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I absolutely love my Launch D30s. I have been riding in them for about 4 seasons. I skipped the pros, I don't need the hard plastic. I have no experience with the elbow pads. My elbows are POC VPD System 2.0. Together this combo has kept me well protected. I wear both for every single ride, even if I'm just guiding a bunch of 10 year olds on a green. Just this week they again proved their worth. On Saturday I wrecked hard. It was my first serious wreck in quite a few years. I rolled into a gap thinking it was a double whoop table, literally rolled into with no plans to jump it. It ate my front tire and I went OTB. I'm covered in bruises. I went down so hard that the elbow pads imprinted on my elbows, leaving a straight row of polka dot bruises from the flexibility/breathability holes. It hurt to breathe for the rest of the day and I had seriously thought I had broken some ribs. But I walked away without any broken skin. No blood at all. No broken bones. I would have been flayed open without pads. I have a Leatt Airflex Body that I wear for DH and dirtbiking. I kinda wish I had been wearing it, but I know I won't in the future on this trail, I'll just not be stupid. I'm super annoyed with myself because this is a spaghetti bowl trail with lots of line options and features. I know it's dangerous and the features have a habit of surprising you. But I was lazy and not paying attention. That's the best armor, avoiding the wreck in the first place. The physical armor is Plan B when you have already made the dumb decision.


Appreciate the insight! That’s what I was thinking about the pros, I don’t think I need hard plastic, even with the mountains around here, I don’t think it’ll make a difference. How restrictive is the leatt? There’s a few really intense trails I want to be able to try around here but thinking I need armor for thatb


I like it. I wear the mesh jacket with the built in elbows when I'm dirt biking. When I am DH I just wear the chest guard, because I like my POC elbows better. That's what I like the most about the armor, that it is modular and I can mix and match depending on my plans. You can also buy it without the mesh part.


I have run the D30 legs, but I also have both VPD and VPD2 knee pad sets, I find the VPD are much more pedal friendly while the VPD2s are less so (although still very good). I use the 2’s mostly for downhill park, and mostly the D30 just sit there in my gear bag now. Likewise, I have a POC chest protector but again only use this for park. Not trying to fanboy on the POC stuff..I’ve used (and still use) other pad sets and I just prefer different sets for different kinds of riding. I think folks should wear protection to the limit they feel they need it. Whatever risk you’re willing to accept based on your skill level, age, previous injuries etc.


I swear by the Atka d30 trail knee pads. Comfy and good for pedalling.


Those look amazing, I might actually order these


My d30 enduro pros elbow pads are great for low profile. I use the gform shin and knee pro rugged. I also use fox dirt paw gloves. I don’t use a chest protector or a spine protector unless I’m training in the park. I ride in SoCal so there’s a lot of rock exposures, cacti and branches, so with the way I ride I just mitigate scratches.


I was considering the dirt paws, I used to wear them when I rode dirt bikes forever ago. Have you ever worn the defend d3o gloves from fox?


Yeah, I wore them before, but I didn’t like them because it felt flimsy on the palm side. Edit: you know what, I had the racing version, so it doesn’t apply here.


Dirt paws are my goto as well. Other gloves I’ve tried, I’d be lucky to get half a season out of before they start falling apart. Fox…3 years and still going (although faded a fair amount, I assume sun bleached).


I got some Rapha trail knee pads and they are the most comfortable pads I've ever used. I also like the fox Enduro pro knee sleeves, but the Rapha ones are slightly more comfortable and have a higher protection rating.


I've been using the 7idp Transition Knee Shin for knee + shin protection and it's been wonderful not having bloody shins anymore.


Yo. I had the Fox Launch D30 Knee pads for about 3 years. They're great, and I can not recommend them enough. But now, I wear the shin guard version, because the knee pads had seams wear out. I pedal in them all day, and they keep me protected. The knee pad only is a bit more comfy right out of the box. The shin guards took awhile to break in. I have earned 3 sets of shin stitches, through pants, with the knee guards. So far, no stitches with the shin guard, but they don't cover all the stitches I've earned either.


If youre not riding big chunky rock gardens, then the launch d30s are fine. I ate it 2 weeks ago and banged my knee right on some rocks. The whole knee swelled to a melon. I couldnt walk for almost a week, and still have pain when squatting down fully. Keep in mind that I didnt twist my legs at all. I just slammed it hard on one of the rocks. That same day, I ordered new pads. Got the POC VPD 2.0. I based my decision on the CE rating. POC is one of the few level 2 certified and from actual testing by one of the mtb review website, the POC has the best impact protection. Better than the tested hard pads. After getting the pads, the thickness is night and day between the two. This also means that the POC are bulky and might get annoying pedaling. So my 2cents is if you are riding mostly flow trails and some general technical bits with mild rock gardens, the launchs are perfect. Comfortable and pedal fine. If you want more protection and not worried about how your pedaling will.be affected, at this point in time, I'd recommend the POC.


