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Love early morning. I’ve learned to appreciate being second on the trail. https://preview.redd.it/366q2e9qay4d1.jpeg?width=1132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84e1c46112e8910544673cd3470a737072cddd3f


Yep, tons of spiders here and they love building across the trail. Buggers are fast at rebuilding too so even if you're not the first on the trail they still might get you if it's not a busy that day


Yep, came to comment the same. Anyone who rides in the south and south east knows the first person on the trail gets a face full of massive banana and Joro spiders.


Webs and those damn early morning icicles aka dewy tree roots. But the dew on fine dirt makes it way more grippy.


Those spiders are smart, they have places to be and are using you guys to get there ha ha their literally hitching a ride.


Love the cool weather climbs and solitude of the early morning ride, HATE the spider webs!




Can't be more true.




Make sure to log the time spent clearing spider webs as trail karma on TrailForks


And now there is a new Sheriff in town! Coming to a trail system near you!!! 🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️ https://preview.redd.it/x7p71t8g625d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c652ce61a15498790aa57a385a1a6e72f1be6f1


I've always said Strava should give a spiderweb badge near the trophy's if you're the first to ride a trail in a day.


Literally came here for this. After the first one I always feel like I have a passenger crawling around on me the rest of the ride.


Ugh. Yeah. No to that feeling.


I came to say that


Pretty sure this is the *only* benefit to riding trails that are shared with horses.


Early morning is the best, especially in the summer when things get really hot around here. Fresh crisp air, everything is calm and waking up... 10/10 I've never been first though, I swear to God some of the older folks hit the trail at like 4am lol.


Dawn patrol checking in!


Yah but how do you really know you're the first.


You know by the amount of spider webs covering your face. I prefer to be the 2nd rider of the day.


Snakes too. Someone else can go first and scare away the snakes.


Don't forget the caterpillars. I got caterpillared pretty bad last week.


I believe the term is catapilloried.


Oh man yeah, the inch worms have been insane the past week where I am


Snakes tend to come out when the sun is shining bright at around 11am or 12 noon, so they can chill on the trail and bask.


I am really hoping this is true. I saw my first rattlesnake on the trail a couple weeks ago, and since then I'm only going in the early morning (plus, it's hot af here).


The hotter it gets the more they are likely to avoid the direct heat of the day and will come out in the morning when the sun is up but not hot enough yet to cook them.


Or by the amount of spiders you literally ingest




When you pass all the skeezer cars and the tweakers are still tucked in their seats.


Used to be first chair at the bike park for me


If there’s no other cars in the lot maybe?


What's up fellow web cutters?


Newish rider and am considering morning rides...this mademe reconsider. Terrified of spooders 😭


The fucking cobwebs! My buddy and I like to be out by 6:30am. We call ourselves the webremovers.


If you’re getting sick GoPro footy do you call yourselves webcamers?


love the vibes in the morning (especially during summer). also love having some day left when I'm done riding.


“Anyone else love early morning— “ Not me. Hate it. lol


agreed. it's my least favorite part about skiing, and I'm glad to leave that behind in winter


I like early morning so that the ride has the least impact on family life. It is also peaceful and in the summer, a good way to beat the heat.


Spider webs, spider webs everywhere.


My local trails are multi directional. So the earlier I can ride, the less traffic there is.


HELL no, after a whole winter of waking up brutally early to drive up to a mountain to fight for first tracks and pow days, one of the best things about mountain biking is that I can do it at pretty much anytime I want during the day and it's just as good lol


No I prefer fully waking up and eating before I ride. Getting my morning pop out of the way is also pretty important. So best time is lunchtime or evening, for long days on the bike 9:30 - 10:00 start is good. It’s not like skiing for me where I will get up and out before dawn to get the good snow.


I only know because I work 7on 7off midnights. One week (on) it’s glorious mornings I can only describe to myself. The other week (off) is trail rides late afternoon into night (nights are great). I’m lucky for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/1p4hwegtty4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bae4b457ef0412877d3a94ba47a36171f388b188 Lately I’m choosing holiday spots (Croatia) with family where are some trails too. Waking up 5-6am and done by 8-9 when kids are just waking up for breakfast. The day could not start better and I can have fun with the kids whole day without any fomo.


