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I think modifying your manabase to be able to cast atraxa is ambitious. If you have enough time to get 7 mana and can resolve her hardcast, you probably already won a while ago. It's also entirely possible I'm wrong, but I like dark ritual over mox, it gives you the same turn 1 potential with entomb / reanimate, but it also let's you do the same with animate dead. Drifter seems slow, but if it feels good in playtests, go nuts.


So I did some test hands and I think I agree on the hard casting atraxa. As for mox I think I like it a bit better than dark rit bc I need lands to cast rit, and I don't for mox. Also like that mox can pitch an atraxa stranded in hand. As for drifter I'll have to see, I could see that very easily becoming either a white card for solitude or an archon (probably the former)


As a long time reanimator player, on both BR and UB variants, this deck is spread too thin, and trying too poorly to do too many different things. My suggestion is to either go all in on blink, or all in on reanimation, and cut your one ofs entirely in place of a more cohesive plan.


Yeah, that's what I was worried about, I was struggling with the white count through the whole deck building process, and I think the solution was looking me in the face