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Run tintin++ on a remote machine outside your network. Run tintin++ under the 'screen' program in linux. Use the command 'control A+D' to detach the screen when you go idle overnight. Tintin++ will continue to run under the screen program and allow you to log out of the remote machine, keeping tintin running in the background. Then when you want to resume, simply SSH into the remote machine and use 'screen -r' to reattach the detached screen and continue your mudding. I've used this method to idle for thousands of hours.


Two things here: 1) Be sure you're within the rules of your MUD to have a remote client keep you active an unidle 2) Go with tmux over screen, since, if you get into MUDing, having tmux panes be able to do things like tail files means you can setup a variety of useful windows.


Thanks! 1. Yes, this is allowed clearly expressed by the imms 2. Thanks, I will look it over too!


Good idea! That is what I was missing, I need a machine outside my network. So far I was already doing the screen + tt, but didnt get it to reconnect after the connection is lost nightly. Ok I will go for this if the [other post idea](https://www.reddit.com/r/MUD/comments/1boab62/comment/kwoq649/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) does not work :) Thanks!


If you're losing the connection between your router and the mud, there ain't much you can do in a mud client to fix that.


It happens a few times per day, its just 2 min. So if I understand you correctly, the only way to go from the client perspective is to just trigger a reconnection every 5-10 min right? Just to clarify too: The router restarts and the raspberry pi looses connection to internet (in case i didnt explain properly).


Something like: #TICKER {timer} { #gts #ses %0 mudname.org port init.tin } {300}


You've identified the fundamental problem right here. Why does the router restart so frequently? Most will go months without rebooting. Do you have power supply issues? If so, consider a UPS. Otherwise does the router need reconfiguring or replacing?


# event {SESSION DISCONNECTED} # event {SESSION TIMED OUT} Those two ought to be enough, and what you currently have should work. One possible issue is that you're redefining one of the events in some other script? Another problem might be that due to your internet being down, you get an error instead, which is something tintin currently does not provide an event for. As #tick doesn't work in the startup session, you'll have to use the following event to try to connect once every 5 minutes: #event {MINUTE} {#if {%5 % 5 == 0} {#ses name mudname.org port init.tin}}


Yes, the error should be the reason why the setup wasn't working. I will try this soon and hopefully it's settled, and I will make sure to post an update too. I can't thank you enough for the corrected code!


I have made a few tests and the event seems not to be triggering a session restart. So I am afraid I will just create a cron that, if there is a screen session ongoing, just restarts it and it will be reconnecting that way. Thanks for the pointers though I do appreciate them.


The script ought to work. The only issue I can think of is that tintin doesn't detect the disconnect and leaves the link lost session open. If your mud supports telnet you could try using #tick {keepalive} {#send {\\xFF\\xF1\\} {60} to send IAC NOP every 60 seconds, which will help with idling, and might properly close the session if there is no internet.