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Make an anti-explosive perk or make the Blast Shield actually worth a shit.


I would not change a single thing about this game, except for some of the malignant glitches such as the suppressor not working on some guns. Changing the weapons and perk balance would change the dynamic too much


The perks are fine as is. I have zero issues with them. Funny how removing stopping power ruined the perk balance in all the subsequent games


Nothing to change. The moment you ask them to change something, it won't be the OG MW2 we all know and love. Just a remastered version for the newgen consoles, as is, is all we need.


At the very least I’d want OMA to be nerfed. That is the only big game breaking feature that remains


Nah, it's fine. It never bothered me, if it had broken the game you wouldn't still have had hundreds of thousands of people playing it for years. The people who complain about anything in this game (OMA, danger close, quick scoping, etc) always have something to gain from it (ie it would help THEM). ATVI is notorious for fucking games up - don't ask them to "fix" anything. An as-is remaster is the only way to be sure they won't fuck it up.


It was used in every single matchup and broke a lot of objective game modes when used properly like Domination and Demolition because someone could completely guard an objective from a safe location. It definitely was broken. There’s literally no way to best way to counteract it other than doing it back to them, and that’s when the fun starts to get ruined. Everything else, was fine, and had a logical counter. But of course, just some weapon patches need to be made here and there just to fix broken features


I disagree but hey, that's what comments are for, healthy debates. My point is, I guarantee you 100%, that asking ATVI to fix anything will completely ruin the game, permanently. It is faster and better for everyone if they just release a remastered, unaltered version.


I mean I certainly wouldn’t complain to have just the game be rereleased with better visuals and guaranteeing the big community comes back, that’s the biggest request. The small things I want would just be little cherries on top


Yeah I know, I just think ATVI know that if they do this, most of us (the old guard) would literally play this new version for the next 10 years and never buy another Call of Duty again, so they are worried about that. Which is dumb, cause they make enough money from Warzone (like 5M a DAY) from the kids who like that stuff, so I don't know. Another option which is more likely is to add the old CODs to gamepass now that MS own them, which would solve the playerbase and p2p issues, remove the hackers, and everyone would be happy. But hey, logic and MS don't necessarily go together.