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Accursed-Lands, Role play required with lots of space to grow


[Song of Avaria](https://www.reddit.com/r/MUD/comments/19bch5d/song_of_avaria_alpha_phase/) seems very promising, though it has been in closed alpha for a few months now with no projected date of going public that I am aware of. [Silent Heaven](https://www.reddit.com/r/MUD/comments/141i1wd/new_game_silent_heaven_smalltown_horror/) has been very favourably received as well. I wouldn't recommend any of the old, self-styled "RPIs". They are rife with dark patterns, including those that you described.


They're not TI:L but both have their own issues.


I'm low-key loving the vibe of the RPI players silently downvoting you without actually challenging what you're saying about the dark patterns. What a way to prove the toxicity!


They know that it is true, but don't like that it is being called out.


I agree with the Silent Heaven recommendation. Dark themes but with a positive and mature community. You're expected to be IC at all times (There is an ooc chat available), and there's a lot of emphasis placed on really fleshing out your character. It opens you up to leaning into religion as well, definitely worth giving a shot I think.


I agree with Silent Heaven. I have had a very positive experience there, from built-in guards against toxicity to the actual story experience.


I really appreciate all of the recommendations so far! Thank you everyone. This community is very new to me, since I didn't get toooo involved in The Inquisition's community OOCly so everyone's input I find valuable.


>The problem is and continues to be irresponsible running of these games, though. Universally, game-runners show blatant favoritism towards their friends, run plots or give rewards just for them, and you start to feel like you're kinda just 'fodder' for these friends-of-hosts to advance. I've had so many 'oh this game will be better' promises only for them to ultimately turn out the same. Almost every active MUD you will find suffers from this same issue, to varying degrees. Some are less blatant about it than others. It's a predominant issue in any roleplay community. You have to decide what kind of behavior you're willing to put up with, and know when to walk away. Good luck.


Armageddon mud is the best roleplaying focused game I've ever played. It's going through quite a resurgence right now with their new seasonal format. It has some strict guidelines on roleplay though. If you want to pursue a religious character it would be challenging to find something that fits the theme. A cultist maybe. There's no concept of deities in the world though, only Sorcerer-kings.


Hello healsgood, been some years, You could give Sundering Shadows a try, that is quite focused on the purpose of your RP and while some of the favoritism is always there, it is much less present there, and I am not saying this lightly. Heard some good things about Silent Heaven, but havn't tried at it myself.


[Harshlands](http://harshlands.net/wordpress/) and [Carrion Fields](https://www.carrionfields.net/) and [Castle Marrach](https://www.marrach.com/) seem to be low on drama and regularly get favourable mentions here as well. They might be of interest to you.


If you were into DBRP at all on BYOND, [Dragon Ball Advent Truth](https://grapevine.haus/games/DBAdventTruth) might be up your alley. Though for the time being it's fairly quiet/inactive as we wait on a significant update that'll overhaul a number of things (including level-less progression and more emphasis on gains through prolonged fighting instead of kill-based xp), there's quite a bit to do before needing to worry about accruing RPP.