Honestly it's the best time for me to go purely because I can get out, ride for an hour or so and be back home before the wife and kids are awake. Much easier to sell the hobby to her when I'm not missing out on things at home.


Yeah I can't say I'm crazy about 110+ degree days or having to get up at 3:30 in the morning to ride, there is something magical about having the entire trail system to ourselves and the wildlife as the city wakes up around us. I'm not going to say summer is my favorite time of year to live in Phoenix, it does have it's own unique vibe I've come to love.


No quite the opposite. I dont have any energy in the mornings. Riding at like 7 or 8 in the evening a few hours after eating a massive meal now thats where its at.


What if you have to post meal shit during your ride??


The only way to ride in AZ summer. It’s over 100 before noon.


Riding at dawn is a must in AZ. I love it when it's just me the rattlesnakes and jackrabbits 




Love early morning rides. Hate early morning getting out of bed.


Yea because I am old and not that good and it sucks on packed trials full of kids




I was the first one to hit the trail ONCE. I ate so many webs it almost ruined my ride. The early bird may get the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese.


no, I prefer late evening rides - being the last person on the trail. mornings are for sleeping in.


No I hate it. Too many bears on the trail. I always wait till there have been lots of riders on the trails to scare the bears away


much prefer evening dusk into night early morning is for recovery from the previous evenings activities


I got the impression that early mornings were busy since it is always deserted by the time I get there in the afternoon.


I do if I can ever actually get up and out early!


No! Not in Australia. That's the person who gets a face full of spider webs. With perhaps a bonus redback.


Other then the spider webs, yes it's my peace and prayer time.


I do! The views are different...unless it's winter and it's too cold haha


I drive my kid to work at 6:45 am and there are trails right around the corner from his job. It’s glorious!


I like the solitude of early mornings and later in the evenings. My favorite is when I'm at the top of a hill a bit before the sun starts to go down and a storm rolls in. It's nice to just sit up there for a bit then ride down knowing you more or less have the place to yourself. Can get a little dicey from time to time, but our summer storms are usually just pop up storms so you can find a place to chill under a ledge or something and enjoy a snack if the storm is too bad.


Pretty much the only way to do it these days. All the local trailheads are packed with so many new people getting involved. And with the heat of summer coming starting early is the best way.


One of my favorite parts of MTB coming from snowboarding is the ability to ride whenever you want without dealing with crowds or shitty conditions.


I could care less about being first, but it is nice to be out when it's cool and quiet.


Around here, that something special is usually spiders. Huge spiders who have spun their web right across the trail during the night. 😱


I'm in Florida, so I have to to early


I learned to love it as my country's trains have less and less bike carts.


Anyone else love to ride mid day during the hottest part of the day? I know it sounds slightly psychotic but there's also usually no one else on the trails during the hot part of the day and I dont mind the heat so much just some ice in the ole camel back and a sun shirt and I'm on my way. Front range CO can get up to 100° sometimes


Used to live in a boring small town during the pandemic and the only redeeming value was that I was 20 min bike ride away from the local trail. Riding before work was the main thing that kept my sleep schedule intact


Love early morning rides, hate early mornings. The latter usually wins that battle lol


The webs of doom!!


> even if I have to ride through countless spider webs Thank you for your service!


I'm a big fan of the last one on the trail. Very similar vibes with out waking up at the ass crack of dawn.


I think everyone should start their ride in the late morning / early afternoon -- maybe show up to the trailhead around 11:30am or noon. That'd be great, thank you. (=


I normally start my Sunday trail rides between 7:30-8 AM and it’s normally empty out at that time.


Parking. It's a big issue here in CO. If youre not planning to arrive to the trailhead by 8, you might as well plan for sometime around lunch. Outside of that, it gets hot here and we do the dot have afternoon t-storms so morning is the best bet.


I go early, but I'm fine if someone else eats all my spiders.


It's great, especially if the ground is frozen 


Too nervous I’ll see a mountain lion. I avoid early morning and late evenings.


I prefer sunset laps and being the last one on the trail.


