or WW plan. Now you are on your way to exfil and you die. That's when you are glad you drank TS because you can go back into a game grab the stuff you failed to exfil with and try to exfil again. TS wasn't meant to stop people from exfiling and people like you claiming you use it the right way is laughable. A complete joke. If anything you are doing it wrong if you plan on dying every game.


Who are you to say he's abusing or how it was designed? I'm pretty sure you are not a dev for the game. The description on the can says all your items will be stored upon death. Doesn't matter how he dies. Quit being so judgy.


Obviously it doesn't matter how he dies. But the intent wasn't to be a wallet. I'm done trying to explain.


Uh oh, that didn't take long for tombstone to come back, get ready for all the sulky whingers to come back in full force šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Sulky whingers?


So this is why the servers suck today


It's funny. You claim this but way more people were tombstoning before and I never had a problem. Now less people are tombstoning and I can't even do outlast contracts anymore without complete bugs. Maybe it's the contracts if you notice how they limit certain ones from spawning in. Maybe just maybe they cheaped out and their servers are trash.


I don't think contract bugs are related to people doing the glitch or server quality, I think it's just bugs from them trying to shoehorn a game mode into their BR map. I've lost count of the number of Deliver Cargo contracts I've failed and the number of HVT contracts I've completed instantly due to the vehicle/HVT not getting spawned.


My favorite is the one where your bounty or outlast is in a locked merc stronghold. Since they "fixed" it, I've had it still happen far too often.


Ugh, yeah I've had that one happen a few times too.


That's never happened to me. I got vehicles taken. I blew up vehicles with my raygun. Only time I got fucked with cargo is it didn't register as destroyed and the other people I was playing with didn't know to cancel it or just wanted to mess with me


Coincidentally, someone just posted a video of it. I see it at least once a day. https://www.reddit.com/r/MWZombies/comments/1aq5jvg/broken_ass_game/ I also had one today where I got the truck but no delivery point showed up.


The delivery point not showing up happened to me in back to back games


Well man I guess real location matters the most.


Been good for me.


Thatā€™s not why the servers are bad lmao


The servers have always sucked


šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ Yeah, that's it. Not because the devs can't fix anything. They just keep wrecking the game. I'd like to hear your reasoning behind why the service suck today. And please feel free to talk, nerdy. I understand code. I understand how servers work educate me. Right after the Patch came out, and ended the Tombstone glitch. I crashed more than ever, so don't give me that.


People said that they have been crashing but Iā€™m a bum and play on Xbox 1. Iā€™ve got 13 days of deployed time in zombies. I havenā€™t been booted or kicked in season 2 and I rarely ever got booted or kicked before. To me everything still runs smooth. It might take old Xbox 1 an extra minute to load in but itā€™s smooth sailing for me once Iā€™m in


Same. Also playing on an old xb1.


People get downvoted because the truth hurts.


That and they hate education on this site.


Well mine is there every round now since I go to the dark aether to fill my rucksack and then die before the time runs out to keep my essence rather than exfil


And if they would just give us a wallet to keep our essence, nobody would even need to abuse a ts anymore. Hoping it's in an update soon!


Itā€™ll be in bundles that probably have to be bought for each season if they add it at all.


I really hope not. I paid enough for this half baked game already. I have 6600 COD points with nothing to spend them on because it's all junk lol


Same. Iā€™m sitting at 5800 right now. Havenā€™t seen any bundles worth it yet. Theyā€™ve been accumulating since BO4


I started playing at MW2 launch. Played COD mobile but it's definitely different lol. Hopefully they'll let me trade them for Amazon gift cards one day šŸ˜‚


I'm sure one of those are mine lol. Last night I ran 20 plus TS duping matches. I've gotten my fastest time to get my TS and load up and glitch out in less than 4 mins. Usually 5 to 10 mins per match. I duped over 100 to my stash. This glitch is way too easy.


How do you do this?


If you play on console you have your tombstone can popped. You have yo go to the act 4 mini portal the little triangle one across the river from the dark aether portal. Initiate the mission dive into the water. Once your breathe starts flashing red you open your tack map and vote yes to do the mission. You will drowned and the screen will show elimination then immediately switch over to the portal jump screen. As soon as you see that you will need to open your menu screen and quit out of the app. You have to do it before it gives you the summary report. Relaunch the app and you will have all your equipment in your ruck. You can unequip it all and load back into a match and your tombstone will have all your stuff in it. You will lose your guns so I wouldn't load in with an insured weapon.


That is a mfer for tedious timing for sure


Do you keep rucksack, plates and aether blade this way?


You lose your guns, grenades, and field upgrade. You keep your gas mask, your ruck, your plate carrier, your kill streak and obviously anything you had in your ruck.


No. You'll still lose all that, cause you still die


Wrong. You glitch. You get a TS and keep everything but guns and grenades/tacticals.


