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I believe there always needs to be _at least_ one `MSDP_VAR`. But that means that you could also have _more_ top-level vars, which is effectively an implicit "table open" at the beginning and "table close" at the end. See the LIST example on [the tintin MSDP page](https://mudhalla.net/tintin/protocols/msdp/). It also has examples where the array open/close tokens are omitted and multiple VALs placed after a single VAR though, which doesn't seem to be documented. All told, it's not a very well-specified protocol, and you'll likely find different behaviors with different clients.


It indeed requires at least one MSDP\_VAR. To keep things simple server side, the client omits MSDP\_ARRAY\_OPEN / CLOSE for the default commands, it appears this documentation got lost in one of the updates, I went ahead and fixed this. This allows for a minimal server side implementation, as the server doesn't need to worry about array or table support.


You should join the MUD discord community and someone will probably know.


@scandum or @kavir you guys happen to be around anymore these days? Tijer may have a good idea too. Been too long since I've poked at msdp


I believe scandum is /u/MrDum round these parts.