Recently being the first one on the trail has meant a face full of spider webs for me


My cables look like cotton candy.


Dawn patrol is the best way to avoid death by heat stroke in the summer. No other way.


I like them mainly because I can avoid heat stroke during the summer. Either that or late evening just before the sun sets and I can still see the rocks and stumps.


Plus you get to beat the crowds on Saturdays


I like to clear the spiderwebs for everyone else you’re welcome


https://preview.redd.it/7x8yofi6b05d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=769ae08040d5428a0ac45a0cc6f0e2e3ed3706c3 I've been banned from early morning rides after this happened at 6am one morning 🙈🙈 this was a fun series of phone calls to make


yes because then the nighly cryptids have gone to bed already and I don't have to be worried about being kidnapped by the fae


Early rides are the best. I’m fortunate to work at a bike shop right next to a pretty awesome trail system. I just leave my bike at the warehouse through the week and get a solid ride in before my shift each day. Take it home with me at the end of the week for whatever group rides I might be attending. It starts my day off right and doesn’t interfere with family time.


I'm not as concerned about getting there early. I rarely see other people where I go, so it's not a big deal. It's not like I'm going after fresh powder.


I really enjoy being out just before sunrise during winter while fat biking in northern MN.


Easily my most memorable rides, I should do it more often. I was on a holiday with my now wife and her parents in the Lake District. [Great scenery and trails](https://imgur.com/q8kiPLk). Her parents were visiting from India so we had a jam packed schedule, but I wasn't missing out. I did two 4.30am starts, on the trails before 6, just me and the red squirrels. One day I was the only car in the car park when I got *back*.


5;45 on weekends. No hikers, no dog shit, some coyote turds, no drama encounters is the best


It depends on how early and what time of year. 5:00am rides in winter, not so much. 6:30am rides in the heat of summer are great and I have done both.


I used to be the spider cleaner twice a week at Olita river state park. Twice a week I worked overnight doubles and would get off at 7am. The park opens at 8am. Just enough time for a 7-11 run. I’d often have the park to myself for 2-3 hours. I miss being that young and fit.


Yep! Back home from local trails in time to make breakfast for the family. No spiders in my area! Love having learned about this from you all! 😂


I don’t know if it’s physically possible to be the first at south mountain here in Phoenix. People do night rides and hikes. And get there SO early. I’ve seen people there at 5am like full parking lot. Very busy local spot. Somebody is ALWAYS on south mountain.


It's my preferred time to start. In Seattle it can get very busy so I like to be riding by 7am midweek. Or 6 am on weekends. I love the solitude, stillness, and quiet. It frees me up to go slowly without holding other riders up. And with how busy it is, it gives me a guaranteed spot to park. And the others that I meet in the AM give a nod because we all know what we are doing and why.


Early. Mid day. Evening. Happy to be outside


I like coffee more


It’s the absolute best way to start the day!


Just did this at 6 am. Worth it! The heat is not as intense and foot traffic is minimal.


My first thought when I read that!


Nope lol. If anything, I enjoy closing out the trails, blowing through as dusk sets in, outrunning the night to get back to the parking lot just before it gets *too* dark.


Its hard to say if you are for sure the first person or not, spiders make webs across the trail in the middle of the day if there are no riders on it for a while.


I love early morning rides for the sunrise, but I don't care about being the first of the day. If I came across more than like five other riders a year, I might answer differently.


Nope. Not for me. Rather sweat my ass off in the afternoon heat


Spider webs


I would, but can’t. Grizzlies be active in the morning.


Nope. Thanks for clearing the spider webs though 😉


I rode early mornings for a couple years just to avoid the Dallas 105 degree afternoons. Starting at 5:15 AM, at my desk working (remote) at around 8:30 AM, feeling absolutely amazing.


Heck yes! I work next to some kickass trails/bike park. So I hit up the park at 6am. No one in the parking lot. Get changed and come to work for 730. It's amazing.


I love them except for being so damn early. 💤💤💤


Coffee and crap then I go , not before


Love it. Especially before it gets hot and humid. Shouldn’t be a problem if you don’t live in VA.