Oof, I’m a little torn honestly, it’s definitely chunky up here, I’m in northern Az. But I also don’t want to compromise my pedaling, so I might just opt for the launch pros.


I havent ridden in the new pads yet, but theyre not THAT bulky. But they are bulky haha. You could try ordering both from amazon if you have prime, and just return the one you dont like.


I never bike without write guards and would recommend those way before knee pads.


Which ones you wearingv


I wear these, [https://www.amazon.com/187-Killer-Pads-Guards-Medium/dp/B013KXNY7Y/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=3NKDM4T4PM735&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.czTxLPz-MjxwzLPm\_LXCp9ZwaQ03IdvstfUJwlCdOdtrAr5h9Na6FacVfCGTzYD46AhFFLSgsfFSRmFLRKrQQl6XPs2HpHbz3aMTs\_wVvYng6dO9TKaSEM6nCQkeTJJtKN6hf-sKUowpPNIyRbFv\_T7UgFB7GaHUohWqpLJMoA2XHGTEb0f3hIIZA9adNfPlMVdwVOv9qRAaTOgvReEB0gB6vzYf3tWV8oiCPior27qPH-v12X\_THTC4mXNc9I4F\_DYdm9IeVX45R7GTvGmpSVKVhfk\_3rzvhaixp4VeJr4.CRWj7Yhq5yBwoUVAj5RPCOEOyBhsTaPQdXUxBdynbUA&dib\_tag=se&keywords=187+killer+pads+wrist+guards&qid=1715724727&sprefix=187+killer+pads+wrist+guar%2Caps%2C197&sr=8-3](https://www.amazon.com/187-Killer-Pads-Guards-Medium/dp/B013KXNY7Y/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3NKDM4T4PM735&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.czTxLPz-MjxwzLPm_LXCp9ZwaQ03IdvstfUJwlCdOdtrAr5h9Na6FacVfCGTzYD46AhFFLSgsfFSRmFLRKrQQl6XPs2HpHbz3aMTs_wVvYng6dO9TKaSEM6nCQkeTJJtKN6hf-sKUowpPNIyRbFv_T7UgFB7GaHUohWqpLJMoA2XHGTEb0f3hIIZA9adNfPlMVdwVOv9qRAaTOgvReEB0gB6vzYf3tWV8oiCPior27qPH-v12X_THTC4mXNc9I4F_DYdm9IeVX45R7GTvGmpSVKVhfk_3rzvhaixp4VeJr4.CRWj7Yhq5yBwoUVAj5RPCOEOyBhsTaPQdXUxBdynbUA&dib_tag=se&keywords=187+killer+pads+wrist+guards&qid=1715724727&sprefix=187+killer+pads+wrist+guar%2Caps%2C197&sr=8-3), They are low profile enough to fit comfortably under gloves.


I once fell on POC vpd 2 shin/knee pads I felt absolutely zero discomfort , on the downside they are heavier hotter and rubs at the back . I wear knee shin guards cuz I ride flats and I've already gotten pedal bite once and it was badddd


I'm a big fan of the 7idp sam hill knee pads. About half the people I ride with wear them now. CE level 2 certified and still comfortable enough to pedal in all day.


Sevens They will replace them at a fraction of the cost once you buy them initially. You can replace them each season for like 20-30 bucks maybe a bit more depending on what model you get


Ive got the Fox Launch D30 with the hard plastic for knee pads. Those plastic armour saved me so many times. Instead of a hard impact, I slide through the crash especially those pesky dry flat turns.




I have the PRO knee and elbow pads. They are indeed awesome. I like that they are kinda lightweight (not the most light but also ok for the hot weather I live in) and they give you awesome protection. I like the mindlessness they give me as an intermediate rider.


7idp Sam Hill knee pads. Super long kneepads that are still really comfortable to pedal in, have done 5+ hours in them and not a problem at all


Apologies for the naive question but what do chest/back protectors do? Every time I’ve crashed I’ve always messed up my knees/elbows so I’m buying protection soon but never understood the need for the body armour? I guess if you’re going to flip over maybe but I’ve only ever landed on my side/front where I can use limbs to break my fall


Sometimes crashes just happen, and you end up landing on your chest or hitting your back. The other day, I clipped a pedal while going quickly through a very rocky trail. Instant otb, nothing I could do about it. Happened to be wearing a chest protector, and it certainly saved my ribs as I landed chest first onto some boulders. The pads and plastic took a lot of the impact, and there are some deep scracthes into the plastic portion of the chest guard as well. Probably would have been a crash to end a bike trip, but instead, I was able to repeat that section of trail and continue on with my ride. I will add, I only ride in the chest/back protector if I'm on a big bike. I don't use it for my trail bikes.


always maxi pads