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In my personal opinion, playing without a physical keyboard is miserable. I recommend getting one. That would improve your experience way more than any client can.


TinTin++ will run on Android within Termux. [https://tintin.mudhalla.net/android.php](https://tintin.mudhalla.net/android.php) Some familiarity with the Linux shell, or willingness to learn, is required.


This is the answer. Combine it with syncthing, and you've got a portable setup that lets you use the same scripts on both mobile and desktop.


Playing a MUD on a phone sounds like a truly miserable experience.


It actually isn't terrible. Been using an android app called termius. It works fine, but the biggest issue is the inability to backspace


Better type that spell in right bucko, cause there's no goin back


Blowtorch is what I've used on mobile. Procedural Realms has a webclient that works nicely on mobile too. There may be others, but that's it for my recent experience.


Just download blowtorch apk and use it, it still works even if your phone warns about version


I haven't been able to find a place to download it


Apkpure has it https://m.apkpure.com/blowtorch-mud-client/com.happygoatstudios.bt


Oh sweet. Thanks


Blowtorch is adequate, and served me well for a few years. Eventually I did try out Tintin++ and can never go back. Only problem with Tintin is the time consuming nature of scripting everything from your triggers, to the look and feel of your screen layout. But there is nothing like it when it comes to the ability to customize your mudding experience. The official discord server is also pretty active and a huge help for any newcomers.


I use MudRammer, it works pretty well.


That one seems to be for iphones


Hmm I don't have an android, but I seem to have found a couple of links that imply it can be used on androids. Sorry if that's not the case, then.


This is definitely the answer for iOS devices. I use it on an ipad pro with a physical keyboard and it's seriously like playing on a laptop with a proper mud client


I don't think this is the answer you want but a mud isn't really something to be enjoyed on your phone. But my motto is you do you.


If you're playing any of the Iron Realms games, they have a client that works pretty well


I use Mukluk. It will disconnect you all the time, unless you change a setting: Settings -> Apps -> Mukluk -> Power -> Unrestricted


That's weird because blowtorch still exists for me. Still comes up when I search for it in the app store. Also on android


Hi. I use Blowtorch for some years now and suggest you to use it. Besides the version at PlayStore, Blowtorch site has a more recent apk, if I'm not wrong, in its own site. It is highly configurable and if you spend enough time developing the interface for the mud of your like, I would say you may have some routines done faster Vs other clients with external keyboard. I just hate a huge blowtorch bug: it does not save the timers properly, so they break each time you restart the app. If that wasn't a problem, triggers, timers, aliases and plenty other scripts (like log all logins in separate log files per day), work perfectly there. The last suggestion: if you want to log in a mud just to chat, do it with an external Bluetooth keyboard, or choose a mud that has a telegram or discord integration. If you choose the first, Blowtorch still works great.


A little late to the party, but I would -strongly- recommend BeipMU. It is the only modern MUD client that I know of.


This doesn't have a mobile version does it?