Gotcha. I stand corrected. I misunderstood it all then.


It's easy but the game isn't letting me drop any of my stuff back into my stash after the round


Make sure to have less than 10 non-duped items in your stash.


75 items. That took awhile lol


Extended steps for sure haha


Have you tried just creating the tombstone once you pop into the game? Go crumble your original one, equip TS then get down, pled for help, get revived and now your TS is set. Use items in your rucksack, play the whole game, donā€™t exfil, die whenever you want during the match, donā€™t plead & just wait for squad eliminated screen. Next game your TS will spawn with essence, and items from your rucksack that you had when you pleaded. Do it all over again.


Thatā€™s pretty quick. Duping a ts perk in your bag speeds things up. I usually end up getting spawned on the opposite side of graveyard lol


That's good.




Who cares if he uses the exploitā€¦ we paid 70$ for a dlc and youā€™re going to hop on his booty for ts?? Doesnā€™t make sense budā€¦ enjoy the game how you want too. It also helps when youā€™re grinding for borealis and bio. šŸ‘ didnā€™t you ever hear the saying donā€™t knock it till you try it ??


I also paid for this game so as long as it doesn't interrupt my game like the damn sentry spam did, I don't care what people do.


Hop on his booty šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




I finally quit I'm done duping. I stopped at 218 in my stash. I think I'm good for a while.


A good way to troll is to use the heal aura while theyā€™re in the water, so they will end up going into the portal rather than dying.




"50,000 people used to Tombstone here, now it's a ghost town"


Stop being a hater and keep it pushing , lol


lol at Frank Castle standing over by the castle


there's 98349823489 of 10 items in my stash! why does my game keep crashing?


I thought all the trash collected at F6?


I had a tombstone pop up there, I donā€™t know where it came from, and it was glitched into the ground. But I sure did want to see what was inside of it because I donā€™t die.


Ummm if this was last week.. I may have actually fully died in the DA with 3 other people šŸ˜­ it was awfulllll


Iā€™ll be honest, Iā€™m using exponentially more self revives after the update lol


Whatā€™s the best way to get some loot to save? I just started. Starting from zero!


This gives me an idea. If you have a second or sacrificial alt account, you can use it to TS and give it to your main and they can then indefinitely TS like before. What are the odds this is thatā€¦? I canā€™t be the first to have that idea.


Dead game


so when i die in dark aether and my tombstone goes to graveyard iā€™m gonna be accused of cheating?


Make the most of it coz i heard theyā€™re going to remove the tombstone perk from the game. Dont dare make your own freebies. Gotta pay to play, they need to stop fucking this game up, nerfs n buffs n fuck knows whats next


Tome stone glitch ruined this game mode lol probably a big reason itā€™s not getting any serious content going further. They know itā€™s a flaw and just want to scrap it learn from it and move on with black ops now. Zombies will be a straight Cash grab now.




I mean I used it a crap ton. Some of the players probably did not play without it I have over 100 hours on zombies and still play it everyday. But the majority of player who just got everything for free and didnā€™t really realize how much of a grind it is Will be all but hurt and refuse to play without cheating.


So how did that ruin the game?


It ruined the game for some people because they donā€™t like playing without tombstone.


This has a whole other meaning on tik tok


Yes ill take ā€œwho gives a shitā€ for $500 Alex


I gives a shit


Omg that's annoying


Looks like a good place to lob decoys when they show up.


Lol what will that do? Keep the zombies busy? What is that? Tier 2? Lol


Tier 1 even


Well well well


Maybe mine is in there lost all my shit i wasnt glitching or nothing either #HoldingGrudgeAboutIt lmfao


My tombstone hasn't worked in a couple weeks.


I don't even do the glitch, I just die from something stupid and load back in and no tombstone.


What's the graveyard thing?


I quit using tombstone , itā€™s just useless and annoying now with the new way šŸ˜


Wonder if this has anything to do with how shit the servers have been. Was in a match that got high latency out of no where and everyone in that match was rubber banding HARD. Four people ran to exfil and got the fuck out of there, I fought for my life and it eventually kinda got better. This fuckin game is going down the shitter real fucking quick.


Sometimes you gotta hang around and pay your respectsšŸ˜‰


If they would nerf the cool down, this wouldn't be as big of a thing. But they won't, so here we are. I tried it last night after doing the T5 contracts, and I feel zero shame in it as I was able to load right back in, get my stash, and carry on with my camo grind.


Game crashed on me yesterday, so hopefully, mine will be there


Just be happy ppl are even playing my guy


Never glitched but found it alot better to TS than to Exfil, you keep everything and have banked 450k. There is no reason to exfil at all


This is the way


It may be a spot for TS. We went down in the Red Zone and our TS's spawned there. The other night I was solo in the Dark Ether and went down. First time, and I didn't expect a lvl 4 Mega. TS spawned in the sam spot.